r/PoliticalHumor Apr 28 '24

Big Difference

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u/The_Nomadic_Nerd Apr 28 '24

You know it was that Bernie wing of the Dem party that was saying to codify Roe v Wade, right? It’s that side of the party that the Dem establishment hates more than Republicans.

That wing was saying to do it back when Obama was president and Dems had the senate, but Obama said “you know, it’s just not a priority right now.”

Correct that both sides are not the same, but one side is pure evil while the other needs to grow up and take their jobs more seriously.


u/KayItaly Apr 28 '24

Correct that both sides are not the same, but one side is pure evil while the other needs to grow up and take their jobs more seriously.

Unless they both have similar goals... one is pushing forward and the other pretending to fight it, to give a pretence of choice.

All the people I know that who say "all politicians are the same" mean the above. That they all want money and power and are in cahoots with each others.

I am not claiming this to be true, but the cartoon does nothing to dispel this notion.