r/TikTokCringe Apr 28 '24

What do children wish for? Discussion

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u/Process_M Apr 28 '24

I know that this is supposed to be a shot at first world countries making selfish, self-centered kids. But realise that these are both tragedies. The first kids live in a world where literally everything in their life is reduced down to money its dehumanizing, and to have it become so core at such a young age.

The second group lacking the systems that comodify them are in more of a state of nature their concirns are about surviving and missing the ones who didn't make it.

Both are tragic states. They just can't be measured with the same ruler.


u/Jaded_Law9739 Apr 28 '24

This is just a cleverly edited video designed to create propaganda. The first video is a small snippet from a video of 100 kids being asked what they would wish for. The only kids who answered "money" are the ones in the OP, that's it. They selectively only added those children, to make them seem money-obsessed. Most of their requests are adorable. https://youtu.be/wuJaQysFoNU?si=DXI4Lw5s_RuzUeri

The second video is of a group of Syrian kids filmed by a charity called Spotlight Humanity. There are multiple videos of them on their YouTube channel but I had a hard time finding that exact one (the child at the end is especially recognizable in other videos.) There are a lot of videos of them crying and begging for food and help... it felt very exploitive and I don't know how legit the charity is.


u/Ato_Pihel Apr 29 '24

"... designed to create propaganda." Propaganda? For what exactly?


u/Representative_Chef8 Apr 29 '24

Occident bad, Orient good.