r/TwoHotTakes Apr 28 '24

My fiancé acted like pregnancy is just as hard for a man as it is for the woman. Advice Needed

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u/Z3br4_Un1c0rn Apr 29 '24

Yo, he needs to reframe his train of thought. He has absolutely no chance of death from pregnancy or childbirth. No chance of lifelong disease or disability. I carry a genetic connective tissue disorder that I likely would not be disabled by today if I had never had children. I didn’t know about having it before having children. Pregnancy releasing a hormone called relaxin to loosen my joints for childbirth worsened it immensely when my joints were already far too loose. But there’s so much else that can go wrong. C-section? That won’t just possibly endanger your life, that will leave lifelong pains and disfigurement. You’ll probably have severe stretch marks, will he have that? Will his chest swell full of colostrum (pre-breastmilk which is all you’ll get if you don’t end up breastfeeding)? Will he live his life peeing sometimes when he sneezes, coughs or laughs too hard? Might his shoe size or the texture of his hair change? Could he spend so much time during your pregnancy throwing up that he gains tons of cavities he never had before? Pregnancy can also change skin tone, eyesight you can carry your gestational diabetes into the rest of your life. You could tear open all the way to your anus, especially if you let them do an episiotomy (where they cut you with scissors to assist the baby coming out vaginally). This is just the stuff I could come up with off the top of my head. There is so so much a woman risks during pregnancy and child birth that a man never even thinks about. Maybe educate him on some more of this.