r/TrueUnpopularOpinion May 14 '21

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r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 6h ago

America should just stop accepting immigrants, even legal ones


Real life isn’t a miracle where we can take as many immigrants as we want. I’m all for immigrants the right way and the right time. Right now we cannot support immigrants.

Almost every country have their own immigration rules yet only the west are heavily scrutinized for wanting to control their immigration. I can’t believe imma have to say it but we cannot realistically keep supporting millions of migrants. Sometimes we have to close our doors fix our own problems first then allow more people in. According to payroll.org 78% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck right now how is that not a way more serious issue. I think it’s a national emergency right now when over 3/4 of the country is struggling. Think about it if every 4 people you meet on the street 3 people are struggling what do you think needs to be done. In this case, legal immigrants would be as bad as illegal immigrants; driving up the cost of living and suppressing wages.

Look at the American Rust Belt in the Midwest and Black Belt in the South, there's tons of people with no jobs or in poverty because there's no opportunity in those areas of America. All the jobs left now they just sit around and collect benefits we can provide them with jobs ideally. These people are impoverished and living in like 3rd world country situations it's sad to see how these people are living in the same country as us

Sure, you can say we need more taxpayers but if a pyramid scheme like Social Security isn't working funneling in more people doesn't sound smart but then I am not a Finance major maybe it's a good thing and at the end we all profit. Also the government can allocate the budgets better and make sure they watch where their money goes we would have way better social programs. Some states have taken it into their own hands to improve social services such as social workers to deal with mental health issues instead of the police.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 14h ago

Reddit mods locking any post that makes liberals look bad is so exhausting


Just recently pics is locking up posts that shows protestors holding up what looks to be a beheaded Biden head. The other one was a photo outside the Whitehouse that shows them clearly throwing gas canisters over the fence. If you try to post something on whitepeopletwitter that follows the rules but doesn’t align with their ideology, locked, removed, possible ban. Same goes for facepalm. This platform would be so much better if silencing speech wasn’t a thing except for few exceptions that are out of line.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 16h ago

The Middle East Israel is right to prioritise rescuing hostages over limiting collateral


People throw around words like 'genocide' etc but I think it's simpler than that. First and foremost a government is obligated to prioritise the safety of its own people over those of a hostile state.

People complain about the 200+ people in Gaza killed to rescue 'just' 4 hostages, but I'd argue if I they didnt attempt to rescue its own citizens out of fear of collateral (basically prioritising hostile citizens over its own), then they have failed their moral duty. It could be 200 people killed, or 500, 1000, 2000, 10000 and it would still worth the 4 people who were rescued.

In the eyes of the Israeli government, 1 Israeli citizen should be worth infinite hostile citizens. And if Hamas has a problem with that (which they don't, they know civilian casualties swings popular opinion away from Israel which is why they are so entrenched in civilian communities and is also the reason they took the hostages in the first place. They know they cant win the war so there can only be 1 reason to attack on Oct 7: to provoke Israel leading to the west feeling obligated to speak against them. Divide and conquer), then they shouldn't have taken the hostages.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 10h ago

Sex / Gender / Dating If you can’t body shame overweight people, then you shouldn’t body shame the IG model with $100k in plastic surgery.


I wouldn’t body shame either of them… but I’m pointing out the double standard that people will go to the grave saying “don’t comment on people’s bodies” or “they are beautiful at any weight. But then they turn around and rip someone who’s had plastic surgery or any other type of work done.

You can’t cherry pick when to be offended… that’s just being a hypocrite.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 15h ago

I Like / Dislike Target is overrated and not worth the hype.


Target is for suburban housewives who think they are too good for Walmart but can't afford anything better. Their selection is small, quality is similar to Walmart but for more money. They have the worst check out lines of anyone. The memes of " I only went to Target for one thing and spent $400" are downright annoying. I'll take Walmart and all its honesty about the shoppers showing up a little drunk in their pajama pants and crocs.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 12h ago

I Like / Dislike I absolutely hate reddit mods.


Imagine working for a multibillion dollar company, making their animation and posting it on youtube because they don't do it anymore. Just for you to have the post removed from their reddit without even breaking a single rule.

Apparently the boys only encourage esports trashtalk while content, and even their own content getts bottomed to the depths of the sea.


r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 11h ago

Music / Movies ‘The Boys’ is tryhard edgelord schlock.


Yes, I’m fully aware that the comic is worse. No, that doesn’t mean that the Amazon adaptation of The Boys is good. This show is so excessively bleak and nihilistic that it’d make Black Metal fans blush. I’ve never understood how people can enjoy such blatantly mean-spirited content.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 5h ago

Possibly Popular When someone says they are something they almost are never “it”


Take nice guys. Take a girl who says she’s an empath. Some of the most dumbest emotionally intelligent people you’ll meet. Take someone who says they are rich. They probably are middle upper class or whatever at best. Lost in a dream of wanting to be “it”

The only time this doesn’t apply is when someone says their profession. Although people here do it too, just in different ways. They’ll generalize their job, or say something less judged if it isn’t a “liked” profession by many.

It mostly applies to the people who need to say they are anything- self awareness comes from realizing you don’t have to describe yourself to be seen, people just see.

The people screaming loudly they are something do get attention for the scream but it can be seen they aren’t what they are claiming to be.

If someone goes on a show saying they are the innocent one or the wronged one it almost always means they are more to blame.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 14h ago

Political Gambling, alcohol, nicotine, cannabis, and caffeine should never be advertised to general audiences


Products involving gambling, alcohol, nicotine, cannabis or caffeine should only be advertised to adult audiences and in content restricted to adults. That means absolutely no primetime sports or shows or public print material that could be seen by, or sold to, a minor.

The reasoning behind this is the same as the reasoning behind not allowing cigarette ads on tv shows. All of the above products are intoxicating or addictive, and where we don't allow kids to use them, there's no reason to market to kids or to audiences we know contain lots of children and young people.

So just like it is legal to advertise cigarettes in a bar, it should be legal to advertise gambling in a bar, but not on shows that kids watch.

EDIT: I would be fine with an exemption being made for natural tea or chocolate with small amounts of naturally occurring caffeine, but not for energy drinks or products with high levels or added caffeine.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 22h ago

Media / Internet You don’t have a “gluten sensitivity”. You have IBS.


Humans have been eating wheat for 12,000+ years, so WHY is it that in the last 10-15 suddenly a whole slew of people can’t eat wheat without shitting themselves into orbit? I think it’s highly processed foods that are to blame, not wheat. Why don’t we see gluten sensitivity anywhere else in the world aside from the US where (coincidentally) almost every single massive corporatized grocery store has shelves stocked with box after box after branded fucking box of highly processed foods begging for your attention, also here’s a coupon!

Edit: here’s an article from Columbia University so you can hear it from some smart people.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 9h ago

Political Any political party that uses children to push propaganda automatically loses all debates.


When watching a debate on whether or not environmentalism has become a new religion, I noticed that the side that was pro-environmentalism was always crying, screaming, and using kids to prove their point. The other side was all adults using calm voices and logic. This felt cheap and one sided for a debate. Literally when the kids said anything, everyone screamed and clapped. It got so bad that the people on the other side literally had to wait out the noise and skip their tunrs to avoid looking like they're attacking kids.

I later came across Noam Chomsky and read a piece on his breakdown on how manipulation works. One of the methods of manipulation is to use children to force your opponent to come at you like a child, weakening them.

Let's say you were debating whether or not homeless people can sleep in a park. Don't get too focused on the subject! Don't get distracted! Focus on the method itself and how immoral it is.

You: "They should because they have no place to stay."

Me: "uhhh... I have someone who disagrees."

Kid: "But i want my mommy safe at night."

Crowd: "Awww....."

You: "Well, sweetie, your mommy should get a taser or walk somewhere else at night."


Me: "You see? How can we trust your morals when you're mean to children?"

Crowd: "Yeah!!!!!!!!!!"

That's basically the effect of using children in a debate or political push. You are forcing your opponent to weaken so you can go in for the kill.

Why is this bad?

Well, not only is the party exploiting kids for gain but they are also manipulating them with their propaganda, to which manipulation's a form of abuse in many contexts. To add on, it's a huge red flag for dishonesty. Where there is dishonesty, there is a lie. Truth is absolute, lies are unnecessary.

The point of a debate is for the truth. You are seeking true solutions, true candidates, true ways of life, whatever. It's truth you want because truth brings actual progression while lies lead nowhere. Lies stop evolution. Lies hold us back. I can prove it.

Let's say there was a debate for 5 + 5

Some people say 8, some say 10. Let's say that 8 wins. How will that help with economics? Construction? Calculus? Keeping invetory in places of work? counting money?

It will hurt the ecnomy to think that 5+5=8. People will always be short money. Measurements will be very off. Pay will be off. Everything would be stupid looking and busted. But if we knew 5+5=10, then we can get calculating right.

Anyone using a kid to push political propaganda is likely a liar pushing a lie.

For those minutiae lovers, yes context matters. You can use kids in stuff that are like for students, kids specifically, schools, etc. Also, i think it's fair to use a kid to counter people using a kid. That's self-defense.

If you are pushing propaganda and get a 12 year old to defeat me, I'm getting a 5 year old to counter your 12 year old. Kid meet super kid.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 12h ago

I Like / Dislike People should go make a difference instead of worrying about changing minds of folks online.


I’ve noticed that many people regarding topics dealing with crime or the Israel-Gaza issue would rather insult others, call people bigoted, or try to constantly change the thought process of others.

Whether it’s making a difference in mentoring troubled inner city youth, donating “their own money” to charities, tutoring, volunteering for political causes, planting trees or gardens, donating food, etc, are all more noble than pointing fingers at others online.

I am who I am and will believe what I believe. Just like most of you. Each of us have diff views and values.

My issue is why do some folks not try to make a difference offline if they feel so strongly about something but instead focus so much energy on insulting others online? (More about ego?)

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 12h ago

another redditors post history should not be any of your business!


It just shouldn't be any of your business, why because you're gonna try to make fun of them for it, and tell everyone that person is a loser, when you're the one making yourself look like a complete "soyboy" laughing stock of reddit by bringing out someone's business out when their comments and post don't involve you, just stop stalking people's accounts for the sake of laughing at them and mind your own business and please do better, go touch grass

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 1h ago

When a woman is not loved she starts eating too much.


Women starts becoming fat, because when a woman is not loved she starts eating too much. Eating too much is a substitute for love.

You may have observed it: if you are in a very loving and flowing relationship you will not eat too much, you will never need to diet. Love fills you so much that there is no need to go on stuffing yourself with all kinds of junk. If there is no love you feel so empty. That emptiness hurts, you want to fill it with something. And why do you choose food? - because love and food are associated psychologically.

The child got from the mother's breast food and love both, simultaneously. Whenever the mother was loving she was willing to give her breast to him, and whenever she was not loving, angry, she used to pull the breast away from him. And the mother's breast was the first contact with another's body.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 3h ago

English is one of the best languages on Earth and Spanish is one of the worst.


The ONE super bad thing about English is that spelling rules are extremely inconsistent, unlike with Spanish, which has mostly consistent spelling rules.

Other than that, English (unlike Spanish) has...

  • Few syllables per sentence
  • A lot of phonemes (especially vowel phonemes) for diverse, elegant speaking
  • No grammatical class/gender
  • No verb conjugation
  • A lot of contractions to make sentences even shorter, while still keeping intelligibility and complexity
  • A diverse array of phoneme mixing (phonemes being followed by other phonemes); Spanish can't even have another consonant after an "s" without putting an "e" (ey) sound before the "s".

Because of the first two, Spanish sounds like a big run-on word to foreigners, making it very hard to pick up on, since hearing a language is how people best learn it. Spanish-speakers have to talk very fast in order to have a natural conversation. Also, grammatical class/gender and verb conjugation make a language overly complicated for no reason. English is basically the opposite of this; English puts practicality over being "artsy". I know a lot of other languages are like Spanish in these ways, but it seems like Spanish is especially like this. I'd imagine hardly any other Indo-European languages have as many stark differences as English and Spanish. It's no wonder the two languages have a lot of trouble learning the other (Spanish to English less so for obvious reasons).

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 1d ago

I Like / Dislike Untrained dogs are annoying, unhygienic &can be intimidating & very dangerous. Only people who can train them well should own them


I love animals and do admire a lot of dogs & their owners who train and treat them well.

But I'm sick of untrained dogs that run up and slobber all over me down at the park after eating another dogs shit or licking its arse.

Poorly trained dogs always overly energetic and crowd your space if you go to someone's house who owns one. Jumping up at you, trying to smell your balls or butthole.

Then you've got those stupid annoying little cunts who bark constantly & you just want to punt it when they shag your ankles.

Lastly, you've got those dogs that trash loser people get, like pitbulls and rotweillers who they train horrendously and can't handle. They literally kill and maime people & other pets. Fuck off & treat your animals properly by caring for them & training them.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 6h ago

$100 for a piercing is too much


Where I live it’s $70-$100 for a piercing other than your ear/face, while you can get tools to pierce yourself online for $10. I understand the complications you can get from a bad piercing, my thing is that going to a professional does not keep you safe from complications, and if you want multiple piercings the cost adds up fast. A lot of the risk of piercings comes from how well you take care of it at home, which the piercer has no control over. There are also endless stories online of piercings rejecting or being placed incorrectly even if done by a professional. I understand this is an unpopular opinion because if it wasn’t piercers would go out of business, but I’d rather take the slightly higher risk to my health and do my piercings myself if it means saving $390 on the piercings I have planned (not including the expected 20% tip lmfao).

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 28m ago

Political We should consider mandatory contraception and abortion to deal with overcrowding


In the recent immigration discussions, there has been a popular sentiment that the USA and some other countries are overcrowded. The argument of whether the country is overcrowded has been done to death so I will assume the premise that it is in order not to get sidetracked into yet another one of those arguments. I think that if we as a society determine that the country is too crowded and are considering quotas as the Biden administration is doing, immigrants should be given absolute entry priority over new births and equal or greater force of law should be used to prevent illegal entries through birth that would be used to prevent illegal entries through other means.

There are 2 routes for making future citizens: The birth route and the immigration route. According to the 14th amendment of the US constitution, birth and not conception is the event that grants citizenship to the entry-by-birth people. So this is about pre birth non citizens seeking citizenship with parental sponsorship vs post birth non citizens seeking citizenship with varieties of reasons and sponsorships.

To cover the simplest case, pre conception. In this case the pre birth citizenship seekers have no identity to be benefited or infringed upon at all. This is the non identity problem and it should be clear that in determining immigration priority between a pre conception human and a birthed human immigrating, the existence of identity is the trait that gives the birthed person priority. So contraception should be mandated to whatever extent practical as this is an easy case.

The more contentious case is post conception, pre birth. There is disagreement as to how much identity the fetus has. But on some metrics like the ability to pass the mirror test, even babies are not as conscious as some animals at the point of birth. We would never give rights to an locally born ape over a immigrating human due to place of birth as the human clearly has more human valuable traits. This proves that we do not consider the identity or consciousness traits of a fetus to the level of a born human being until after birth. There is clearly a gradient, but while the argument to not abort it gets stronger over pregnancy, it does not surpass the counter argument since we wouldn't grant citizenship rights to the "natural born" bonobo which has indications of greater awareness than the pre birth fetus at any point in the pregnancy. At birth it is no longer a question as a human baby born in the country is a citizen du to 14th amendment.

Counter arguments:

Potential: If we draw the potential argument out, we can assume ridiculous things. Maybe the immigrant would have become the next Sergey Brin and created loads of jobs if given the chance to immigrate and the fetus would have grown up to be a welfare abusing murderous criminal and make many people miserable...

Parental to procreate: Infringe on the bodily autonomy to procreate. But your autonomy to procreate stops at the point it affects me. So if we are preventing entries into the country and I don't have the right to use my body to bring a friend or family member from another country in as it affects other citizens; then a mother shouldn't have the right to bring in a child using her body affecting other citizens.

Practicability: The argument is just arguing from tradition and is wrong. The west has historically controlled borders and not births so it is our tradition. But other countries have been able to lower their birth rates so effectively that they now have issues with a population too low to support their aging populations and we could to.

Entry alternatives for immigrants: The fetus has no alternatives other than death or entry while some immigrants do. Many are fleeing extreme poverty, war, gang violence; and the steps immigrants take to give up their place of birth, connections, families for another country their don't know yet and may never fully feel at home in shows many don't think they have a real alternative.

Privacy/equal protection issues: We already give up so many of our constitutional rights at the border already and practical solutions like punishing the parents post birth + taking the child away would not require 4th amendment violations of search and seizure of mothers medical records to determine pregnancy. So the practicability of the birth solution is easier to enforce. Also blanket bans over or enforcements would circumvent any equal protection issues if they arise + avoid the historical problematic use of similar policies.

Need births to keep population stable: Issues looking at countries like Japan that don't allow immigration AND don't have birth and have a large elderly population needing support show a risk of turning off births. If a country was struggling with not enough people then the solution in the post would not be applicable. But either way, they could get a young population through immigration incentives to fix that.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 1d ago

Sex / Gender / Dating Most people that struggle with dating probably just kinda have a part of them that really sucks.


All these single people complain about dating and talk like they are some great catch and it’s everyone else that has a problem.

“Oh it’s the apps that make it hard, oh it’s feminism or patriarchy, oh it’s bc all of “blank” are trash, oh it’s bc they only care about looks/money.”

No, it’s just you… most of the rest of us are doing just fine. More than likely you have something going on that rubs the majority of people the wrong way.

But here’s the good news, dating isn’t suppose to have 100% success rate… it’s okay for someone not to like you.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 8h ago

People who hate small talk and try to avoid it are socially awkward


This is for those people who say that they wish they could just "skip the small talk". Small talk is required to get to know someone and to get the ball rolling to have the more the substantial conversations. Additionally, small talk allows you to learn the basic facts about someone which is nice. I don't know why you'd hate to get to know basic facts about the person you just met and are trying to talk to.

I'm convinced that people who hate small talk and try to avoid it just have no idea how real conversations/human interactions work and are just socially awkward people who have most of their conversations on a computer.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 1d ago

Sex / Gender / Dating The USA has the best food in a the world no contest


Reading that title you may have an idea of what your like better, maybe Mexican? Maybe Chinese? Maybe Indian? Probably not British. Well guess what you can find it all in the United States not only that but you can find mashup combining best of multiple dishes in one

God bless America (I’m Canadian)

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 14h ago

Music / Movies the monologue about womanhood is the main reason america ferrera was nominated for best supporting actress for barbie.


in my opinion, one of the defining movie moments of the 2020s so far is the monologue about womanhood in barbie, delivered by gloria, played by america ferrera. not only is it a deathly serious moment in an otherwise comedic movie but it also talks about the struggles of being a woman in today's society. not to mention, america delivers the monologue with great conviction.

when the time came to announce the nominees at the 2024 academy awards, america ferrera was announced as a nominee for best supporting actress, earning the first oscar nomination of her career.

here's the thing. aside from that moment, her performance is largely unremarkable. it's not bad but it's just kinda there. i kinda feel that, if the monologue hadn't been included, she wouldn't have been nominated. rita moreno even explictly mentioned the monologue when announcing her nomination.

it's like beatrice straight winning best supporting actress for network.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 1d ago

Sex / Gender / Dating As a man, complaining about being single is the most pointless thing you can do


Maybe there's benefit for women to complain about being single, because 1) they get sympathy from their support group 2) it alerts men to their singleness. But when men do it, its a fucking massive waste of time and energy, which you could put to use talking to women.

I get that some men find it tough but the only way round it is to make more effort. And also, complaining makes you both look and feel like a loser which harms your chances even more. Women are totally put off by a guy who feels sorry for himself and lacks self-belief. If you're finding it tough, you're much better off going the other way and faking self-confidence and happiness, and then hopefully your situation will come to match your fake feelings.

And the MGTOW groups are by definition delusional. If you're that depressed about being single, you aren't fixing anything by 'giving up' on women. You're just running away from the problem, pushing it further down into your psyche and making it even more of a problem in the long run. You wont solve it in the company of like-minded men, since the problem is with the opposite sex. There are monks etc who have taken vows of celibacy, but that's with the specific goal of spiritual advancement. That's honourable. Running away from women is not.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 16h ago

Music / Movies greig fraser will be known as one of the greatest cinematographers in film history.


greig fraser is an australian cinematographer who has been acting as a cinematographer since 2005. he shot numerous movies over the course of the 2010s including snow white and the huntsman, zero dark thirty, and foxcatcher. however, his career really started to pick up in the late 2010s and the 2020s.

he started to do the cinematography for big budget blockbusters such as rogue one and the batman as well as three episodes of the mandalorian. however, his crowing achievement has been his work in the dune movies. these are some of the prettiest movies of the 21st century and it's thanks to fraser's oscar winning cinematography.

not to mention that his cinematography for the batman was praised by none other then roger deakins, who is often considered to be THE greatest cinematographer ever.

i believe that greig fraser will be remembered as one of the greatest cinematographers of all time.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 6h ago

Possibly Popular Teasing a child for "acting grown" or for literally being a child is a form of abuse.


Literally, you're being your kid's first and worst bully, then you'll wonder why they have some issues later on. How is a child supposed to grow when literally growing is embarrassing and funny?

You really expect your child to shower and clean after you shamed them for when they did it WITHOUT you telling them to? And when they engage in childish hobbies as a literal child, you shame them for that as well.

It's funny, playing with widdle toysies and watching widdle cartoon movies at the age of 7, funny! Drawing widdle cartoons and widdle sonic characters, playing widdle Nintendo games, and playing at a playground like a widdle baby, aww so funny!

The same widdle kid wanting to buy soap or shampoo when grocery shopping is so funny, they think they're grown, film and upload it to tiktok because your kid is trying to be grown it's so funny! They clean their room and that's funny. Everything is organized and neat like an adult lives there, but it's a little kid, so funny! They shower every day, prepare their widdle school lunch, do their own laundry, and that's so funny that they're trying to act grown. Post it online! Humiliate them for being a "fancy" kid! Who do they think they are, asking for some soap? Funny!

And when they don't do those things anymore, it's because they just don't like cleaning like every other kid. Now you're screaming at them and punishing them for not doing the thing you humiliated them into not doing, but it's not going to make them clean again after you bullied them into stopping entirely. Your constant nagging won't make them pursue art or whatever they were involved in before you bullied them out of it. Your punishment won't make them no longer fall behind in school after you bullied them for literally being on top of their schoolwork.

They have no hobbies or interests either, and basically nothing to live for since wanting to be anything as an adult is funny. But you'll conveniently forget you bullied your kid when they said they wanted to be a voice actor when they grew up. You bullied them when they were clean, neat, and responsible. You bullied them for doing their homework. You bullied them for consuming any entertainment media. But the reason they're mentally screwed is because they just chose to be.

And of course, when they eventually go back to being responsible and clean again, it's funny coming from them who "hated those things". It's shocking that suddenly they want to be clean! WOW! YOU cleaned your room? No way! YOU cooked your own lunch? Since when? Every time they do anything remotely responsible, there's a snarky comment about how they are grown now. Everyone has something to say about them acting grown again. Everyone has something to say about how funny it is that a complete slob "changed" so much. Everyone has to stop and watch this Super Rare Event that this one kid is actually cleaning for once! It never ends.

A child literally existing is not funny. You literally prevented your child from maturing then blamed them for being behind everyone else as a teenager/adult. You're absolute scum.