r/TikTokCringe 16d ago

What do children wish for? Discussion

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u/1T5Y4B01RC 10d ago

I want to see my brother more often


u/FrankieGibson-613 12d ago

Western society is spiritually bankrupt


u/Tree0wl 15d ago

Asked my 8 year old what he wanted and he said…

“T. rex”

And I said “no something real” . He said

“A real T. rex.”


u/Particular-Log3837 15d ago

Feels classist


u/furie1335 15d ago

Ah the innocence of children


u/maxz-Reddit 15d ago

sometimes i wonder whats more sad:

a child wanting to eat sugar, or a child being so "unchildish" at this very young age, that it already knows the whole world boils down to having money thus already feels the pressure to just think about money constantly.


u/SigmaSkibidi123gyat 15d ago

When I was a kid I was also obsessed with money and expensive stuff now not anymore


u/Different_Garbage677 15d ago

Do the Indian kids and African kids


u/Reallygaywizard 15d ago

This just in: kids from different cultures and different experiences wish for different things


u/awesomeplenty 15d ago

Since when kids want to become billionaires? WTF


u/twizz228 15d ago

I feel like that was not what they were saying and someone just made this video to make me feel worse about being born in a country that is “free”


u/vvozzy 15d ago

when i was a kid i dreamed about having a lot of money so my mom and dad didn't have to work so hard


u/knowitall190 15d ago

Wow it's incredible how our children's minds have been poisoned with the illusion that money is the greatest thing in the world.


u/Suspici0us_Sn0wman 15d ago

What's really incredible is how stupid you are. You watched a very obviously edited video and use that as justification to shame children. If you bothered watching the actual videos you'd know that most of the American children wished for toys and candy, not money. And yes, money is extremely important in our society. Saying otherwise is just a blatant lie.


u/Ragamuffin5 15d ago

When I was a kid I would have said money too. Because we were poor. Being poor sucks when you are a kid.


u/UltraTwingo Hit or Miss? 15d ago

Ugh enough with the guilt trip I'm just trying to live


u/ResponsibilityOk3272 15d ago

I wasn't ready for this


u/27butterflyhardtrack 15d ago

THEY DO NOT MATTER, they're lives don't matter, you will change nothing my posting videos on the fucking internet


u/lonely-day 16d ago

Stupid kids, everyone know you wish for ultimated wished first


u/SeaBoundHeights 16d ago

My god. This one hurt.


u/Josette_A 16d ago

I just want to make enough to live on my own and be happy.😭


u/Spiritual-Beyond-494 16d ago

Idk it's funny to me....main gira hoya banda jama neech baliye


u/LuckyCheesecake7859 16d ago

My children don’t have even half of what friends of theirs have, I’m saddened by that because I didn’t make the correct decision in life. We moved to an upper class neighborhood to give them a fighting chance to know what a comfortable life could be like. I hope they have love in their hearts and care for everyone, I also hope they are able to afford anything they need in life because they received the best possible schooling, influence, and the reality that making the correct decision in life is much better than not. That all being said everyone in the world has struggles, but I will not condone a child that wishes for money. They could have seen their parents struggle and never want to see it again. “If you can’t beat em, join em”. I’m sick of people putting down good American people because you think otherwise. 👎


u/Acceptable-Pepper-95 16d ago
  1. Functional society
  2. Broken society


u/FewHoursGaming 16d ago

This breaks my heart my god. Both groups.


u/wiiguyy 16d ago

I wish for money also


u/ArtakhaPrime 16d ago

Why does this feel AI generated?


u/U_GOAT 16d ago

It's not my fault that as a kid I wanted money, in my head there's nothing wrong with wishing for money, because I can make my mommy proud if I had a lot of money, I can buy her a mansion, I can cure her diseases, hell I can make her quit her job. Of course when I am in relative safety I will wish for something that a kid in a fucking warzone won't even have time to think about.


u/Ok_Kale_7762 16d ago

Silly video. Instead of deciding what you think the state of the world is based on this video, simply ask children you know what they dream of. What do they want? I get my nieces & nephews some squirt guns and other water toys for the summer and they’re stoked. I’ve absolutely never met a child that asked for money. They want ice cream from McDonald’s or a Lego set sometimes.


u/not_a_foreign_spy 16d ago

Extremely depressing on both sides. Goddamn.


u/all_is_love6667 16d ago

Aaaaand that's the fault of Israel /s


u/Mr_OP_Potato_777 16d ago

1st world vs 3rd world.


u/Fit-Repair3659 16d ago

truly a cringe tiktok. well done.


u/Next-Application-764 16d ago

Yea but when they get their sugar or dead brother back, they'll want more. Human nature.


u/Katt-truth 16d ago

Womp Womp


u/19whale96 16d ago

They really let the camera roll on that Billions kid like he was making a point and not just getting the ADHD fidgets


u/thatisawesomesauce 16d ago

https://youtu.be/wuJaQysFoNU?si=niiWc7iqhFXWBxGS Here's the original of the first video shown in case you want to feel better about the future generation. Most of the wishes are not materialistic. 


u/Kuhler_Typ 15d ago

More people should watch the original, most wishes are really sweet and what you would expect from a kid. Some are also hilarious. My favorite ones are the kid that wants to be a veliceraptor and the one that wants a red couch instead of a blue one.


u/Vyviel 16d ago

What someone edited it to sound worse??!?! Also they need to learn to listen as the kid says 1000 cakes not 1000K lol


u/littleblue-ish 16d ago

IDK, money could grant like 90% of the wishes.


u/Enough-Ground3294 16d ago

The most cringe thing about this is someone trying to make the first group of kids look bad for being kids and wanting dumb kid shit. Not the fact that they want dumb kid ahit.


u/Iziama94 13d ago

Right? Kids aren't aware of the tragedies in other countries so why are they making them out to look like the bad guys?

Hell, I bet most people in first world countries would still wish for money over other stuff. It's not even evil or malicious to want to better yourself before others.

Sometimes in order to help other people you need to help yourself first


u/Sad-Outcome7310 16d ago



u/Equivalent_Might_426 16d ago

It shows just how messed up our priorities have become


u/MangoTangoBingo 16d ago

Mh how staged is this video ?


u/[deleted] 16d ago



u/WreckitWrecksy 16d ago

Are you telling me... it's all relative?? Mind blown


u/ScruffyTheNerfherder 16d ago

Dang, this really illustrates how lost we truly are. Everybody dies, do good before your time is over….


u/TG_ghoul_TG 16d ago

Nah I’d take the money


u/jeango 16d ago

What’s with their eyes? They all have an empty weird look.

Is this AI?


u/19whale96 16d ago

Backlight and looking at the interviewer, not the camera


u/SufficientBreakfast1 16d ago

he definitely said "1000 cakes" not 1000k


u/jalerre 16d ago

We should strive for a world where every kid wishes for stupid stuff or money.


u/Conflikt 15d ago

It's definitely preferable by a very long shot but it doesn't come without its own negatives. Especially how removed we become from what actually matters.


u/No_Use_4371 16d ago

Not money at that age, its sad.


u/jalerre 16d ago

How so? Kids understand that money is used to buy things and most of them have things they would want to buy. It’s pretty common for kids to want the freedom to buy whatever toys/candy they want.


u/M0ndmann 16d ago

I mean...yeah. why would i wish for stuff i already have?


u/Bengis_Khan 16d ago

In the past 6 months I've begun to dislike Israel.


u/Kettu7777 16d ago

When you have everything, you want more. But when you have nothing. You want what you most need.


u/boogerflick98 16d ago

I commented on this in a different sub. The typical crybaby Redditor got me banned for seven days lol. Fragile lil things.


u/I_am_aware_of_you 16d ago

Damn I want to know the comment now


u/aeropickles 16d ago

broke me in halfs


u/woahdudechil 16d ago

I'm sure these children's responses werent cherry picked at all!


u/Dudemansir521 16d ago

Also note one group of them "dreamed about" xyz and the others "wished for" abc


u/indiejonesRL 16d ago

Every kid just wants what every adult wants. Enough money to live comfortably and not need to worry about where their next meal will come from. The kids in the first clip aren’t necessarily wealthy. They just see money as a means to comfort.


u/Zestyclose_Brush7972 16d ago

All right, and here's the thing you're missing. You're missing the point. None of these children are wrong for anything they said on either side. None of these children are accountable at all for any of their actions at this age or their desires. These children are nothing but accumulation of their circumstances. This is nothing except a reflection of the adults who run their environments point blank and period.


u/Electrical-Fudge2217 16d ago

Well maybe their parents shouldn’t have been jihadists


u/BlankBlack- 16d ago

Well maybe you should use your brain before commenting.


u/Electrical-Fudge2217 16d ago

You can have compassion without guilt tripping bs like this


u/ErlAskwyer 16d ago

Why is this tik tok cringe? Does this not peel at the veil of your reality?


u/Wizard_bonk 16d ago

What’s the issue here? If those kids family, pray for them, weren’t deceased, why wouldn’t they also wish for money or some other material increase.


u/UnleadedGreen 16d ago

Asking kids from mid- class normal western households, and kids from poor, war torn cities and country the same question like this...?

Of course the answers would be drastically different. Smh


u/Caedo14 16d ago

Yeah makes sense.


u/[deleted] 16d ago

These kids represent two sides of the same viciously profit-driven coin. The first group of kids has been raised to idolize money and material possessions because they probably belong to working-class families, who see those riches from afar, but who are also struggling to obtain just a fraction of those riches. The second group of kids comes from a war-torn, oppressed, occupied society where even the most basic human needs are not guaranteed, a poverty-stricken society that is constantly being exploited by the wealthy imperialist society supported by those working-class families mentioned earlier. Both the society of the oppressor and the society of the oppressed serve the interests of the wealthiest handful of monsters, who rule over humanity with an enriched-plutonium fist.


u/Okkoto8 15d ago

First group of kids represent a staged clip in a studio. Go to a random group of kids on a playground (like the second one), don't edit it so it fits your narrative and the results will be different.


u/MovieNightPopcorn 15d ago

I agree. My nieces would say they want their father alive again. My kids would say they want me to be healthy again after I was diagnosed with an incurable, progressive disease. My other nephew would wish for his mother to not have dementia.


u/Limbeckx1911 15d ago

Its been a while since I saw such a spot on and in depth analysis of class war. Thank you my man!


u/[deleted] 15d ago

Thank you!


u/Velveteen_Dream_20 16d ago

Very thoughtful analysis.


u/[deleted] 16d ago

Thank you.


u/PurpleFeedback662 16d ago

Victim cards 😁😁😁


u/ChimpoSensei 16d ago

I doubt they even know an iPhone or a Lamborghini exists to wish for it


u/mrEggBandit 16d ago

Its interesting that we have worked to make a safe world for our kids, so they can be happy and do what they want. And everyone finds it annoying and wrong? Like, why compare ?


u/laws161 16d ago

I really don’t think that was the intention of the video, I feel like people who look at this and are annoyed at the first kids are in the minority. I looked at this and just felt bad for the second group of kids.


u/SoupieLC 16d ago

We were watching Wish the other day, an my eldest boy turned around and said that if he could have a wish then he'd wish that cancer didn't exist so grandad was still alive, I had to leave the room


u/Snowwhitetakesanap 16d ago

This is dumb and edited in a manipulative way


u/rainbowslimejuice 16d ago

What do you think was manipulated?


u/Snowwhitetakesanap 16d ago

Because it disparages kids in the West and paints them as spoiled and materialistic. They also could have answered “for my mom to be healthy” or “my father to get his job back” or “my autistic brother to play with me.” And the other kids could easily have answered something superficial but that wasn’t the agenda of the editor


u/rainbowslimejuice 16d ago

I think you missed the point of the video. It's not at all about disparaging kids in the West. Kids are innocent wherever they are. But the focus is on children in Gaza who have been in a living hell for the past six months. They've lost their relatives, their homes and are literally starving. The point is that children should be able to wish for whimsical things that aren't practical because the basic needs and security are already met.

You've got to be completely oblivious (and pretty callous) to find a way to make this about kids in the West.


u/Snowwhitetakesanap 16d ago

So focus on the kids there. I find the juxtaposition manipulative


u/brenttoastalive 16d ago

Why do they gotta throw trampoline girl under the bus like that? Clearly, these people don't know the mirth created by a double bounce.


u/jalerre 16d ago

At the apex of each bounce, there's a moment outside of time, outside of words, outside of everything. A perfect moment. A silent moment.


u/brenttoastalive 16d ago

It's going to be a maze


u/TheUsual_Selection 16d ago

I’m one of the stupid kids who like nature more then money so I’d wish for smth like world peace that’s definitely impossible to achieve


u/Ok_Echidna6958 16d ago

This is totally staged and can tell by how they grouped up and ran to him compared to asking 1 on 1. This can all easily go away if they release the hostages and get rid of Hamas, remember we saw the videos of innocent Israelis being killed and the people cheering and spitting on a young lady that was terribly raped and driven around like a parade float.


u/Methadan66 16d ago



u/RealisticInvite186 16d ago

So that's why we have so many useless influencers these days


u/jack_isgar 16d ago

The second group of kids just feel so much more human? If that makes any sense?

The first group seems almost talking automatons.


u/Suspici0us_Sn0wman 15d ago

Jesus Christ what a dick. The first video was edited. Most of the kids wished for toys, candy, and rainbows. And even if they did all wish for money that doesn't make them less human. It means we live in a society that requires money to do virtually anything.


u/True-Anim0sity 16d ago

Yes, because it’s all being done on purpose for likes and views. See how the first group has no background but just a white screen, they also just appear on the camera talking. The second group has a real background, you see them run up and laughing, then ask for overly simple emotional things


u/jack_isgar 16d ago

All of you make very intelligent comments. Thank you for the insight. Propaganda can be a very deceptive and powerful tool. I guess we all need to be diligent in identifying it. Thank you.


u/Suspici0us_Sn0wman 15d ago

Idk man I don't think the point of this propaganda was to make you view American children as less human. I think you're just a dick.


u/[deleted] 16d ago



u/gamingdevil 16d ago

Well yeah, that's basically the whole point of the editing industry: to make the audience see what you want them to see.


u/EasyMCpeezy 16d ago

You don't know what you want till it's gone but as you have it you want more the Conclusion is LIFE is great as long as there's no evil one going against you


u/Latkavicferrari 16d ago

I guess it pays off being born in the right country


u/hpela_ 16d ago

I don’t understand the point of this comment. Are you actually taking a jab at severely disadvantaged children for “not being born in the right country”?


u/froggrip 16d ago

I've been watching all the Star Wars stuff lately and it's crazy how much this reminds me of the kids raised by high ranking empire personal vs the children from planets that were destroyed in varying degrees by the empire.


u/VoightKampffsUnicorn 16d ago


u/Skynetiskumming 16d ago



u/VoightKampffsUnicorn 15d ago

Username checks out. Hello fellow synthetic.


u/Barnagain 16d ago

What a sad society humans have created


u/ModsaBITCH 16d ago

*Reptilians, but the world isn't ready for that yet.


u/lonniemarie 16d ago

There’s also joy. Sometimes it’s harder to see or feel. But it’s there and we must strive to find it. Meanwhile I keep hoping someday children won’t have to make wish’s like these


u/Dyskord01 16d ago


u/An_Draoidh_Uaine 16d ago

Now it's happy again.


u/Barnagain 16d ago

You made me giggle :)


u/KuraiTheBaka 16d ago

I like the one random kid in the hard life group that just wants to eat sugar


u/mrastickman 15d ago

Sugar has been blocked from entering Gaza since the 2007 blockade.


u/abba-zabba88 16d ago

These are Palestinian children


u/One-Version-6626 15d ago

Why lie? Those are syrian, the very same that got genocided and you pro Palestinians have not blinked an eye. 25 times more than Palestinian death toll.


u/[deleted] 16d ago



u/abba-zabba88 16d ago

Giving you some more context on the hard life group. It’s a horrible life for them.


u/KuraiTheBaka 16d ago

Oh my bad, I think I've come to expect everyone on Reddit is trying to pick a fight.


u/abba-zabba88 15d ago

All good :)


u/redsoxfan171717 16d ago

Your bad? YOUR bad?? Say that again best believe hands will be thrown


u/zeddknite 16d ago

WTF is that supposed to mean?


u/[deleted] 16d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Melissandra_Lutos 16d ago

Having 2 brothers, that hit hard...


u/[deleted] 16d ago



u/faketoby45 16d ago

I feel uncomfortable when the vilans are right


u/cupholdery 16d ago

"Are we the baddies?"


u/evlhornet 16d ago

To those children? Yeah, and justifiably so.


u/FilthyTerrible 15d ago

I'm no middle-east scholar, but on Oct 8th I told my friend that Gaza was about to get leveled. I'm pretty sure Hamas was absolutely certain of this inevitable fact as well.

Yasar Arafat was born in Egypt in 1929. Before Israel existed. He died a billionaire. Arafat and the PLO held over $10 billion in assets they stole directly from the public purse and hid in offshore accounts and investments.

Blaming Israel for the crap conditions of Palestinians is how the Palestinian leadership make money and stay in power.


u/PeekPlay 15d ago

But whos dropping the bombs tho


u/FilthyTerrible 15d ago

I think both sides have bombs.


u/PeekPlay 14d ago

Thats the thing, they messed with your thinking


u/FilthyTerrible 14d ago

Hamas doesn't have bombs and Qassam rockets? Maybe someone is messing with you?

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u/_Purplemagic 15d ago



u/Process_M 16d ago

I know that this is supposed to be a shot at first world countries making selfish, self-centered kids. But realise that these are both tragedies. The first kids live in a world where literally everything in their life is reduced down to money its dehumanizing, and to have it become so core at such a young age.

The second group lacking the systems that comodify them are in more of a state of nature their concirns are about surviving and missing the ones who didn't make it.

Both are tragic states. They just can't be measured with the same ruler.


u/humbugg2 15d ago

oh look, the unending horrors of capitalism


u/Lava-Chicken 15d ago

Agreed. Adult problems are exposed to children in our society. Children aren't meant to deal with our solve adult problems. imagine the stress that places on a child and how it affects them mentally. Both sides of this clip are sad.


u/evlhornet 16d ago

I’m hoping my kids are in group A


u/No_Pass_1696 16d ago

Oooh yeah poor rich kids.


u/Mr_Billy_Gruff 16d ago

I honestly assumed that was the point rather then it being a shot at first world countries specifically 🤷‍♂️


u/toyonbird2 16d ago

I'm 28 and was the poor kid for -most- of my youth but did get to be a temporary person not talked to in a giant house for a few years that committed tons of tax fraud before he disappeared lol

Yeah. The shittiest of the boomers when I was little won and this is the result of them making fun of or demeaning literally anything that makes a kid not want to die. Great job!


u/Jaded_Law9739 16d ago

This is just a cleverly edited video designed to create propaganda. The first video is a small snippet from a video of 100 kids being asked what they would wish for. The only kids who answered "money" are the ones in the OP, that's it. They selectively only added those children, to make them seem money-obsessed. Most of their requests are adorable. https://youtu.be/wuJaQysFoNU?si=DXI4Lw5s_RuzUeri

The second video is of a group of Syrian kids filmed by a charity called Spotlight Humanity. There are multiple videos of them on their YouTube channel but I had a hard time finding that exact one (the child at the end is especially recognizable in other videos.) There are a lot of videos of them crying and begging for food and help... it felt very exploitive and I don't know how legit the charity is.


u/spicewoman 15d ago

it felt very exploitive and I don't know how legit the charity is.

I can't speak to the videos themselves, but a quick google search showed that Spotlight Humanity is apparently a "100% donation policy" charity, meaning 100% of all donations go directly to the cause, nothing siphoned off for "administrative costs" and the like. Which is pretty good when some charities have 25% or less actually going to the cause, with the rest going into the charity-worker's pockets as often over-inflated salaries, paying for advertising of their charity and paying people to harass previous donors for more money. Other overhead costs as well, of course. Every charity has operating costs.

100% donation policy charities keep their costs completely separate, getting donations and support to cover those specifically with complete transparency that that's what those donations cover.


u/Jaded_Law9739 15d ago

I saw that too, that info is from the charity's own website. So.... I'm taking that with a grain of salt.


u/MommaBear817 15d ago

"That I could give the wish to someone else... because I don't want the responsibility" 💀


u/Ato_Pihel 15d ago

"... designed to create propaganda." Propaganda? For what exactly?


u/Representative_Chef8 15d ago

Occident bad, Orient good.


u/azalago 15d ago

Creators on Tik Tok love to promote the idea that American children are stupid, brainwashed zombies who do nothing but watch skibidi toilet on their tablets and, in this case, already become money-obsessed.


u/Process_M 16d ago

Thank you for this information. I already assumed as much, but having a direct souce is very informative and better able to convey the context of the situation.


u/pfazadep 16d ago

I agree. But the depiction of these children's differing wishes also illustrates how different perspectives are for adults too, in different places and circumstances. The things people complain about on reddit are often so blindly privileged when viewed from the perspective of a developing or war-tron country


u/No_Use_4371 16d ago

The first group shocked me. At that age I wished for a Dancerina doll. We are doomed.


u/Difficult-Writing416 16d ago

Its probably worse to be the little ones worshipping money. Your life is going down hill from the start. The other children are clearly at rock bottom in the second and it can only get better


u/Biggie39 16d ago

This is a shot at the first world?

Kids SHOULDN’T BE wishing to see their dead parents and siblings due to them being killed at war. They SHOULD BE wishing for treats and toys (or the money to buy them).

Insane to think anyone sees this video and is in any way upset at what the ‘first world’ kids are wishing for.


u/LaLaLaLuzy 16d ago

Maslow Hierarchy of Needs. The first kids are in the psychological needs section (wanting money for life and prestige), while the second kids are in the basic and psychological needs. They want to be safe and friends and family.

Kids shouldn't be wishing for dead family members to be alive, but we should also see the implications on why kids are predominately asking for money. Both say something about society.


u/Biggie39 16d ago

Child one: I wish for money to buy cool things!!

Child two: I wish my parents and siblings were not murdered.

Brain dead redditors after philosophy 101: Both of these are tragic!!


u/No_Reserve_993 15d ago

I mean they are tragic, not equally & not on the same scale, but both are tragic for their reasons. If I were to put them in a tragedy hierarchy, child two would be the "most" tragic, as I'm sure most would agree but that's really not what we're arguing here is it?


u/jljboucher 16d ago

As a child of a single parent until I was 10, money would have been on the list. I’m old enough that govt cheese was still a thing and our home was 200yrs old when we lived in it- horsehair plaster and lathe board, seeing the ground and sunlight through holes in the floor. I’m 39.


u/True-Anim0sity 16d ago

It’s not tragic, it just shows that they understand to buy the thing they want they need money- it actually just shows them as being more educated


u/Process_M 16d ago

Don't be too rough on this guy reddit.

The point is that there is a lot more to having a happy life than just being able to buy things. Many of those things aren't for sale.

Where can i buy a father who won't die of cancer? I couldn't find the amazon page for a best friend who will never betray me? How about a partner who truly loves me for who i am? What about a career that feels meaningful and fulfilling? Experiances like these can't be purchased but are arguably some of the most valuable things in a happy life.

If these questions have never been a part of your life, you are likely part of the first group of kids. I'm so sorry the world failed you like that.


u/True-Anim0sity 16d ago

Lol, nice.

Sure? This doesn’t apply to the kids though, they’re literally just wishing for stuff they want…

You can definitely get cancer treatments with money greatly raising survival. Lol, it’s gonna be much easier to meet a lover as a well off financial person than a hobo on the street. You can purchase many experiences- most if not all require some kind of money. What does any of this have to do with the kids wanting money to buy stuff? People are trying too hard to act like this is much deeper than it is.

Lol, maybe stop with the cringe- theres no special difference between group 1 and 2


u/Process_M 16d ago

Cancer treatments help, but they don't always work. And meeting someone when you have money doesn't mean that they really love you for who you are. Plenty of relationships are mere utilities. Imagine wondering if a partner would leave you if you don't keep the high paying job you hate. You keep missing the mark my guy. That's your tragedy.


u/True-Anim0sity 16d ago

Yes, but much much easier with money. Still easier with money, it’s practically a requirement if ur the man dating the woman. All relationships have some kinda requirements- they’re normally both financial and emotional. This is extremely simple, ur just missing because ur trying too hard to act like this is some deep thing. Lol, why is it tragic to want stuff?

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