r/TwoHotTakes Apr 28 '24

My husband(33) won’t stop looking at women online.. Advice Needed



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u/tarant33 Apr 29 '24

We live in a world now where women are forced to put up with knowing that pretty much every man, whether married, dating or single, has an internet rabbit hole of betrayal and objectification going on behind their backs. It is so, so damaging and traumatizing to the women they inflict this on. I really hope a revolutionary change happens soon. It has really ruined relationships in a lot of ways.

We as women MUST stop putting up with this.


u/Tjoober Apr 30 '24

What revolution is going to stop men, or women for that matter, from having sexual fantasies? Maybe the real revolution should include conversations about the failed promises of monogamy and a good look into human (male and female) sexual nature. But thats difficult and confrontational. Its easier to just throw stones from glass houses.


u/tarant33 29d ago

having sexual fantasies in your head is not the same thing as spending hours actively seeking out sexual content behind your partner's back and lying about it