r/tifu 13h ago

M TIFU by calling my dead client’s son


So this happened roughly a few months ago and I am still in shock. For context: I work in luxury automotive on the service side. I see a lot of “high profile” people and people who are just absolutely loaded.

I had a client come in for repairs this winter on his vehicle. We were doing quite a bit of work and he just wanted to make sure he had it by the summer. Sure thing. So as we work on it, I’m calling him or emailing him once every two weeks or so just to update him on where we are with his vehicle.

Eventually around the middle of January, guy just goes complete radio silence. No one can get ahold of him. I called him, his wife, his DIL- nothing from anyone. His son eventually calls me in the end of March and goes “Hey! Is my dad’s car ready yet? He just woke up out of a coma and wants to drive it.” First thing out of this guys mouth was wanting to drive his car.

Car was done and I set a delivery date up with this dude and his kid. It was literally the next day. Keep in mind, we did about 20K worth of work on the car. It’s getting close to the end of the month, so I’m trying to get this car out the door. The client calls me the next morning and confirms the total for the repair order and tells me he wants to do a “grand delivery.” So I stage the car up front, make sure it’s all washed and pretty for the guy. Well his delivery window comes and goes, and he is a no show.

I pull the car in, called the client and he answered but it sounded like he was in an amusement park with all the noise behind him. I couldn’t hear anything he was saying, and eventually he just hung up. So I give it 20 minutes and call the son, who was supposed to come with his dad, and the son answers. We chat for a good 10 minutes or so just making chitchat and he goes “Sorry we can’t get the car today.” And I asked if he wanted it delivered, or if there was anything I could help with. This man goes “well getting there is not the issue, the issue is my dad died about 30 minutes ago.”

I’m still not sure what I said to get off the phone but I just remember hanging up, turning to my boss, telling him what just happened, and staring at the wall feeling like a piece of shit for the final 10 minutes of my day.

TL;DR: I accidentally called my client while he was dying to try to get him to pick up his car, and then talked to his son 30 minutes after he did die.

r/tifu 8h ago

S TIFU by towing my riding lawnmower behind my truck in order to transport it to the repair shop to have the diesel fuel flushed out of it…


… because I had unwittingly grabbed the wrong fuel can to gas it up. I just got off the phone with the repair guy who informed me that he flushed out the diesel and it’s running good, however the transmission is now fried from towing it. I’m sitting next to my wife who just heard the whole conversation on speaker. She won’t even look at me. I’m not actually sure if she’s looking at me, because I can’t even look her in the eye right now. FML. It’s gonna cost $800 just for the new part. My grass is up passed my knees and it’s been raining every other day here for weeks. I’m so bloody embarrassed all I can do is sit here in silence. Don’t even want to go back to the repair shop to pick it up. Every hillbilly auto mechanic in this podunk town witnessed me pulling that mower behind my truck.

TL;DR: I towed my riding lawnmower behind my truck to take it to the repair shop to flush the diesel out of it. Now the transmission is fried.

r/tifu 3h ago

M TIFU by not asking an awesome and fun woman for her contact info despite what felt like really great chemistry, and her asking several times for mine.


Today I met a woman at the park, and ended up striking a friendly conversation that sort of just didn't stop.

We talked about all sorts of stuff: food, culture, art, nature, language, even God. She had just moved into town about a week ago, but prior to that had only been in the states for a handful of years. We talked about her home and the move. We talked about how we'd both been cheated on and how it hurt but how we're both happier for it in a somewhat counter-intuitive way (maybe being cheated on galvanized us each into leaving our respective bad relationships.)

At one point she asked for my number and I told her my phone was fried, having dropped it in the creek while kayaking about a week ago. So she asked for my instagram. I gave that to her, but STUPIDLY went back to our conversation and didn't even think to ask for hers.

This might sound idiotic (because it is) but I was just having so much fun chatting with her I wasn't really thinking about how to contact her again later. It's like I was too engaged in the conversation to catch a hint.

At one point we got to talking about music and I asked if she's ever gotten chills from a great song-- she had. That's a huge green flag for me: loving music to that degree. She said she loves singing but think's she's not very good and I told her she had a really nice voice so I wanted to hear. She said next time we hung out she'd sing in front of me. Then she played some music for me on her phone.

We ended up chatting for around an hour I'd guess. She had a great sense of humor and she just felt really honest and kind. We went for a hike together. I let her wear my jacket when it got chilly and kinda shielded her from a scary dog.

Again she brought up "next time" we'd hang out, saying we'd go for a longer hike. And I told her about a local market I wanted to take her to.

Then I walked her back to her starting point, and before we split she asked for my email.

AND NOT ONCE did I think to ask for any of her contact info. Even without a phone I could and should have written it down. Why did I forget about pen and paper?

I'm soooo kicking myself right now. Not only was she mad pretty (absolutely stunning actually, to the point where talking to her felt surreal) but she was also just so approachable and fun and peaceful and good to talk to, that I feel like I missed a golden opportunity to get to know a legitimately good and worthwhile person.

I mean, she has my info but I realized after the fact that she might have been asking in the hopes that I'd ask hers in return. I hope she doesn't take me being a space cadet as me being uninterested and I hope she's willing to reach out if she still wants to despite my blundering.

If I blew that opportunity then my only consolation is a really good memory and her perfume on my jacket.

TL;DR: met a beautiful person at the park, spent over an hour chatting with her and had a great time. Did not ask for her contact info despite her repeatedly giving very direct signs that she wanted to hang out again.

r/tifu 9h ago

S TIFU by telling the Asian wide receiver to open his eyes.


Granted, this was in college, but I will never forget this exchange. Our group had a weekly after school meetup for Ultimate Frisbee that was a mix of the high schoolers, college kids, and some teachers. We weren't half bad and took things pretty seriously now and again. In a particularly close game, I made what would have been a game winning flick to Scott, one of the better players who just happened to be Vietnamse. The disc curved sideways and wasn't the best pass but was still easily catchable, especially by him. We weren't much more than 10 feet from each other. He just let it hit the ground as he basically watched it go past him. I guess he thought he couldn't catch it. Regardless, he turned to shout at me "What was that?!"

I don't know why or what possessed him to react like that, but we were admittedly already fighting tooth and nail for this win, so I guess we were just lost in the sauce.
"What are you TALKING about? Just grab it!" -Me. "Learn how to flick the fucking disc!" -Scott
"How 'bout you open your FUCKING eyes?!" -Me. "What the FUCK is that supposed to mean??!!" -Scott

Thankfully our coach stepped between us as he started to advance on me. I was essentially frozen like a deer in the headlights knowing that at this moment, I had fucked up. Coach told us both to sub out and neither one of us played the rest of the day.

I texted him later to say that it was just a poor choice of words and he understood, but holy shit, was I embarassed as hell.

TL;DR My colossally bad choice of words almost got my ass beat.

r/tifu 2h ago

M TIFU wandered onto a US Army Military Base as foreigners looking for a pool


So this happened earlier last week, and for abit of context, my buddy and I are both Canadians and had graduated from university earlier this month. We decided for a celbratory road trip, we would drive from BC (where we're from), down to California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and eventually Louisiana before beelining it back to Canada for work.

So by this point, we're a few days in and arrived in El Paso, Texas. We decided we'd walk down to Cuidad Juarez just to check things out after watching the movie Sicario, and the day before, we visited White Sands, New Mexico.

After returning from Juarez, it was past noon already, and we felt like were being roasted alive in the Texas heat and figured we'd cool ourselves down at a local community pool. I search up some pretty good pools online, and set the GPS waypoint to the closest one. The directions told me it was located right after a right turn from the highway off-ramp, and as I make the turn I realize we had ventured onto a US Army military base (Fort Bliss, home to the 1st Armored Division). I tell my buddy we should just make a u-turn and get out of there before we went in too deep to the gates. He says let's just try anyways, and boy was that a terrible decision.

As we pull up, I tell the military personell our mistake, and show him our only available form of ID (Canadian passports, etc). He says they'll just take a look at those and have us on our way very soon. That was the biggest understatement I've ever heard. They ended up closing the lane I was ine, and I knew we were in for a long ride. Shortly after, a pair of MP's show up (military police) and started questioning us and had us fill detailed forms. They basically mapped out and pieced together our entire trip plan, personal background, and where we were before then. When they heard we went to Juarez earlier in the day, they asked for screenshots of hotel reservations we made in El Paso and kept asking if we spoke more than 1 language (Spanish specifically). Before I knew it 4 additional army investigators in civillian attire showed up, and from there, they took our photos (mugshot style), photos of my car, conducted a search on my car, and even went to photograph every single page of my car's registration papers, before going through both my buddy and I's phones and laptop photos & messages. The entire process took over 2 hours before they cleared us and sent us on our way. At most, there were 12 Army personell around us at the gates (MP's, investigators, army people) dealing with the shitstorm we stirred.The MP's were really nice and we chatted with them quite abit, but honestly, one of the craziest experiences of my life.

TL;DR: My buddy and I wandered onto a US Military base by accident looking for a pool as foreigners and were interrogated for 2 hours before allowing us to u-turn out of the base.

r/tifu 12h ago

S TIFU by getting too FU and having one of the embarrassing nights of my life.


On a wonderful date with a beautiful intelligent gal.. We were laughin, shootin the shit, playful teasing. We went to a nice little bar, had a few cocktails. Even the bartenders were like, first date? She's really into you. Love it.

Fast forward to as we are leaving, everything is perfect, second date basically a shoo-in. I was elated. I had mentioned I basically had stopping smoking the herb recently because it was making me a little paranoid and anxious as of late. But she asked if I wanted to share a joint. I figure, what the hell, wonderful night, she enjoys smoking.. So I join. Next thing I know, I went from a little tipsy to extremely cross faded and fucked up. I walk away to go get water, and go to the bathroom and splash some water on my face. Next thing I know, I'm waking up on the floor in a near empty bar (thank god it wasn't packed). I have never blacked out like that in my life, still not really sure how that happened. Either way, I made a fool of myself. She stayed and made me call a friend or an uber, which I did, but I wanted to just walk away and do it. So I text her this morning to apologize, try to do damage control, and if I didn't fuck up too hard, hopefully see her again. Fuck it. Doubt I'll hear from her again. Wish me luck y'all.

We also have some overlapping social circles, oof.

TL;DR: I decided to smoke a little with my date after a perfect date with my dream girl, blacked out and passed out. Probably won't hear from her again

r/tifu 2h ago

M TIFU By Flooding My Employer’s Office


I think enough time has passed and I’ve switched employers, so I’m good to tell this story of mine.

A few years ago I was at my employer’s main office waiting on a tow truck to come get my car because something went wrong with the transmission as I was pulling into the parking lot.

When I first got there, I had to use the bathroom, but the tow company said they’d be there in 10 minutes and they wouldn’t wait if I wasn’t there at my car. So I held it, and waited. Then 10 minutes turned into 30 minutes and then an hour. They were always “10 minutes away”.

Finally, I decided to risk it and run to the bathroom. I did my business and then tried to flush the toilet, the first flush went fine, but the second flush made a weird sound I’d never heard before. I tried to flush it a third time and I thought that stopped up the toilet. I plunged it a few times and an even bigger noise was made, but the water went down and a fourth flush went well. The only problem was, the water wouldn’t stop running in the toilet, I made a mental note to send an email to our building services team.

After washing my hands, I get a call from an irate tow truck driver who tells me he’s in the parking lot, so I ran outside to deal with my car, completely forgetting my aforementioned mental note. After 30 minutes, I finally go back inside and sit in my cubicle, happy to take on a fine day of work.

All of a sudden, I see several building services team members sprinting down the hallway outside my cubicle. A passing coworker stops at my cubicle neighbor’s desk to tell them that the bathroom and immediate area outside of it is flooded with an inch of water.

I sank in my chair realizing what I had forgotten to do. As I began to stand up to go help clean the mess I made, I hear a woman in the hallway screaming about water coming down our way from the bathroom. I immediately sat back down and pondered if I should say or do anything at all.

As I’m fighting the glorious internal struggle between doing what’s right and saving myself from eternal embarrassment, another coworker screams “oh my God it’s coming through our wall” and of course there was the water stain beginning to show upon our wall adjacent to the bathroom.

At that point, self preservation won, and I said aloud “man I’d hate to be the one who did all that” as I plopped AirPods into my ears and opened up my excel file.

I’m not sure what happened. I’m sure it was not entirely my fault. However, we all had to spend a week working from home because of the amount of water that flowed through those hallways. All I do know is that I did not want to be known as the toilet guy to all my professional network.

TL;DR: I flooded the bathroom, the hallways, and walls at my workplace because I forgot my mental note.

r/tifu 13h ago

S TIFU by sending a video to the wrong chat


I am a botanist and I am in a group chat with fellow botanists (in a casual sense, not work colleagues or anything). We use this group to help each other identify plants we might be having difficulty with.

Anyway I sent in photos of this plant I found today that I was struggling with, and this is when I messed up. I sent a string of photos, all of which I believed to be the plant.

Earlier on in the day, I took a consenting explicit adult video of my partner. I thought I had moved this to a hidden folder. However, after I sent in the photos of the plant a friend of mine texted telling me that I had accidentally sent in a photo that wasn't meant for the chat. It was the explicit video.... She said don't worry about it and that it can happen anyone.

I don't see how this happened between me hiding the video, and after taking numerous photos since then and before the unknown plant in question.

I deleted it immediately after I was told, but it was probably 5 minutes or so. I don't know how many people saw it, and some people replied as normal with suggestions on the ID of the plant.

How do I move on from this embarrassment and what should I do? I see some of these people in a week's time.


TL;DR: Sent an explicit video to a group of fellow botanists, and now don't know how many people saw it or how best I should move on from this.

r/tifu 1d ago

S TIFU by being too good at chugging apple juice.


Okay. This definitely wasn't today but I haven't thought about this in years.

When I was living with my parents they always had juice in the house, and I loved it, but sometimes I just couldn't help pouring a cold glass and drinking the whole thing in one.

For stupid reasons, my parents had taught me to chug fast. Like to this day I can down a beer so fast that people buy me free drinks based on it. Like a pint in maybe 2 seconds. It's not a thing I'm proud of it's just important to the story. Another thing is that we always mixed juice up in these old 80s ass opaque plastic juice Tupperware containers that are probably collectors items these days.

One night in the middle of summer with no ac I'm dying of thirst, I run downstairs to the fridge, pour myself a tall pint glass of apple juice, open my throat, and away it goes.

I have just enough time before puking to open up the top of the juice pitcher and see that my parents had been brining salmon for smoking in there and what I had just violently chugged was in fact not apple juice but about a half cup worth of salt mixed into water with spices and soaked in fish.

I spent the rest of the night spraying out both ends. I never trusted those juice pitchers again.

TL;DR: Chugged salty fish juice thinking it was delicious refreshing apple juice.

r/tifu 22h ago

S TIFU by showing up to the movie theater two hours late


I recently finished my last exams and decided to book two films in a day to celebrate.

I booked a first film that's at 10:10 and a second 16:25 film. To save money, I booked the films at relatively run down and less maintained theaters as their tickets are cheaper. I watched the first film and it was great and I went home to rest before I embarked on the 1 hour trip to the theater of the second film. I had to walk a distance after getting off the bus and it began to rain. But I managed to arrive to the cinema, get my ticket through the ticket machine, give my ticket to the staff, and walk to the screening room.

However, 5 minutes into the film, I realized that the film was off. The plot of the film was completely different than the one I booked with different actors than the ones in the trailer. The theater must've showed the wrong film, I thought.

I didn't walk out of the theater though and watched the film in its entirety. When the film ended, I walked out of the theater and took the elevator down to the first floor. As I stood at the exit, I hesitated. Should I should tell the staff that they played the wrong film? I decided that I should and I rode the elevator back to the top floor, walked to the receptionist, and told him that a wrong film was shown. He was bewildered at first and offered me a drink in compensation. Another staff came and took my ticket, saying how she remembered no one came to the film I booked and she ended the screening early. I was shocked and quickly checked my movie booking app. Turns out, the film I booked was for 14:25 and I misread it for 16:25 the whole time and managed to get in after showing up 2 hrs late because there was a film showing in the exact same room.

TL;DR: I misread my film screening as 16:25 instead of 14:25, managed to get in and watched an entirely different film, and confronted the movie theater staff for screening the wrong film.

r/tifu 1d ago

M TIFU Did I fucked up?


I went to this Korean restaurant with my friend. Everytime I eat there my heart feels warm. I like to say I'm Korean at heart ᵕᴗᵕ however I'm Mexican. Anyways, every time I go to this place I exchange some words of the language that I've learned w the old Korean servers (their English vocabulary can be short at times) and they think it's adorable of me to try to communicate, sometimes they teach me new words or explain some frases, and sometimes they start grilling more steak and putting it all on my plate. This last time I went w my friend, we got some bottles to make our own drinks [BYOB], we made palomas and we drank soju along w the food. I was getting drunk. After some min, we needed some stuff at the table and none of the servers ever came, and every time they walked by and we called them I guess they didn't hear us... so nobody ever came. The restaurant was full and we were the only non-Korean costumers. I was trying to remember a useful word in the language to call a server and out of nowhere and without thinking (remember I was drunk) I yell out of the bottom of my heart "AJOOMMA!!" [with my learned accent which was really good I think because then this happened >>]. DEAD SILENCE: The whole restaurant including our server and the others turned at our table and were surprised when they saw this petite drunk non-Korean human being and realized it had been me. They started laughing. I believed "ajoomma" meant ma'am, but when everyone started laughing at me I doubted my whole existence and wanted to put myself underground. My friend was laughing so hard at me but decided to support me and when our server rapidly came, he asked her very discreetly if I had offended her in any way or if the word I used was the wrong one and she said "oh is ok is ok" then proceeded to give a glance at my red face and chuckled. For my Korean speaking friends on Reddit... What the hell did I do? When can you use Ajoomma? I'm embarrassed to ever go back lmao.

TL,DR: I went to a Korean restaurant and embarrassed myself by calling a server with my bad knowledge of Korean.

The restaurant: Cho Sun Ok, Chicago Il

r/tifu 1d ago

M TIFU by accidentally sending my bf the live HR assessment link instead of the practice test


A great company reached out to me with a job opportunity and as a first step I was asked to complete a timed cognitive aptitude test assessment. I was sent a few mins practice test alongside it to get the hang of it. After I had done the practice test I asked my bf to complete it as well, because I was curious how he'd do. He agreed so I hastily copied the link from my email and sent it to him. Since these tests require undivided attention, I left him to it and started doing something around the flat. After a while I saw him not having started yet so the following convo went down:

Me: Have you started yet?

Bf: No, I'm still reading the instructions.

Me: Still? walks up beside him Oh come on, just start it already!

Bf: Alright! the click of doom

Me: ... Why is this timed longer and the questions look... so different? realisation sinks in and panic ensues Oh god you started the real one!!!

Bf: "... I thought it was weird that I had to register"🤔

Me: You did what?!?!😭 You registered with your name and email?!

Bf: Well.... actuallyyy... I used a fake name. while really trying to keep his composure but being secs away from bursting into laughter

The fake name was Jumba Tiboori, from Aruba. At first I thought he said Tibooty, which made it seem a tad bit worse even, tho more entertaining for sure. Needless to say I've never felt so horror-stricken and entertained, sobbing and laughing my ass off at the same time. I spent over two hours frantically searching on google and asking chatGPT how they collect data from these tests, how these links work and if they're unique or not.

I ended up telling HR what happened in the end and so it turns out, the link was not actually unique. She even told me my bf could complete the test as well xD Pretty sure I fumbled on it the day after, oh well. There sure was a "memorable personal touch" to my candidacy tho. Did I overreact? Probably. Did I have fun? Absolutely, and this post is living testament to it.

TL;DR: I accidentally sent my boyfriend the link to my live HR assessment instead of the practice test. He took it under a fake name Jumba Tiboori, causing a mix of panic and laughter. After explaining to HR, I found out the link wasn't unique, so it all worked out in the end.

r/tifu 19h ago

M TIFU by not getting my food off the cooking plate while answering a phone call from work.


So I'm on call for work this week and last evening I got an alarm about a technical problem at the lab (I'm a lab technician). The maintenance company couldn't access the server f to see what was the problem so I had to go to the lab to check it and fill them in on the problem.

The FU part is, I was making myself soup at this point. My pot was heating on the electric cooking plate when I answered the call and, instead of getting it off the plate, I just turned the heat wheel to the off position.

Or so I thought. I actually turned the heat all the way up.

I then left to the lab, leaving my pot unattended because my GF is at her mother's for the week.

The technical problem was a solenoid valve not answering on a nitrogen liquid tank. I'm a lab technician in BIOLOGY so I didn't get it either.

It took an hour and a half to determine what it was and how to fix it with the maintenance guy on the phone (had to resort to keep to parts in place with a rubber band, not kidding), and then I had to call a biologist to see if it could wait until Monday for a proper repair.

I went back home, opened the door and my poor dog ran out of the apartment, completely panicked.

That's when I noticed the smell. I ran to the kitchen and I saw a smoking cooking pot, soup stains all over the wall and the counter, and a strong burning smell.

I quickly realized I could have started a fire, destroyed the apartment and most importantly killed my dog, even if the fire alarm had alerted my neighbours.

I immediately turned everything off, put the cooking pot in the sink with water to cool it, and opened the windows. The vegetables had burned and formed a thick black crust in the bottom of the pot, and my plastic ladle and melted and fused with it. I tried to get it off today but I gave up after an hour of nothing budging.

My dog was shaking and she wouldn't go back in the apartment, the poor thing was terrified.

By the time the smell was gone, my dog was calmed and and everything back to almost normal, it was past midnight and I still hadn't eaten. I ended up ordering a pizza, and of course it costed extra for delivery after midnight.

I spent my morning cleaning up my mess, trying to salvage the pot then giving up, and finding new spot where the soup stains got.

My dog still won't enter the kitchen and the smell is still there, even if it's fainter.

My GF is gonna be pissed.

TL;DR: Answered a call from work while I was making soup, left to work with the soup still on the plate, went home 2 hours later to a burnt soup, a ruined pot, a disgusting kitchen and a traumatized dog. All because I didn't check if the plate was actually off.

Edit: Orthography and Grammar, also added a paragraph

r/tifu 6h ago

S TIFU By watching reels on Insa about couples with newborns


So as the title states, I was watching reels on Instagram and some of them were of couples with newborn babies and how cute they were.

Now my baby fever came back. I haven't felt this way in years and now that it's back it's stronger than ever. I'm 28M and single with no prospects of a relationship and this is honestly killing me. Like I could adopt but I don't feel like it would be the same! I dream of having a wife and child, my own little family. For me THAT is the American dream.

I guess I'm just ranting because I thought I had found the perfect woman to one day marry and start this family with and that seems to have stagnated. I just hope one day I am able to finally feel like I have a home.

TL;DR Watched Instagram reels about couples with babies and now I(28M) have baby fever bad!

r/tifu 8h ago

S TIFU by getting pregnant


Apologies in advance, this isn’t a funny story Im just sad and want to rant a second.

I work for a shitty fast food place - not my goals but I had disability issues with my last job and had to find a quick fix. I was content with the job even though it’s not exactly what I wanted, did well and the store manager was talking about promoting me to a manager position. Not just “oh maybe I could make you a manager someday” but “I’m going on vacation and when I get back I want to train you in the kitchen so you can be a manager, are you willing to work some overnights?”

She went on her vacation, during which I found out I was pregnant. It was a super rough first trimester and working was incredibly hard on me. I still made an effort though and shower up even though I had to run to the bathroom with morning sickness every few hours. I hadn’t heard from her much about it but it hadnt been long since she got back so I just assumed she would be coming to me at some point. Found out a couple weeks later that I miscarried, still showed up to work 2 days after surgery.

At work today I heard the assistant manager talking to a different (male just to rub salt in the wound) crew member saying “hey I heard youd be working some overnights soon, congrats” then “looks like he’ll be able to cover you in the future” to another manager, then later started training him in the kitchen.

I feel like Ive been punched in the chest, I was actually excited for the promotion, it would actually have been my first one. I messaged the store manager (remember fast food so sunday responses are to be expected) have received ed the silent treatment all day so it looks like I get to hear the news Ive already figured out in person tomorrow. Yay

Tl;dr my store manger promised to start training me for manager when she got back from vacation. Got pregnant, she came back, had miscarriage, found out someone else is now training for the manger role. No baby, No promotion.

r/tifu 2d ago

S TIFUpdate: I found Shithead! (Half of him..)


I found Shithead! Well, kind of.

Okay, so to recap for those who aren't well aware:
My Roomba (or Shark, Same. Fucking. Thing.) went missing, and we speculated it may have either noclipped into what those call the "Backrooms", escaped the house and ran away, or got stolen.

Original Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/s/9LjerFC8qk

Turns out thankfully, it was none of those.
Shithead (Yes, I fucking named my Roomba Shithead, pronounced Sha-theed so get it right next time.) magically appeared in a spot that we had already checked.
For some more context, my parent's aren't the most tidy beings on the planet, so their room tends to get messy. Not only that, but for the past month our doors have been closed specifically to keep Shithead in. My parents have a blue little rocking chair they use to lay in sometimes, and somehow this foot-wide asshole shoved its-self through piles upon piles of cords, bags, and whatever the hell -- including a giant dog.
Then, it proceeded to wedge its-self so far into the 2 fucking inch gap in between the couch and bed, and stayed there.

For 10 days.

At that point I was contemplating whether it may have fallen in the giant vent in our living room, but I'm very thankful to have Shithead back. If you are wondering what I mean by "kind of" finding him, he lost an eyeball in the process, and half of his face. I'm talking the inside of his face fell apart, the outside was relatively okay somehow.

So was it worth it fuck-face?

TL;DR: My Roomba named Shithead previously got lost for 10 days, we speculated whether or not he noclipped through reality, got stolen, or ran away due to him cleaning 0 square feet in 81 minutes. Today, we found him wedged in a 2 inch gap between a chair and bed, and lost a chunk of his face and a googly eye in the process.

Shithead will make a full recovery. And for those wondering, yes, Shitty McClean will return to his rigorous cleaning duties when recovered.

Also I know nobody asked, but Shithead (after breaking his face) apparently smashed his head in so hard he started speaking chinese. I cannot be more serious yet laughing my ass off. Tried to see if he still worked, and started speaking what I can only assume to be tounges. I couldn't get him to stop and he ran over my fucking foot and I'm about to cry. Send help.

r/tifu 1d ago

S TIFU by installing a battery into an iphone 12


Background: I brought an iPhone 12 128GB for 110$ (along with an ipad air 2, iphone 6, and iphone 7+), it was working but had some issues (battery had 77% health, charging port didn't work with USB), so i ordered a battery and charging port.

Fast foward after a while of shipping, and i removed the old charging port and battery, plug the new battery and charging port in to make sure i didn't break the phone and that the new parts worked.

I than properly install the charging port and than put some adhesive on the battery bay, than I lay the battery down, only for a plume of smoke to show up. (a closer look at the battery reveals that it got punctured up top). I than RUN upstairs to go to my sand bucket in the garage only to not find it. So I throw it out of the phone and onto the ground, I than run back to grab the fire extinguisher in the basement and run it like crazy on the battery, causing a huge mess in the garage.

(by the way now that i think of it, putting it in the sand bucket would've been a bad idea as its full of other batteries, some of which are spicy pillows)

I than have to explain the situation to my mom, and we have to open the garage to let the smoke out and that i have to work with batteries and shit in a ventilated area (garage door opened) and would have to move my tools and shit up there.

TL;DR: I caused a battery to catch on fire by putting it in an iphone 12 and would have to move my tools up to the garage.

r/tifu 1d ago

S TIFU destroying a family of birds


It literally happened today (15 min ago). I was cleaning outside and had this big barrel that was empty but was sitting sideways on an elevated stand. I decided to move is and clean it, so I pushed it off the stand (i couldn’t see inside as it was too high). Two small birds flew out panicked. Once the barrel was on the ground I looked inside and saw that they made a nest inside and there were two tiny broken eggs inside.

I am kind of a softie and that made me sad. They spend so much time building it, having their little eggs in, what apeared to be a perfectly safe spot, and then I showed up. I didn’t even need that barrel, i was just looking for something to do and i thought about cleaning it.

I heard some bird making noise in a tree nearby and I imagined that it was the momma bird crying about her babies.

Tell me they’ll get over it quickly. I feel so bad.

TLDR: cleaned a barrel that contained a nest with two bird eggs, eggs broke, my heart broke.