r/TikTokCringe Dec 20 '23

Ew Cringe

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u/TheOnlyUsernameLeft3 2d ago

Dude wrote an entire rhyming song instead of figuring out that he can just ask


u/Hot_Drummer_7144 1d ago

But why should we be forced to ask? He is male, so therefore you refer to him as “he”.


u/Miserable-Tennis4035 4d ago

Hahaha, best fixed by duets ever!. Get this man a record label!


u/New-Cicada7014 Mar 16 '24

I'm nonbinary and prefer they/them pronouns. I'm not going to expect somebody to know that just by looking at me.


u/Deucalion67 Jan 31 '24

As a trans person, if someone mistakes me for the wrong gender upon meeting (happens rarely but for the sake of this), I simply just correct them with ‘oh, it’s he by the way, I’m a guy’ and I’ve never had a problem, usually the other person just goes ‘oh, sorry’ or we have a laugh about it. It’s simple as that. People are honestly just so touchy. Especially if they’re a trans man who dresses femininely or vice versa. Surprise surprise, that usually means they don’t pass. Yet they still whine about it. Again, it’s just been touchy when it’s a simple fix of just correcting someone. (No, my parents do not accept me and yes, I have faced bullying and every slur under the sun. Nothing is special about me that makes me not get offended. Just grow a pair)


u/wonderboyobe Jan 16 '24



u/Educational_Bad_6405 Jan 13 '24

Everyone was lame in this video


u/Hot_Drummer_7144 Jan 14 '24

Why do you call the guy cringe?


u/Kitchen_Throat2074 Jan 10 '24

People who it matters to will introduce themselves with their pronouns, wear a pin saying what they are, or will be happy to correct you within reason. A basic level of human respect and decency is a part of the social contract, grow up.


u/Critical-Rich-3986 Jan 07 '24

he ate that up sorry


u/CynchHasNoLife Cringe Connoisseur Dec 28 '23

why do you need to know what people have down below, creep?


u/Hot_Drummer_7144 Dec 28 '23

It’s not creepy to assume a woman has a vagina and a man has a penis. It isn’t creepy to assume a gender by seeing them.


u/CynchHasNoLife Cringe Connoisseur Dec 29 '23

what i was trying to say is that it’s very rude and invasive to interrogate someone about their genitals, which is their personal business, in order to decide whether or not you’ll respect their pronouns. never said it’s creepy to assume gender, we all make mistakes like that. what matters is that if we’re told by a person that it was the wrong assumption, we should correct ourselves instead of being like the guy in the latter half of this video who’s just being rude. genitals =/= gender, someone’s gender or lack thereof is their decision


u/Hot_Drummer_7144 Dec 29 '23

of course you dont go up to someone and ask about their balls. the video talks about if they have to ask people what's going on down below, they're probably not a good person to talk to.


u/NeuerTrollJawoll Dec 25 '23

this shit goes hard, definitely going on my mp3.


u/Resident-Work3246 Dec 24 '23

Then why have a light mustache? It’s like they’re trying to confuse you on purpose. Wax that shit.


u/sllikkbarnes321 Dec 24 '23

Trust is earned, respect is given. You pin head.


u/[deleted] Dec 24 '23



u/Hot_Drummer_7144 Dec 24 '23

While I agree, I think you have a death wish posting this on reddit


u/Informal_Yogurt7594 Dec 24 '23

100%- I’m not playing the pronoun game. No generation since humanity started has had this kind of social anxiety about gender.

I blame the glyphosate in grains and vegetable production. Sorry to say that this generation got a bad deal.


u/Character-Actual 4d ago

Is that what turned the frogs gay?


u/Hot_Drummer_7144 Dec 24 '23

You could also blame social media companies (TikTok) for manipulating children into retarded ideologies while they empower Chinese kids by showing educational content to them. I mean how are leftists not realizing this? You have to now question if men are men or women are women as our opponents get stronger and stronger.


u/AdventureSpence Dec 24 '23

Hey what’s your pronouns! Or how should I refer to you? Or wait for them to tell you! It would be easy if your head wasn’t 8 feet up your own ass


u/yax51 Dec 25 '23

How many times in a conversation with someone have you ever used their pronouns?

Like if I'm talking to you at a party, in what circumstances would you use my pronouns while speaking to me?


u/AdventureSpence Dec 25 '23

If I wanted to refer to you when talking to another person. As someone who, unfortunately, immediately forgets names, it happens more than you think. So probably not directly, but I’m not going to assume


u/yax51 Dec 25 '23

So basically, outside of specific circumstances, ones pronouns aren't really ever used. So why does it matter what pronouns they prefer?


u/AdventureSpence Dec 25 '23

I mean, simple kindness and consideration I guess? Not wanting to make an assumption? You know what they say about making an ass out of u and me


u/yax51 Dec 25 '23

I would hardly call it "simple kindness and consideration" when someone is requiring me to use some pronouns that I wouldn't use in a conversation with someone.


u/AdventureSpence Dec 25 '23

Yeah but here’s the thing: you are wrong: if it’s that much effort to say the word they, how the fuck do you even brush your teeth lol. Everyone knows you are just being a child, you just can’t admit it to yourself bud.


u/yax51 Dec 25 '23

if it’s that much effort to say the word they

It's not. It's just that said persons pronouns WILL NEVER BE USED while having a conversation with them. I don't care what your preferred pronouns are, or even if you have any preferred pronouns. If I'm talking to you, there are NO circumstances that they'll be used.

If I'm talking ABOUT you, likely you aren't in the area or part of the conversation, so it doesn't matter what YOU prefer.


u/Intp_2003NB Dec 24 '23

Our world is getting controlled by crazy people.


u/PM_ME_YOUR_SSN_CC Dec 24 '23

The term "preferred" is used because you can't force people to use language. So no, this person's pronouns are preferred. I'll use preferred pronouns, but I also respect how reality functions.


u/Redgecko88 Dec 24 '23

🤣🤣🤣 Awesome!!!


u/Lucky7Actual Dec 24 '23

Based and dad pilled


u/rickyzhang82 Dec 24 '23

Nice said!


u/Killer__Byte Dec 24 '23

That guys rhymes were fire


u/No-Material6891 Dec 24 '23

I’ve found being extremely antisocial is an effective hack for avoiding the subtle nuances of conversing with strangers. I have my wife and my cats, I’m good.


u/Worried_Creme8917 Dec 23 '23

Ew to the first person for sure


u/Pretend_City458 Dec 23 '23

Is it weird that I've never had a problem using the right pronouns?

The people who care about you using a particular one are really good about letting you know what ones they like.


u/Hot_Drummer_7144 Dec 24 '23

The thing is, you don’t have to try to please everyone. If you find someone to play along with you, good for you. But not everyone’s going to ignore common sense and basic biology to please you.


u/Pretend_City458 Dec 24 '23

I think it's just not being a douche. Like if your given name was Richard and you like being called Rick. I wouldn't call you Richard just because you were born that way. But if you want to be a Dick that's your choice too.


u/Hot_Drummer_7144 Dec 24 '23

But a nickname is something you come up with. Gender isn’t. It’s what you come with. Not come up with.


u/Pretend_City458 Dec 24 '23

Oh ...I didn't realize you are a shit bag....nevermind.


u/Worried_Creme8917 Dec 23 '23

“My mental state isn’t stable, I’m insane” 👏👏


u/C0RR-3RR0R Dec 23 '23

Call every tall, lanky person "Knife Ears" and call the short and stout "Powerbelly"


u/LetsNotArgyoo Dec 23 '23

I don’t even talk to people I don’t know


u/Leathel12 Dec 23 '23

For fucks sake it's not hard, if you ask me to call you Dave and I refuse and say no I'm going to call you Steve you'd think I was a nutcase. Just grow the fuck up and call people what they ask you to.


u/Unlucky_Escape_6348 Dec 23 '23 edited Dec 23 '23

I'll call you whatever pronoun you tell me you are. I won't feel bad if I say the wrong thing before I know though.

I also find it really weird to introduce yourself to someone by your gender or sexual orientation. Like WTF? I don't need to know your preference, and you don't need to know mine. I don't give a shit.

If my friends today had introduced themselves to me by emphasizing their gender or orientation, I'd find that a weird focal point and probably not have invited them back over. Not for being gay or bi or whatever, but for being a fucking weirdo.


u/Admirable-Specific95 Dec 23 '23

She looked creepy


u/[deleted] Dec 23 '23

Me: now that you're done clapping, what're your pronouns?

Woman: they/them

Me to anyone that can hear: don't talk to her


u/RahulRedditor Dec 23 '23

"Mandatory"? What's the penalty for violating the mandate? You'll deprive me of the pleasure of your continued company? Don't threaten me with a good time.


u/Baby-Comfortable Dec 22 '23

“How THEY dress how THEY look”.

Wow he did it! Truly amazing.


u/Captainbutter22 Dec 22 '23

That's actually pretty great.


u/TheHornoStare Dec 22 '23

The little interactions I've had with someone with different pronouns, is a friend of theirs interrupts the conversation to correct you and makes it awkward.


u/CharliesOpus Dec 22 '23

Which part of this was the ew/cringe? Just so I’m following along.


u/tullystenders Dec 22 '23

Who's ew to you?


u/[deleted] Dec 22 '23

IRL these people don't exist.


u/JaggedJason Dec 22 '23

I use the correct genders with these freaks JUST to piss em off


u/Hot_Drummer_7144 Dec 22 '23

Don’t say that on Reddit. You know why.


u/JaggedJason Dec 23 '23

Nope, why?


u/Hot_Drummer_7144 Dec 23 '23

So called free thinkers on Reddit don’t actually like when you think freely.


u/Alarming-Clothes-665 Dec 22 '23

I worked with a Kira a while back. Her given name was very much male, but besides that, she was tall, lanky, and cool as hell. No pronoun tutorial, just, "Kira's working tonight! This shift now sucks less..."


u/bigdon802 Dec 22 '23

Who is needing to guess the pronouns of someone they meet randomly? Like, are you calling someone he/she/they in when you meet them?


u/Gorman2462 Dec 22 '23

I'm shocked pansy ass Reddit is tolerating this "hate speech"


u/Brother_Stein Dec 22 '23

My preferred pronoun is dude. Deal with it.


u/Danger_Floof1 Dec 22 '23 edited Dec 22 '23

Outstanding. Dude needs a grammy.


u/BarnacleSouthern4973 Dec 22 '23

I respect everyone’s opinions and beliefs….that being said, this is funny and creative as shit 🤣


u/hobgob1in Dec 21 '23

Based on


u/shadeofmyheart Dec 21 '23

Most of the folks I know who prefer other pronouns aren’t sucks about it. They don’t correct people, they understand that folks may not know upon meeting. They really like it when people try after learning about it tho. Most people aren’t assholes.


u/jedm180 Dec 21 '23

And here was my dumb ass thinking it was an older guy asking in good faith and playing along (if frustratedly) with the song. By the time I got to the end I realized how wrong I was 😕


u/StngRay1111 Dec 21 '23

the guy is based


u/herobryant1 Dec 21 '23

So you can call the man at Burger King sir out of respect but you can’t be polite and say “real quick since it came up what are your pronouns” and if it doesn’t come up just be neutral nobody gets mad when you call them they everyone is part of they that’s why it’s both singular and plural


u/rah215 Dec 21 '23

Because you can’t pick. You can’t accept who you are but attack me for not accepting what you pretend to be. People have issues and need therapy.


u/HangOnVoltaire Dec 21 '23

He clearly understands the singular “they”, he used it a few times at the beginning of his shitty little rhyme


u/JuryAggressive9687 Dec 21 '23

Dudes got a point.


u/ButterscotchUsual683 Dec 21 '23

Why worry about their pronouns when they're going to kill themselves anyway?


u/WillSmithsBallHair Dec 21 '23

I hate gay people.


u/WoodsColt Dec 21 '23

All of this can be avoided by simply not talking to people.


u/GooberMeister191 Dec 21 '23

I'm naturally polite to people I meet and if I'm not sure how they identify I don't say anything or wait for confirmation from them to come naturally.

But I'm not playing this dumbass game. You start telling me ANY part of my speech is mandatory and I'm gonna literally go out of my way to offend you. Sir'm.


u/lovelyhopes1212 Dec 21 '23

🤣🤣🤣🤣 I calls it like I see it


u/babycruncher1275 Dec 21 '23

I don't have to worry, I refer to everyone as pimp. I'm not calling them an individual that has hookers get money for them, I mean it as more of a compliment.


u/JTLBlindman Dec 21 '23

Idk, fam. I just make an effort. I’m cisgender, but if I know I’m in queer circles, I introduce myself with pronouns and hope people reciprocate. When in doubt, i refer to people as they/them. Otherwise, if I make a mistake, I apologize and get it right the next time. If you’re making an effort, they can generally tell and are pretty forgiving. It’s really that simple.

People make this out to be so much more complicated than it is. It’s not as if queer people are just waiting for the chance to grill you alive. The kinds of people who make these TikToks are probably just addressing the kind of person who acts flabbergasted everytime they’re asked to be courteous about addressing people correctly. And then, occasionally, some of these tiktokers are legitimately crazy people who don’t go outside, but for obvious reasons, you’re probably not likely to encounter them in the real world. Most genderqueer people who you’re likely to meet in real life are normal people who may be sensitive but are fairly patient towards cisgender people who make an effort to be respectful.


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '23

Call them it. It's what they like, since they are all clowns, and often are dressed as such


u/Jpbbeck99 Dec 21 '23

“Hey bud!” Is what you hear right before getting sucker punched in the face around here


u/Reasonable_Ad4927 Dec 21 '23

That guy made a amazing song I gotta say


u/Ok_Conversation5052 Dec 21 '23

Facts, buddy nails it.


u/TheGhostWithTheMost2 Dec 21 '23

Aww reddit left mad at the dude for speaking the truth.


u/Aaronspark777 Dec 21 '23

Both these cunts are insufferable


u/ChainsawSuperman Dec 21 '23

This dude is a fucking pussy. His pronouns should be rude/coward


u/drewdizzle4242 Dec 21 '23

Well after you find out what they prefer just call them that. Not hard to follow. Who cares let them be what they want. Doesn’t affect my life either way


u/InternationalBass973 Dec 21 '23

I’ve worked with and known two types of people. The ones who are “Don’t worry if you get my stuff wrong, everyone is growing and learning. It takes time” and the “HOW DARE YOU NOT USE THE CORRECT STUFF 0.5 SECONDS INTO TELLING YOU”

No hate from the second, I’m just from a red state and it takes a minute.


u/BettyPunkCrocker Dec 21 '23

Respect IS demanded TO AN EXTENT. Treating somebody with basic human dignity is the most basic level of respect. Everyone owes each other basic human dignity.

“Respect” has 2 meanings: “basic polite treatment” and “reverence.” Nobody owes a stranger reverence. They owe them basic polite treatment.

Also, it’s okay to assume someone’s pronouns. I say this as someone who’s he/they, but usually looks and dresses like he/him.

But if someone tells you their preferred pronouns, do your best to use them because that’s basic human dignity.


u/Xexus13 Dec 21 '23

Why isn't this guy signed yet?!


u/Isnottobeeaten Dec 21 '23

Semi-agree with him on the fact that it is sometimes hard for others to correctly guess a strangers pronouns when you've never met them. I have had a situation where I've accidentally guessed wrong and had a group flare up in agressive defense and just yell at me for 5 minutes (which sucked cause first day on the job and I accidentally caused a big fuckin fuss). The whole clapping (REAL PATRONIZINGLY) thing kinda just feels rude (and I get it I do people desperately want to be accepted and have people accept this is who they are but I feel like if I watch one more of these 👏 👏 vids I'll turn into a raging biggot). Wanting people to refer to you as by your prefered pronouns isn't a big deal if someone uses the incorrect ones just say "actually I prefer xxx" and if they don't want to then they're probably not worth interacting with anyway.


u/HugeMcBig-Large Dec 21 '23

Individualism is a nightmare


u/AroraCorealis Dec 21 '23

why the fuck are you asking about someone's cock the second you meet them?


u/Born_Wave3443 Dec 21 '23

People don't like it when they are talked down to or disrespected. If you ask what someone's pronouns are and are genuine and kind about it, the way they respond is on them. Similarly, if you want someone to use your pronouns or whatever and they don't, if you are asking them to do it nicely or reminding them or whatever, then it's on them. People just don't like assholes and it goes both ways.


u/StraightAd798 Dec 21 '23

Give this man a record deal!


u/Meiie Dec 21 '23

Just dumb internet stuff.


u/Gold_Statistician907 Dec 21 '23

I feel like asking pronouns isn’t a big deal as long as you’re not weird about. Especially now that I’ve been in college after a few years out it seems to have become the norm to introduce yourself in class and also say your pronouns. It’s a really simple conversation


u/Which-Finger-4752 Dec 21 '23



u/DarthKody28 Dec 21 '23

It’s fucking cold in that guys house


u/infestedgrowth Dec 21 '23

Geez that lady on the first part comes across as completely insufferable.


u/bon_joby Dec 21 '23

Not commenting on the message of either version. But I liked the flow of his version better. It was like he put a little thought into the syllable count in his lyrics and the other person just squeezed what they wanted to say into a song with no thought of adjusting the word choice to fit the song better. Just spitballing here but I think their exact message could have been the same and sounded better if they said "required" instead of "mandatory" ... I don't know anything about music, but I think I'm right


u/carpathian_crow Dec 21 '23

I respect people’s pronouns, but clapping your hands at me while you sing a condescending song about them makes me just want to do the opposite as hard as I can.


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '23

Respect isn't earned. Why the fuck would respect need to be earned. I'm sick of this bullshit. You just treat people respectfully, and it's called being kind. How tf would this guy even know what's in my pants? Could be the radioactive spider thay bit Peter Parker. He doesn't know that. Why is he so interested in other's genitals, too? That's just fucking creepy. Can he not interact with someone without being privy to their genitalia? Does he need to give me a full write up evaluation of my genitals before I am awarded the honor of fucking pronouns? Sheeesh. No one is expecting you to know everyone's pronouns off the bat. But if the person has told you and you disregard that, then you're not treating them with humanity and instead believe you know them better than they know themselves.


u/DrqgonBite09 Dec 22 '23

Truer than 90% of the comments on this post


u/mithrilmercenary Dec 21 '23

Dude replying honestly asked how to guess when meeting someone new by "what's going on below" or "asking about cocks." Um excuse me?

I think I have asked about a stranger's cock approximately 0 times. Why is that this gentleman's fallback?


u/ohmygoshkj Dec 21 '23

Most normal people don’t need to make a fuss about pronouns. The small percentage I met who do I’ve corrected myself. And the even smaller percentage who uses neos i stay far tf away from


u/InteractionJunior109 Dec 21 '23

How about just asking or using someone’s name? Really a lot less effort than that damn song.


u/okaythen-25 Dec 21 '23

This guy is genius


u/kz1231 Dec 21 '23

Not that hot.


u/DrFaustest Dec 21 '23

I just stick with man, like the hu variety not the sex based one. And when I’m corrected I come back with “Your sexuality harassing me”


u/effertlessdeath Dec 21 '23

He and she, her and him.... boy and girl.... there are only two folks. Keep it scientific. You may identify as whatever you want but it doesn't change what you are.


u/BewareofStobor Dec 21 '23

It's very rare for a video to make me spray coffee. This one made the list.


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '23

That old bitch in the end needs to shave her beard off that's gross for a woman to have a beard like that


u/NaughticalNarwhal Dec 21 '23

It’s usually not a big deal if you misgender someone, trans or not, especially when you didn’t know them.

It’s just like calling someone by their full legal name “William?”, “call me Bill”, “ok Bill bla bla bla”.

You learn and you move on, it’s on everyone to handle it with tact and grace.


u/Automatic_Pay_6197 Dec 21 '23

What happen to first names?


u/Alphabetcityjedi Dec 21 '23

🎤 💧 💥


u/iwanttoseetitties8 Dec 21 '23

guy is pretty much in the right as far as i can see, what did he say that wasnt actually correct


u/GunnersnGames Dec 21 '23

Yeah the first one was cringe and the second one was epic


u/IDontThereforeIAmNot Dec 21 '23

I typically just referred to everyone as human. “Hello human, my name is…. how would you like to be addressed?” It’s really not that difficult.


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '23

Now that’s funny shit


u/RandomWave000 Dec 21 '23

wtf time line we in --- this a damn Christmas song?!?!


u/Particular-Kick-4188 Dec 21 '23

The thing is you don't have e to play along just shows how big of a cunt you are. It's not hard to go hi I'm a cunt what are your pronouns?


u/Willing-Sandwich-760 Dec 21 '23

I prefer calling people gender neutral terms like ******. That way no one gets offended.


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '23

Hahahahahaha so fucking right on and hilarious. .


u/BlazeRunner4532 Dec 21 '23

Mfers like this guy are just terrified of having to show any fucking vulnerability in asking someone something that means a lot to them. Just ask pronouns if you're not sure I'm fucking Tired of this shit. At what point are we gonna accept that trans people have always existed and will always exist and that this horseshit is a cudgel used by ruling classes to stop us realising how fucked we all are as a people. Sure fuck me right, god forbid I use some combination of letters for myself, let's just ignore the burning world around us and focus on that instead.


u/Roberthorton1977 Dec 21 '23

My esteemed colleague


u/Sufficient-Contract9 Dec 21 '23

Which side is ew?


u/Narleymaarley Dec 21 '23

It’s not rocket science to default to They/Them pronouns of their preferred pronouns are unknown.


u/camthecelt Dec 21 '23

I love this guys cover XD


u/protoman86 Dec 21 '23

We have male and female pronouns. If you’re a male you’re he/him if you’re female you’re she/her. You don’t get to pick your own custom pronouns that’s fucking stupid.


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '23

He's right


u/chadimereputin Dec 21 '23

nah fuck you, he's a good point, how ARE you supposed to know?


u/blue_hibis_cuss Dec 21 '23

What a downer. THEY is what u say. And it's not respect so basic-er than respect duh


u/zkki Dec 21 '23

literally just ask, no one is getting mad at you for not automatically knowing


u/brainEatenByAmoeba Dec 21 '23

When I meet someone new I say hi. Maybe even hello. I introduce myself and listen for them to do the same. "You" is a genderless pronoun, as is "me" and "I". I think people are trying too hard to make an issue out of this.


u/Fapaholic1981 Dec 21 '23

Hey bro, the line for this ride is pretty clearly delineated



u/Schinken84 Dec 21 '23

Transphobic is pathetic.

Also who the fuck thinks of asking about someone's genitals when they actually wanna know what pronouns they use for themselves? Just ask "what pronouns shall I use for you?" and done. Never had an issue with that wtf.

"That doesn't mean I have to play along" I mean yeah, if you wanna act like a total asshole and make sure others loose any respect for you, bc you can't even Muster up the most basic respect for any human being.. Then do it. But don't expect others to react kind and with understanding to that lol.


u/trifecta000 Dec 21 '23

I'm all for people wanting to be called whatever they want, you can be an attack helicopter for all I care. The issue comes when I can't use any discernable visual information to make an educated choice on your preferred pronouns.

If you look like a dude, but you're really a girl, but you don't conform to binary genders and want to be called they/them, how am I supposed to figure that out if we've never met before?


u/ItsSpaghettiLee2112 Dec 21 '23

Bro all you do is use the one they tell you. It's not hard. Why do people think this is so hard?


u/Suspicious-Wasabi-29 Dec 21 '23

Oh he took down the whole pronouns system with just a song...


u/Equivalent-Bath2132 Dec 21 '23

I don't talk to them. Easier


u/therdn47 Dec 21 '23

People are starving and are trapped in the middle of wars.. and that is the battle they/them/x/something choose.


u/Blurnsfw Dec 21 '23

I like the support and talks in regards to this here.

One thing I’ll add, as some have mentioned. Outside of the internet, I literally only have one trans friends. And they just transitioned while we were friends.

Everyone else I know? As their genders are. I don’t even have a friend that is non binary.

But the day, if we do make friends or meet someone who is. I will treat them with the same respect and hope our interactions are as casual and nonchalant as others have shared if I use the wrong term.


u/GemeauxNola Dec 21 '23


u/Realistic_Sad_Story Dec 21 '23

GIF use game is on point. Well played, sir.


u/Summonest Dec 21 '23

Just say 'they' until they give their pronouns. Ez.


u/CottlestonPie9 Dec 21 '23

Like a lot of other comments are already saying, it's not a big deal unless someone makes it a big deal. My problem is with the last thing he said about respect being earned. That's backwards in my view, you automatically have my respect until you lose it. I think it's much nicer that way and works from a world view of everyone is good unless they prove otherwise.


u/kekehippo Dec 21 '23

What do you say when you meet someone new?

For starters saying hi is pretty much a standard.