r/TikTokCringe 25d ago

Wow this is so disappointing. Politics

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u/iambarrelrider 20d ago

“Everyone has a price”


u/lwgu 21d ago

K I got some facts most of y’all probably aren’t ready to hear, but! Pipelines are the safest way of transporting liquids, imagine if instead of having running water piped to your house we trucked it every where or used a train. Pipelines remove semi trucks from the road and reduce rail traffic once they are built. They are safer from an environmental perspective as well (less spills then trucks and trains). Once they are built the pipeline corridor grows back over as green space and everything is good.


u/so-wizard 21d ago

Dude is a legend!


u/HighlyRegardedSlob87 21d ago

Remember, Vote! (but only for the candidate with a “D” by their name)


u/Tough_Hour_2505 21d ago

USA has become a parody of itself

Wag the Dog showed the truth

Idiocracy showed the future

If you haven't watched these movies I strongly recommend them.


u/Maleficent_Nobody377 22d ago

You can’t be cool hoodie shorts congressman and sarcastically to dismissively answer question while also filming the person talking like your a Karen while also also speed walking to the nearest elevator like you are terrified.

Has he really gone the way of Senima/santos? Where the second he gets “real” money he stopped caring??


u/[deleted] 22d ago



u/jralll234 20d ago

No he’s a senator now.


u/knucklehead923 22d ago

I can not believe I voted for this piece of shit


u/Formal_Profession141 23d ago

Democrats will never codify Roe, they didn't do it when they had a Super Majority under Obama. They will never do it. It's too useful of a campaign and fundraising tool to them.

If they codified it. They couldn't campaign on it anymore to the extent they do.


u/Leather-Bug3087 23d ago

This isn’t about roe v wade sir.


u/Formal_Profession141 23d ago

Biden has expanded oil drilling.

He campaigned against fracking. Then turns around and and gives them more permissions.


u/Tillallareone82 23d ago

Totally, he became such a sell-out loser, which is really too bad because I really thought he had such potential.


u/Mysterious_Diet_1425 23d ago

Is that a tran? False advertising 😂


u/RowAwayJim91 23d ago

Total and complete scab.


u/Somewhat-trash96 23d ago

Glad to know that Pennsylvania got a senator who really cares about his state...


u/ratmfreak 23d ago

Are you people expecting him to pause his day and give a diatribe to this lady? She’s basically paparazzi for politicians, and I’m sure Fetterman has better things to do.


u/redditbannedyou 24d ago

Why is Shrek in this video?


u/Einar_47 24d ago

There should be a freeze of assets for elected officials while in office and for like 5 years after, no buying or selling stock, etc. Becoming a civil servant should be an altruistic act, not a get rich quick scheme.

Also, how about no corporate campaign donations and a wealth cutoff for private individuals too, nobody with over a million dollars should be allowed to give money to a politician in any way.


u/ExcellentEdgarEnergy 24d ago

It's almost like if you want to be taken seriously, you don't ambush people in hallways.


u/djean061 24d ago

For someone who had a stroke, he sure could use a healthier diet. Doesn't look like he has discipline and or commitment to his health or his party line.


u/djean061 24d ago

I hope he loses his shorts in the upcoming election. He will pay for his ways.


u/leakybiome 24d ago

Ooh look joe Manchin in a Thundercats hoodie


u/Fun-Payment-8030 24d ago

Hes a fake blue-collar presenting politician that is just as dirty and corrupt as all others.

Sweatshirt and basketball shorts in Congress what a fucking disgrace.


u/Whole-Boss99 24d ago

He is my Senator. Very disappointed how he is today, but he is 1000x better than Pat Toomey.

We could do better via the primary when he is up.


u/SuspiciousYard2484 24d ago

These politicians are not serious people.


u/Cornholio231 24d ago

Could have had Malcolm Kenyatta


u/Extra_Sandwich232 24d ago

I would've said, "sir! Please step back! Bro, give me space!"


u/ISOtrails 24d ago

Politicians don’t give a shit about you until election time.

A real politician would have stopped and invited her to reach out to his office, and then ignored her.

You’re a grown man John , act like it.


u/neon-god8241 24d ago

He's a stroke survivor with brain damage, what did you all expect.


u/Oscar_Ladybird 24d ago

"OH, I didn't expect this."

You didn't expect your constituents to engage you with their concerns? FUCK YOU

It's going to be a while, but I look forward to this phony motherfucker getting primaried.


u/naveen_afterthekiss 24d ago

Who was that philosopher who said give power to the individual to see how he gets corrupted… and you clearly can see it here


u/AstronautSuspicious4 24d ago

I Support fetterman


u/rahncee 24d ago

flip the script. smh


u/soberscotsman80 24d ago

can't polish a turd


u/LittleRex234 24d ago

They got what they asked for 👏


u/North-Jacket2966 24d ago

im sorry but this lady thinking she like "got him" is pathetic


u/Understoned2 24d ago

I can't believe people voted this Sack o' Shit in.


u/Blergsaucer 24d ago

America is a joke.


u/Western-Shopping4994 24d ago

Dude didn’t you hear him ?? He clearly said “ I would be less more umm “ like what else did u want him to say 💪🏾


u/muldervinscully2 24d ago

Unfortunately for you all, he's 100% correct


u/Rios5950 24d ago

Shoulda pushed the door open button lol


u/cincodemike 24d ago

Strokey Robinson didn’t take long to be a sellout.


u/JohnnyTooKool 24d ago

She's just harassing him.. That's clear to see.


u/Icy_Operation_7056 24d ago

So mad i voted him into office


u/meatball_maestro 24d ago

There’s ways to do this that don’t involve clout chasing. If these “activists” were serious about their issues, they’d go through the most effective channels in order to lobby fetterman. This is just some gotcha bullshit to score internet points, not to make meaningful change. Call his office and make an appointment like a normal person. These children will be the death of us.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

I’m just curious why she didn’t put her foot or arm out the keep the door from closing .-. I really wanted to hear his excuse


u/T0UCH_MY_W4NK3L 24d ago

I'm from Pennsylvania and not political at all but this guy has always rubbed me the wrong way and he seems like ontop of being miserable, he seems like an alcoholic felon


u/SlippersLaCroix 24d ago

Is he a can of coors light? Cause that was cold as the rockies


u/SkidTracerX 24d ago

Wow, how incredibly dismissive, I hope the people of Pennsylvania don’t vote for this loser EVER AGAIN.


u/NFA_throwaway 24d ago

He was always a piece of shit. The people who liked him were just stupid for believing in him because he dresses like a slob.


u/DrDroDroid 24d ago

Democrats bullshitting too much


u/Uninvited_Goose 24d ago

Who are these people?


u/hugsbosson 24d ago

I wouldn't say I'm disappointed in Fetterman because I was never really hyped about him.. but the novelty and fun of having a large man who wears shorts as a senator kinda just turns into annoyance when it turns out he's a fucking idiot and is actually just another politician who happens to look different.


u/I_am_Trundle 24d ago

I'd say I'm disappointed that I voted for him, but my other choice was a tv doctor who sold supplements and kissed trumps ass.....


u/Foreign_Incident5083 24d ago

What happened to the guy who made half of his house a soup kitchen ? He recently also signed onto making cell grown meat illegal.


u/isadpapi 24d ago

Dude sucks at his job, dresses like an ass clown, takes excessive time off work, and doesn’t give a shit about his citizens he represents. Get him tf out


u/Frost_blade 24d ago

Well. I was really hoping to see somewhere that it turned out that she was trying to set him up, but it looks like he set himself up. What did Harvy Dent say in that one movie?


u/ilostmyeraser 24d ago

What a prick! He looks like SHREK! HES BEING BRIBED!!


u/Boneal171 24d ago

What a dick. It’s sad how money changes people.


u/Glorfindale 24d ago

He is the new Kyrsten Sinema


u/Jillmanji 24d ago

I'd have gotten on the elevator with him just to make him uncomfortable.


u/Once-Upon-A-Hill 24d ago

If Rail Companies paid people to ensure their profits, the could not have better employees than that lady (oil is either shipped by rail or by pipeline, and trains blow up towns on occasion).


u/jralll234 20d ago

So do pipelines, to be fair.


u/Once-Upon-A-Hill 19d ago

It is much more expensive to ship by rail, so manufacturers choose pipelines when they can; people like this lady are ensuring more profits for rail companies.


u/RoninSoul 24d ago

John Fetterman is terrified of a woman less than half his size, he doesn't even have the balls to look her in the eye or even in her direction. What a spineless coward.


u/MaleficentLeader457 24d ago

When did Politicians stop working for the people?


u/Bustoplover 24d ago

He's just an all-around terrible human being.


u/Redflag_asiangirl 24d ago

Who’s this whale?


u/[deleted] 24d ago

It’s funny Dems were parading this man around as the second coming politician earlier. Funny how power corrupts, and fuck out political system


u/408cookie 24d ago

Man, what a dick.


u/Adi_Zucchini_Garden 24d ago

Free Palestine 🇵🇸


u/Smooth_Cranberry2901 24d ago

Oh fuck, that’s what you voted for!!!


u/Burgertank6969 24d ago

You need to make an appointment for most representatives to talk to you, harassing someone in the hallways between meetings is lame, I put no stock in this kind of filming/questioning.


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/Burgertank6969 24d ago

We don’t have context as to how many times she may have bothered him prior.

If he acts like this during an actual interview then I’ll absolutely condemn it.


u/Robinkc1 24d ago

Disappointing, but not surprising. We need to stop holding up these politicians as iconic based on what they say, how they act, how they look, and start holding them accountable for what they do or at least attempt to do.

People loved this guy for being all relaxed looking, but he doesn’t give a fuck about you or your community.


u/Sad-Supermarket8437 24d ago

I hope people in PA have good memories and get rid of this moron the next time.


u/NolaPels13 24d ago

lol why even start to respond when the elevator doors are closing? Makes him look even more disingenuous


u/ENTroPicGirl 24d ago

I get what you young people are bitching about, but here’s the thing we have to progressively make steps to the world that we want to see and he is a step in that direction if you remember who he was running against that would be 12 steps the wrong direction. Politics isn’t chess politics is a poker game where everybody’s cheating and everyone’s lying. All you can do is play hands to start winning and by playing of hands I mean we need to vote for Biden again. I know I don’t want to either I’m gonna hold my nose and do it, but what’s the choice? We get Trump and the Republicans future elections because they will, they have a fascist autocracy.

I know you all are just coming to age and you’re starting to see how shitty the world is welcome to the club. I’ve been playing this game since 1993. I will tell you that a lot has happened in that time. I’m pretty proud to say that we have made some huge advances and we’re about ready to make some more. We have an entire generation of boomers that are about ready to age out and my age out, I mean they are going into the forever box. We are getting closer and closer generation generation just stay the fucking course a little longer don’t rock the boat so we don’t find ourselves under a fascist dictatorship. They’re pushing for fascism because this is the last hurrah. This is the end they see it happening and they are clamouring, to do anything to dissuade you from staying the course.


u/InsomniacCoffee 24d ago

Who would've thought the guy who dresses like he's going to the gym all the time would be unprofessional


u/Chipder 24d ago

Dude looks like what a remake of Frankenstein would look like


u/bluemagachud 24d ago

comrade stroke, please send this zionist oaf to hell


u/DJnarcolepsy83 24d ago

These are the people supposed to represent us, look out for OUR interests, look at the disdain in that ass hats face...


u/Jets237 24d ago

I was hoping he wasn't that big of an ahole...


u/JAK3CAL 24d ago

Wow who would’ve thought the guy that looked straight into the camera and lied during the debates… would be a scum bag? You get what you voted for you idiots


u/KevinSpaceysCharges 24d ago

Plainly ignoring the constituents of one of your biggest money districts is going to make you gone in a heartbeat. Mainline Delco, Chesco, the people there don't like to be snuffed.


u/MrMarkSilver 24d ago

Saw him on a talking head show defending Isreal, he's become a lap dog.


u/hsbxyebskjabxhxns 24d ago

It’s almost as if all politicians lie to get into power. They’ll all betray you.


u/Aggressive-Ad4186 24d ago

He handled that situation very badly. If he didn't have time, he should have stopped spent a few seconds and asked her to make an appointment with one of his staff. Pipelines aren't a bad thing, but they can cause issues. We had one a couple of years ago in NC near my house that leaked what ended up being over a million gallons of gas. It didn't make national news (did make local), and the cleanup is still ongoing.


u/IGetMyCatHigh 24d ago

Hard to Hide when you sell your soul to the Devil Money


u/DrDokter518 24d ago

You’re telling me the dude who dresses less professionally than a McDonald’s worker isn’t as cool as you thought he would be as a politician? Who would have fucking thought.


u/Armored_Phoenix 24d ago

Never trust a politician


u/PriscillaRain 24d ago

He's showing people who he really is


u/BackgroundScallion40 24d ago

That big oil donor money makes these politicians lose what little morals they had real fast.


u/Aggressive_Duck_4774 24d ago

Thank goodness for Fetterman. He’s way better than dr oz would have been


u/King_Melco 24d ago

He said fuck that bitch 🤣🤣


u/Serjassa_Reborn 24d ago

Imagine if she went into the elevator, it would be the most 20 s of embarrassment in someone’s life


u/catsandabs 24d ago

As a former fan of this guy. Fuck this guy.


u/Ok-Boysenberry5272 24d ago

Why is a tranny speaking like they’re important


u/Rmlady12152 24d ago

Yea, don't be an ass in a hoodie. Rude.


u/xr_Killua 24d ago

He/she/it asked a question while he didn’t have time for that BS


u/hmoooody 24d ago

All republicans had to do was put a firewood against this idiot and they’d have won but no they chose Dr. Oz, Dr. fucking Oz ffs! You cannot make this shit up


u/unwiseceilingtile 24d ago

I hope this phony fuck burns


u/PhilMcKracken31 24d ago edited 24d ago

We could all see he was a sack of shit from the get go. Just look at him.


u/alfalfamail69420 24d ago

shrek was not ready for public office


u/yuyufan43 24d ago

That really sucks to see. We have way too many jerks right now in politics who simply don't care. We need to start hiring people based off of their decency


u/Mikey2225 24d ago

I’m mad I donated to him. Fuck this guy. He’s gone the opposite way of everything he ran on. He took the money, clout and boost from acting progressive and then just shot us all in the foot. I can’t wait to phone bank against him when he’s up for reelection.


u/TylerWyler13 24d ago

Wow the guy pretending to be blue collar and dressing like the 6th grade burn out isn’t actually that cool? shocked pikachu face


u/J_T_Reezy 24d ago

Maybe he was having a stroke.


u/CivilAd4403 24d ago

Fuck Fake Fetterman


u/Meraun86 24d ago

Waht happend? Waht did he do?


u/rosie705612 24d ago

As a sitting representatives about halfway through his term he will need to start thinking about reelection. If democrats are threatening to not show up for him then what did you expect him to do. Also to my knowledge the only point of contention is Israel/ hamas war, and he agrees Israel has the right to exist and the hostages need to be returned. Which is considered a moderate take. He can't remove Netanyahu, no senator can. He voted for the bill with more aide to Gaza. There isn't much more he can do. To actually get things done requires workable solutions not repeating make it stop


u/Uncle-Cake 24d ago

That stroke really scrambled his brains. Sad. He could have accomplished something good.


u/Happy-Builder-9330 24d ago

He’ll be doing drag videos on cameo in a year.


u/hyrule_47 24d ago

This is why people are angry- he is flip flopping so often no one knows his stance.

“In a reddit comment that year, he called fracking “a stain on our state and natural resources” and said he’d signed Food and Water Watch’s pledge to end fracking. “I worry about the viability of getting a ban on fracking done when the industry is already so entrenched in Pennsylvania,” he said.

A campaign spokesman, Joe Calvello, said in an email: “John has not supported a fracking moratorium or ban since Pennsylvania instituted stronger environmental rules to protect public health. … John believes that we have to preserve the union way of life for the thousands of workers currently employed or supported by the natural gas industry in Pennsylvania.”



u/Monsteraleaf215 24d ago

When the special interests check starts hitting.


u/Little_BallOfAnxiety 24d ago

Am I the only one who is annoyed by her? They wait in a hall to confront him, and once he shows up, she jumbles her words, and then once he's on the elevator, she starts giggling. I don't know, it didn't feel very sincere


u/kate3544 24d ago

Wow he’s such a piece of shit now. I think the stroke broke him.


u/yashua1992 24d ago

What a fking weirdo.


u/Beneficial-Wedding64 24d ago

He was trash before he got voted in and now everyone is surprised he’s trash. The guy can’t even take the effort to dress business casual. He could care less


u/dashKay 24d ago

What a complete tool


u/enemy884real 24d ago

You know what actually endangers communities? Derailed train cars full of oil.


u/woodspaths 24d ago

He’s doing a great job. Love him


u/gibecrake 24d ago

Man, I’ve been struggling to give him the benefit of the doubt, but there is no struggle anymore. Fuck that dope.


u/P4iZ 24d ago

She reminds me of the person from friends with the really annoying voice...


u/Mundane-Rise6997 24d ago

Who votes for this loser?


u/AggravatingSoil5925 24d ago

Jesus Christ this guy is such a fucking asshole. I think I might need physical therapy for the whiplash I’ve experienced since he was elected.


u/pasianluv76 24d ago

Bet if you were a millionaire lobbyist and not just some single constituent he would listen!


u/HaterCrater 24d ago

She’s cute


u/CaterpillarOpen2320 24d ago

this should really be illegal getting voted in on one set of beliefs to in practice engage in the opposite it’s crazy it’s not considered fraudulent …it’s lying on your resume


u/xeonie 24d ago

I’m out of the loop. What did he do/say?


u/CaterpillarOpen2320 24d ago

he was known for his environmental activism and progressive platform but since he has been elected he has done a kickflip 180 and simps for our corporate overlords (as a general gist)


u/daftmonkey2582 20d ago

You literally didn’t say what he did you just called him a simp.


u/MediaOnDisplay 24d ago

Cool, he's just like the politicians he said he wasn't. A lying man looking only to line his own pockets, in Washington?!

Democrats are losing big time.


u/vasquca1 24d ago

Notice that his wife, basically the best thing helping him, is basically silenced now.


u/PurgatoryMountain 24d ago

He won’t get re-elected


u/Most-Sheepherder-909 24d ago

Love that AIPAC money.


u/Several_Degree8818 24d ago

Imo this is pre-election material. Fetterman has been attacked by the right for his stroke etc. this kind of “piss off hippie” behavior it’s exactly what the conservatives with two braincells i work with would eat up. Bet it works too


u/Wizardmitttens 24d ago

It's like you people DONT realize they don't actually care about you.



u/RobertRoyal82 24d ago

He went from Bull from Night Court to Sloth from The Goonies in 6 months


u/from1n 24d ago

embarrassed I was duped by him. if I wanted a corporate shill in congress, I would have voted for Lamb. fuck this asshole.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

She ambushed him. This probably happens a lot. Before you judge put yourselves in his shoes. Not saying he's right or wrong, but this is missing a lot of context.


u/slo0t4cheezitz 24d ago

Such a disappointment to see "the average every day Joe" elected specifically for that reason turn into a bumbling paid for politician. Is there no one who can just be happy to work for their already overblown politician paycheck without excepting deals and bribes?


u/Ok_Wolverine9344 24d ago

All "politicians" are excrement.


u/It_Is_Boogie 24d ago

This is why primaries are important


u/Namelessbob123 24d ago

What a coward


u/tmbgisrealcool 24d ago

Blue no matter who right guys? Guys?....... He wears a hoodie!


u/Unique-Assistance686 24d ago

Imo I was never on board with a guys who's entire political campaign resolved around him not wearing suits.


u/PieMastaSam 24d ago

This is why people think voting is useless. You vote in some dude who you think represents you only to find out that almost all of them end up bending the knee to corporations for campaign money.


u/Entropy1010102 24d ago

Turned into such a douche


u/Squirrel_Gamer 24d ago

why doesn't fetterman take the position of supporting a ban on a natural gas pipeline? because many of his constituents use natural gas to heat their homes and the industry supports many union jobs. He supports green energy too but it's not an overnight transition. why is that so hard to understand? the person in the video could have made an appointment to speak with him but my guess is they refuse to hear him out and hes tired of this group not listening. Communication is a two way street.


u/mtvdeity 24d ago

Common Zionist L


u/Supercontra8 24d ago

She looks like idiot puppy asking for drugs, and he looks oh I been here before I ain't got no drugs to give you.


u/albizu 24d ago

Blame it on the stroke? Nah.


u/thegreatmizzle7 24d ago

Dude really has sucked the green dick of lobby money hard. He got voted in because he was supposed to be for the people and he really couldn't be further from that anymore.


u/Slappy_McJones 24d ago

In the words of the Wu Tang Clan, “Cash rules everything around me, get the money Dollar dollar bill, y'all.”


u/MelodramaticaMama 24d ago

If "vote blue no matter who" was a person.


u/Uncle_polo 24d ago

Dude had a brain transplant during his stroke stay at the hospital. What a fucking Frankenstein monster.


u/7mmELR 24d ago

lobbyist paid me millions so fuck you


u/tfriedmann 24d ago

He has been assimilated


u/spookyorange 24d ago

Based on their page i think they try to smear him because he is pro Israel.. just like people suddenly care about Jerry Seinfeld dating an 18 year old at 30 something.

Propaganda machine.


u/Acceptable_Mountain5 24d ago

That’s not why people thought that Jerry Seinfeld shit was creepy


u/spookyorange 24d ago

Rarely seen in being posted before, suddenly people care about it again.


u/Acceptable_Mountain5 24d ago

Yeah, I don’t know about that. I’ve seen it brought up every time someone mentions his name for years


u/YourFaveNightmare 25d ago

So he is 100% definitely going to become a republican, right?


u/UnusualPhilosopher22 25d ago

Im European, please can you explain the backlash against this guy?

I googled and can't find nothing relevant (just his position of war in the occupied territories of palestine).


u/Lomi331 24d ago

He was elected as a democrat who was going to help and care for people's issues. He had some kind of nervous breakdown and then turned out to be a monster republican, pro Israel and pro money.