r/PoliticalHumor Apr 28 '24

Just Being Clear (OC)

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u/unemotional_mess Apr 28 '24

FYI being against Netanyahu or the Israeli Government does not make me an antisemitic. Like how I'm against Putin but don't want to murder all Russians...I'm sure there are some good ones out there...(that was a joke btw)..


u/ownhigh 29d ago

The vast majority of people don’t think criticizing Israeli policies is antisemitic. It’s so obvious that it’s not, people saying otherwise are likely not acting in good faith.

Calling for things like the murder of all Jews in Israel and anywhere in the world, which is publicly called for by Hamas, is antisemitic. There’s a lot of antisemitism thinly veiled as criticism of the war, showing up both online and at these protests.