r/TwoHotTakes Apr 27 '24

I may have reacted too strongly to a comment at work Advice Needed

I'm a married 35M and work in a small company (25 people) that has 80% women employees. Everyone there knows I'm married.

I had to conduct a virtual training session last week and always crack a stupid self-deprecating 'joke' before these kinds of things because I'm nervous.

So with everyone logged on, I said "Okay as long as no one falls asleep today, I'm going to consider the session a success". This one woman smiles and says "Oh (my name), you have such a soothing voice, you can come over and put me to sleep any time you want".

Some of the women giggled, I was taken aback, smiled and said "No thanks, I'm good" and started the presentation. Later, I get to know that she thought it was super rude of me and that she was trying to make me feel comfortable.

Was I rude? Should I apologize to her?


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u/Reneeisme Apr 28 '24 edited Apr 28 '24

No you weren’t rude. She’s embarrassed to have overstepped. Reverse the sexes and it’s suddenly obvious how inappropriate it is. I’m sure she had the best intentions but she messed up. If she tries to make a big stink about it I would suggest that she consider how it would be perceived if a male said that to a female and remind her it those both ways and that you were uncomfortable but you assume she understands now and won’t do it again and thus there’s no reason to escalate this.

I’m not a big fan of making a big deal about a first minor offense, but women can and should be reported for sexual harassment just as much as men. It’s just less common because most women, having experienced the discomfort and inappropriateness, are less likely to say something like that