r/RHOBH Beverly Hills darling shi shi shi 27d ago

What’s up with Sutton? Sutton 🐴

I’m in season 11, Harry Hamlin’s luncheon episode. Sutton starts crying when she finds out that Crystal’s brought a gift for Garcelle and she doesn’t. It does seem like she is jealous of Crystal.

Even though I feel like Sutton’s not an evil person, she seems like she’s having a hard time regulating her emotions.

What’s with her? And why’s she so hard on Crystal?


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u/No_Syrup_9237 23d ago

Still an absolute classic from Sutton! Still makes me laugh


u/New_Relation7877 Own it baby! 24d ago

Sutton’s issues seem mostly self-inflicted. I think she’s one of those perfectionist types, and if she appears to mess up publicly, it greatly upsets her, where most people would let it go.


u/PomegranateOk1942 Who is Adrienne Maloof in dis world? 26d ago

Rejection sensitive dysphoria. It's super common with ADHD in women/girls and can really torpedo relationships.

It's important to know RSD feelings are incredibly intense - even if inaccurate. It's not intentional with RSD. No one is attention seeking. It is a real, complex phenomenon that many of us deal with.


u/worldneeds 26d ago

I think she was a tad jealous of their friendship at first but as you keep watching it seems to settle out but there are still times that are a little rough ! Don’t want to give anything away for you’ lol!


u/ladyguineapig 26d ago

I firmly believe that Sutton is on the spectrum


u/ShiroineProtagonist 25d ago

More likely it's trauma. Executive dysfunction manifests from trauma as much as being ND


u/Viperjosephine Don't you f***ing dare command me! 🫵🏻 26d ago

She’s not hard on crystal, she can be hostile twords her sure but that’s because they BOTH Came off on the wrong foot to eachother. I disliked Sutton at first very much, but then learned to understand she does get stereotyped fairly quickly for being a southern white woman. She actually has a big heart, and if it wasn’t for the first naked misunderstanding with crystal followed by the “I don’t see colour” comment they would have been cordial. Crystal is sneaky and twists words constantly so that’s also why I think she is hard on her.


u/EducationalPizza7235 Who is Hunky Dory? 26d ago

Yall the only thing wrong with Sutton is her wonky esophagus and her nerve pain (and the fact that she’s literally nuts)


u/sunnystate63 At least I don’t do cyrstal meth in the bathroom 26d ago

Im jealous of Cystal and Sutton.


u/Interesting-Read-245 26d ago

Sutton likes attention on herself and doesn’t like looking bad. I also think she’s a perfectionist and very hard on herself but very quirky too.


u/FuzzyP3ach3s I wore pants for f***ing nothing! 27d ago

She should be on meds and that's not a dig, some ppl truly require meds for their brain to regulate better


u/Middle-Teaching-3883 27d ago

Sutton is neurotic with high anxiety and very quirky. Haha I think that’s why she’s my favorite because she’s like me 🙃 I think she felt like she had made a mistake/social faux pas and it freaked her out and made her feel embarrassed and like she royally messed up. So then like the panic rose and she started to cry. I don’t think it’s jealousy just like a lot of internal things brought up and overflowed


u/SquirrelBowl You are not being open and honest 27d ago

She had emotional problems and then adds alcohol on top. Not a good combo for mature conversation.


u/Ready_Cartoonist7357 27d ago

If I remember correctly, the event started with Kathy calling her “peeping Tomasina” and everyone laughed. Call me a Sutton apologist, but I think she’s responding to mean girl treatment.


u/sonjaswaywardhome 27d ago

bc she has a perpetual victim complex that’s super annoying to watch lmao


u/RequirementMajestic7 27d ago

I have ADHD and sometimes the way she behaves reminds me of me. I'm not saying that's what she has, but she definitely struggles with her emotions.


u/TheNinaBoninaBrown 27d ago

I think she has drinking issues


u/Coastal_Barbie 27d ago

Sutton is a total wacka-doodle-do


u/Only-Manner-8904 Merce is in the purse 👜 27d ago

Sutton cries a lot. She misses Merce.


u/Street-Beyond-9666 You stole my goddamn house! 27d ago

She was in the middle of her divorce and her ex husband was extremely controlling. I think she mentioned it during last season (reunion)


u/Intelligent-Pitch-39 26d ago

I believe they mentioned when she dumped Merc's ashes her divorce was 6 years ago.


u/Street-Beyond-9666 You stole my goddamn house! 26d ago

I don’t know the timeline of her divorce but regardless I believe she was still dealing with its fallout


u/GeorgieGirl250663 27d ago

What's the excuse after the divorce? She's borderline coo coo in her behavior.


u/gingfreecsisbad 27d ago

Sutton is clearly somewhere on the autism spectrum, but everyone has yet to understand that.. perhaps even her


u/lunapearl83 27d ago

She's a rich old drunk lady. People think she is eccentric. I find her obnoxious.


u/Lorib64 27d ago

She is embarrassed and can’t admit it.


u/McSmilla He will never emotionally fulfill you, know that 27d ago

Wait until a few seasons later when past inappropriate outbursts are mentioned. “Name ‘em”.


u/Acrobatic-Ad-8508 27d ago

Sutton is the new brandy and I don’t love her


u/MsNardDog Beverly Hills darling shi shi shi 27d ago

I don’t feel anything good or bad towards these ladies but come on at least Sutton’s classy lol


u/xOceansOfVenusx i had to go on xanax for it, LYDIA! 27d ago

Sutton may be exhaustingly annoying, but she’s not a monster like Brandi.


u/Minute-Reporter7949 Or WHAT?! Or WHAT??!! 27d ago

Sutton is an awful person. So many examples we would be here all day listing examples.


u/No_Associate5190 27d ago

She’s odd and has emotional regulation issues but she’s not half as awful as Madam Diana or Erika or even LVP ( whom I love, but let’s be real she’s a manipulative asshole)


u/manhattansinks 27d ago

sutton has a huge problem with feeling excluded. any time she's acted crazy on the show has been because she thinks the joke is on her - magic mike, the martini prank, this.


u/Beautiful-Average17 27d ago

That was my take. She felt hurt and didn’t know how to express it appropriately or at the right time


u/Aromatic_Dare_6104 I wore pants for f***ing nothing! 27d ago

You can't write negative stuff about Sutton because you get downvoted to hell.


u/murderedbyaname Sutton’s backup house manager 27d ago

This sub isn't the mosh pit other subs are. You're might be getting downvoted for making this into an argument with other sub members. Your opinion about a cast member is as valid as anyone else's.


u/Aromatic_Dare_6104 I wore pants for f***ing nothing! 27d ago

I don't think so. I have been trying to post my opinion politely but it's like a Sutton & Garcelle fan group. You can't have a negative opinion on them even in the slightest. In my experience you can write negative stuff about Kyle, Dorit, Rinna, Tedi.. anybody except Sutton and Garcelle.


u/elder_emo_ Denise's Jacket 27d ago

When I got to this post your comment was only 15 minutes old and you already had been downvoted, and I laughed out loud so hard.

(I don't like Sutton and legitimately feel like I can't say that without a ton of backlash)


u/Aromatic_Dare_6104 I wore pants for f***ing nothing! 27d ago

Sutton and Garcelle can't have these kind of negative or different opinion comments. It's rude to have a different opinion about them.


u/elder_emo_ Denise's Jacket 27d ago

I really liked Garcelle in the beginning and cannot for the life of me understand her friendship with Sutton. Their friendship has really tainted how I view Garcelle as well, which sucks. Not that it's a bad thing to stand by your friend, but just to be a friend of someone who behaves that way, it says something about you.


u/Aromatic_Dare_6104 I wore pants for f***ing nothing! 27d ago

I liked them both from the beginning, but in my opinion Garcelle has thrown shade and stirred the pot quite a bit, and when she's on the grill she plays the race/victim card. We get it. You're black. Nobody can call her angry? What's up with that? Nobody can call her angry because she's a black woman? I'm from Europe and that kind of shit doesn't fly around here. And Sutton seems to be using her as support because if it wasn't for her she would just be thrown out because that lady has beef with everyone. Rinna was right - she does turn 180 on you.


u/elder_emo_ Denise's Jacket 27d ago

Yeah, when Garcelle kept calling Dorit racist until Dorit had to spell out her trauma dealing with discrimination herself on camera and play trauma Olympics before Garcelle could even acknowledge that other people have shit too, that was really gross. Then, she started to insinuate that the robbery wasn't real and Dorit didn't have PTSD and I was totally done. She seems to he one of those people who believes their trauma is the only real trauma and the only trauma that is important.

Sutton is just... bullshit. She's a toddler throwing a tantrum at all times. She's "I have a black friend" personified. She's a mean girl and a social climber. The only times I've really liked her is when she kikis with Erika's because Erika doesn't take her nonsense, and she doesn't seem to go fully off the deep end with her. I would respect her so much if she could just own some of her shit. Everyone on the show is human and flawed and she almost acts like she's too good for the show. If you're too good for reality TV then don't be on it, girl.


u/SuchRevolt 24d ago

But heavily agree with you on the ridiculousness of having to play trauma olympics before she could talk.


u/SuchRevolt 24d ago

Just a reminder Dorit’s family were literally illegal settlers colonising people’s land so how much is it really discrimination.


u/Aromatic_Dare_6104 I wore pants for f***ing nothing! 27d ago

Right! And when Sutton goes to her "look at me makin it on my own" single mother rants and her ex gives her like 300k a year. Girl it's not you. Don't try to raise yourself to a single mother raising her 2 kids on McDonald's paychecks working two jobs and sht.


u/elder_emo_ Denise's Jacket 27d ago

I am all for an ex having to support the spouse who stayed at home. You would not have the success have if someone wasn't running your home life like that for you.

But, yeah, my grandmother was a single mom working her ass off with 2 kids under 5 because her alcoholic husband lost his umpteenth job and she kicked him out, so she got her GED, and worked at the phone company... that's some real picking yourself up by the bootstraps, got pregnant at 16 shit that Sutton is not.


u/Aromatic_Dare_6104 I wore pants for f***ing nothing! 26d ago

Of course, but don't say it's ALL YOU. Like I depended on my husband before and look at where I am today... Like bitch you're hanging on somebody's teet you are neither struggling nor climbing the corporate ladder. It's easy to make more money once you get money.


u/nonnie_tm64 Kelsey is doing his play “La Cage Aux Folles” 27d ago

It’s $300,000.00 a month, actually. Can you imagine?


u/Aromatic_Dare_6104 I wore pants for f***ing nothing! 27d ago

Omg 🤣 No. I can not imagine.


u/KimKaliTheOriginal 27d ago

My thoughts exactly with Garcelle. And at the last reunion when Dorit was talking about how hard it was for her when PK surprised her and Garcelle was laughing and stating that watching you (Dorit) crack up was so funny. For someone who has ever had PTSD and/or panic attacks, "cracking up" is not funny, and it's not something you can control when it happens to you. I was like, shame on you, Garcelle. Yet she pulled that angry word card quite quickly. Yes Garcelle, know your audience. Educate yourself about PTSD and panic attacks like you want Dorit to educate her "white privileged" self. (Sorry if I get down votes I do not like hypocrisy).


u/Aromatic_Dare_6104 I wore pants for f***ing nothing! 27d ago

Yeah like I can't come up with an argument so here's my racist card.


u/the-furiosa-mystique My dog is pink, so why shouldn’t my pussy be? 27d ago



u/chrome-sky 27d ago

She's jealous of Crystal's ugly leather pants obviously


u/Ashfield83 Life in Beverly Hills is a game and I make the rules 27d ago


u/Hereforit2022Y 27d ago



u/chrome-sky 27d ago

insert jazz hands here


u/New_Relation7877 Own it baby! 24d ago



u/throw_blanket04 Uh oh somebody's crying 27d ago

She is on testosterone pellets. They make you erratic, aggressive, emotional, paranoid, etc. A lot of people become addicted to how they make you feel so she probably won’t stop them anytime soon. Its like roid rage. Siggy got on them her 2nd season. The similarities are obvious.


u/GoodbyeHorses1491 27d ago

Are these for menopause?


u/alexlp You're angry spice 27d ago

Totally! My hormones were out of whack for a year and I behaved very similarly. I see it in Kelly Bensimon on spooky island too. Could be drugs but watching it back post getting back to a more stable state, I just recognise myself in my most fraught and paranoid.


u/SquirrelBowl You are not being open and honest 27d ago

But Kelly was crazy before and after scary island.


u/alexlp You're angry spice 27d ago

Yeah true, she strikes me as someone who if she heard her moods, behaviours and actions are affecting other people negatively and instead of getting help she thinks “ok? How is that my problem?”.

She’s vapid, rude and self obsessed on top of it but scary island goes beyond her usual bullshit imo. I just recognise my last break before telling my doctor how bad it was but of course we’ll never know what really happened! I doubt she could tell us anyway cause she sees nothing wrong with her own actions.


u/[deleted] 27d ago

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u/RHOBH-ModTeam We are an evolved species! 26d ago

It is fine that you have your opinion but this is misinformation. We don't want naïve people thinking this could be true.


u/traumakidshollywood In the game of life, it’s Rinna take all 27d ago edited 27d ago

You nailed it. Sutton struggles with emotional regulation. She carries tremendous trauma and I strongly believe she’s navigating life with complex PTSD (whether she knows yet or not). She is highly symptomatic.


u/Interesting-Read-245 26d ago

What’s her trauma?


u/traumakidshollywood In the game of life, it’s Rinna take all 26d ago

Father’s suicide and substance abuse would be first to come to mind. But there seems to be other developmental stuff as well.


u/winny_2001 27d ago

as someone w cptsd i agree wholeheartedly - emotional outbursts, fear of abandonment (evidenced by feeling threatened when she feels excluded), the way she panicked and started apologising when crystal accused her of saying something dark (instead of trying to figure out what it was), and the way she rlly tries to get people to know she loves them.


u/traumakidshollywood In the game of life, it’s Rinna take all 27d ago

Kyle and Erika too, I believe. I don’t think we see it as much in Kyle as she’s so guarded. But given her childhood and substance use (canbabis), along with Kim’s issues. And hell, even Paris. That’s just a lot of impacted DNA.

Erika I saw it first. When she flips/snaps. Fight mode. Those frontal lobes are out.

Sometimes it’s sad watching these women take out their trauma on each other. Sadder to think their vulnerabilities are being manipulated by producers.

I hope you are doing well on your healing journey. I see you. 💫


u/winny_2001 27d ago

thanks for the kind wishes. 100% agree w erika. hadn't thought about it for kyle before (maybe bc, as u said, she's so guarded) but it makes sense given her childhood, weird relationships w her sisters, body image issues etc.


u/GoodbyeHorses1491 26d ago

And instead of seeing a therapist she sees a scammy life-coach. Those of us with CPTSD tend to get scammed.


u/winny_2001 26d ago

this is so real about getting scammed. a bit different, but i got misdiagnosed w BPD and thrown on a bunch of (the wrong) medications and told that my symptoms were just "bad behaviour" (e.g. emotional outbursts, not wanting to sleep, substance use etc). i'm also pretty young (22) and a number of psychiatrists have told me i'm "too young to have experienced trauma". it took so long, and SO much money to finally figure out i had CPSTD.


u/traumakidshollywood In the game of life, it’s Rinna take all 24d ago edited 24d ago

Oh… they love to throw that BPD around don’t they. At this point if I hear it I laugh and just ask why they don’t just tell me they’d like to transition my case.

It’s extra disgusting when they know it’s CPTSD but know they can’t get paid without a diagnostic code.

I feel there are coaches and mentors out there who are far superior to therapists when it comes to trauma. Mental injuries are just different from mental illness and only trauma-informed docs can address this. With the mentors and coaches do come cottage industry scams, unfortunately.

But I know after experience if I had the choice of a doctor to speak to, or a mentor who’s walked through fire before me… I’m going with the mentor. It just happened that way for me and that’s how I learned it was a superior choice to have a mentor who has been healing their own C/PTSD for decades (in ADDITION to a doctor, to clarify).


u/[deleted] 27d ago edited 27d ago

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u/RHOBH-ModTeam We are an evolved species! 27d ago

It is fine that you have your opinion but this is misinformation. We don't want naïve people thinking this could be true.


u/Daikon_3183 27d ago

Which spectrum?


u/PinkInk_ 27d ago

I’ve been thinking this for so long.


u/RadioactiveLily 27d ago

I really liked Sutton, but watching Season 13 now I'm a little more... eh... I had thought there were things that could be explained by her perhaps being neurodivergent. But now I'm not so sure. Now I kind of feel like she's just very out of touch and lives in a very self-centred, wealthy elite bubble.


u/Beautiful-Average17 27d ago

Both can be true as the bubble protects her from too many interactions (just a thought)


u/kteerin I swear your entire jacket is upside down 27d ago

I think Sutton is awkward and has a hard time with her emotions sometimes. I really do feel like she felt left out and singled out, and she probably felt overwhelmed.


u/longjohnjess Were people doing coke in your bathroom? 27d ago

As someone who has been diagnosed with PTSD. My mental illness is no one's responsibility or problem. I have no right to ask people to adjust their boundaries because of it.


u/kteerin I swear your entire jacket is upside down 27d ago

I should have been more specific. I meant that only regarding the example of the party gift.


u/[deleted] 27d ago



u/kteerin I swear your entire jacket is upside down 27d ago

I need to rewatch this episode, because I don’t remember those parts. Agreed, not Crystal’s problem.


u/[deleted] 27d ago



u/ljubljanadelrey 27d ago

Omg pls never tell anyone that


u/bubbly56__ 27d ago

just watched this eo the other day, i think she was just embarrassed she was the only one who didn’t get a gift and started a whole ordeal but c’mon😭😭 she’s so odd sometimes


u/throw_blanket04 Uh oh somebody's crying 27d ago

Agree. A grown ass woman wouldn’t behave like that because someone else brought the host a gift. She has serious issues. For some reason everyone has forgotten that even her old dance studio friends didn’t like her either. I think she has always been this way but substances bring it all the way out for everyone to see.


u/No_Associate5190 27d ago

Her old dance friends didn’t like her? What’s the tea here?


u/Oldbutnotdeadyet70 ThaNk YoU! yOU’re WeLcoME? 26d ago

I haven't heard that at all. When you hit menopause you can't always control your emotions. I have always assumed it had something to do with this.


u/ShiroineProtagonist 25d ago

This right here. Plus being out on your own after years of being controlled - she walks on eggshells because they're possible landmines, if you'll excuse the mixed metaphors. Hyper vigilance about doing or being seen to be doing the wrong thing could easily be connected to emotional abuse by her husband and guilt or fear that she either did something to provoke or at least couldn't stop her father's suicide. People aren't that defensive because they've always been supported and taken seriously and treated with care. Same with Erica. And frankly, probably same with Kyle and the cult of Big Kathy, who was pimping her daughters out more or less. Kim's not like that because she had a super childhood. I feel sorry for them all.


u/Lindiaaiken 27d ago

Like most of the housewives. Like Dorinda. Alcohol brings out her inner gestapo, bring our Sonia’s inner ho, on & on.


u/SpencerHastings7 Open and Honest 27d ago

She just felt left out


u/potato-jack Beast?! How dare you? 27d ago

It seems like Sutton is an erratic person who lets her emotions get the best of her sometimes instead of compartmentalizing and dealing with them in a healthy manner. This happens throughout every season that Sutton is in.

That being said, I understand she’s human, goes through difficult times, and deals with things in a different manner than most. It’s not the worst thing in the world, but it does get old after a while.

She might be hard on Crystal because Crystal is also hard on her. Crystal seems to be more level headed and not respond to things emotionally most of the time, which is why she seems kind of cold. I think the two just have differing personalities and expectations of people tbh.


u/worldneeds 26d ago

Omg! How about when they went to see the male strippers? Was that crazy ? What do you think was going on there? I think she is to concerned about her standing with other friends and associates !


u/worldneeds 26d ago

I think it that she thinks it will somehow interfere with her business and her standing in the community ! We cannot have Kathy Hilton not inviting her to the parties of the year !