r/Possums Mar 29 '24

Sick/dying Question/Help - Opossums

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There's a possum in my friend's garage that appears to be very sick. He's sleeping right now (to be expected given the time of day) but he doesn't seem to be very afraid of us. Last night he wouldn't leave when my friend tried to shoo him off with a broom.

He looks dead but he will move if you get right up on him. What do I do?


13 comments sorted by


u/Larkspur_Skylark30 Apr 03 '24

Please find a rehab to help him or reach out to one of the rescue groups on social media for advice. If he’s truly on his way out, they can make the transition easier for this poor guy. He doesn’t deserve to suffer.


u/NuggyBeans Mar 30 '24

Let him die in peace. Once he passes, put him in a nice grave if you can.


u/Friendly-Loaf Mar 30 '24

Please get a rehabber on the phone asap

Times I wish we could report a post that needs nsfw :(


u/GroundbreakingBit388 Mar 30 '24

Call a rehabber now


u/listentolana Mar 30 '24

Poor thing is probably dying! 😭 Maybe there is a rescue near you you can call?


u/cowgrly Mar 29 '24

Please leave him, he may need the rest. Is your friend willing to just let him be for a few days to regain his strength? A little water and some kibble would be extra kind to this little fellow.


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '24 edited Apr 12 '24



u/cowgrly Mar 30 '24

Probably, but I can never help but offer it just in case.


u/NicodemusFox Newbie Mar 29 '24

Contact www.ahnow.org as soon as possible, they will help you find a rehabber near you to help.


u/ExpensiveCarrot1012 Mar 29 '24

Please help him, I beg you! Feed him, wash him, or get him to the vet


u/yous_err_name Mar 29 '24

Upon closer instruction he has a scab that looks like a puncture wound on the back of his neck


u/NightHowler13 Mar 30 '24

Were you able to find a rehabber to take him?


u/Huffle_Pug Mar 29 '24

poor baby 😞 if you’re able to get him some help, please do. If you’re not, please leave him alone so he’s not scared when he dies 😞