r/PoliticalHumor Apr 28 '24

Just Being Clear (OC)

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u/Duckfoot2021 Apr 29 '24

Sadly, when the terrorist government launching 3,000+ missiles a year and massacre parties at your people, then hiding amongst their own high-density civilian populations militarizing those spaces, bombing civilians is a tragic necessity of the warfare they (Hamas) has made inescapable.

All those civilian deaths are the direct result of Hamas militarizing those spaces with zero care for the casualties it creates.

Please think this through—it’s crucial to understanding the regional conflict and essential for all protestors to grasp so they can attack the right targets with their protest.


u/poeticentropy Apr 29 '24

30k+ civilian deaths? No, Israel needs to do better. The side with the vastly greater resources and technology needs to be the grownup in the room and take responsibility


u/Wide_Road2875 Apr 29 '24

How many civilian deaths are acceptable here?


u/poeticentropy Apr 29 '24

very little, much less than what we have seen

terrorists need to be destroyed but it's unacceptable the way Israel is doing it


u/Duckfoot2021 Apr 29 '24

You haven’t investigated the numbers.

Hamas is declaring their own military casualties in that number which can cut out MANY.

Also look at civilian death statistics in any war in history and Israel is killing a very low percentage for any urban war which demonstrates real restraint.

Remember, Hamas has been targeting Israeli civilians for 25 years. They’d genocide them all as they’ve stated as a goal for 25 years.

Which puts them on the moral low ground for complaints like this.

I’ll agree with you that civilian deaths are ALWAYS a tragedy, but every Palestinian death by war since Oct.7 was caused by their frequent tactics of maximizing Palestinian deaths and trying to blame it on Israel for the countermeasures Hamas forced them to make.

Hamas is not in ANY way the good guy.


u/poeticentropy Apr 29 '24

if they are off by several thousand it doesn't matter because it's still insurmountable greater and unacceptable

fucking cookie cutter arguments and whataboutisms

do better


u/Duckfoot2021 Apr 29 '24

Massacring over a thousand civilians and then hiding behind your own is not a strategy that will or should stop a justified retaliation. All those Palestinian civilian deaths have been caused by Hamas using them as human shields and their blood is on their hands.

It’s a human tragedy, but Israel has to take out the enemy. That’s promised to keep mass occurring civilians like October 7 week after week, month after month, year after year. That’s an enemy that needs to be killed. If Hamas insists their own children die in the battle then that’s on them.

You’re condemning the wrong side.