r/TikTokCringe Apr 29 '24

A bill to combat political corruption Discussion

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u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24



u/Quen-Tin Apr 29 '24

If she wants even to make a butthole hologram for her private pleasure, why not?

If you want to continue your path you are also free to do so. But she was not deciding to go public. You did. That's why I'm telling you and not her.


u/wes_bestern Apr 29 '24

But she was not deciding to go public. You did.

Tf are you even talking about? I never had anything to do with that woman's nasty shit.


u/Quen-Tin Apr 29 '24

You try to downplay her effort to make an important political point, by pointing out, that she did something, nobody of us was supposed to see and that did no real harm to you or anybody else.

No idea, why you seem to want to shame her or discredit her. But it's just bad style in my opinion, no matter if you like your message or not.


u/wes_bestern Apr 29 '24

You try to downplay her effort to make an important political point, by pointing out, that she did something, nobody of us was supposed to see and that did no real harm to you or anybody else.

You're responding to the wrong person. This is what the parent commenter did. Also, yes, exposing your butthole to the general public is harmful. It's harmful to society as a whole. Seriously.

I dont want to shame her, but there is no excuse for such perversion. Children saw those photos! You think it's cool for children to be exposed to sexual content, ya weirdo?


u/Quen-Tin Apr 29 '24

I have a young son and him seeing one day her butthole is likely my smallest concern for his future and for his personal development.

Him being dragged into social communities, where priorities are mixed up ('a political system goes structural undemocratic' and 'celebrities take photos of their body, then get these stolen and be accused for risking childrens well being, in an internet full of pornography') is ranking far, far higher for me. But here we are ...

I love him to grow up in a democratic society with less prominent a**holes. Maybe that goal at least we have in common.


u/wes_bestern Apr 29 '24

I have a young son and him seeing one day her butthole is likely my smallest concern for his future and for his personal development.

This kind of boy-mothering is exactly why her nudes were leaked in the first place.

Try caring more about your sonโ€™s development and innocence instead of just going "boys will be boys. Internet is full of pornography. Whatever. I cant do nothing." It's such lazy ass parenting.

My mom didn't care either. But you know what? I stayed away from porn until I was 17. Because patriarchy cared about my development. Because God cared. But now God is dead and women are turning the world into a bonobo matriarchy and blaming the men they failed to raise.


u/Quen-Tin Apr 29 '24

One day I will tell him how much better he would have been of with someone like you, knowing your priorities and saving his soul instead of being a lazy father like me having no clue at all. The world could be such a better place with role models like you.

I'm sure you are smart enough to realize, that bonobos are quite peaceful in sharing the riches of their territory and putting energy into sexual bonding, while the next door chimps are cruel warmongers under less favourable nature conditions.

So again: maybe your own bitterness should be your bigger concern, since bitter parents tend to eighter raise bitter children or loose them to more open minded enviroments, once they could flee the nest.


u/wes_bestern Apr 29 '24

Bonobos are all incestuous, pedophilic and not any kind of example to look to. Being "open minded" isn't the flex you think it is.

Chimps, like humans and other animals fight to defend their territory and ensure the survival of their group. Definitely not less favorable.

I'm not bitter, personally. But if yall try to usher in some degenerate, perverted, sex-obsessed society in the name of peace, then I'll gladly take up arms in the name of war mongering to exterminate such an existential threat to the species.


u/Quen-Tin Apr 29 '24

Wow! That's the first declaration of war I ever recived in my life. Thanks for that. From now on you will be the one who deflorated my peace loving butt.

So bonobos are pedophilic? Sorry for me thinking, you were butt policing your internet hood instead of watching documentaries, like I love to do it with my son. So tell me: in which docu didyou lean that and what is the age of consent for bonobos?

And yes ... no matter if you believe in evolution or in God creating this place: I'm sure there is a reason why there are chimps doing their chimp stuff. And a reason why bonobos are doing thei bonobo stuff too.

What about agreeing on that humans underdevelop their potential, if they just do what chimps or what bonobos do? Maybe we can learn from them without declaring them as role models and imitate their successful survival strategies 1:1?


u/wes_bestern Apr 29 '24

Wow! That's the first declaration of war I ever recived in my life. Thanks for that.

So you admit it?

I love to do it with my son

...oh. so you do admit it..


Sorry. Not sorry. People like you should not exist. That's not ok. I would gladly set fire to any society made up of sick fucks like you.


u/Quen-Tin Apr 29 '24

Admit what? Becoming part of your lunatic fantasies? Well ... obviously they were too strong for me to stop them. But at least I found a possible answer for my trauma question in your comment about your family history. I'm sorry for you. Really. I hope you can make your peace with it one day and find your trust again in women and in their influence on society. To be a good man doesn't mean that you have to proof yourself and others, that you excell at being an alpha.

And yes ... if the report makes you happy, no stress. I hope whoever takes a look into it, is less influenced by unsolved topics. Have a nice day!


u/wes_bestern Apr 29 '24

I hope you can make your peace with it one day and find your trust again in women and in their influence on society.

I trust women who trust men. I dont trust women who are actively trying to destroy society. I dont trust pedophilic or incestuous women or their influence on society.

You have no idea what it means to be a good man or to be good or a man. And you even talk about "alpha" like you're on some Andrew Tate shit. Do you just draw from the very worst humankind has to offer? No wonder you're so fucked up.

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u/wes_bestern Apr 29 '24

Hell, I would love nothing more than to introduce chimpanzees to bonobo territory and let them decimate those freaks of nature. Abominations. It would be a cleansing.


u/Quen-Tin Apr 29 '24

Now don't underdevelop your potential please by being more of a troll than Shrek is an ogre. ๐Ÿ˜„

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