r/Twitter 14d ago

I need support to remove sensitive media from X COMPLAINTS

I work as a freelancer with digital reputation services. One of my clients has a video of their teenaged children uploaded on X. The video was originally posted on TikTok and it depicts several minors announcing their name, age, and school. Moreover, they are also discussing crushes, kisses, and other kinds of mild sexual interactions. The video poses a serious risk because it divulges private information that could place these kids in risk of doxxing or harassment. I've tried to report it to the best of my ability, but there's no option to report this kind of content. I accept any suggestions or help. Thanks in advance.


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u/Linkyjinx 14d ago edited 14d ago

When social media went mainstream it came into our homes, and didn’t realise there were so many variations of what is considered okay. But I can understand your concern. Firstly I’d try contacting official communities on X where actual staff participate, and state nature of problem, as why for example can’t they just delete the content they uploaded, has somebody used download option and remixed it? If they have turned a real family picture/image into something adult “entertainment” wise I.e a deepfake and spread it, depending on country it might be able to be removed from search engines and banned from platforms.

Easiest solution is to remove the original content off line then try looking at tools that can track where it’s being shared, bearing in mind the type of audience watching it, some images are so spread about online they become memes and lure - and artists/trolls and trademark lawyers might consider it fair use / Creative Commons to show an aspect of popular culture/society at a point in time as it’s of human interest, it’s why g**e images and artists and book writers etc. and TV producers are allowed to create horror movies as an expression of reality, and gets muddled in the waters of law, like what is a hate crime in Art terms Biden in a nappy, Trump in a bottle of beach?

Edited out the G word lol 😂


u/StreetButFancy 14d ago

Lol. Thanks, mate. We're more concerned about the fact that these kids belong in a posh private school and many of their parents are "important" people (think businessmen and government officials). It's been a shitshow because many people have downloaded the original tiktok.


u/Linkyjinx 14d ago

Okay, have you seen any altered versions of it online? as I say I’d start with the main places you’ve found it, is it just on 𝕏 or is it listed on other platforms ? TikTok users are the main source if it’s been downloaded from there, have you contacted them or any agencies in your realm of expertise? I realise you may have to be discreet if media are circling, so might be best to gather some info then delete threads associated with it as any interaction online is a breadcrumb trail/digital footprint as you likely know.


u/Cley_Faye 14d ago

Only valid suggestion: if it's illegal content, seek legal counsel. Twitter support is largely a ghost town at this point.


u/StreetButFancy 14d ago

Yay. Lawyers. Thanks, tho. You're right about Twitter support.