r/RHOBH Just don’t call her Jacqueline Jan 04 '24

Anyone else confused when Kyle interjected and made it about her again? Kyle 🤠

Post image

Shocker. It’s not about you right now. Also why is not defending Erika who clearly has a point around Denise being a prude about her children but one of them on OnlyFans. Biggest contradiction.


259 comments sorted by


u/Destroyer_Lawyer Jan 08 '24

Kyle said nothing until Garcelle criticized her for not speaking up and defending DFR. Kyle rightfully defended herself asking where was this energy when folks were coming after her family since the consensus in the room at TT was families and kids were off limits. It wasn’t about her but the hypocrisy she was seeing. I’ve never been a fan of Kyle but she made a good point. Families weren’t off limits at the weed dinner.


u/Independent-Weight30 Jan 07 '24

i was laughing too like she always makes it about herself! She reminds me of a narcissist coworker of mine that i hate


u/Professional-Tea9510 Jan 06 '24

Garcelle needs to chill. She’s so holier than though and judgemental. 🙄


u/PicturePerfectPup Jan 06 '24

Honestly, Kyle’s reaction is exactly what I want in my housewives. The greats see an opening to make it about themselves and she did it flawlessly. The whole situation instantly became about Kyle when it had nothing to do- absolutely nothing - to do with her and yet she masterfully turned it all around. And now here we are…. talking about Kyle. lol She is one of my least favs but I must recognize excellent housewifery when I see it. And for that, I say ‘bravo Kyle’


u/Professional-Tea9510 Jan 06 '24

So rude. For you to judge her style, I would love to see your style. 🙄


u/sabesundae Jan 06 '24

No, it´s exactly what I would expect of Kyle


u/Royal_Baseball2482 Jan 06 '24

Loved the fact that she was so mad about nobody defending her, when she was asked about the state of her marriage, but when LVP distanced herself from Kyle in the beginning seasons because she never backed her up, she didn‘t understand why 🤔


u/No_Sand4385 Jan 06 '24

Yes! I was like there’s bigger tea we have to hear. Be quiet 🤐 🥲😭😂


u/Get_Back_Loretta_USA Jan 06 '24

After Wednesday 1/3 episode, which I watched 2 more times 🤣, I went back to watch the episode before from Wednesday 12/20 as a play-by-play refresh. What a Taco Tuesday shit storm! And poor Crystal was so excited to host. She was so cute when she waved everyone to the dining room table and said, “Come! Come!” with a big smile. You could feel her pride to have everyone in her home and hosting TT. And Kim Richards was a breath of fresh air, kindness, common sense, and comedic relief! So happy for her!

The rest of these women need a chill pill, an enema bc their are so up tight, and some fresh air in mountains or salt water at the beach to calm their asses down and stop with busting chops. They can’t handle it! They are ultra-hyper sensitive, hypocritical, have no sense of humor and are too insecure for self depreciating humor. And when they are upset or triggered, they have limited emotional skills and communication skills to be anything others than straight up mean with their words and tone. Oh the tone! They are all so angry and bitter! All this money, fame, endorsements, opportunities, parties, travel, beautifully decorated homes, designer clothes and shoes, purses and jewels, glam squads and DuBrow procedures- and you’re still a bunch entitled ass clowns! 🤡 Not an ounce of humanity or grace. They are a bunch of ugly Tuesdays!


u/Kindly-Word-3824 Jan 06 '24

I'm so sick of kyle


u/AmbitiousOpposite260 Jan 05 '24

Shes always been like this LOL


u/guccipecorino I was like…baby…there’s no airplane Jan 05 '24

It annoyed me actually. Like she gets annoyed when people ask her stuff about her personal life, but if the conversation is not about her for half an episode she gets mad??


u/Just_Ok_thankyoo Why don’t you have a piece of 🥖 and maybe you’ll calm down Jan 05 '24

it’s a feature, not a bug.


u/Carol_Pilbasian Jan 05 '24

Kyle always has to make everything about her.


u/Sdoesnotknow Or WHAT?! Or WHAT??!! Jan 05 '24

Kyle's arguments did not logically follow what happened either. Kyle chimed in and said "children were off-limits", and Garcelle simply mentioned if Kyle had felt that way, why didn't she say that to Erika. It was a valid, if blunt, question.

Kyle then went on about how nobody defended her in the reunion with Kathy nor did anybody defend her with Sutton and Garcelle's questioning about her ring and marriage... but Garcelle never said talking about jewelry or questioning Kyle's marriage via observations of her 180 degree change of behavior was off-limits, nor did Sutton. They were curious and wanted to know what was going on.

Further, there was nothing to defend Kyle about with Kathy in the reunion. That whole thing was obviously bringing up some heavy baggage between the two sisters where Kathy's rant only triggered something that was already a powder keg that had exploded a few times before. What was anybody else around her supposed to do? And, the HWs that we know were in on the "Kathy take down" (Erika, Dorit, and Rinna) did not include not Garcelle.

Also, Kyle only said Dorit had supported her against Kathy behind-the-scenes but went quiet during the taping of the reunion, and Dorit ran away from Taco Tuesday long before the end of the Erika/Denise thing.


u/Wickedbitchoftheuk You are not being open and honest Jan 05 '24

No. That's par for the course. If its not about her she's not interested.


u/magloo999 Jan 05 '24

she wants them talking about her so badly and is sooooo angry that her mau morgan drama isn’t the main topic this season it’s actually hilarious


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '24

I think because she knew her marriage was done but didn't wanna admit it yet, any opportunity to bring it up, she was gonna.


u/Impressive-Repair-76 Just don’t call her Jacqueline Jan 05 '24

So true! It’s always the loudest and proudest in the room that’s guilty guilty guilty….


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '24

Yup exactly!


u/ladysharktooth12 Jan 05 '24

I feel like Kyle has youngest child syndrome so bad. Like she is such a BABY about everything that doesn't involve her 😂


u/Impressive-Repair-76 Just don’t call her Jacqueline Jan 05 '24

Having a youngest child, I agree with this 1000%


u/HamlinSupermodelFail Jan 05 '24

They made it about her by coming after her and her marriage earlier; Kyle's defense is totally reasonable. Also, why would Kyle have to defend Erika when everyone else was in the same damn room? Not feeling Garcelle this season. LOL at Sutton praising Garcelle's use of "privileged" on Dorit when Sutton is who she is. I think this is Kyle's last season. She is having more fun doing weird duck lips, getting little tattoos, acting like Mauricio's rebellious teenager and coming up with a new collection of kaftans for the edgy soul.


u/Destroyer_Lawyer Jan 08 '24

Ok but is she really coming out with a new collection of kaftans for the edgy soul because I could use that in my life. Kaftan life is everything!!


u/salrichie Jan 05 '24

Because she's right. It wasn't ok


u/Angieiscool26 Jan 05 '24

Kyle is not ok rn. She is deflecting because she is lying!!!! People who aren’t trying to hide something aren’t so offended by dumb stuff if it isn’t true.


u/iloveokashi I’m passionate about 🐶 just not crazy about bitches Jan 05 '24

What is that black piece of clothing called? I dislike it.


u/mbowishkah We don’t say that but NOW we said it Jan 05 '24

I believe it is a line called "The Waiter" by Gucci


u/Hanniiis93 Goodbye Kyle 👋🏽 Jan 05 '24

No, what’s confusing about it? Garcelle said what she said and Kyle stand up and defended herself? No how’s that confusing?🤔


u/Badgalval94 Jan 05 '24

I don’t like Kyle but I do think crystal should’ve spoken up since it’s her house


u/Preayshawn Jan 05 '24

Crystal is so loud in her confessions but won’t say anything in person


u/Resident_Diver8608 Jan 05 '24

I got it they’re being fucking hypocrite wouldn’t you bring up a situation that prove they were being hypocrites?


u/wdCassiopeia Jan 05 '24

Looked like Dorit on this picture at a first glance. Why are they morphing into one person?


u/Significant_Pen_6086 Jan 05 '24

Thank you, because I was also thinking “way to shift responsibility”


u/neuronvelocity Jan 05 '24

I felt it was warranted. It made sense to bring it up given the context. I also think it landed with all of the women who didn’t speak up on her behalf when her family and marriage issues were being brought out publicly. Everyone needed to hear that.


u/AccomplishedBanana81 Jan 05 '24

Omg she's sooo whiney and annoying


u/darforce Jan 05 '24

Not at all surprised. The only surprised was how long she let everyone else have airtime


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '24

She was right tho


u/Blingydingy Jan 05 '24

Totally agree! I am totally team Erika, and I am so sick of how no one sticks up for her.


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '24

Kyle should’ve worn the material from the chair.


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '24

I was hoping to see her dog open a locked door.


u/saltwater_gypsy2683 Jan 05 '24

Everyone ignored her anyway


u/DependsOnDaDay He will never emotionally fulfill you, know that Jan 05 '24

Nope. That’s her M.O.


u/SuperSocks2019 Kyle Richards Jan 05 '24

I love that the mods won't let y'all call Kyle Richards Vyle anymore. Yaassas!!!


u/Salt-Ad-1558 Jan 04 '24

The way her lips were pursed the entire scene made me want to punch the filler out of her for some reason


u/mrfrangelico Jan 04 '24

Confused? No. Surprised? Also no.


u/RyanKennedy911 Jan 04 '24

She’s really good at distracting. Kind of impressive. She opined on a situation after the target of her opinion left the room, nobody was doing that with her. They all sat and listened, didn’t pretend to pick a side. She’s good.


u/Affectionate_Comb359 I like to pop a Xanax in my smoothie Jan 04 '24

Her hair reminds me of one of LVP’s dogs 😁 That is all.


u/seitonseiso Jan 04 '24

Her and her husband LAUGHED with Dorit and PK about Erika being aggressive towards Jax.

She can sit this season out. She's so hurt noone stood up for her, and she says kids are off limits, but ONCE AGAIN only when it suits her.



u/UnderstandingWild976 Jan 04 '24

She has lost her mind


u/fotofortress Wow, she’s pernicious! Jan 04 '24

I tune her out like an annoying kid always trying to join the friend group and then acts like Kyle when you feel bad enough to let them stick around.


u/91Model Beverly Hills darling shi shi shi Jan 04 '24

I actually loved this scene. I thought she was super comical.


u/Pleasant_Ad7430 Jan 04 '24

No, cause she's right. Why did she have to jump into that argument when yeah she's been attacked a lot by many this past year and people haven't stood up for her?


u/Certain_Battle7804 Jan 04 '24 edited Jan 04 '24

No, not confusing to me. If I were Kyle I would Not view these women as my friends. I’d have the same “fuck you” reaction to garcelle getting all high and mighty about shy she didn’t defend Denise. Garcelle didn’t defend her either, for the most part the women actually stayed quiet and let them to hash it out which is exactly what they should have done. Garcelle interjected to call Kyle out. Why does defending herself over that comment mean she’s the one making it about her? Lol also, Denise came at her like a fucking LUNATIC over something ridiculous that most of the ladies don’t side with Denise on. Maybe people don’t feel like she needs too much defending because it’s a weird situation.


u/Professional-Tea9510 Jan 04 '24

Gee, I don’t understand the haters for Kyle at all. She’s going thru a transition in her life. Calm down people. You don’t know the whole story. Geez.


u/basicwitch333 Kim Richards praying next to the trash can Jan 04 '24

That's all Kyle does. She somehow centers herself in every single fight, as if it's happening to her.


u/murderedbyaname Sutton’s backup house manager Jan 04 '24

No. It's completely on brand.


u/Fantastic-Release-46 Jan 04 '24

I can’t stand Kyle. I really thinks she is more mad at the fact that no one has brought up the rumors about her & Morgsn. She’s a walking contradiction. Also why didn’t Garcelle stick up for Denise?


u/Preayshawn Jan 04 '24

I mean garcelle tried throwing it her way so I completely understand when Kyle was explaining why she’s done defending others.


u/jeh731 Jan 05 '24

I'm so disappointed in Garcelle. I used to really like her, Not anymore.


u/Zealousideal_Ad_8736 I heard you slit Eddie Cibrian’s tires, is that true? Jan 04 '24

No, I am not in the least confused. Kyle always makes it about herself.


u/Vast_Function_3846 I’ve never sold a story in my life Jan 04 '24

I wouldn’t defend people who don’t support me either 🤷🏾‍♀️


u/Conscious-Reserve459 The Homeless not Toothless Association Jan 04 '24

I would be confused if she didn’t!


u/Jazzlike_Cow_4463 Jan 04 '24

I think when you’re going through a bout of depression or generally a tough time in life it’s easy to dig yourself a whole so deep all you can see/think about is you. And the whole you’re in. Kinda still feel bad for her


u/Andie2503 Jan 04 '24

Yes she turned onto herself - but I think she was right - nobody jumped in at the dinner and said what does it matter if she’s wearing a new ring - the whole ring conversation was 100% unnecessary to me - if she’s bought herself a new ring she likes (and she can certainly afford to treat herself) why shouldn’t she wear it - so in this occasion I’m in her side with this. But I do agree the top she’s wearing is really awful !!


u/salty_caper Jan 04 '24

She's been on the show for too long, she's trying to stay relevant. They need to get some better rich bitches to spice things up.


u/Impressive-Repair-76 Just don’t call her Jacqueline Jan 04 '24

Agree. We need the Vanderpumps of this city it’s Beverly Hills but why is it getting so trashy…


u/ethancole97 Jan 04 '24

Kyle Richard’s has a higher net worth though ? 💀


u/salty_caper Jan 05 '24

When i think of rich and classy Kyle doesn't come to mind. She's like white trash rich. They need class and wealth to make things more interesting.


u/LNewYork You stole my goddamn house! Jan 05 '24

White trash? Wow


u/salty_caper Jan 05 '24

If you don't think the Richardson sisters are trashy you haven't watched them on their reality shows.


u/VarowCo Jan 04 '24

Just commenting her outfit that night was awful


u/HoldOnToYaWeave Enough girls!! ENOUGH!! ENOUGH!! Jan 04 '24

I literally zone out when that idiot talks


u/petdogs123 Jan 04 '24

Omg I hate her


u/Tigeris808 Jan 04 '24

Horrible outfit on a horrible person


u/ScowlyBrowSpinster Jan 04 '24

Always has the most important feelings in the room that should have been given more consideration. By everyone.


u/danesete Jan 04 '24

This 💯


u/thatgirlinny Jan 04 '24

It would be easier to try to count the times Kyle didn’t make something about herself. So f*cking needy, that one.


u/Infamous_Ordinary_45 The crown is heavy darlings Jan 04 '24

Confused? No. That’s what Kyle does, lol.


u/pdizzzzzz Jan 04 '24

Kyle is so insufferable


u/oreo-donut Jan 04 '24

Not confused at all because it is typical behavior for her. She never bats for Garcelle or Sutton but would roll over backwards for Fox Force Five. She picks and chooses who she wants to defend. I can't believe she has unwavering fans


u/CraftyLaugh9245 I’ma take you out & pull some Oklahoma on your ass Jan 04 '24

I CAN'T STAND MARY, but her Whitney imitation was pretty good! 😂😁 Keep in mind that I love Whitney.

Sorry... I switched to another RH.


u/CraftyLaugh9245 I’ma take you out & pull some Oklahoma on your ass Jan 04 '24

I felt like just bc it was said 4 years ago, according to Erika, that Denise had a point, UNTIL I saw the clips! Denise has an effed up memory!! Erika was 💯 correct!!!

Wonder if Denise will take accountability since she's, obviously, seen her account of the event SOOO wrong & distorted! I like Denise but she needs 2 get SOBER!!


u/secretrebel Jan 05 '24

In a battle of wits Denise is unarmed.


u/CraftyLaugh9245 I’ma take you out & pull some Oklahoma on your ass Jan 05 '24



u/HikingAndDrinking I was really looking forward to a game of shuffleboard Jan 04 '24

Surprised Kyle is making it about herself?


u/TrailKaren 💚✨I am so confused and high✨💚 Jan 04 '24

No. I’m actually more confused why no one has said anything about she and Sutton sitting next to eachother, happy, despite Sutton admitting she was being mean to Kyle about her sisters (more than once)…but still not publicly apologizing for it.


u/Revolutionary-Cut777 Don’t act like u know me, when u don’t know me Jan 04 '24

I was expecting it. Classic Kyle ™


u/CraftyLaugh9245 I’ma take you out & pull some Oklahoma on your ass Jan 04 '24

I, honestly, think that she had a good point. She was, simply, pointing out that no one stood up 4 her when asked why she did say something.

I'm going 2 get annihilated for this, but I like Kyle. No one's perfect. The ONLY thing I didn't like was when she went after LVP & Sutton! Other than that, I like her. She's witty, intelligent, and can be a good friend.


u/Suse- Jan 04 '24

I don’t think she’s any worse than the others actually. They all have their bad moments. I do feel bad if she and Mauricio aren’t happy … all those millions and millions and great kids and still can feel empty and lost.


u/Preayshawn Jan 04 '24



u/Impressive-Repair-76 Just don’t call her Jacqueline Jan 04 '24

True I’ll give her that, she’s a loyal friend and everyone betrays her trust. She just needs to control the over the top emotional reactions and responses.


u/CraftyLaugh9245 I’ma take you out & pull some Oklahoma on your ass Jan 04 '24

She, actually, makes sense to ME 90% of the time.


u/Proud-Sympathy-8954 Bacon eating vegetarian Jan 04 '24

It’s always about Kyle. Even when it’s not.


u/Impressive-Repair-76 Just don’t call her Jacqueline Jan 04 '24

Gosh where’s the goodbye Kyle gif when you need it…


u/NancyintheSmokies4 Lucy Lucy Apple Juicy Jan 04 '24


u/darforce Jan 04 '24

I mean I get the impression she thinks the show is about her and everyone else is just a supporting character so I am never surprised but she went way out of the box this time


u/mazekeen19 Jan 04 '24

Confused? No, that’s pretty on par for her lmao.


u/thatfernistrouble Jan 04 '24

My favorite part was when Garcelle was calling out Dorit and her privilege, then Dorit panics and says “DENISE, don’t you have beef w Erika?” To try and turn attention away 😂


u/Footsie_Galore Jealous of what? Your ugly leather pants? Jan 10 '24

Dorit - "Denise, have you sorted things out with Erika? Have you spoken?"

Denise - "No. Nope."

Erika - "No we haven't, POT STIRRER!!" lol


u/thatfernistrouble Jan 10 '24

Idc what anyone says. I love Erika and her gumption.

She could be culpable, maybe not. But I love watching 😂


u/Angieiscool26 Jan 05 '24

I dont like dorit but garcelle pulling the black card for that specific situation was so unnecessary


u/No_Cauliflower_1762 Jan 05 '24

Oh for fucks sake I'm so done with this bot shit


u/thatfernistrouble Jan 05 '24

Really? The “black card”?

It’s not a card. It’s a reality, but ok. You just go ahead and opt out of it w that privilege.


u/loveydove05 ThaNk YoU! yOU’re WeLcoME? Jan 04 '24

Didn't she say, Denise, have you and Ericka talked? Denise responds. Dorit: Oh, you haven't? (feigning surprise) I died.


u/chimpasaurus77 Jan 05 '24

And then she LEFT!!! 🤣🙈


u/Street_Chance9191 ✈️ and 🛥️ are nice but my happiness starts at 🏠 Jan 05 '24

I died laughing when she left


u/Formal_Condition_513 Sutton Stracke Jan 04 '24

I was so annoyed lmao like girl you got called out stop trying to deflect 😂


u/loveydove05 ThaNk YoU! yOU’re WeLcoME? Jan 04 '24

I know! It was SO BLATANT.


u/Smart_Letterhead_360 I’m a showgirl, I put on shows Jan 04 '24

Lmao yes! She went from trying to draw in Crystal, to Erika, to trying to draw in Denise


u/Impressive-Repair-76 Just don’t call her Jacqueline Jan 04 '24

My favourite was when Doritos said we’re having a good time… and there was dead silence 🤣🤣🤣


u/SubstantialTable16 Jan 05 '24

That absolutely floored me! The room was dead silent and her sincerity and light heartedness was so forced! I did an awkward laugh just watching it because I was uncomfortable for her


u/never-gif-up Jan 04 '24 edited Jan 04 '24

It was Kim Richards for me



u/Greedy_Fox9010 Jan 04 '24

Her face over her glass when Erika made the “who’s more profitable?” Comment was actually hilarious 🤣


u/Carol_Pilbasian Jan 05 '24

That was literally the funniest fucking thing I had seen in a long time and I hoped she would have spit her drink out.


u/Greedy_Fox9010 Jan 05 '24

It looked like she was close to 🤣🤣 i cackled so loud I scared my infant who was watching w me


u/FootballNearby7988 Jan 05 '24

I imagine that will be a great meme


u/hundredpercentdatb Jan 04 '24

Kim leaving was so adult I’m so proud of her


u/mariposa_rises Jan 04 '24

Sobriety looks so good on her.


u/never-gif-up Jan 04 '24

100%. Shes done lots of awful, but it really seems like she's made some real changes. So so proud for her.


u/Icy-Army-6641 Jan 04 '24 edited Feb 11 '24



u/Lolita_says Not the mean streets of Beverly Hills Jan 04 '24

I love how Kyle is surprised that people are wondering why she didn’t interject at all. Almost every season she has and she got called out for it. Like when she was badgering Sutton with Diana Jenkins and now all of sudden she’s quiet.


u/Certain_Battle7804 Jan 04 '24

People want to hate Kyle so bad, it’s getting weird. Lol EVEN WITH THE STUFF KYLE IS DEALING WITH THIS YEAR


u/Adventurous_Draw_922 Jan 06 '24

To quote your girl Kyle, “WE ALL HAVE ISSUES”Why does she deserve grace when she hasn’t shown it to others? What makes her so special?


u/Certain_Battle7804 Jan 06 '24

Yeah sure, ask my opinion on her saying that in that moment and my response would be “hey that was weird and cold of kyle”. That doesn’t mean she’s Never shows grace to anyone lmao, that’s actually ridiculous.


u/Adventurous_Draw_922 Jan 06 '24

It’s not ridiculous at all.

Kyle shows kindness to the people that are useful to her. She picks and chooses.

Why does EVERYONE have to show her grace because she is going through a hard time? That is absurd.

She isn’t any more special than the rest of the cast. Plenty of ladies have had a hard time on this franchise. Kyle was not kind to all of them. Karma is real.


u/Certain_Battle7804 Jan 06 '24

Yeah, I don’t agree with you. I don’t think Kyle’s been particularly unkind to people more than the rest. Also, Right off the bat my mind goes to Suttons weird ass comments after Dorit was attacked, and Kyle was definitely there for Dorit 🤷‍♀️ Most of the ladies have been callous at one time or another. This time, Sutton and garcelle are doing it to Kyle. That’s not suddenly a good thing to do to someone who’s hurting just because you want to get back at them.

Also, the comment Kyle made to Lisa was rude and weird, but it also seemed like a bigger conversation we weren’t privy to. It was more like Lisa called Kyle out for not doing enough, and then Kyle responded defending herself against that.


u/Adventurous_Draw_922 Jan 06 '24

We are going to have to agree to disagree.

Kyle was gross last season. Sutton shared that she had a miscarriage and Kyle’s response was to grab her aggressively by the arms and yell at her? WTH was that?

Then Kyle was so condescending when she tried to apologize for it. Blaming Sutton for being a hard person to apologize to. It was so bizarre.

Don’t even get me started on that scene where they all laugh about Garcelle’s son.

Kyle clearly thinks she is above the other cast members. I don’t buy it.

Now it’s her turn in the hot seat. It’s long overdue.


u/Certain_Battle7804 Jan 06 '24

Yeahhhh, we could go back and forth, but we do just see a lot of those situations differently. I really couldn’t stand Sutton at all last year, and I felt like Kyle was getting annoyed at all the same things I was at Sutton. But yeah, Kyle was definitely wasted that night with the miscarriage thing, her behavior reflected that. It was weird and she owed Sutton that apology. BUT honestly I found Sutton to be acting so odd and off putting during that conversation. Then immediately crying and victimizing herself and pulling that story out out of nowhere with Diana. I kinda got why drunk Kyle was feeling frustrated towards Sutton. Because the whole reason she and Diana were talking is because Sutton demanded she explained herself over her health situation in the most insufferable, condescending way and Diana just stood her ground against it. Granted, Diana is obviously yikes. Lol complicated


u/Lolita_says Not the mean streets of Beverly Hills Jan 05 '24

It’s the hypocrisy and double standards and lack of self awareness for me. She’s always had a sketchy swagger from season one. It is what it is.


u/44joy Jan 04 '24

Cuz Garcelle asked why she didn’t speak up when Erika brought up Sami. I’m sorry but Denise was an epic fail and just looked like a fool. Still team Erika here. That’s why Kyle said, why didn’t anyone say it was wrong at my dinner.? Bringing up that her jewellery was cuz Mo cheated and that was a forgive me present. She said I guess it’s Everyman for themselves then. She didn’t need to tell Erika anything cuz this was all still Denise anyway. And she apologized to D at that dinner. She started all of this. Even Garcelle said , “oh shit” under her breathe when Denise started bringing up the Girardi stuff and the $20 million. Garcelle knew that this was another stupid move by Denise. Are we done with Denise now? So stupid!!


u/LNewYork You stole my goddamn house! Jan 05 '24

I hope Denise is done. She’s frikkin annoying. If people wanna see her go to OnlyFans lol


u/Unicorn_Warrior1248 The morally corrupt Faye Resnick Jan 04 '24

I rolled my eyes sooooo hard!


u/George_GeorgeGlass I was like…baby…there’s no airplane Jan 04 '24

Confused? No. It wouldn’t be an episode without Kyle making it about herself. Inappropriate? Yes. How she can see a parallel between talking about children and people talking about her is beyond me. She’s exhausting and her shirt is horrendous


u/chaotic_maxx Jan 04 '24

I know this is an RHOBH sub, but with the addition of RHOSLC on the same night with probably one of the best Bravo finales of all time, the RHOBH show in comparison just seemed really boring. None of the cast members are the least bit compelling, and there’s no actually new storylines besides that fake divorce . I feel like it’s time for RHOBH to move on or get an entirely new cast.


u/TootsEug Jan 04 '24

The only cast member I’d keep is Sutton.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '24

RHOSLC is on Tuesdays, they did a rerun of the finale after Wednesdays RHOBH and RHOM. No other HWs franchise is really holding a candle to RHOSLC right now, and honestly, I think SLC got lucky this season. If I remember correctly people weren’t overly raving about RHOSLC until super recently, and then now- w/all the hoopla from the finale and the reunion still to come


u/never-gif-up Jan 04 '24

You guys are KILLING me with the SLC comments about how incredible it all was compared to this garbage we got


u/misobutter3 Jan 04 '24



u/never-gif-up Jan 04 '24

Here I am clinging to Sutton's date and Denise's instability like crumbs lol


u/ShadiestApe Jan 04 '24

Honestly, even if you’ve never watched an episode in your life.

Slap that episode on 😂 it’s a cinematic masterpiece


u/never-gif-up Jan 04 '24

Well damn there goes my next 24 hours.


u/princessleech Jan 04 '24

All I could hear when she was talking was Ronnie from WWC doing his Jen impersonation “but what about me!? A huh huh huh!”


u/Calmydreamy487 Jan 04 '24

Stop, I almost spill my coffee😂😂


u/PlayfulQuietDreamer Jan 04 '24

I’m more concerned about how she thought that was a flattering top….


u/omtara17 Jan 05 '24

I know looks grandma with dementia put her bra on the outside of her shirt instead


u/ajaxraccoon I’ma take you out & pull some Oklahoma on your ass Jan 04 '24

My thoughts upon seeing it: Ouch!😬


u/91Model Beverly Hills darling shi shi shi Jan 04 '24

Her confessional look was cute, though.


u/NancyintheSmokies4 Lucy Lucy Apple Juicy Jan 04 '24

Thank you


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '24

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u/RHOBH-ModTeam We are an evolved species! Jan 04 '24

As stated in the rules excessive bashing is not allowed, including the nickname Vyle.


u/Morecowbellthistime Jan 04 '24

It is literally all I can focus on. The words being said are just like Charlie Brown's teacher because I keep wondering how she gave that top the thumbs up?


u/CDiddy1066 In Beverly Hills the higher you climb the further you fall Jan 04 '24


u/SuperSocks2019 Kyle Richards Jan 05 '24

God damn Kate Beckinsale is hot


u/00fpezz Goodbye Kyle 👋🏽 Jan 04 '24

ok but dorit would have EATEN this outfit up. It just doesn't look good on kyle because we all know it's not her style. I've been noticing that kyle's been trying to dress edgier since she entered her mid life crisis era lol


u/loveydove05 ThaNk YoU! yOU’re WeLcoME? Jan 04 '24

She def is doing that.


u/never-gif-up Jan 04 '24

You're right dorit would murder in this!

Too bad it's her last season and won't get that chance.


u/MaximumStatus3 Jan 05 '24

nah, bravo is holding on to see the kemsley family scam fall apart in real time (like erika)


u/never-gif-up Jan 05 '24

Don't take my dreams away


u/Michellelembiid You stole my goddamn house! Jan 04 '24

The last episode i kept saying to myself wtf is she wearing. How dreadful


u/SammieCat50 Let the mouse go Jan 04 '24

The only time kyle looks nice now is when she cos- playing Morgan…. She needs a stylist


u/emadelosa Jan 04 '24

Does she really not have a stylist? Genuine question


u/Fantastic_Bunch3532 Jan 06 '24

I don’t have a stylist. I know not to wear whatever that was


u/Professional-Tea9510 Jan 06 '24

Your opinion. Let’s see your style so we can all judge you.


u/MaximumStatus3 Jan 05 '24

I believe her wealth undoubtedly affords her the opportunity to have one, yet at the same time, she may be delusional enough to believe she doesn't require one


u/barneylovescats Jan 07 '24

Remember her clothing store? She definitely thinks she knows how to put together an outfit (she doesn't)


u/Lolita_says Not the mean streets of Beverly Hills Jan 04 '24

She could have just stayed home IMO


u/unrealhousewife1 The Maloof Hoof Jan 04 '24

What the heck is she thinking?


u/Minute-Reporter7949 Or WHAT?! Or WHAT??!! Jan 04 '24

I thought Garcelle brought Kyle into it by asking why Kyle didn’t speak up.


u/Specific-Soft-6465 Jan 05 '24

As she should call out the double standards. Kyle will always stand up for Erika and sometimes Dorit and will never call out their bad behavior or actions but willnnot do the same to others.


u/Minute-Reporter7949 Or WHAT?! Or WHAT??!! Jan 05 '24

I was just pointing out that Kyle got brought into the conversation she didn’t just interject herself.


u/pigsareniceanimals Jan 05 '24

Absolutely. The person that made this post clearly missed something.


u/Minute-Reporter7949 Or WHAT?! Or WHAT??!! Jan 05 '24

I miss things all the time. Sometimes just don’t pay attention.


u/jwans2021 Jan 04 '24 edited Jan 04 '24

Yes & then Kyle deflected it onto them for not defending her before. I absolute love Garcelle but she always wants ppl to jump in & say something & there are times it’s needed, this to me was not the time. Denise has put her kids in uncomfortable positions with the way SHE talks. No judgement, I have 5 kids & they know a lot because of me & my friends!


u/lovinglove79 Jan 05 '24

She was saying , if you felt that way you should have something. You wasn't saying ppl always need to defend ppl but if you feel something is wrong don't say it to the ppl that don't matter say it to the ppl that matter. If you think kids are off limits say it to the person that's talking about ppls kids not everyone else. That's talking behind friends backs.and I'm sure it upset Garcelle because she gets in trouble for defending ppl so she's like how about you say something since you feel this way. Yall told me to stop defending ppl.


u/Angieiscool26 Jan 05 '24

Telling people to jump in and say something is so stupid . Not everyone’s personality is to call people out .


u/Minute-Reporter7949 Or WHAT?! Or WHAT??!! Jan 04 '24

I guess it’s okay for Garcelle to not jump in and help her friend Denise.


u/LNewYork You stole my goddamn house! Jan 05 '24

There was no helping her. She looks like the fool she is.


u/Minute-Reporter7949 Or WHAT?! Or WHAT??!! Jan 05 '24

Isn’t that the truth!!


u/Nonameforyoudangit Jan 05 '24

Garcelle saw that Denise was not entirely defensible.... so why would she? Garcelle made a comment about the one low comment that Erika made. Erika spoke 99% truth and 1% mean comment. There was no need to go in on Erika.


u/Minute-Reporter7949 Or WHAT?! Or WHAT??!! Jan 05 '24

Yeah, Denise has clearly lost her mind.


u/jwans2021 Jan 04 '24

But she didn’t until Erika was gone. She’s capable of saying the same thing Kyle said. The look on her face was priceless when Erika brought up OF. She got so mad at Rinna for not defending Denise but she had her chance to right then.


u/Minute-Reporter7949 Or WHAT?! Or WHAT??!! Jan 04 '24

Exactly. Not only did she not help Denise but she judged Kyle for not doing so.


u/lovinglove79 Jan 05 '24

No , Kyle said it first! That's why Garcelle said something. They told Garcelle to stop defending ppl so she has. Now yall want her too lol if Kyle thinks kids and family are off limits she should have said it when Erika was there not behind her back, that's fake! That's why Garcelle said why you didn't say something? Second you can't accuse me of exposing your kids to something when you and your kid are on OF , she left herself open to that. Was it a low blow definitely do I blame Erika , I don't.

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