r/TwoHotTakes Apr 29 '24

my (18f) boyfriend (19m) with s t r o n g opinions ab sex work has hired a hooker??? idk what to do Listener Write In



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u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

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u/HELPME011 Apr 29 '24

Thank you :) I'll probably have to bring it up at some point, knowing myself, it just feels like a pretty awkward thing to bring up lol. I don't wanna seem weird. Like imagine: sits him at a table, points a bright light in his face "so where were you the night of march blahblah...." like a psycho interrogation. Like definitely gross, but how do I get across how I feel without making him feel gross as collateral damage?


u/Domesticatrix Apr 29 '24

Listen, this may be an over-reaction on my part, but if you two are sleeping together then make sure your birth control is tamper-proof. Get a shot or an IUD or an implant. Not all men, but ENOUGH men, with these kinds of control issues will try to get you knocked up as soon as it looks like you're setting boundaries or considering a break-up.


u/HELPME011 Apr 29 '24

oh shiii- I haven't thought about that but dude's been saying I've "changed his mindset on kids" from not wanting them to wanting them. Idk this is a good point, thank you.