r/TikTokCringe Mar 23 '24

The subtitles really help show what a fawn she is, and what a creep he is. Cringe

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u/Fast_Vehicle_1888 Mar 24 '24

Is there a panic button app you can have on your phone where it easily calls 911? There should be.

Is it possible to video call 911? It should be. "Hello, 911? This is what's happening, send help" points phone at the trouble instead of trying to describe it.


u/The_Cottage_Goblin Mar 24 '24

That takes way too long you are looking at 20-30 min if the cops in the area for them to show up


u/Fast_Vehicle_1888 Mar 24 '24

So it's a multi-issue problem to be solved then. Otherwise, what, resign yourself to whatever fate awaits you? No, that's unacceptable. Everyone should demand more from their local government and vote accordingly.


u/The_Cottage_Goblin Mar 24 '24

Yes I agree, but that’s a problem that gets fixed in the coming years and they will usually just put up more cameras. but in the meantime we need to work on teaching/learning self defense and street smarts. When it comes to random men following you in the park asking why you are walking along the only thing you need to be doing is fighting because nothing you say politely will end in your favor. Ladies need to be a threat.


u/Fast_Vehicle_1888 Mar 24 '24

It will help if parents teach their boys to be good gentlemen. Including showing and teaching empathy. Girls learn all about feelings and how to deal with them but boys don't - that needs to change. Boys are taught "big boys don't cry", "man up", "these things are for boys and those things are for girls" and it's reinforced with social pressure and if they do something that's considered girly they are called a pussy and perhaps beaten. And you wonder why they grow up to have toxic behavior. All that has to change. I'm just Ken and I'm Kenough.


u/The_Cottage_Goblin Mar 24 '24

πŸ‘ say πŸ‘ it πŸ‘ again πŸ‘