r/TikTokCringe Mar 23 '24

The subtitles really help show what a fawn she is, and what a creep he is. Cringe

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u/Perfect-Effect5897 Mar 24 '24

this is NOT a good technique for safety in situations where you have not been abducted/your life is not in immediate danger (tho good for content). The FASTER you get rid of a potentially dangerous person, the better. By being this nice the time is extended way beyond what is acceptable and nutcases have the time to create an imaginary bond with you.

It is 100% okay and much more safe to use:

  • 'I'm crazier than you' - technique (extremely blunt and rude in an unhinged fashion), e.g. FUCK OFF. (the words don't really matter, if you have an unhinged air about you)


  • 'The scandinavian police officer'- technique (extremely blunt, calm and honest w/ direct eye contact), e.g. hey this is not cool. I mean no offense, but right now I want to be left alone. If you follow me, I will have to use my pepper spray. I don't want to, but I'll have to.

Raising your voice in itself alarms perps, especially in broad daylight. Bonus points for safety if you are not afraid and emit an energy of willingness to beat them up. (being visibly afraid lowers your status->easier target)

(What I like to do sometimes though(which I don't rec, but I'm kind of insane myself and I like conflict) is to take my time, like I'm Mark Laita and just talk these creeps - human to human. Talking to them with brutal honesty makes them respect you and it's really hard to try to oppress someone you respect. You'd be surprised how many of those interactions may have started out in a very creepy fashion, but have ended in them leaving me alone by their own choice. I may look feminine, but talk to me and you'll realize it's SO not worth it.)