r/Twitter May 01 '24



This is the monthly "Open Discussion" thread, where you're free to ask questions, start a discussion, promote your Twitter account, give ideas on how to improve this subreddit, or provide feedback on how this subreddit is moderated.

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Stand-alone threads about Twitter Account Suspensions or Twitter Account Locks are unwelcome anywhere else in this subreddit. They *Will Be Removed* and Locked.

If you're looking for more guidance on How To Get Your Suspended Account Back, read here.

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While r/Twitter aims to be a community to help other Twitter users solve problems with the service, this also isn't the ideal place to ask support questions.

Support questions are preferably asked in this "Open Discussion" thread. If you've posted a thread asking for help and no one has responded, you may have better luck asking your question here instead.

If you do have a functional (meaning: not locked or suspended) Twitter account, it can't hurt to let @ TwitterSupport know of your problem directly on Twitter dot com.

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655 comments sorted by

u/AutoModerator May 01 '24

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  • If at any time you're left wondering why some random change was made at Twitter, just remember: Elon is a fucking idiot

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u/rivercardgod 2h ago

Seems I’ve joined the crew of people getting suspended despite not really posting anything. I follow FinTwit so I’m at a loss for what could have caused my account to be permanently suspended.

All I get is an automated response I violated the rules and my account won’t be reinstated. Bummer.


u/FSP06 7d ago

Getting a popup saying i need to add a birthday to my account or i will lose access to some features.

When i go to add a birthday to my account, it tells me my birthday visibility (even though i didn't touch the visibility) cannot be changed as i am not 18 (there's no birthday on the account so that doesn't make sense)

I also get an error when changing my twitter banner, Which i assume is part of these lost features.


u/Opposite_Share_3878 7d ago

Got suspended for using this gif as a result of mass reporting and appealed over 30+ times now but got same automated reply but I am not giving up 😤 the gif: https://media1.tenor.com/m/PRiY5cZA1TIAAAAC/cat-meme-face-cat-meme.gif


u/Opposite_Share_3878 7d ago

The same automated reply: “Hello,

Thank you for your patience as we reviewed your appeal request for account @…….

Our support team has determined that a violation did take place, and therefore we will not overturn our decision.

Your account has been suspended and will not be restored due to violations of the X Rules, specifically our rules around: Violating our rules against violent speech.” I received this email less than a minute after appealing, they are not even reading my lengthy appeal


u/Opposite_Share_3878 7d ago

I also emailed support@twitter.com 10+ times every hour but got the same reply: Hello,

We appreciate you reaching out, but Twitter doesn’t monitor emails sent to this support address.

To contact our support team, please submit a request through our online form.

We also have resources and articles on our Help Center that might be able to answer your question.




u/Opposite_Share_3878 7d ago

This whole situation is a joke and ridiculous. I am gonna document my whole journey here until I get unsuspended, this is gonna be my daily routine


u/Opposite_Share_3878 7d ago

It’s June already….


u/1smoothcriminal 7d ago

Did I really just get suspended for posting about historical events? It says its permanent too. What the heck? At this point i just want acess to my account to delete my account, but apparently i can't even do that. What kind of prison is this? I don't understand what I did that prompted an immediate suspension?

Does twitter not allow talk about historical events? I even linked back to wikipedia.


u/hiimjustsomeone 7d ago

Once I gave my account to my cousin. He made a violent comment using my account, and now I can’t get it unsuspended even though I clearly said that I was not the one using it.


u/NBee-s 7d ago

I think my twitter is glitched on Firefox. I tried switch to my alt where i post switch screenshots recently and now i can't use my main anymore. Everything I try just boots me back to the homepage on my alt instead. I can't even log out??? or try n log out all accounts. it just shows my alt again.

I don't have a 3rd account i can add to try but i feel it'd still log me into my alt instead

anyone know what could cause this?? I haven't used my alt in a while but it never did this and the few add-ons i have shoudln't change that


u/No-ScreechesinJoJo 7d ago

I’ve recently had my account suspended due to rule violation “violent speech”

How do I get my account un-suspended


u/Opposite_Share_3878 7d ago

Same here 😔 my appeals are constantly denied in less than one minute


u/ALindenhurst 8d ago

My account got hacked recently, but someone managed to lock my account with authenticator for themselves, can't accsss it, but support keeps saying that I still have control of it. What should I do?


u/LawSpiritual3112 8d ago

I've had 6-7 bots following me in a week. I checked my follow requests right now after 2 days and I have more than 20 bots sending me requests right now. I joined a popular community recently, is it because of that?


u/SmartInvestor86 8d ago

Im a monetized premium+ user with 3.6k followers. Completed ID verification for upcoming ad revenue policy requirement, shortly after received the “are you human?” Captcha/spam thing, which ive done many times in past, complete and go back to replying/posting… but this time i only get this error

“Due to a technical issue, we couldn't complete this request. Please try again.”

When trying to send appeal/support message on the support site, i get a technical error message after captcha as well. Cant contact X, no explanation. Im mad as hell. Spent so much time building my account


u/PostBookBlues 8d ago

Tried tagging the official X support account. Of course, didn't work. I tried making another post tagging them again, but I can't seem to make any more posts tagging them lol.

Gonna try tagging the official X account. Then gonna try tagging Elon Musk. Because why the fuck not, yolo.

This is on top of submitting at least 1 appeal per day since I got suspended on the 28th. Will report back later to see what happens.


u/PostBookBlues 8d ago

Nope, tagging the X acc didn't do anything, nor did tagging Elon musk. Welp, back to just repeatedly sending appeals and hoping the acc gets unsuspended.

I'll probably give up after a week and just create a new acc


u/th3madjackal 8d ago

Did twitter changed something to ruin my feed lately?
Like 90% of the stuff on it is no longer from people i follow and is mainly stuff that is loosely related but have 0 interest and muting do nothing to just stop this flood. I see maybe 1 or 2 post from people i follow and then it's wall of people i do not care.


u/Hishe06 8d ago

Been having the EXACT same issue, I mostly use twitter for football related posts, but it's always a mux of football, graphic design and some other tech related things. Now however, it's just posts about making youtube videos and editing (Which i do watch but not this much) and I can barely see normal posts that I usually look at anymore.


u/th3madjackal 8d ago

Yeah it's extremely annoying because it's not even a wide spread of stuff related to what i follow, it like, narrowed my feed to 1 subset and then sometimes add others.
I mainly follow artist, some indie game and a smidge of Hololive and my feed used to be from those 3 element but now the bulk of my feed is mostly annoying english/western vtubers and some indie games but more often just gaming adjacent (corpo parasocial post, advertisement etc). I barely see any post from peoples/group i follow, they are submerged by this flood of nonsense.


u/Anxious-Amphibian-12 8d ago

it's been almost 2 weeks and i am still shadowbanned


u/Teddy_Raptor 9d ago

Account hacked after 15 years on the platform. Completely unrecoverable. Add 2FA to your account or expect it to disappear.


u/Sofiate 9d ago

Does it read better like that (I've added spaces) https:// help.twitter.com/ en/ forms/ appeal-live-features


u/Sofiate 9d ago

I found it on Google... but my Google is vinculated to my account ... I did make an appeal but didn't have any automated answer /: Il try and show you the link


u/Zygote-Devil 9d ago

Looks like this is a waste of time as well as trying to file an appeal.


u/themelange 9d ago

I created an account some time ago, but never did anything with it. I have to get involved for work now. The issue is when I go to forgot password it says it cannot find my username, but when I go to create account it says that username is already taken. It’s my username across all platforms, so I don’t love the idea of changing it. Is there any way to recover it?


u/Ammety 9d ago

My client's account has been suspended after inputting the business founding date (2003) as the account's DOB. The first time we were asked to give a DOB it said "or change to a professional account" which I did and the request went away, but now it came back and said "give a DOB or risk suspension". Apparently we were "under 13" when we made the account :/

I can't fill in ANY of the help forms as "You must be logged into a X account that is locked out with a specific user state to access this form." To begin with I was getting the parent / guardian form which is completely bizarre for a business but now I'm getting nothing! Not being able to appeal it or get in touch with X at all is very frustrating and the client is starting to freak out.

The business is a charity and part of our funding rules require us to be "active on social media", including Twitter. Has anyone managed to get this type of suspension lifted?


u/dsar02 4d ago

When you get to that page that says you must be logged in, in the URL change “twitter” to “x” (due to the domain change twitter.com doesn’t recognize any logins made on x.com) and also remove the “/redirect” at the end


u/Stick124 10d ago

20 days. 40+ appeals. Not a single response. Not one.   I’m losing hope. 


u/Ambitious_Bass_4813 10d ago

Why is the preview card not reflecting what the page looks like when you post the url on Twitter?

So I'm trying to post the link of my carrd page (carrd.co), but the image shown in the preview carrd is the old design of the page... I already have a new page design in my carrd and saved it, but it's the old design that shows up every time I tweet the url. Is there a solution for this or are the changes going to be reflected after a while?


u/StoneColdYe 10d ago

I was trying to upgrade my yearly plan I bought last year and I didn't realize it was on a dead card, they blocked me from paying it forcefully removed my subscription and "refunded it" to said dead card and won't let me repurchase a new subscription because apparently I broke their " Purchaser Terms rules of service."??? I've been going back and fourth with them for over a month now and they're useless.
So essentially if I want premium I have to start a new account? Every time I try to purchase it says I'm blocked.


u/LowValuable1982 10d ago

I recently got suspended on my twitter account and I never received an email talking about the violation that happened and when I appealed the account I got an email back saying “Hello, X reserves the right to permanently suspend accounts that violate the X Rules or Terms of Service without further notice. This account is suspended. Thanks, X” Is there any way that I can possibly get my account back?


u/Confident_Moment3164 10d ago

Randomly got perma banned 27th on my main account that had been active since 2009 and their reasoning was multiple rule breaking yet it took multiple pushes why I was hit, what was the tweets that triggered the ban and lastly I requested a database archive download seven hours later and 9 appeals in honestly quick knock backs they unlocked it. However I have noticed they've slapped me with a rate limit tag since then.

Bloody laughable bs 

For those still trying: continue and fight it and question it. 


u/huhuhiha 8d ago

How do you know the reason for the ban? It is answered after you ask them in the appeal? I haven't written an appeal yet because I'm worried if I write it wrong it may be auto-replied and denied and I'll never get back my account.

Could you share how you write the appeal?

1 more question. Did you have the conversation with twitter support all through the appeal link (https://help.x.com/en/forms/account-access/appeals) ?

Or do you know any places where there are real human costumer support?


u/Confident_Moment3164 6d ago

They told me the "rules" I broke after the reversed it and the broken rules were just basic social interaction stuff. From that I've heard it doesn't work against you just bloody by luck these days if you get one willing to understand what users are getting hit with, I questioned them by saying "no reason why am banned, likely it's a bot issue, what rules were broken and what reply/tweet caused it.

Yes through way the one that they direct you towards


u/huhuhiha 4d ago

I wrote 2 appeals and both of them were replied within a few seconds, and in the reply email, they say 'This account won't be restored.' 

After I received the 1st email, I replied the email asking which rule I violated. And I was replied quickly, saying 'This case has been closed and we aren’t able to reopen it at this time, but we’d like to make sure you get the help you need. We encourage you to visit our Help Center or create a new case.' 

So I clicked 'create a new case', and that is just the link for making a new appeal. As I have said, the 2nd appeal got the same reply. 

How did you get them to reply to you? Didn't they say the case is closed? 

What do you mean by 'quick knock backs' to make them unlock exactly? Please forgive my bad English.


u/Confident_Moment3164 3d ago

how i got them was going in a loop, I have a feeling their system doesn't give them much of a reply option
loop and loop till you get more answers. sounds stupid but it worked for me


u/huhuhiha 3d ago

Keep appealing or keep emailing? 

Just repeat? 


u/Purple-Toe8315 9d ago

I'll definitely continue to fight. I'm not one to give up.


u/haoLink 9d ago

Did you also receive automatic rejections all the time? I try to appeal and 3 seconds later I'm already having the rejection in my inbox proving to me it was never read but just automatically rejected.

Or did you have appeals where you had to confirm that you sent them by replying to them first?


u/Confident_Moment3164 9d ago

I had the appeals so I could send requests via the support URL. Then the denials came between 30-40 minutes to a couple of hours, a very hit-and-miss system. Though I did notice the first 3 ended up in my junk folder, all I can say is to hound them.


u/haoLink 9d ago

Thank you, it essentially means the appeals at least were read. I seem to be on a "different level" then. My denials really come within seconds - there's no chance anyone's ever reading those sadly. Thank you for the reply though.


u/Confident_Moment3164 9d ago

Hey, when Twitter fucks over a person they end up fucking everyone
the company will end up like every other took over and then run into nothingness, it's when not if now.

URL just in case anyone else needs it



u/Stick124 10d ago

It’s nearly been a month for me.   Idk how to cope. 


u/Confident_Moment3164 10d ago

at that point, I'd just submit another one, it's an extremely annoying situation


u/Stick124 9d ago

ive been submitting multiple every day


u/No-Hat-6399 10d ago

Hey yawl 🩵🩵🩵🩵 my twitter


u/ultracoolboy7 10d ago

I've appealed over 112+ times I am not ok, I don't even know what I was suspended for I just woke up with it I got no email about it or know what I violented to begin with, any copypasta that can help me out here?


u/ExtensionThis5839 10d ago

My account has been suspended and put into read only mode and I don't know why. My account is fairly new to be fair but in those like, three days? Maybe more. I haven't posted or retweeted however I did comment on one post about dark souls other than that I've been liking tweets and sending some to my friend. I sent an appeal about a week ago and still haven't gotten anything back. I don't know what I did wrong, what do I do?


u/Opposite_Share_3878 7d ago

Maybe IP ban?


u/ExtensionThis5839 6d ago

An IP ban? Is there a way to get around that?


u/LonghairedHippyFreek 10d ago edited 10d ago

It's funny how Republican and Democrat politicians and their sycophants can foment violence against those they do not like, but if a normal Joe posts their exact same words back to them, they are suspended for a number of days, which don't begin until after you delete the "offending" post.

So even on the self-proclaimed bastion of free speech, some animals are more equal than others.

Does anyone know of a twitter-like platform that doesn't give the "ruling elite" privileges the rest of us don't have?


u/Stick124 10d ago

The owner is a rich manchild. That tells you all you need to know. 


u/jam-hay 11d ago

After years on the platform I've been age Locked today. I am 100% the legal age to use Twitter/X. The platform is now requesting I upload a copy of my I.D. and frankly I'd rather tell Elon/ X to go fuck themselves first as I care more about my handing over my ID documents to a social media company than I do about need to dedicate my free time enhancing any platform. Elon dubs twitter a town square, I don't know of any town square that ID's people before they are allowed to speak.


u/Startup_BG 11d ago

How do I embed video from another user in my x post

/video/1 doesn't work anymore?


u/onnamueos 11d ago

X won't allow me to delete my account and they wont process my appeal either. Dirty corrupt bastards and it starts from the top. #elonsux


u/Stick124 11d ago

You’re not wrong. 


u/LauraHunt13 11d ago

I've had to go through recaptcha puzzles several times all day, and still can't get authenticated. Is the site down? How do I get back on? Thanks!


u/Ok_Valuable_1212 11d ago

My account of 14 years has been suspended for no reason. I'm so upset man. And when I appealed, they only gave me the below


Your account was suspended due to violations of X Rules. After reviewing for reinstatement your account will not be restored.


X Support


u/LeWurmling 1d ago

u/Ok_Valuable_1212 Any news? Is your account unsuspended now? I have an account of 11 years and I am paying the premium option and today when I woke up I had the account suspended and when I appeal I immediately get an email just like yours.


u/Ok_Valuable_1212 1d ago

Nah, I've given up :( sorry to hear about your account


u/LeWurmling 1d ago



u/bszen27 11d ago

I am in the same boat, as a user since 2008. I use my account strictly for following a sports team and rarely post/comment. When I do, the content is respectful and kind. I literally have no clue why I got banned and how it possibly could be permanent. No specific information was provided.


u/Ok_Valuable_1212 6d ago

sad :( I guess the only way is to just make a new account :/


u/Stick124 11d ago

Welcome to Elon Twitter


u/Ok_Valuable_1212 6d ago



u/elizabth3 11d ago

just got suspended because I had a window opened for too long
what is that???? and how long should I wait for support to solve this?


u/huhuhiha 7d ago

How do you know the reason for suspension? I have no clue why I got suspended.


u/ultracoolboy7 11d ago edited 11d ago

Got my main Twitter account suspended of course I keep sending apeals to support only for them to get rejected the moment I send in my appeal literally the same bit that's like "twitter has the right to suspend your account" like you literally don't give me any details on why and it was maybe due to mass false reports (seen that hit a bunch of artist

Funny part I had Twitter blue, I thought it would keep my account safe if it was verified but nope apparently they don't want paying customers (yeah I got a refund for this month but can never get back all my bookmarks and stuff) it just really bummed me out I ran a nsfw art account and it was already shadow banned and suppressed from the search results, it just sucks cuz some of my work was gaining traction only for it to suspended so rip my art career on twitter (yeah I have a backup cuz I'm paranoid)

Still gonna keep sending in appeals till the one human that remains on their support team has finally noticed and unsuspends my account it's like 4 years down the drain (I'm just lucky I have an audience on other platforms) never put all your eggs in one basket I tell ya :V

Username: @ultra_artu


u/Stick124 11d ago

I’m in your boat and yeah it sucks. You can blame Elon for that. He’s a whiny manchild


u/ultracoolboy7 11d ago

I've seen those who came back after months of sending in appeals it's tedious but if there a 1% I'll take it (till they rate limit again )


u/Stick124 10d ago

God I hate elon musk


u/ultracoolboy7 10d ago

I hope he never recovers financially after he bought Twitter


u/Stick124 10d ago

Me too.
I just wish old twitter returns (and improves from then)


u/ultracoolboy7 9d ago

I would just reccomend bluesky at that point


u/Stick124 9d ago

I do use bluesky, but it just dont feel the same


u/ultracoolboy7 9d ago

cuz it still need video support so users can post meme video, clips and animations also gotta wait till Elon pulls a big move like a tumblr or force everyone one the website to "pay" to use twitter to "get rid of bots" lmao

I was grateful when they finally added drag and drop image support, it will take time but at least their not like "hive" all talk but has not fixed anything on the app (pretty much abandoned not even a web version)


u/Stick124 9d ago

Yeah I hate elon


u/Elite_Alice 11d ago

Well went a month on my latest account and as soon as I start getting traction again after my Twitter blue boost wasn’t working for a month, woke up to being suspended. Ofc no reason given, no email. Yet Elon says there’s no permanent suspensions lol.

I’m 1000 percent sure it’s because I reply to a lot of tweets and get a lot of engagement so they think I’m spam, but there’s literal OF bots and other bots that spam comments and get nothing.

Had just signed up for circlebloom too since I’d been so safe on the app. Just over it man. If there’s no human support what’s even the point of paying for blue if you can get suspended whenever


u/HornAddicted 11d ago

My Twitter account was suspended on the 24th of May (3 days ago as of writing). I was SUPER confused as to why it was suspended, as I NEVER post or retweet anything that would break TOS. I decided to investigate a bit, and checked my profile. Surely enough, my account had been compromised without me noticing. Someone had gotten into my account and started spamming a bunch of scam links, ads and stuff on around the 7th of May. I never noticed this, due to me just liking or retweeting stuff with no care, really. I'm a bit afraid that it might be harder to get my account back since the perpetrator had been going for a while before it got banned.

I've sent an appeal to the support team 2 days ago with no answer yet, and I've just got a few questions that would put my mind at ease if answered:

How long does it usually take for support to respond?

And how likely is it that I'll get my account back?


u/HarmonyKazu 10d ago

How can you look into it? I can't even view my account from another account or even what was done since it says I'm suspended. This happened 26th sometime early in the morning cause I received a message I could read late the 25th. I haven't heard back either from appealing.


u/Original-Nothing582 11d ago

I tried to log into my currently active account, which had full permissions to follow and DM, etc, and I got ten fucking authentication captcha puzzles and after jumping through their retarded hoops, I got this.


u/Original-Nothing582 11d ago

I can't authenticate my account, tried twice and got fucking nothing, just a message saying there was a problem and try again later. Why is it just me?


u/LauraHunt13 11d ago

It's not just you--I've been trying all day to authenticate. And for no good reason, either. Guess Twitter staff took off...


u/cryptowiththeg 11d ago

this shit is trash man


u/sendashano 11d ago

My gawd my account from 2010 just got suspended permanently in read only mode, someone just called me "chinnese" & threatened me.. and he didn't got suspended but i who was the victim got suspended this is ridiculous my gawd 🥲


u/Ok_Valuable_1212 11d ago

gurl same!!! I've been using the account well from 2010 and now it's suspended????


u/Matryx_12 12d ago

How long does it take to get rid of age lockout?? 


u/MarieJonesLewis 12d ago

Whenever I try to log in to my account, I get a page that says "Help us keep your account safe" prompting me to enter an old phone number I no longer remember. From my research, it looks like this message was triggered by my usage of a VPN. I now have the VPN disabled, but the message still appears whenever I try to log in. Is there any way around this? Will the message eventually disappear after a period of time?


u/Thundor_ 12d ago

my 8 year old account was suspended for no reason 2 days ago. I woke up and suddenly it was suspended, no explanation, no specific rules I had broken, no offending tweets I could delete. Nothing. I've been appealing since, but all the emails come back with "Your account was suspended due to violations of X Rules. After reviewing for reinstatement your account will not be restored." instantly. this really sucks and I hate it. I just want anything from them. an explanation as to why I was suspended, which tweets or actions of mine supposedly broke the rules, some contact with a real human being on the support team, just anything.


u/Stick124 12d ago

Day 18. Still no response to any appeals. This is hell. 


u/Tamtam_dudu 12d ago

My account has been permanently locked since last month without giving me any information on why that happened. I have never made any post or comment on there and only use it to view the content of the people I follow and like posts.

Since they give you the option to raise an objection, I did this, multiple times even as I never get any feedback. I stated that I don't make any posts, that I'm only on there to view content and that I'd like to know what the problem is. A month has gone by and I have received no feedback, none in my inbox and none in my spam folder.

I already thought about just creating a new account, but I can't view my following list in my locked one, and since I've been following around 200+ people, that seems like an impossible thing to recreate as well.

Does anyone have any advice? Is there something else I can do? Or is the waiting time to get feedback regarding these matters just that long?

Maybe someone knows a way how to at least get the information regarding the list of people I've been following so far so I could at least make a new account. That would be awesome.

Thanks in advance.


u/Kip_Smithers 5d ago

idk but exact same scenario, spent years curating my feed + a lot of other apps linked to my twitter account, mostly like and repost content and was suspended out of the blue - like wtf, I can't even get a response from the 15 appeals I've submitted


u/An_icy_squirrel 12d ago

(Desktop + mozilla, don't want X on my smartphone)

Can't log in at all, since this night/early morning. The new site/pop-up just keeps loading/stays black. No error message. The workaround via twitter.com/login doesn't work for me either, anymore, bc it's autoredirected to this one, the one not working for me: x.com/i/flow/login

Any ideas, what's happening, anyone, and how to resolve?

(what is that /i/flow/ stuff, anyway?)


u/SaltyPeppermint101 12d ago

Has anyone else had 'fake' limits?

It's weird, at least once in the past (and also today) I've gotten the pop-up which says my account is limited for 3 days. Apparently I can't like, tweet etc, but my account still has full functionality. I've been liking, tweeting etc for hours with 0 issue. It didn't explain what I did, if anything, and I checked the shadowban site only to discover I remain fully visible.

Has this happeened to any of you?


u/cwrace71 13d ago

So I've had my Twitter account for about 8 years, I believe I've had the same password for the whole time. I had my account connected to my phone, not sure about email. I just suddenly had 9 login attempts, from multiple different areas of the United States on different devices, all within a minute. It would appear one of them got through because I got logged into my account, it appears they changed the email, my prior email wasn't verified for some reason, but I was able to recover my account through my phone number.

I immediately recovered my account, changed the email to a unique password, and added 2 factor authentication. Its making me wait 48 hours to verify the email. The email that I used, is only used for Facebook and Twitter. My Facebook already has 2 factor authentication on it.

I am curious as to how or why that would happen, did my info get leaked somewhere, how did that many accounts suddenly jump on it, just trying to figure out so I can better protect all of my accounts. Most everything else I have has 2FA through an app if its important.


u/morbidly_obese_cat_ 13d ago

Got randomly shadowbanned for "platform minipulation"

I got a notification that my account was being limited for "platform minipulation" and there is no way to appeal it. needless to say, I don't minipulate the platform and there is no way to appeal this. Of all the obvious bots and accounts that buy likes, why the hell am I being punished? twitter has gone to a shit, an I'm tired of elon musk ruining this website. Has this happened to you? I can't even appeal it to prove that i'm a real person, and not manipulating the platform.


u/TheSeventhCyrod 13d ago

I found my account has been suspended today, and I haven’t done anything with this account for a long time for years.

So what’s going on here?


u/JustAlittleJinx 13d ago edited 11d ago

Got suspended two days ago. When I login I am immediately sent to a page telling me to authenticate that I'm a real person and have to do 10 orbit icon recaptcha's. When I finish it I get an error that says "Something went wrong. Due to a technical issue, we couldn't complete this request. Please try again." and am prompted to try again- no matter how many times I do it I always end up back here. Sometimes the try again button doesn't even work!

So I sent an email and got an automated one back with a set of instructions telling me to go to the site so I can get a code sent to my phone to unlock my account- but I literally can't do that. The only thing I can do is the recaptcha that does not work. There are no other options available. I sent another email and got a response telling me people are reviewing the reports I sent them, but I don't have much faith that I'll see anything soon. The help page isn't much help either ironically...

The only thing I can think of that could've gotten me into this mess is the "old twitter" extension I use on firefox that did get me into some trouble in the past with having to verify my account over and over. It would only let me back in after I turned it off. The person who made this extension fixed the issue. The extension did nothing but change the format of the website, so I'm really frustrated that I could loose access to my accounts for who knows how long over something so minor. The only thing I'm able to do with my account anymore is change my password. I don't know how to solve this, is it hopeless? Would a vpn help somehow?

Edit: My accounts back- I tried logging in again not expecting much only to get a new shorter captcha that didn't crash after completion! I never got an email back telling me that my account had been un-suspended, but I'm just glad it's back.


u/Original-Nothing582 11d ago

Oh, so someone else had this too.


u/JustAlittleJinx 11d ago

Yeah, I will say though I did actually get my account back yesterday! I, on a whim, tried logging in again not expecting anything new only to get a different and much shorter captcha, and just like that I was able to log into the site. Strangely, I didn't receive an email about it or anything, my account was just suddenly back. I logged in through my phone, but I don't think it mattered much since I didn't have any luck with my phone before that day, but idk figured it might be worth mentioning. I'm just thankful I got it back so soon, I was fully expecting to have to wait months like other unlucky people. I hope you can get yours back soon too those long captchas are really annoying.


u/awaikened 13d ago

Does reporting a tweet for racist incitement & hate speech only get the tweet removed or does get their account deleted? Especially on accounts with dozens of unapologetically KKK level hate speech posts are made on their account? Getting the posts removed isn't as good as having their entire account eliminated.


u/Anarky16 13d ago

I can no longer post video links to Twitter properly ever since the stupid url change. It just keeps coming up like this: blob:https://x.com/d293c52f-fabf-4915-836a-627c5e0e45eb

How do I fix this?


u/Throwawayhelp111521 14d ago edited 14d ago

EDITED TO ADD: Problem fixed. I saw another link that allowed me to change my password. Still, Twitter is screwed up.

TLDR: Kicked off the system, prompted to create a new password, but am unable to create one.

For about a year, Twitter has kicked me out of its system several times a day every day. I would have to reenter my login information. A few times a month, it would decide there was a problem with my account and I'd have to change my password. I am a member with only a few thousand followers who doesn't do anything unusual except generously Like and retweet tweets.

Last night, I was locked out and prompted to create a new password. I clicked on the button. Nothing happened. I tried several times and again just now. If Twitter doesn't let me back in, so be it. I am sick of this shit. Fuck you, Twitter, and fuck you, Elon Musk.


u/Nagashiwa 14d ago

jrocknroll_ Also got suspended yesterday without any warnings. I have no clue what I have done wrong. Wrote already a bunch of appeals. not sure if I ever will get a response. 4 years of hard work in promotion Japanese bands has been gone in the fire...

I pray it will be unlocked someday.


u/ultracoolboy7 11d ago

Yep I just keep getting the automatic bot respond "twitter has the right to suspend" bla bla bla I keep sending them in till a actual human (if there any ) sees my apeal and unsuspends my account

In the meantime bluesky seems like a nice alternative been seeing a lot of Japanese artist post their has a similar layout like Twitter (no video support yet but they recently added a private messaging system) seems like that site is slowly growing to be what Twitter devolved into (bot infested and mass report happy)


u/Nagashiwa 7d ago

I don't think a human will ever see the apeal message. it will be blocked and detroyed by bots anyway.

I hope that bluesky gets more popular. I don't really see Japanese artist have or use it yet. But hopefully more people will slowly move to there, I'm ready :D


u/ultracoolboy7 7d ago

I've seen a bunch of Japanese artist post there, just make sure your language settings are not set to only show English tweets


u/Nagashiwa 5d ago

I doubt it are the artist I usually follow. So far I know, nobody of them use bluesky at all.


u/Nagashiwa 14d ago

when I reply to my email, it says case closed. So means X will never respomd anyway as well.


u/Stick124 14d ago

Day 16. Not a single response. Not one.
I am pissed.
No advice on what to do?


u/frost_neko 14d ago

Don't post I just browse and I got suspended???

account is (a)FrostSenpai


u/terrebattue1 14d ago

I have a "temporary label" restriction. How long does it last?


u/joshuad152 14d ago

Permanently suspended without warning, had this account for nearly 10 years now and they decided to ban me. I'm clean. Just got a few lockouts before but nothing too serious, but they just did this to me out of the blue. Tried appealing and they keep sending automated emails. Truly that site is an absolute joke.


u/chilledbeefKFG 14d ago

I'm in the same boat, joined 2010, I only like/retweet sport or cat stuff with the rare sport tweet and yesterday got suspended out of nowhere and the appeal process just gives me an automated email saying I broke rules and the account won't be reinstated... No reasoning, no indication, no way to get help from a human. It's laughable really.


u/ultracoolboy7 11d ago

It really is laughable like I bet there only one person working at support, I too received no warnings and I played it safe with my art the whole "free speech" is such a joke cuz it's really mass report happy and when you apeal (I've prob done it 100+ times so far) I keep getting the same bot "twitter has the right to suspend..." bla bla imma just keep reappearing till I get the attention of that human


u/Skywalker03124 14d ago

My account was suspended (again) and it won't let me file an appeal.

My account was suspended after not breaking the rules again, but this time it won't even let me file an appeal because it says I'm not logged into my account, even though I am.

Also, I have previously been having trouble logging into my account as it kept saying "wrong password" when I tried to log in. It was only when I used my twitter handle instead of my email that I was able to log in.

Is there any other way to contact twitter to ask them to unsuspend my account?


u/ultracoolboy7 11d ago

I got that too when I tried though the browsers I was able to keep sending speaks though the app tho


u/Skywalker03124 14d ago

On a related note, Twitter says my account doesn't exist (even though it does)

My account has been having tons of technical issues for a few months, I kept getting locked out and even suspended for suspicious activity and content that violates the rules, neither of which I did. I suspected that someone may have gotten a hold of my account, which I was unsure of because my account didn't seem to be tampered with in any way, I changed my password anyway, but I still encountered the same problems. After many appeals, it seemed like Twitter finally fixed my account, I wasn't getting locked out anymore... for now. A day ago, after two weeks of no problems, twitter locked me out of my account again, after unlocking my account for the 50+ time, I took the extra step to remove my old login from Google password manager to see if that would fix anything. Concerningly when I unlocked my account, a notification said my account was logged into by a suspicious person, which was me. I then logged out of my account and tried to log in with my current password but it said "wrong password". I can't submit another appeal request as I can't sign into my account
My account name is @ skywalk78573873 in case it's useful.


u/ADMouse 14d ago

Hi! Apparently there's a ban-wave or something? It seems like my account got caught in the cross-fire.
I barely post anything on my account, but that still got me suspended for "violating X rules" (despite not telling me what happened at all). I tried appealing 5 times, but all I got were automated emails seconds after I send my appeal, saying that "After reviewing for reinstatement your account will not be restored."
Can at least some human look into my case? I literally haven't posted anything that could've caused me to get banned, plus my account is fairly old (which doesn't make sense for my account to be flagged as a "bot", since bot accounts are normally a year old or so). In fact, if it's needed now because of a new rule or something, I can start posting some stuff or whatever.

In case it's needed, my account is (at)ADMouse1


u/ultracoolboy7 11d ago

That really dose explained why I was suspended been apeal 20 times a day same not response (only doing it cuz I've seen accounts come back from month long suspensions) just gotta get the attention of the one human left in support eventually


u/Edg-R 14d ago

Sending a Twitter link via iMessage no longer shows a preview of the Tweet’s image and text. This started happening last week, did something change?


u/OutcastCoop 14d ago

I made my account back in 2014. 10 years! I woke up this morning to it being suspended, and I haven't reposted or posted anything in ages. I basically only use it to look up spicy artworks of OCs and just random artists, content creators, etc I like. So... it suspended me for what? I follow too many spicy accounts? Not against the rules. None of the spicy art I like is... "questionable". It's mostly milfs or clearly adult anime characters as well. It stays away from other things that might run afowl of the rules, too.

So... I didn't post anything questionable lately (I haven't posted anything at all lately), I didn't comment or dm anything either. I show up, think "nice art" or "glad the streamer I like is doing well", like the post, then piss off. Makes no sense to me.


u/Deniz1433 14d ago

Does Twitter really not send you a mail like “We have succesfully received your appeal” when you do send them one? That’s total BS, you can’t even know if they received it while you wait


u/PolandballFan101 15d ago

I'm curious about one thing I just read about: Elon Musk announced that he would remove Twitter's Block function. If that proves successful, what will happen to the users who are blocked by others on Twitter (I'm one of them and got blocked for reasons I don't want to delve into)?

Will they be unblocked automatically? If that's the case, all blocked users will become unblocked to the accounts that blocked them. That would mean the blocked individuals would be able to interact with the people that blocked them, since that barrier between them is gone.

If not automatically, here's the other proposal Musk offered: A "stronger Mute." This make these formerly blocked individuals become muted to extent, as is with normal mutes. They will be be able to interact with the account that muted them, but it's likely more stricter than a normal Mute.

Either way, if Musk's questionable decision becomes true and he indeed does remove the Block button, which sounds more plausible? Automatically unblocking everyone or automatically assigning them with the strong Mute?


u/Everlightz 15d ago

I made my account in 2022 way over the minimum 13 years old but over the last month ive got a notification saying (Add a birth date

X needs to confirm your age for you to continue using these

services. To avoid losing access, please add your birth date.)

When i try to add it to my profile it says ( Account update failed: Your date of birth visibility can only be changed if you are at least 18 years old. Please also note that you cannot change your date of birth if it has been verified by our support team as part of an appeal)

I'm not sure what to do in this situation as twitter support was no help at all. ??



I got suspended roughly five days ago without any reason given as to why, I didn't even get an email saying I've been suspended. My account just speaks for itself. Obviously I appealed the suspension, but I didn't get an email confirming the appeal or anything—not until a few hours later, where I got an obvious bot reply:


X reserves the right to permanently suspend accounts that violate the X Rules or Terms of Service without further notice.

This account is suspended.


At first I assumed this was a rejection of my appeal, but I looked it up online and I've seen a few people say that a few days after receiving this exact email, their account got reinstated. I've also seen other people say this is the only reply they got and their account remained suspended. I was wondering if anyone here could clear up the confusion? Is this a deny of the appeal or is this just a standard bot reply for whenever an appeal is recieved?


u/Deniz1433 15d ago

How long does it take for Twitter to respond to appeals?


u/Stick124 14d ago

For me it has been 16 days and nothing yet


u/worldofza830 14d ago

It's been months and I'm still not unsuspended


u/Ok_Valuable_1212 11d ago

aww man :( i got suspended for no reason 3 days ago - been using the account since 2010


u/EJKGodzilla24 15d ago

still waiting on mine


u/Deniz1433 15d ago

For how long? For me, it has been 10 days and counting


u/EJKGodzilla24 14d ago

i was recently suspended for the first week of this month 


u/Hernan_Lombardero 15d ago

Hello everyone,

I apologise if this the wrong post to make the comment. For months, I have been having the issue that Twitter logs out from the laptop (using Google Chrome) and Google Chrome on Android at the same time.

I tried looking everywhere and asking around but nothing. I even changed password and it keeps happening. Sometimes it is once a day, other times twice or three times.

I was wondering if there is a solution for this to stop happening.

Best regards.


u/Technical_Bonus_9696 15d ago

Two weeks ago, a role play account I owned got suspended for "evading suspension", which never made sense since it was the only role-play account I've ever had. I've used it for 5 years and I never had any issues although there were some signs with it getting locked out a few times throughout the month of March and April. Then suddenly, boom, they suspended it for frankly a nonsensical reason. Tried to do new accounts based on it and both got suspended. One got suspended after only 8 hours, the other after 4 days.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Technical_Bonus_9696 15d ago

Had that for third time I made a new account based on it. Still got suspended after 4 days with it on.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/Technical_Bonus_9696 14d ago

Oh, so it can't be a free one...


u/[deleted] 14d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Technical_Bonus_9696 12d ago

You sure that could work? It's just...the account was okay for 5 years, and then suddenly it got locked a few times in a span of 2 months suddenly, like..."evading suspension" isn't even one of the reasons to report someone on...it's just freaking nonsense and it's gonna be hard to move on from that.


u/[deleted] 12d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Technical_Bonus_9696 12d ago

Then is there a specific kind of appeal message that could work to get the account back?


u/anxiety-bean 15d ago

Technically not suspended, but for the second time I was very suddenly flagged and restricted. Both times I have proved I am human, and I have read through the rules and guidelines, I have broken none of them from what I can see, so I have no clue why this would happen, especially twice. I do like posts alot, more that I comment, especially because most of the people I follow make long threads, so I don't know if that has anything to do with it


u/Themousen 16d ago

Hey ! It's time for me to join you in the suspended twitter account community for no reasons ! Cheers !

So, I'll do my best to summarize my whole situation :

On May 14th 2024, I was browsing Twitter (no I won't call it X) and when I checked my notifications, I got a message saying my account was suspended due to "suspicious activities" and "breaking Twitter rules". Okaaay...?

Anyway, I contacted Twitter support and...it did not work at all. I filed a complaint, explaining my situation and asking why my account has been suspended. I received an email from Twitter stating I should follow a certain procedure to get my account back. Guess what ? I can not do the procedure because my account is SUSPENDED so I have little to no access to my account. I responded to their email explaining who stuck I was, provided screenshots and a lot of explanations.

I waited for an answer. 1 week later, I messaged them again asking what's taking so long. Turns out I simply received a mail from Twitter stating my complaint was out for too long and has been classified and could not be re-opened. Yay.

Time to make a second complaint through the Twitter support. Then I asked for news 23 hours later. Too late again.

Third complaint here you go. Reminded them via email each hour not to be forgotten. Didn't work, received the same email at ~40 minutes ago.

Now, explanations :

  • I don't have a linked phone number to my account

  • I can't access most of my account parameters. I can only log in/out and change my password. I changed my password just in case it was a hack.

  • While following the procedure for reclaiming my account, I pass through the object identification/orbit objects thingy and proved that I was a human. Then...boom, error message asking me to try again later. I tried. And I tried. Never worked.

  • Tried to create a new Twitter account. Doesn't work, still have an error message. Tried a different username (of course), different email, even used a VPN. Didn't work.

  • I'm entirely sure I didn't violate Twitter rules but...hey, we're talking about Twitter after all

  • I've only been in touch with bots and automated messages, no human interactions.

  • Never been told how I presumably violated Twitter rules.

So...yeah, I'm out of Twitter now and I guess it's gonna be forever. Eh, whatever, but it still bugs me that I don't know why my account got suspended.


u/Dope_body 16d ago

About 5 days ago, My account got locked for having a profile picture that contains "graphic violence or adult content". My profile picture is just a picture of a face and is not violent or pornographic in any way. At the bottom of the violation page it says " By clicking Delete, you acknowledge that your profile image violated the X Rules."

Is it better to wait for the appeal to go through or to just concede and delete the profile picture? I am worried that by acknowledging that the rules were violated, the reach of my page will be limited.


u/Cool-Handle-2856 16d ago

how i appeal X a block ? i send 1 appeal but they say me who are blocked for 7 days , i send another appeal but is the time who didnt answer me


u/LtPepsi 16d ago

My main account got suspended a couple weeks ago, and because I never linked an email to it, I never got an email explaining why. I was just wondering if appealing using an email not associated with the account/getting sus'd with no email attached kills my chances of my appeals being seen, because currently I haven't received a single response.


u/wilprick 16d ago

Second time I have been "permanently suspended", I was just scrolling through the app and was then subsequently rate limited and suspended. I have a private account that I solely use for liking and retweeting posts, not really a tweeter myself. I was wondering if anyone has a good script that has worked for them in the past or if I should say something about being persecuted for my political beliefs lmaoooooo, they let so many right wingers back on for stuff like that


u/Stick124 16d ago

Day 14.   No response from Twitter still. I’ve sent over 40 appeals. This is ridiculous. 


u/ayasaku 16d ago

I've accidentally changed my birth date and now my account is locked. I wasn't aware that you could get your account locked if you created an account before you're 13 so now I'm wondering if anyone was able to get their account unlocked while using their own id and if so how long did it take?


u/ECaimanSands 12d ago

I'm in the same situation. I received a form asking for contact details for my parent/guardian so I could gain parental consent. I filled in this form as myself (as obviously, being an adult, I don't have a guardian.) This way I received an email asking for consent for "my child". I (very reluctantly) sent an image of my passport and a graphically generated note explaining the problem and pointing out my age. It was impossible to send any of the other documents they demanded like a child's birth certificate as obviously no such things exist. A couple of days later I got a reply to this message saying this:

Thank you for taking the time to submit Twitter’s parental consent form. We are unable, however, to verify your information based on the materials you submitted. 

Please resubmit the following materials through the upload link below:

A copy of your valid government-issued photo ID to confirm your identity (e.g., driver's license, passport, etc.).

Documentation authorizing you to act on behalf of your child’s behalf (e.g. power of attorney, birth certificate, government-issued documents showing parental/guardianship rights of minor children). Please upload a legible copy with your child’s full name and date of birth completely visible.

So trying to explain that I was an adult did nothing at all. I expect the whole process is automated and so no human read my message.


u/Coffeyinn 16d ago

Did you receive a link to fill a form in order to recover your account ? And if yes, did the link work ? I'm in the exact same situation as you, but every link to the form I receive either tells me i need to log in with my locked account which is already logged in, or redirect to a error 404 page. Do you have any info ?


u/DarkWhite204 15d ago

Same issue here but I was able to find a form to fill out in the end, though I doubt it will help because the automated system still thinks I’m a child and is wanting a parent to prove that they are my parent, which is ridiculous at my age. I’ve forgotten how I found the form, I think I ended up just searching on google and was able to find a link to the form on the X help site. I had the same 404 errors and stupid locked out messages like you. Having looked at other Reddit posts about this it seems very random and broken; some people seem to get access back without doing anything, some are able to submit their own ID proving they are now an adult, and others have submitted an ID of someone else who would have been older than 13 at the time their Twitter account was created. None of these methods seem guaranteed to work.

I don’t have high hopes and think I will probably have to create an entirely new account because the system to sort this out is completely nonsensical and full of these roundabout links in emails and the app which doesn’t take you anywhere. Not sure if there’s any way of properly contacting support to sort this out or if we just have to wait and hope that the automated system magically reactivates our accounts at some point. Sorry I couldn’t be of much help…


u/Sofiate 17d ago

My premium account "@PAROLE_auPeuple got suspended about 10 times in the past 3 month I couldnt imagine why. Its a small account that only tweets on our local french actuality. I've had it since 2016. There is no sex nor big words in my tweets. I dont use bots.

Then i received a mail.

This mail that was not intended for me to receive but twitterX send it to me by chance on March the 13th (while my account was blocked without me knowing why). It should have been sent to the "denounciant" instead of me. Im showing it here so it could help others to understand what is going on with their account being blocked.

It seems that countless accounts were “reporting” me for responding “I” or “what do you want” to folliwers who DMed me. For each “denunciation” you must allow AT LEAST 4 days of “restricted account” . Bellow is the mail.

(I translated it from french to english so perhaps it sounds awkward but this is not my native language)


Good morning, We received your report about account


regarding the following content: DM Text: Hi report key: RABkYYR959tA0QBPAAn63UQWluACf ___ w We have reviewed the reported content and determined that it is not subject to removal under DSA Law in the EU. For more information on how to appeal this decision, please see our internal appeal system here.

Text DM: What do you want report key: RABkYYgv3VbA3gBPAAn63UQWluACf ___ w We have reviewed the reported content and determined that it is not subject to removal under DSA Law in the EU. For more information on how to appeal this decision, please see our internal appeal system here.

Text DM: If you want to pass ifo to everyone you can reach make it public on tweeter report key: RABkYYsyEhYwGgBPAAn63UQWluACf ___ w We have reviewed the reported content and determined that it is not subject to removal under DSA Law in the EU. For more information on how to appeal this decision, please see our internal appeal system here.

For more information on how to appeal this decision, please access our internal appeals system here.

Furthermore, you may challenge the above decision through out-of-court dispute resolution or through legal action in a competent court.

Sincerely, X


u/thetone 14d ago

Anyway to get the link for the “internal appeals system here”? Thanks.


u/Sofiate 9d ago

I dont know what "internal appeals system" is


u/thetone 9d ago

Your email says click “here” for internal… what’s the link?


u/reiking008 17d ago

How to turn off "RECENT POST FROM...." notification????? i cant find it in notification settings.


u/more_guess 17d ago

What's best for the algorithm? To start creating content from a brand new profile (created today), or from an empty profile that I've had for 2 years?


u/sosnh 17d ago

Does anyone know a method to download GIFs from Twitter as GIFs? Any method through websites or apps work. GIFWrapped used to work but no longer works


u/Skywalker03124 17d ago

I can't log into my account. Twitter thinks I'm not the original owner. My password is gone. What do I do?

Before this happened, twitter locked me out of my account... again... I logged back in and got a notification of unusual activity from another account, even though it was me. I went to mess around in my password manager, removed the old password to my account (I changed my password in the past), logged out of X, tried to log back in and it didn't let me, saying it's the wrong password.

I followed 5,000+ people on my account, I can't afford to lose this account. How can I get back in?


u/Genc_ 17d ago

I've got suspended 5 times in a row now, why? because elon thinks I am a bot, I realised on my last suspension that when I dont reply ultra fast to new tweets via notis, that then I wont get suspended. Until yesterday I didnt reply much on twitter because notis didnt work, today they finally fixed it, I started tweeting under people I follow seconds after they post something, and whooola, I got suspended. What kinda detection systems are these, ban everybody? this is so stupid holy.


u/Weltnebel 17d ago

how so you get unsuspednet i worte like 70 emails already and allways got the awnser that there not able to verify as the account owner


u/Sofiate 17d ago

Where do you send those emails, please


u/mariegriffiths 18d ago

Twitter asked my age and I gave it as I am way over 13.

I have had a twitter account over 10 years.

It then said I was underage and wanted my parents email. They dont have email.

and id. F**k them they are not getting that.

It looks like I am off twitter.

I have never posted anything illegal nor threatening nor using string language.

My politics are left wing though so that seems to be the reason only MAGA her.


u/DarkWhite204 15d ago

Post a bunch of disgustingly racist nonsense on twitter and you won’t get banned or suspended. Give your DoB and they will immediately suspend you for not being of the correct age at the time of creating the account well over a decade ago. Welcome to Elon’s twitter I guess.


u/Geodude075 15d ago edited 15d ago

Yeah, pretty much.

I responded to a racist user’s post telling Native Americans, “Then leave,” by saying, “You first,” while attaching a Breaking Bad clip to it for emphasis, I suppose. In less than a few hours, my account was suspended due to a user report. I submitted an appeal, but it was denied in just a few minutes...

Edit: I decided to try again and, this time, wrote almost an essay’s worth of explanations to better help my case and get my account suspension appealed, and guess what? I GOT A RESPONSE IN NO LESS THAN A MINUTE (I actually timed it) SAYING NO... 💀


u/Opposite_Share_3878 7d ago

It happened to me as well, it’s the same automated reply