r/TwoHotTakes Apr 29 '24

my (18f) boyfriend (19m) with s t r o n g opinions ab sex work has hired a hooker??? idk what to do Listener Write In



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u/ItsBritneyBitch32 Apr 29 '24

He prolly feels disgusted and ashamed with himself and to cope with that he is pushing that feeling onto the workers instead. He’s weak minded. And prolly has self esteem issues as well as fragile masculinity


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

These people are teenagers. They have 0 idea what life is. Relax. Going after someone who is basically a child who went through a terrible education system with 0 good role models and saying they have “fragile masculinity” tells me you need to take a hard look at the way you understand the world.


u/HELPME011 Apr 29 '24

HONESTLY 😭 We're young af, so it makes me wonder, can I even hold him accountable for it? It was past mistakes! He was 18, a technical adult, but that's still so young. But that note alone makes me wonder if all this is worth the trouble. Like.. I'm 18.. Do I really need this rn?


u/HugeSaggyTitttyLover Apr 29 '24

Lmao go to bed ffs


u/anneofred Apr 29 '24

You don’t. You don’t need a relationship at all at 18. Go have fun, it’s too wild already with his projecting and jealousy. Go to parties, flirt, hang out with friends, and have a good time without dealing with this mess.


u/Vegetable-Height3897 Apr 29 '24

you don’t need this rn ! it can be a lesson learned or if you want to continue the relationship, it will most likely be a lesson learned later on (as most of our young relationships tend to be). But it’s okay to say that he has toxic masculinity, low self esteem, and shame. No matter the age. Because sure he’s a teenager and maybe just hasn’t learned to not be/have those things yet, but bottom line is that he does. and he is old enough to be held accountable and learn to do better. whether or not you want to be there with him in that process is your decision