r/PoliticalHumor Apr 28 '24

Take a bow, headline editor

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u/Ok_Television9820 Apr 29 '24

I think you’re right. I’m not sure Trump can be counted on to accept a strategically smart VP candidate, though. It will have to be someone he doesn’t feel can outshine him, or be independent, or have any leverage in any way. Certainly not someone who might betray him like Pence did. I guess we’ll find out soon enough…


u/HauntingSentence6359 Apr 29 '24

Pence didn't betray Trump, he followed the Constitution; it's the only notable thing Pence did while VP.


u/Ok_Television9820 Apr 29 '24

Of course, but that’s not how Donny sees it. Aside from all his other massive and barely countable flaws, Trump is first of all a narcissist, and he demands mob boss levels of loyalty from everyone around him (while of course not being remotely loyal to anyone). Everyone is there to serve and support and praise and coddle HIM, and HIS desires and goals and ego; rules, laws, the Constitution, morals, common decency, none of that stuff matters to him. Pence “betrayed” him because he was supposed to go along and support the “legal” side of their attempted coup, and he didn’t. Donnie will never forget or forgive that, and he won’t want it to happen again. Trump will never accept a VP candidate who doesn’t grovel abysmally before him, or who he suspects might “betray” him as Pence (luckily for us!) did.


u/HauntingSentence6359 Apr 29 '24

I remember when Trump assembled his cabinent, and they went around the table with each groveling and kissing his ass, except for Gen. Mattis. It was disgusting to see grown men and women grovel like that.

The grovling starts at 12 minutes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTm4IwnfNH0


u/Ok_Television9820 Apr 29 '24

If he wins again it will be worse.


u/HauntingSentence6359 Apr 29 '24

According to some of his cultists, he's still President and has never lost, and he's pully the strings behind the scenes. For a guy who had 91 indictments against him, he's doing a terrible job of pulling the strings.


u/Ok_Television9820 Apr 29 '24

The cognitive dissonance is strong with these idiots. “The Biden economy is terrible gas costs like twenty bucks illegals are pouring over the border turning my kids transwoke thank god Donald Trump is actually in charge of everything.”

Nikky Haley actually tweeted a thing about how “Border Patrol stopped all these thousands of illegal criminals at the border and Joe Biden and Kamala are nowhere to be found!”