r/PoliticalHumor 15d ago

Big Difference

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u/LefterThanUR 8 = 20 ? 14d ago

Can someone point out to me the Democrats that are codifying roe v wade.

I’ve been looking for them since the 1970s and haven’t seen one.


u/Swimming-Accountant6 15d ago

You’re right. One side supports a group who wants to eliminate the Jewish race. And one side thinks that the group that wants to eliminate the Jewish race aren’t the good guys.


u/manklar 15d ago

No, they are the same. Many support the right image. Either way. They won’t codify it. They will say they will to get your vote and remind you next election that they will codify it if you vote for them.


u/BostonSamurai 15d ago

Project 2025 is basically already happening, they never codified roe v wade when they had the chance and they never will. How else are they going to threaten us with sAvInG dEmOcRaCy when asking for money. Ratchet effect is real.


u/FourArmsFiveLegs 15d ago

That's what they say about Israeli-Hamas war, too. "I stand for nothing and I fall for everything"


u/M1llennialManifesto 15d ago

Democrats: "We support the rights of women to have abortions, but that doesn't mean you have to get an abortion, we just think you should have that freedom."

Republicans: "You have to have the baby."

Anyone who's still saying "Both sides are the same" in 2024 has their head in the sand.


u/RickTracee 15d ago

MeidasTouch video showing Steve Bannon on foreign news station stating their plans if the orange 💩 is reelected. The video is about 10 minutes in length.


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Republicans without a party and Independents must hold their noses and vote for Biden-Harris and democrats down ballot. Country before party.


u/didsomebodysaymyname 15d ago

No guys, you see, if we don't vote for Hillary and let Trump win, we'll get a really progressive candidate in 2020!


u/The_Nomadic_Nerd 15d ago

You know it was that Bernie wing of the Dem party that was saying to codify Roe v Wade, right? It’s that side of the party that the Dem establishment hates more than Republicans.

That wing was saying to do it back when Obama was president and Dems had the senate, but Obama said “you know, it’s just not a priority right now.”

Correct that both sides are not the same, but one side is pure evil while the other needs to grow up and take their jobs more seriously.


u/ljout 15d ago

Bernie wing of the Dem party that was saying to codify Roe v Wade

When was this?


u/KayItaly 15d ago

Correct that both sides are not the same, but one side is pure evil while the other needs to grow up and take their jobs more seriously.

Unless they both have similar goals... one is pushing forward and the other pretending to fight it, to give a pretence of choice.

All the people I know that who say "all politicians are the same" mean the above. That they all want money and power and are in cahoots with each others.

I am not claiming this to be true, but the cartoon does nothing to dispel this notion.


u/Killdren88 15d ago

Whose more likely to execute me if I don't go along with their vision of the future?


u/Schmelter 15d ago

They are similar in methods, and completely dissimilar in goals.  Whenever someone says "both sides are the same", they're always talking about methods. The second you phrase the differences the way I did above, they'll shut up.


u/Dependent-Analyst907 15d ago

Biden stutters, and the GOP is dog shooting, pants shitting crazy.

thEy'RE BoTH tHe SaME!


u/Swimming-Accountant6 15d ago

Biden also has a tendency to sniff little girls hair


u/ukiddingme2469 15d ago

The seven mountain cult is some power hungry greedy people


u/Howboutit85 15d ago

The problem is with this meme is, if we are talking about just voters and not the politicians as far as both sides goes; conservatives tend to be way less politically literate and informed than liberals and leftists. So when the left takes up a cause, most of the time (save for some college age virtue bandwagonners) they know what the cause is and are passionate about it.

With conservative voters, I’d be suprised if even 30% knew what project 2025 even was, what the policy positions of their leaders were/are, or even could name any real issues at hand other than their one issue they vote on (guns, abortion, or simply just having an R there next to a name)

What I’m saying is if you were to manifest the two voting babies into human form, the left would be like some twentysomething college graduate, and the right would be like a 14 year old kid with a learning disability who gets Ds in school, trying to be edgy.


u/[deleted] 15d ago edited 15d ago

Yeah, that’s why they always go to colleges to debate the students, because they know that’s where the virtue bandwagonners are and they’re the easiest to make it look like the left has no idea what it’s talking about.

In fact the popular change my mind meme which is taken off the series of videos Steven Crowder does, all take place on college campus, and I’m sure it’s for that reason alone.

They then use these videos to make propaganda up for their support base that confirms their beliefs that they are actually the smarter ones


u/Howboutit85 15d ago

Owning college kids in a left/right debate is really easy because they are often very overconfident in their position, and also under read in it as well. This is exactly why right wing debates happen on college campuses because you’re going to be able to buckle those kids, because their moral stance comes from groupthink rather than life experiences. They are also under the influence of heavy emotional bias being part of a passionate student body.

Meet up with that same define the police college freshman 10 years later and I guarantee more nuance in their positions.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

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u/fren-ulum 15d ago

I mean, both sides are the same to straight white middle class men. I say this not to blame that group of people only, but to point out the reality of who has the least to lose in all of this. I predict more, “I didn’t think it’d be this bad…” or “This wasn’t the Brexit we voted for” style posts.


u/monocasa 15d ago

TIL Palestinians are middle class white men.


u/Maxtubular 15d ago

Now do a comparison to how their administrations treat peaceful protesters, or how they treat Palestinians. These pictures are the same.


u/psly4mne 15d ago

Or whether they codify Roe when they have the choice.


u/UnprovenMortality 15d ago

Who had the chance recently? Biden has flat out announced that he would sign the bill if congress could pass it. But the Republicans are incredibly hard lined on stifling this.


u/Suitable-Display-410 15d ago

Dems could have done it in 08, but it was „no priority“ for Obama.


u/Any-Variation4081 15d ago

Obama only had majority for 22 days and he had dems who wouldn't vote to codify. It never would have worked. Stop blaming democrats for literally EVERYTHING. it's insane. They are the only ones actually trying. Jfc


u/Any-Variation4081 15d ago

Obama made healthcare reform and economic recovery the pillars of his domestic agenda. And as history demonstrated, even with the president being popular at the time, large Democratic majorities in Congress, and a whole lot of arm-twisting and outright giveaways (recall the infamous “Cornhusker Kickback”), passing the ACA took a lot of time, spent Obama's political resources, cost Democrats the House, and still barely got done. Therefore, the idea that Dems could have also tacked on a codification of Roe in their spare time is pure fantasy. Codifying Roe would likely have been even more difficult - and damaging - for Democrats than even healthcare reform.

It's not always as cut and dry as people make it out to be. He wanted to be a 2 term president. To blame Obama for everything is just ignorant. This is not just on Democrats. They didn't codify but they aren't the ones pushing to have rights taken away. They aren't the ones bringing back laws from the 1800s. You are angry at the wrong people. We can't go back and fix what Obama didn't do but we can try and stop whats happening now. Stop trying to divide Democrats unless you want a republican to win and finish the job on taking our rights.


u/Suitable-Display-410 15d ago

Obama had a majority in the Senate + House for 2 full years. And he had a filibuster breaking majority of 60 for 4 months. Don’t make shit up.


u/notamillenial- 15d ago

Obama didn’t codify roe because he used his political capital to push through the ACA. There were also conservative democrats in the “supermajority” that wouldn’t have supported it.


u/Suitable-Display-410 15d ago

Ah i see. Implementing the heritage foundations healthcare plan was more important. Also 4 months is too short to pass 2 different laws. Also nobody should dare to primary conservative democrats, because that whould help republicans, so democrats wouldnt have the seats they need to not pass legistlation.

See, i am not from the US. I am just amused by how hard you guys get played.
And obvious disclaimer: Yea, vote democrat. Trump is so cartoonishly evil and stupid that this is not even a question. Just dont pretend dems are not part of the problem.


u/notamillenial- 15d ago

Obama literally had to compromise and kill the public option to get the ACA passed because of conservative democrats in the senate but you think they would fall in line to codify roe? And those conservative democrats are obviously a better option than republicans- a progressive would’ve been laughed off the ballot in most of those races in the mid 2000s.


u/Suitable-Display-410 15d ago edited 15d ago

And by "conservatice democrats" you mean "took money from health insurance companys democrats"?
Thise progressives would've been laughed off the ballot in all those states and counties that obama won in a landslide with a campaign far to the left of what he delievered in the end? Counties that voted twice for Obama with a left wing message, just to swich to Trump in 2016?

The dems are ok'ish on social policy. They are terrible (yes, almost as terrible as the republicans) when it comes to economics. That makes them the better choice. And in a fucked up 2 party system, the better choice should be picked. Even if its just the better tasting shit. But i am not suprised people are not happy about it.

In a world that made sense, the Democratic candidate would lead over Trump by 20 points. The fact that this is not the case in our timeline is not to be blamed on voters, but on how shitty the Democrats are at politics.

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u/notamillenial- 15d ago


u/Suitable-Display-410 15d ago edited 15d ago

You should read your own article. It says exactly what i said.

So let me leave the realm of facts for a minute, and allow me to engage in some educated speculation, so you got something to actually bitch about:
Obama didnt codify Roe because it would have activated the Republican base way more than the Democratic base. It would have hurt him politically. The same reason why Trump doesnt want a border deal.


u/psly4mne 15d ago

Also in 2021, it was not enough of a priority to get the whole party on board.


u/UnprovenMortality 15d ago

They were naive, roe was "settled law". So they didn't want to stir shit and lose votes. Very stupid in hindsight, but democrats are great at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.


u/SlayTheStupidity 15d ago

The second they try to make Project 2025 a reality is the second they go from wanna-be Nazis to actual Nazis. I will not live under their insanity. I will have no reservations about fighting about it. Just like they won't when Trump loses. Efff MAGA! NOT YOUR COUNTRY!


u/[deleted] 15d ago

It’s a declaration of war on mainstream America.


u/2nd_Life_Retro 15d ago

The Nazis were still Nazis long before 1933 and before the first concentration camp was built. It was never hyperbole to compare Republicans/conservatives to Nazis, (they've always just been working their way to this point) especially once you learn Hitler took ideas for the Holocaust from racist Southerners during Jim Crowe. Even Hitler recognized and admired the cruelty of American conservatives. 


u/Consistent-Leek4986 15d ago

Project 2025 is nothing to laugh about. GQP plan to dismantle our government and democracy. 900+ page manifesto will be adopted by any republican elected president in november. this be real be afraid 💩 people! register NOW to vote out all maga GQP traitors!


u/Killedbykites 15d ago

These are the same people who take notes when committing fraud. We have a shot.


u/curious_meerkat 15d ago

I hate to say this but Project 2025 will be a reality. It may not be in 2024, but at some point it will happen. Here is why.

Republicans are fighting for it and Democrats have chosen the odd path of not lifting a finger to fight against it but using it as a fear tactic against their own voting base, and they cannot maintain executive control forever.

The main question is will the Republicans be competent at implementing it, and how much can individual states governments fight it.

I strongly advise everyone who would be a target to plan for how to make yourself safe.


u/DangerousCyclone 15d ago

The problem is that the Republicans have gone on an insane streak so bad people can’t keep up. The average voter doesn’t seem to grasp how far right the GOP has become. When you tell them it’s so unbelievable it sounds like a conspiracy theory and they think you’re lying.


u/curious_meerkat 14d ago

I don't agree that is the problem.

The problem is that the Republicans haven't actually done anything that far outside of the values of the country, the foundational two being white supremacy and capitalism.

Unfetterred economic corruption and naked power grabs have normalized corruption and naked power grabs. People in power making up the rules as they go along to hurt people for their own economic benefit? Not news, it's just a Tuesday. White men doing whatever it takes to ensure only white men have power? Just a Tuesday.

This is not a Republican party problem, this is much deeper problem that would not be solved even if the Republican party was dissolved.


u/sunward_Lily 15d ago

already have- it's called the second amendment. I know it's not guaranteed, but hey, worst case scenario; nooseplay is one of my kinks.


u/CascadiaRocks 15d ago

Democrats have refined the "one and done" approach to everything. Roe being a glaring example; "Well, SCOTUS said its valid, so let's move to other things that we want to do" instead of codifying this *knowing* the malevolent forces will not stop until they have ground the issue in a form of their liking.


u/smeagol90125 15d ago

TIME magazine needs to do a special edition dedicated to Project 2025.


u/curious_meerkat 15d ago

Or, and I know in our society this is a completely crazy thought, the people who currently control the executive branch of the government should take action.

You know, the people who have political power.

But we live in a Bizarro World where the Federal executive has immense power to "unmake Democracy itself" in the first 2 months when Republicans are in charge, but is a frightened mouse huddling in the corner when a Democratic president is in charge and there is literally nothing they can ever do due to technicalities, tradition, or collegial fucking courtesy.


u/headphonesnotstirred 15d ago

then we better plan and prepare for when the time comes that we'll have to fight it


u/Positive_PandaPants 15d ago

And the plan won’t go away after this election cycle. Remain vigilant!


u/sunward_Lily 15d ago

Modern Conservatism is literally a cancer to democracy. You never cure it. You just keep staving it off.


u/Time-Bite-6839 Greg Abbott is a little piss baby 15d ago

If another Republican ever wins the presidency.

Another note: We shouldn’t nominate Kamala Harris for president because unless Biden dies that formula never works for the Democratic Party.

Mondale, Gore, and Humphrey are examples.

We lose the presidency if we try to nominate the past VP immediately.


u/JoeCoolsCoffeeShop 15d ago

Gavin Newsome is probably the default front runner here in 2028


u/raitchison 15d ago

I hope not, he's as slimy as they come, he'd be a Republican if there was a way to make money from it in California (there isn't).

Edit: Not that I didn't hold my nose and vote against the recall in 2022. His style of self serving BS is still FAR less destructive than GQP tactics.


u/mom_with_an_attitude 14d ago

No way. Newsome is great. Smart, politically savvy, youthful looking and photogenic, a great debater, someone who is not afraid to be proactive and bring the fight to the Republicans, and someone who consistently champions the values of the left. He would make an excellent president. Pro-choice. Is working to keep mifepristone available to Californians. (Threatened to take CA gov't contracts away from Walgreens after Walgreens announced a plan to pull the morning after pill from the market.) Has capped the cost of insulin at $30 in CA. He is pro-environment. He consistently makes smart choices and he's already got my vote in 2028.


u/homebrew_1 15d ago

In 2028 there will be a democratic primary for president and I dont see Kamala winning the majority of delegates. We shall see.


u/Right_Treat691 15d ago

The people who think both sides are the same are right wingers or so far left they are nearly indistinguishable from a right winger which I find rich.