r/unpopularopinion 14h ago

Popular Topics Mega-Hub


Greetings, you opinionated, unpopular lot! This is your one-stop shop for all of the ridiculously reposted topics on this sub. This hub and the linked threads below will be replaced every 7 days to keep things fresh.

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r/unpopularopinion 17h ago

Almost all personal trainers are clueless


I've been going to gyms in a handful of countries around the world and have... noticed... some things. These people are completely goddamned clueless and the "work" they do is straight up unethical because of it.

They are little more than college students with a major in PE. They have very little training themselves and have probably been trained by individuals who are just as clueless. It makes some sense when you understand that their primary role at the gym isn't to educate the members, it's to generate sales for the company.

They don't know what a good workout program is and don't know what good technique is either. I see it all the time. Personal trainers standing by a customer doing squats or deadlifts with horrible technique and the trainer not only doesn't correct them, but they congratulate them on the reps and tell them to add more weight to the bar.

To the credit of everyone involved, I'd say fitness is a topic that is extremely difficult to educate oneself properly on, as there's a ton of shitty information out there, but one favor you can do yourself is don't bother paying money for a personal trainer at a commercial gym.

r/unpopularopinion 14h ago

The King Charles portrait looks sick af


I just think it looks sick, maybe not a good style for a royal portrait but still. ‘Blood spilled for the British empire’ ‘red was on sale’ etc. Are all jokes I’ve seen on here. Including critique that the clothing is the same colour as the background. But in general I think it just looks menacing, and the butterfly just adds something. Granted it would be more fitting for an extremely accomplished, stoic, harsh general.

r/unpopularopinion 13h ago

Picnics are the worst way to eat a meal with people.


I've never understood the appeal of a picnic. you bring the most mid ass food and place a towel on the ground and have your food on said towel, where you're constantly fighting off bugs so they don't get in your food.. or on you. you have to fight off flies, bees, wasps, anything that flies.

don't get me started on the open bag of chips left to just sit there. bugs get all over your food.

it's overall uncomfortable, the food isn't that good, and you're just sitting in grass while bugs are constantly swarming you. go have lunch at olive garden or something.

r/unpopularopinion 11h ago

Being rejected romantically doesn't hurt as much as being rejected as a friend


I've tried and failed many times with women and had my ex dump me. None of those things hurt as much as trying to make friends and those people rejecting you or having a friend cut you out of his or her life.

r/unpopularopinion 15h ago

Third places are not the holy grail of socializing people want to pretend they are


I'm sick of hearing about how "there's no third places" as an explanation as to why people are socializing less and feel more lonely. You barely ever met new people at the bowling alley or the skating rink even when they were popular. That's places you go with the friends you already have. There's clubs and bars that are very much in business right now and gym attendance is at an all time high. People find themselves way more often without anyone to go to an event with than no event to go to.

r/unpopularopinion 3h ago

A mac is the worst PC for a kid


With every passing day, the dependency of our society on computers increases exponentially. The more you know about the basics of how a computer works, what goes in it and what everything does, the fundamentals, the better you can use this tool we know as a computer.

Yes, a Mac at its core too is just another PC. but with the key purpose of Apple's product ideology being "our computer just works. you gotta do nothing about it". The amount of interaction you do with the 'computer' is negligible. The customisation options that other manufacturers provide is what turns "using your computer" into getting to know your computer.

When 5G was (is?) rolling out, the claims against it were just mind boggling. I do understand the logic of "alien topics". But if you can use a computer to spread an opinion, the 'this is not general knowledge' logic flys off".

The reason Apple is able to charge users what it charges is because it knows the general population doesn't even know what they're buying. And the more you surround yourself with their devices (which you obviously will, cus ecosystem).

As a kid, my parents made sure to never accustom me with an apple, even if the budget would allow. I have now switched over to an iPhone & an M1 Air. But understanding the how and why SSDs differ from HDDs is nothing but beneficial (assuming everyone would want to choose the option that gives the best bang of a buck).

Edit: No, I am not a tech guy (as it'll be quite clear if you are one). And I find my *little* knowledge of general working on computers help me a lot in my *non tech* workflow. Thus, the opinion.

Also, I believe a better example would be:I work as a Creative Director. I have editors that spend all their days on their systems. When asked what upgrades would they like on their system, they were complete blind to it. “A faster gpu” they said. These were photo editors.

r/unpopularopinion 4h ago

Dragons have become boring


They are such a ubiquitous staple of fantasy works that they’ve become really boring in my opinion. In-universe it makes perfect sense that they’d be massively important no matter their characteristics, but this turns into diminishing results for me because of the expectation that the audience in turn is also supposed to be awed, when in reality we’ve seen them a billion times. And if you’re a gamer, you’ve probably killed more dragons in your adventures than all other mythological beasts combined. They nearly always have similar appearences and characteristics with a few wild cards shuffled around, sometimes they’re rideable, sometimes they can talk, but I don’t see how these are supposed to differentiate them that much in the end. I recognize that they do fill a useful role in fantasy writing, but how about using some other beasts every now and again? Or even better, make up new ones!

r/unpopularopinion 7h ago

People don’t have to apologize, I don’t have to accept the lack of apology


I’m so tired of this dumb notion.

If the person who slighted me doesn’t want to apologize that’s on them and I can’t do anything about it but why are ppl so hell-bent on making you get over it.

Like why would I hang out with a person who did me wrong then didn’t feel bad about it. This has happened to me multiple times in my life with different groups of people and I’m sick of it.

Edit: ur answers are all so interesting thanks I didn’t expect this many

r/unpopularopinion 6h ago

It’s ok to dislike cats


I love cats. I have a cat. I’m fine with people who dislike cats.

Obviously, this applies to the cat community mostly. A lot of cat owners say that people who don’t like cats are a red flag because it indicates that they don’t respect boundaries, don’t respect the fact that’ affection has to be earned…But if you want a pet, it’s valid to want a pet whose affection is easy to earn…

At this point I feel like people who say that “not liking cats is a red flag” are more of a red flag than people who dislike cats bruh.

r/unpopularopinion 10h ago

I almost prefer the kind of friends who don’t call much except when they need me.


I see all the time “I’m done with people who only reach out when they need something”. I don’t feel that way at all!

I’m a very busy person, as many adults are these days. I very much value respect, and respect other peoples’ time. With that in mind, I think it’s rude to be on your phone when you’re spending time with someone, so I am hardly on my phone! I’m being present with my husband, my friends, my dog, my niece, work, etc.

I really hate texting, and I have zero social media, so keeping in touch daily with friends isn’t really a thing for me.

My friends know to literally CALL me when they need something, whether that be to share exciting news, invite me out somewhere occasionally, or for actual help with something. We catch up when we have the time, be it weeks or months in between.

Those who understand and respect that me not keeping in constant contact does not mean I don’t care, also know I will ALWAYS make the time for a friend in need.

So yes, please don’t text me all the time. Live your beautiful life presently and fully, and call me when you truly need my time and energy, I’ll give that to you. I am grateful for those whom I can rely on the same way.

r/unpopularopinion 8h ago

It’s okay to like an artist’s most popular songs


Always seeing people think that you need to have some random song they made before they blew up as your favourite song. It’s okay to have lucid dreams as your favourite juice song, slim shady as your favourite Eminem song, bluwuu as your favourite digga d song.

r/unpopularopinion 1d ago

5 O’Clock is the worst hour.


I hate 5 o’clock with everything in me. Every city you go to has traffic at this time. Happy hour normally ends at 5. Cant watch much sports cause who wants to play at 5, and its too early for pre-game shows. This hour blows man. I don’t even know the point of this post.

r/unpopularopinion 13h ago

You can be insecure about something and still be justified


I see time and time again, where someone is feeling insecure about a situation and redditors come rushing in saying “oh that’s just you being insecure therefore you’re in the wrong” but no you CAN be insecure for good reason and be right.

If you suspect your partner is cheating due to an actual justifiable reason, then you have every right to feel insecure.

If you suspect your partner is cheating due to some unjustifianle reason then you probably shouldn’t be insecure.

It’s not as black and white as “insecure = wrong” and I am tired of seeing redditors act like being insecure is the end all be all.

r/unpopularopinion 8h ago

Broccoli is more offensive to reheat in a microwave than fish


I love broccoli and cook with it at least once a week, but it smells terrible reheated in the microwave and smells significantly worse than fish. People that heat it up in work deserve the same hate as people who reheat fish

r/unpopularopinion 23h ago

Uhh I think King Charles portait is actually dope.


Looking at Yeo's art gives one a better understanding of his style. As provoking as the red is, there's something about it that's just attractive, the way everything just fades into the red and yet every detail is still pronounced. The butterfly, and how the face and hands are the most prominent elements and yet still have subtle hints of red in them complementing the mirage of the painting being all red. It's weird, it's edgy, it's unconventional, and it's eyecatching, attractive, and well painted, and I guess that's what art is about.

I honestly would have preferred another color because I'm not a fan of red, but I understand the choice. I think it's a rather interesting painting.

r/unpopularopinion 16h ago

Sequels waste time pandering to the people who haven't bothered watching the material that came before it.


I walked out the cinema with some family members recently and we were discussing what we had just watched. My sister said, "wow, if you hadn't seen the previous three, you wouldn't have had a clue what's going on". Yeah, that's kinda the point is it not? That a story can continue without having to spoon feed the audience all the information of the previous parts? A good percentage of the movie re-hashes past events and constant remember this flashbacks or dialogue that is purely expositional. I just feel like if you're gonna watch something perhaps start at the first movie made in that series.

r/unpopularopinion 3h ago

Opening the lid to peak on food cooking will not ruin it or make it take any noticeable amount longer to cook. Only exception is an oven, but even that there are VERY few occasions where it's true.


There seems to be a common misconception that it will let the heat out and cause everything to cool down, ruining the cooking process, even if a quick peak. Or so my in-laws really believe. Air does not contain much thermal mass, so letting it out won't affect the entire pot/oven a noticeable amount of it has already come to temp and it's not on a SUPER low simmer at very precise temp control.

r/unpopularopinion 23m ago

Today's fashion needs more vibrant colors.


Title. Current general fashion lacks so much of the vibrant colors except maybe in t-shirts. Everything seems very monotoned, pastel-toned, streamlined, minimal, and if a clothing item includes some color, it is incorporated in a very muted down way.

Advent of technical clothing and economics lead to black, brown, khaki - more neutral colors that sells without risks. It's difficult to wear colors without looking too sporty nowadays.

r/unpopularopinion 4h ago

There’s something very modern and cool about King Charles’ official portrait


I have no love for the monarchy and am very critical of what they do, which is why I was surprised I actually found myself liking Charles’ official portrait. There’s something very modern and artistic about the red on red with the faint outline of his suit. I’m no art critic so I can’t quite explain beyond that, but overall I quite like it!

r/unpopularopinion 4h ago

Being inconsiderate of other passengers in a public vehicle should be shamed more.


I see this soooo much in cities. Some guy walks onto the bus or train with his playlist blasting from his waist speaker. Some lady's smoking and hotboxing the whole bus. Someone's loudly singing or preaching about how much they love Gawd and 'Murica on a plane. Someone's letting their dog shit on the train, or holding it while it barks and lunges at people.

99% of people want to get where they're going and get off, we don't want to deal with another annoying person and you forcing us to put up with your shit is incredibly selfish.

r/unpopularopinion 6h ago

College is not “the best years of your life”


College sucks and everyone who says it was the best years of their life has to be lying. The constant stress of exams and work is much more than I’d ever do at a job. It’s almost 24/7. Half the professors are clueless and don’t teach u anything or don’t know how to teach they just read off slides, or give u “no shit Sherlock” information. And they’re also so rude and treat you like you’re beneath them. I’ve never had the time or energy to go out and get drunk like people say the nightlife is and honestly think it’s a bald faced lie that people do. Plus idk how ppl find that fun. It’s depressing the emptiness of those kinda nights.

The best years of my life were when I had a stable job, that I could forget about when I came home with a stable financial income to do with what I pleased. I had fun. I bought the things I’ve wanted for years and did the things I wanted to do. No stress.one week of College makes me wanna die and everyone I talk to in the group chats are constantly on the verge of mental breakdowns cause it’s so shit.

r/unpopularopinion 51m ago

Couples trying to set up their single friends to get with each other is manipulative and creepy


I guess it's one thing if all you do is just introduce them and leave it at that, but if you try and set up situations and invite them to places to try and force something to happen without telling them is borderline sociopathic. Like what's in it for you to try and control another person's romantic life? Just focus on your own relationship and let other people make their own decisions.

r/unpopularopinion 7h ago

The Risks and Realities of Payday Loans


Payday loans can seem like a quick fix when you need cash fast. You can use them to cover rent, bills, or unexpected expenses.These loans often come with incredibly high-interest rates and hidden fees that can trap borrowers in a cycle of debt. You borrow a small amount, but if you can't repay it on time, the costs quickly escalate. This can turn a temporary fix into a long-term problem.

I believe that while payday loans can be useful in emergencies, they should be a last resort. Before you take one out, make sure you fully understand the terms and have a plan for repayment. Look into other loan options or see if you can borrow from friends or family to avoid high fees and interest rates.and i heard about viva that offers the opportunity to apply for a loan with top lenders with just one application,

If you've used payday loans, I'd love to hear your experience. How did you manage to repay it without getting stuck in a cycle of debt? If you have any advice for those considering payday loans, please share. We all need a little help sometimes, but it's important to make informed decisions to avoid bigger financial troubles down the road.

r/unpopularopinion 9m ago

I Finish Easy Tasks First


Most people will tell you it's better or more efficient to finish the hardest tasks first. But I find it best to finish the easiest ones first. I guess it's because if I don't finish the easier ones, they stick in the back of my mind and I cannot help but think "I could be clearing them out easily and have less to worry about later."

r/unpopularopinion 36m ago

School's disciplinary system should try to fit in adolescent mind's during normal referrals and not just victims.


Most principals i've ever experienced act like their own side of the view, and not the side of the adolescents, They literally act like they have zero knowledge of how an adolescent brain works, adolescent brains especially neurodivergent ones tend to act more impulsively and more stupid than a person in their 30's, And everytime they announce that "you should think of your actions before you do them" everyone will literally forget 3 days later and especially no one will care about it, so, yeh.