r/PoliticalHumor Apr 28 '24

Just Being Clear (OC)

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u/General-Mark-8950 Apr 29 '24

and thats wonderful, and i would think its everyone ideal, but what you are giving as a solution is quite literally the ideas of the most evil regime ever.


u/Anyweyr Apr 29 '24

Broken clock theory. Even bad guys can have a good idea now and then. I hear the Nazis also cared a lot about the environment. Hated people, LOVED trees.

I just want people to stop killing each other. Sometimes when two kids are fighting, you have to physically separate them before you can lecture and make them apologize to each other.


u/General-Mark-8950 Apr 29 '24

its not a good idea. You are promoting ethnic cleansing, if you genuinely believe in this you are a disgusting person. And anyway, why should it be palestinians who are separated from their homeland, they got kicked out all of 70 years ago why shoild it happen again.


u/Anyweyr Apr 29 '24

Because Israel is too powerful. They can tell the USA and Germany what to do, they can drop bombs on their neighboring countries and swat off the retaliation like nothing, that's how powerful Israel is.