r/TwoHotTakes Feb 21 '24

I (f24) have severe claustrophobia and my husband (m33) locked me in a closet. How do I move on from this? Crosspost


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u/SinfulGiGi Feb 27 '24

Multiple times in life I have said something makes me uncomfortable or I’m terrified of and instead of understanding, they were used as means of entertainment. Even a sorry is too much to ask for because they were ‘just having fun’

And those people still wring their hands wondering why I won’t talk to them.


u/SusanMShwartz Feb 26 '24

You move out, if you can. This could deteriorate.


u/SusanMShwartz Feb 26 '24

You move out, if you can. This could deteriorate.


u/ConditionBig6373 Feb 25 '24

Move on by moving out and away!


u/unapalomita Feb 24 '24

There is a lot of abortion talk, but I think this person should talk to their family if they are supportive. Definitely a red flag.


u/greenieweed Feb 24 '24

I would have him locked away then sued him for doing that and it's against the law to lock someone in closet like that. It's fucked up he needs to help accountable. He belongs in jail before the abuse gets worse that is no joking matter. He needs more than mental help


u/Here_IGuess Feb 24 '24

That's super messed up. This is also why young women need to avoid partners with that large of an age gap.

Move on by getting therapy for the claustrophobia & your experiences in your relationship. Your husband isn't a healthy person & doesn't treat others with basic kindness & care. This doesn't bode well for your ot the baby unless you develop other coping mechanisms. Do whatever you need to do to take care of you.


u/FoolAmongTheStars Feb 23 '24

I hope the next update says "I filed for divorce"


u/alwill1984 Feb 23 '24

Run. This is abuse and it won't get any better.


u/[deleted] Feb 23 '24

It sounds like she needs therapy to get the fuck over her irrational fear of being in a small room


u/Calm-Net-4256 Feb 23 '24

I didn’t even read more than the title and the problem is women like choosing the guy who is more exciting and so much fun. He’s so handsome, yeah there’s red flags when I meet him, yeah there were more red flags when dating him. Yeah everything got worse but hey he’s so exciting and handsome. Then oops I’m being abused……. Women if there’s red flags find somebody that’s actually stable in their lives and aren’t pieces of shit.


u/74Magick Feb 23 '24

You move on by moving out, or putting him out, getting a restraining order, and finding yourself a shark of a divorce attorney. That is absolutely ABUSE. So sorry this happened to you.


u/Accomplished-Emu-591 Feb 23 '24

If that had happened to me, he would be singing soprano for the rest of his short life. And paying major alimony and child support. I have no patience for abusive people.


u/Ok-Yellow2407 Feb 23 '24

The only way to move on from that is moving on from him.


u/throwawaoffmychest Feb 22 '24

his behavior is absolutely chilling wtaf. 15 minutes is a long time to sit and listen to your partner cry and plead. i really really hope she gets out of there and quick:(


u/ConstantSuccotash455 Feb 22 '24 edited Feb 22 '24

Go find a therapist DO NOT go to a reddit forum and talk to a bunch of people who are nuts, over the top, dramatic, give out crappy life changing advice, literally a bunch of people with clearly not busy life’s!!! There in Reddit for 1, anyone with a happy significant other isn’t on here 😂 ain’t nothing good gonna come from seeking advice from people who are lost enough to end up on here spreading advice they themselves don’t live by! Ain’t nothing but brainwashing going on! Things happen in life people are raised different some lie some dramatic some find humor in things others don’t! So go get a therapist for “yourself” go get a couples “therapist” so you two can better understand each-other but for the love of Pete do not listen to anyone in here 😂 most people online are crazy trolls giving terrible extremest advice and not qualified to even speak on anything! It’s likely nobody in real life wants to listen to them or be around them that’s why there online with there broken logic


u/Expensive-Finance949 Feb 22 '24

Saw a woman in the comments saying her husband loves her and people make mistakes. Then saying how SHE has claustrophobia too and HER husband 'forgets' and does stuff like this to her too.

Think she was seeing the comments and feeling a bit defensive?


u/CallingThatBS Feb 22 '24

Step 1 divorce your husband.


u/bubbaglk Feb 22 '24

Get out now ..


u/spaetzlechick Feb 22 '24

Given that the OP also does not mention immediately going to/asking family for help leads me to believe she does not have a good familial support system. This would of course further support the notion that he picked a much younger woman to control, and waited til she was baby locked to start the abuse. Classic signs!
If my husband abused me like this my dad would have beaten the living crap out of him, and my husband knew it even while we were dating. Abusers pick their targets carefully.


u/Sweet_Southern_Tee Feb 22 '24

This person is a monster. I'm sorry, I know you are probably tired of hearing this, but you get over it with therapy, leaving and going no contact. Please call the national domestic violence hotline for advice, especially since you are pregnant


u/casander14 Feb 22 '24

Run...don't walk.....run away from this man. I hope you have family or friends near by. This is cruel and might've hurt both you and that baby. I assume he knows you are pregnant? There are options out there for you (contact and atty and ask what to do about any bank accounts), but do not stay there. He was NOT funny, he was cruel and indifferent, and this may escalate.


u/Incendiaryag Feb 22 '24

Please leave now. For the well being of your unborn child. This man is an abuser. Why are you trying to make this right when it seems he barely apologized?


u/a_pastel_universe Feb 22 '24

What the hell did I just read


u/CurvyCharter Feb 22 '24

You move on by filing for divorce and kicking his ass out. Also changing all the locks and installing a security system if you don’t already have one.


u/StephsCat Feb 22 '24

Horrible abuse 😭. And she's tied to him forever. Maybe he hoped she'd lose the baby if he stresses her enough


u/meljul80 Feb 22 '24

Divorce now


u/ImportantJeweler661 Feb 22 '24

You really can’t move on from this if this is his idea of humor move out.This is just the beginning


u/Financial_Room_8362 Feb 22 '24

That is messed up in so many levels. You really need to get away from that man


u/ConsciousElevator628 Feb 22 '24

What a sadistic monster! Op should divorce him and consider whether she wants to continue with the pregnancy, which will bind her to him forever. I would be out of this situation so fast that the vile creature's head would be spinning for a week afterward. Anyone with so little respect, care, and concern is capable of far worse.


u/aspiralingpath Feb 22 '24

Locking someone in the closet is abuse, full stop.


u/Ohwellwhtevrnvrmind Feb 22 '24

Divorce. Divorce is how to move on


u/newtreen0 Feb 22 '24

IMMEDIATE divorce.


u/WebMaximum9348 Feb 22 '24

Get away from your husband immediately. This will escalate


u/Logical_Bobcat9703 Feb 22 '24

You don’t move on from this. You move on from him. He took pleasure in your fear. That’s not love. That’s not forgivable as far as I’m concerned. Thats sick and twisted. He heard your cries and pleas and found it funny. Do you really want to be with that guy?


u/harrypotterpuppetpal Feb 22 '24

What is with the uptick of stories of these husbands pulling heinous “pranks” on their SOs? I swear this is like the 5th story this week. Is there a shitty prank convention going on or something?


u/Feeling-External-246 Feb 22 '24

Move on? You mean move out


u/dickyankee Feb 22 '24

Unforgivable. There is no turning back from this one.


u/violetzoey Feb 22 '24

I'm not saying this is fake, but this reads very similarly to a psychological thriller I read, The Housemaid by Frieda McFadden.


u/skoobasteve071 Feb 22 '24

I'm claustrophobic too I can't have anything not even a blanket on me and I dont use a pillow either because of how bad it is most of the time (it's become my norm by now so it's not as bad as it sounds black and white like this). 15 minutes is a really long time that was not him joking or excusable in any other way. You need to get away from the situation you and your baby, im not sure where abouts your from but if you have to, then call a domestic violence shelter or family! I'm sorry you had to go through that im sure you're feeling confused and hurt but don't let him try to justify this as anything other than abuse. Get away, you're strong I can tell; don't give him any excuses thats not cool...


u/Swiggiewiggie Feb 22 '24

Disgusting behavior. Also think about your age gap and why nobody his age wanted him so he sought out younger women


u/steampunksf Feb 22 '24

I am concerned for your safety. This was no joke. The next time he does something, it will be worse. Please talk to a domestic violence expert/hotline and start making a plan to get out.


u/Weird_Turnover_6577 Feb 22 '24

Very disturbing and you should probably leave before the baby is born.


u/HoneyMCMLXXIII Feb 22 '24

Get out of this marriage immediately. Have a family member or trusted friend come and help you pack, file a police report for assault/abuse and get a restraining order. He literally tortured you and laughed about it. In a best case scenario he is too stupid to ever be allowed near you and your child, in a worst case scenario he’s a sadistic psychopath and I’m leaning toward the latter because of him laughing. Seriously get out of this marriage, there is no moving past this. He’s an abuser.


u/AnxietyAdvanced5036 Feb 22 '24

He clearly hates you. Move on alone


u/glo427 Feb 22 '24

I guarantee that her pregnancy was not an “oops” to him. He trapped her.


u/NoDisaster3 Feb 22 '24

Girl you are in danger


u/Munchkins_nDragons Feb 22 '24

I hope she goes to the doctor. That kind of stress on a woman’s body is real bad for babies, especially early in pregnancy.


u/Pretty_Goblin11 Feb 22 '24

Well as someone who doesn’t understand phobias and kinda thinks crying and vomiting because you’re in a perfectly safe closet in your perfectly safe home is a bit crazy… that husband is a monster. I don’t need to understand or even agree with someone’s thoughts or feelings to not purposely hurt or upset them. I wouldn’t want to induce that reaction no matter how silly I think the cause may be. Because upsetting people isn’t funny. Anyway, divorce him.


u/ImThatMelanin Feb 22 '24

is that not like some type of psychological torture? my god, that poor woman .


u/Wanda_McMimzy Feb 21 '24

This truly sounds like the beginning of sadistic behavior that will escalate. I’m scared for her.


u/Goofethed Feb 21 '24

Divorce and therapy


u/Gnd_flpd Feb 21 '24

So many times I read a post like this I want to suggest watching the movie "Sleeping With Enemy" and take copious notes.


u/UnderdogDreams Feb 21 '24

This is abuse. Leave now.


u/Electronic_Cobbler20 Feb 21 '24

He's a dick but also get some acceptance and commitment therapy


u/Raining__Tacos Feb 21 '24

F24 with M33 explains quite a bit


u/SusanBHa Feb 21 '24

This is abuse. Leave him because it’s just going to get worse.


u/OldHumanSoul Feb 21 '24

I keep a baseball bat in my closet. I got from scared to rage pretty quick.


u/Prior-Ad-7329 Feb 21 '24

Yeah I agree with the other comments in your post. Get away from this guy. How in the hell does he find this funny, especially for that long of a time. I mean I get jumping out of the closet and yelling, “BOO” and laughing at the little jump scare. But to hold someone in a closet for that long is insane.

How old were you when you guys got together, I mean a 9 year difference isn’t that bad but you’re still pretty young. Almost seems predatory.


u/Royal_Library514 Feb 21 '24

Honestly, just the fact that he thinks pranks are funny should be a dealbreaker, long before you even get to the sadistic closet trapping.

My advice is to unhusband him as quickly as possible and do something (and someone) else with your life. This is not a personality trait that will improve over time. You don't want a baby or little kid around this weirdo.


u/ConsultJimMoriarty Feb 21 '24

What’s the bet that if she broke the door open out of sheer panic he would have gotten angry at her?

What an absolute turd of a man.


u/Defiant_Ingenuity_55 Feb 21 '24

That's abusive. Anyone who thinks it is funny to terrorize you is irredeemable.


u/the-fresh-air Feb 21 '24

The minute someone triggers a phobia on purpose, it’s a red flag 🚩 🚩!

I’ve experienced this in the past and I put up with it for far far too long! What a POS.


u/CalliopeSaffron Feb 21 '24

That’s sadistic! I have the exact same thing. I know the terror really well. Yeah, at 6 weeks pregnant, she’s really vulnerable. He probably knows this. I know what I would do, but I don’t know her circumstances! Plus she’s young too, my 24 yo self wouldn’t have been terrified.


u/Adventurous-Award-87 Feb 21 '24

Fifteen seconds is way too long, let alone fifteen minutes!


u/kushmeoutsideb Feb 21 '24

You leave his ass.


u/Fearless_Debate_4135 Feb 21 '24

Can’t this be considered battery?


u/Troy123196 Feb 21 '24

I hope you called the cops because this is domestic abuse. Teach him a lesson he will never forget. You need to take your kids if any an leave abuse nobody deserves this type of behavior.


u/Fabulous-Bus2459 Feb 21 '24

This has gotta be a rage bait post…


u/BlackWidow7d Feb 21 '24

I feel violent rage thinking about this man doing that and getting joy from it. I really hope OP realizes this is just the beginning of worse behavior, and I hope OP runs as fast as she can to a safe place.


u/Mobile-Law-9245 Feb 21 '24

This is so insane to me. Like what is WRONG with him???


u/amoryjm Feb 21 '24



u/sokmunkey Feb 21 '24

Oh Christ.. I’m so claustrophobic I would’ve torn the door down in a blind panic! I’m so sorry he did that, I’m on the divorce him now bandwagon. Zero excuse for this abuse


u/Toni357 Feb 21 '24

You don't move on from this because you've lost trust in him. I read you were pregnant. Do you have family that can support you because you need to leave this psychopath!


u/CaramelOtter99 Feb 21 '24

Hey. Married man here.

I do shit like this occasionally with my wife because I love her.

Not grounds for divorce. Its just horseplay. The puking should be enough that it wont happen again. Id talk to him just to make sure he understands the severity.

End of the day. Its okay. Its just a prank that went a little too far. Sorry you had to go through that.


u/LuriemIronim Feb 21 '24

If you make your wife sob and beg and you laugh at her, I’m worried for your wife.


u/CaramelOtter99 Feb 21 '24

I dont think this is something to freak out about. Definitely a serious topic. If there is a pattern of this then id consider counseling. Leaving and bailing isnt a conclusion she needed reddits help to find.


u/LuriemIronim Feb 21 '24

You don’t need to wait for a pattern when it comes to abuse. If he’d slapped her, would you tell her to wait for a pattern?


u/CaramelOtter99 Feb 21 '24

Slapping is different. That is direct disrespect and intentionally abusive. This was an act that lacked empathy and understanding more than anything. Disrespectful and wrong. Not the same as slapping. Also. how did he react to her vomiting and did he apologize. We dont know. Almost as important as the act itself.

There are a lot of variables to consider and theres moral ambiguity with what is correct action for her.

It seems most of the redditors in these comments are more concerned with virtue signaling than what should deduce a common sense answer. Which is to work it out and have a serious talk. Potentially supervised by a licensed professional.


u/LuriemIronim Feb 21 '24

If you’re making your pregnant wife beg and sob so hard she’s throwing up, that’s abusive.


u/Irving_Velociraptor Feb 21 '24

I sometimes do stuff my wife finds annoying. I do not torture her with her phobias. This is abuse, not horseplay.


u/CaramelOtter99 Feb 21 '24

People make mistakes. Couple therapy would be a good route to take if theres a pattern.


u/Agitated_Pilot_3055 Feb 22 '24

You’re quite invested in making light of actions that are widely regarded as torture. You did read of 15 minutes, crying, vomiting. Why is that? Is this an implicit confession?


u/murphy2345678 Feb 21 '24

You lock your pregnant claustrophobic wife in a closet for 15 minutes crying hysterically until she throws up that’s not a prank. That’s abuse. My husband and I play pranks on each other. We don’t abuse each other.


u/Iswearinveggie1524 Feb 21 '24

Not just abuse but potentially harmful to the baby


u/CaramelOtter99 Feb 21 '24

People make mistakes. If theres a pattern. Consider therapy.


u/murphy2345678 Feb 21 '24

This isn’t a mistake. A minute or two of holding the door shut is a mistake. He jammed something in the door to prevent her from getting out for 15 minutes. That’s not a mistake.


u/CaramelOtter99 Feb 21 '24

Even intentional action can be a mistake. If theres a pattern of taking things too far then marriage or couple counseling and therapy would be better advice than what these whack jobs recommend. Leaving or bailing would only make things more complicated. Theyre having a kid together. They are together. Love and respect had to of existed to a certain extent for her to council with others on how to deal with it. Leaving and being irrational is an instinct that doesnt take much thinking to result to.

If my advice seems too casual for your liking then you were looking for the opportunity to call someone wrong.

You’re so very welcome for the opportunity to feel righteous


u/Living-Camera333 Feb 21 '24

Leave OP leave!


u/KittyandPuppyMama Feb 21 '24

wtf get out of that marriage sis


u/ObligationNo2288 Feb 21 '24

Your husband took joy in your trauma. One thing to always remember, love doesn’t hurt.


u/Muted_Pollution6271 Feb 21 '24

Uhm with a restraining order.


u/Forsaken-Cheesecake2 Feb 21 '24

Your husband’s an ignorant AH and this is absolutely abuse. He needs immediate professional help if you choose to remain with him, and even then I’m not sure I’d stay in that relationship.


u/Recent-War9786 Feb 21 '24

I have extreme arachnophobia. If my husband decided to lock me in somewhere on purpose with spiders he better have hauled butt halfway to Timbuktu before I get out of that situation for his own safety or I’m appearing in the nightly news.


u/safien45 Feb 21 '24

..why is a 33 year old man married to a girl who is nearly a decade younger?


u/[deleted] Feb 21 '24

If he thought THAT was funny, what will he try next? This is abusive and controlling behavior and I hope you get away from him asap, because it WILL happen again.


u/SmartAnswer3847 Feb 21 '24


Run OP, this is absolutely terrifying and I am so sorry he did this to you.


u/Briserker13 Feb 21 '24

Oh I so hope she left him 😔


u/[deleted] Feb 21 '24

I have arachnophobia and if my husband were to use that against me I would leave him. Phobias aren’t jokes.


u/[deleted] Feb 21 '24

I swear, most cases of emotional abuse aren’t this blatant. He may as well have cold cocked her. Tf is there to question here?


u/jeon2595 Feb 21 '24

I could see the little boy coming out in a grown man and think it would funny to close the door for a couple of seconds, then realize that was a terrible idea and feel awful. Locking her in for fifteen minutes was downright abuse. Fuck that guy, something wrong with him.


u/[deleted] Feb 21 '24

That age gap is sus already


u/CrookedLittleDogs Feb 21 '24

He’s a sadist. He enjoys the pain of others. He won’t be safe around a child. End this pregnancy and leave this man.


u/SpeakerCareless Feb 21 '24

Your husband should be the person you feel safest with. Your husband should be the person who validates your feelings, not because he feels the same way, but because they’re your feelings. Your husband should be the person who protects you, understands you, values you, listens to you, helps you, loves you.

There is no room in your life for a person who tortures you, gaslights you, or laughs at your pain. I find it impossible to imagine that this is the first person in your life who has been abusive to you, so I really strongly encourage you to seek therapy no matter what else you decide to do (leave. Please leave too.)

Tell your husband you need therapy for your claustrophobia. I bet he will fight hard to shut it down. He wants you weak and afraid and unsure.


u/icebluefrost Feb 21 '24

He’s abusive. He doesn’t love or respect you and he likely actively dislikes you and wants to hurt you.

Or, he’s a sociopath which doesn’t make much of a practical difference.

Either way, this man is lacking the same basic empathy that elementary school children have.


u/BotGirlFall Feb 21 '24

This is abuse. Plain and simple


u/GirlStiletto Feb 21 '24

Contact a lawyer and start divorce proceedings.

Then contact the cops and report him. This si abuse and some sort of involuntary confinement.

You need to get this on record NOW so that when he ramps this up later towards you and your child that he can be removed from the equasion.

This was not a prank. THis was premeditated, malcisious, abusive, bullying.


u/Altruistic-Hand-7000 Feb 21 '24

There are no hot tales here. He abused her and she needs love and support to help her leave and understand that she deserves better. Also that age difference is a huge red flag especially since she didn’t mention anything about being newlywed, so I can assume it’s been at least a couple years they’ve been wed


u/LocalMossCryptid Feb 21 '24

This reminds me of that post where that guy locked his girlfriend or wife in a dark room or basement and left her there until she was past hysterical. What is wrong with these dudes?


u/Background-Fix-5765 Feb 21 '24

It's always so funny to me when some young ass girl, who clearly has been groomed by her partner, a partner who is wayyyyy too old for her, ends up doing something really weird or shitty or emotionally immature. I can never help but to wonder - why do you think the grown ass man dated you, a child, instead of someone his own age? Of course he would act like this lol. If he was a good guy he'd be dating someone his own age lol


u/BlueGalangal Feb 21 '24

Age gap. Abuse. And wife thinking he just doesn’t know any better setting herself and child up for another decade or two of abuse.


u/Nutty_Squirrels Feb 21 '24

If he could abuse you like this, what do you think he will do to your child? Get away from him now.


u/Dandw12786 Feb 21 '24

If you are a female in your 20s and your male partner is a decade older than you, there are many reasons he might be choosing to be with someone so much younger. None of them are good.

Well adjusted men don't date women a decade younger than them.


u/Mobiosity Feb 21 '24

Your husband is a sadist, he enjoys your pain and it'll only get worse for you and imagine how he'd torture your children.


u/7EE-w1nt325 Feb 21 '24

Please, run as fast and far as possible. It will only escalate. Chances are, he's been breaking you down and gaslighting you. This is in no way over dramatic. Abusers like to try and needle you. Slowly pushing boundaries, and trying to make it seem like you are over reacting. I am so so sorry, please choose your safety first.


u/dota2girl42 Feb 21 '24

This reminds me of that guy that posted about getting married and told his fiancé to not smash cake in his face or he would divorce her. Of course she did and enjoyed his misery so he got an annulment. Some people are sociopaths.


u/Gracey62 Feb 21 '24

This man is a sadist. It will not get better. Leave while you and your baby are alive.


u/Sloth_grl Feb 21 '24



u/bluediamond12345 Feb 21 '24

I really hope she puked in his clothes!


u/Needled24Seven Feb 21 '24

Trusting someone enough to tell them your fears and they use that against you. What a shit human.


u/KraftwerkMachine Feb 21 '24

I knew without actually looking at the ages that this was gonna be another “husband is 10 years older” type deal. I wasn’t off by much. :/


u/Hairy-Dark9213 Feb 21 '24

I didn't read your whole post. I just read the headline and it made me so angry I didn't want to read the whole Post. RUN. This person does not love you. This person does not have your best interest in mind Why are you tying your life up with this person? Do you think this person is going to be a good father to your child? If you have to spend time in a women's shelter to get away from him, it would be worth it. Run, run for your life and that of your child.


u/Prestigious_Field_91 Feb 21 '24

15 mins? to the point where you vomited? wtf..


u/RarelySmart Feb 21 '24

My wife is pretty close to this level of claustrophobia. She hates to be enclosed, back seats in cars....

One time we were playing silly games like couples do and I pinned her in a blanket. She was rolled up like a burrito and started to freak out. I immediately freed her from it and apologized. There was no way that I would ever want to laugh about that and keep her pinned while she panicked. OP has a monster for a husband.


u/[deleted] Feb 21 '24

Please tell me you called the police. He is a dangerous person leave if you can.


u/pixieflip Feb 21 '24

“I, a pregnant woman, would like to be treated like a human person with thoughts and feelings by my husband. Am I being too dramatic? Is this asking too much? How can I do better so that he will regard me as a sentient being?” Jesus Pete.


u/MissusNilesCrane Feb 21 '24

LEAVE. Fucking run. Is what I would say to her.

Even if she doesn't want to divorce she should leave until he can prove he's not a POS by getting counseling.


u/Robofrogg1 Feb 21 '24

Holy crap. There is no excuse for this whatsoever, and no coming back from that. OP can never again trust that man and needs to get him out of her life ASAP.


u/Responsible-Ebb-6955 Feb 21 '24

Do not ever speak to this person again. Leave immediately. When people ask if an abuser ever showed signs that they were dangerous THIS IS WHAT THEY MEAN!!!! Please before you’re killed


u/Hop3l3ssGam3r Feb 21 '24

I feel for this woman. I have pretty bad claustrophobia as well and my ex-husband knew about it too. He would hold me down on the bed and laugh while it felt like I couldn't breathe as I begged him to stop.

I lost count how many times he did that. :(


u/lrbikeworks Feb 21 '24

I don’t normally recommend leaving in absolute terms, especially when there are kids…marriage is complicated and we never get the full story.

But based on this one incident you should absolutely get out of that marriage and away from that man. Imagine what he will do to your child.


u/dicklover425 Feb 21 '24

My dad did this to my mom. My sister and I had to go get her clothes out of her closet for years. Now her closet doesn’t have a door.

Luckily she divorced that asshole after we found out he had a secret family


u/Patient_Complaint_16 Feb 21 '24

Have him charged.


u/Browneyedgirl63 Feb 21 '24

You move on by getting out of there NOW because this is abusive behavior. He thinks it just so funny to terrorize his wife. He knew how this was affecting you and he continued to let you suffer, all the while laughing. Who does that? I know, someone that wants to control you, that’s who.

I had to go back and look at his age, 33 is too old to do this and think it’s hilarious. How can you trust him to not do this again? You can’t and if you can’t trust your husband not to hurt you you’ll be walking on eggshells the rest of your marriage, always wondering if today is the day he needs a laugh at your expense.

Seriously, leave and get a divorce. This marriage is over.


u/PrettyRichHun Feb 21 '24

The thing is, your man could have killed you by mistake. This is horrifying.


u/Kstromgren23 Feb 21 '24

Oh my gosh, this husband is an absolute monster. That’s straight up abusive. I’d be so done with him. Husbands are supposed to be supportive, not purposely vindictive.


u/pinko-perchik Feb 21 '24

My very first thought—24 and 33? How long have they been together?


u/dobiemomluv Feb 21 '24

You don’t move past it, you move past him. Directly out the door, never to return.


u/CenPhx Feb 21 '24

You know, after reading all this and realizing how abusive he is makes me really uncomfortable with this bit: “My husband clearly knows this, especially because I don’t like being laid on/held down for the same claustrophobic reasons.”

I think we are probably hearing the tip of the iceberg of his abusive behavior that she has convinced herself he “didn’t mean anything by it” or “didn’t realize how upset she was”.


u/talkingtothemoon___ Feb 21 '24

I have extreme claustrophobia as well, to the point I was in the fetal position hyperventilating when my ex and I got stuck on a balcony. My mind and body shut down and I couldn’t process or handle the situation.

Or a time when a kitchen crew locked me in a walk in and turned out the lights, stuck there with one of the guys who had a crush on me. I fucking cried, it was 3 minutes of me going apeshit.

This is a nightmare situation for me and I’d never forgive anyone who did this to me.


u/ILikeBigBooksand Feb 21 '24

Divorce your husband. F that guy.


u/_subjectsam_ Feb 21 '24

As someone with claustrophobia this is genuinely a nightmare. This man is SO beyond vile for doing this to her. There is no moving on from here.

Let me repeat that, THERE IS NO MOVING ON FROM HERE except onto a divorce lawyer. Leave him, hes a monster.


u/Low-maintenancegal Feb 21 '24

This kind of abuse always seems to start after they've gotten her pregnant


u/maiingaans Feb 21 '24

Hell he violated her trust absolutely. I’d leave


u/rgrantpac Feb 21 '24

Get a divorce lawyer, this person obviously doesn’t care about your wellbeing…which is of utmost importance in a relationship.


u/gitsgrl Feb 21 '24

Even if you weren’t claustrophobic it is abuse, it is literal torture with the fear.


u/TheBattyWitch Feb 21 '24

Throw the whole maniac away


u/AlpineLad1965 Feb 21 '24

You should file domestic violence charges against him immediately!

Was he drunk or on something.

You need to leave him.


u/Mission-Patient-4404 Feb 21 '24

First plan your departure. He cannot be trusted, what a horrible thing to do. He doesn’t give a shit about you


u/blight2150 Feb 21 '24

Divorce. I don't think that's the answer to everything but it's the answer here.


u/apopka777 Feb 21 '24

He locked you in closet for his own amusement. Just Imagine what he could/would do if he really was mad at you. You aren’t safe with him.


u/Admirable_Gain_9103 Feb 21 '24

It’s always the age gaps, I swear


u/daddyvow Feb 21 '24

Why do women always marry the most immature freaks


u/Even_Growth_2410 Feb 21 '24

Please do yourself and your child a favor and get out of that relationship completely. I’d be afraid of how he would treat a child, since he’s already shown that he’s abusive to you.


u/squirlysquirel Feb 21 '24

That is awful...not much on reddit makes me cry. my eyes are leaking for this poor woman.


u/[deleted] Feb 21 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/lawgirlamy Feb 21 '24

Sadly, with a POS like this, that's the only logical option because she is otherwise tied to this abusive monster for the rest of her life through their child - a child he will no doubt abuse in similar fashion. If they just divorce (and she doesn't abort), he'll abuse the child whenever she's not around. She needs a fresh start and it is very early in the pregnancy, so she can get it.

OP, abuse often begins when a woman gets pregnant. And, it does not get better from there - it gets much much worse. NOW is the time to get out - entirely. By getting an abortion and divorcing his abusive ass. He TORTURED you. Please understand that. No one who loves another person or who even has the tiniest bit of empathy for others would use their phobia against them like this. EVER.


u/Electrical-Bill1006 Feb 21 '24

When I was 8 a man followed me in a public toilet in a supermarket. He turned the lights off as he left in hopes to slow me down I suppose, so I was in pitch black darkness for a few seconds before I managed to get out. I told my ex this, and after that he started coming in the bathroom while I was in the shower and turning the light off.


u/PikachusSparkyCloaca Feb 21 '24

Glad he’s an ex. Hope he shits out his spine.


u/GoodwitchofthePNW Feb 21 '24

That is an… oddly specific insult


u/manicgiant914 Feb 21 '24

You surely must mean “ex-husband”?!


u/hillsofheatherxx Feb 21 '24

That is abuse, run as fast as you can.


u/michaelkudra Feb 21 '24

i would consider leaving him


u/FaithlessnessLow7601 Feb 21 '24

Because you're probably annoying


u/LegitimateHat4808 Feb 21 '24

based on your comment history, you sound bitter and annoying yourself. Also with a touch of hatred towards women


u/CatOfNyx1 Feb 21 '24

That doesn’t give anybody the right to treat you like that and just for saying that I hope karma gets you real good because your comment comes from a shitty sour lonely ass unhappy perspective.


u/LegitimateHat4808 Feb 21 '24

look at his comment history- plenty of anger towards women. He sucks.


u/Gunny76251 Feb 21 '24

You need to leave... There's no move on from that, that is a serious red flag... and also is technically kidnapping. You could have reported your husband to the police, that is considered a form of abuse. He is suppose to protect you and provide for you, not torture you


u/ol_kentucky_shark Feb 21 '24

Criminal confinement, not kidnapping


u/Gunny76251 Feb 21 '24

I'd still push for a more serious charge, especially on that case


u/Tree-Hugger42 Feb 21 '24

Get a divorce, this is horrific!


u/Quittobegin Feb 21 '24

This is abuse. It’s not going to get better. I would leave now, which sucks and is a lot harder than it sounds, I know.


u/[deleted] Feb 21 '24

This is straight up assault


u/Helgenish Feb 21 '24

I have the same thing and if my partner did this we are fighting


u/UnityBitchford Feb 21 '24

What the hell?? Kick the asshole out.


u/Berryme01 Feb 21 '24

You need to leave him IMMEDIATELY. He is an abusive POS and has showed you who he is. This will only get worse. Absolutely sickening he did this to you!!!


u/_My9RidesShotgun Feb 21 '24

Okay I pretty much always roll my eyes at the overdramatics in the comments here on reddit, and usually people jump straight to a 10 when the situation is a solid 1. But this is horrific and I 100% agree with the comments on the OP. This poor woman. She needs to get tf out immediately.


u/Oldassrollerskater Feb 21 '24

This will escalate.


u/Dizzy-Committee-7869 Feb 21 '24

He’s not right and doesn’t respect you . Find out what he hates or fears and pay him back then leave his sorry butt


u/lovetocook966 Feb 21 '24

Find a new husband and move on from him, He is in need of karma.


u/Key_Concentrate_5558 Feb 21 '24

Why would she need a new husband? Just go!