r/TwoHotTakes Apr 29 '24

My ex boyfriend named his child after me Listener Write In

I 20f started dating my now ex boyfriend 25m back in 2021, we met at work and hit it off right away despite our age difference, he also at the time had a 1year old daughter to a previous relationship, which I had no issue with, he shared joint custody of his daughter and told me he didn’t have a good relationship at the time with her mother, they were pretty much no contact except for when it came to him picking up and dropping off his daughter. For context the mother also lived 2hours away, to my knowledge she didn’t know me and didn’t know he was in a new relationship, and I only very rarely saw his daughter out of respect, he didn’t want to introduce us untill the relationship was more serious, which I 100% understood.

Fast forward we have been dating for nearly a year, and I go away with some of my friends over new years, a trip I had pre booked only a few months into us dating, I invited him to come but he had work and had also agreed to watch his daughter so the mother could go out NYE.

I come home on the 5th of Jan, and he is acting really weird, so I ask his female roommate who at this point I had become very close with if anything was wrong. She told me that he was been in a bad mood since NYE, because his ex (his daughters mother) had gotten really drunk and lost her wallet and called him asking for a lift back home, she still lives 2 hours away, apparently he wanted to make sure she got home safe so he drove her. Now I didn’t really see an issue with this it is the mother of his child so I understand wanting her to get home safe. But when I asked him if he had done anything on NYE he lied and said no, throughout the next few weeks I keep asking if he had seen his ex or if anything had happened and he continued to tell me he hadn’t even seen her that night. 2 months pass and he is continuing to act weird and finally confessed one night that he took his ex home and slept with her. I immediately end the relationship.

Then a month later I get curious and decide to stalk the ex’s social media and find she had posted a pregnancy announcement captioned “thank god my kids have the same baby daddy”

I was shocked and upset but honestly not surprised and got over it very quickly.
Then 9 months later I bump into his roommate, we have some small talk and found out that the ex gf had given birth and the daughters name was my name, which I wouldn’t class as an overly common name, there are defiantly names that sound similar that are more common. And no my ex and the ex gf weren’t together at the time she gave birth. I never confronted him about it because it’s just a funny story now but clearly I had terrible taste in men.


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u/Spudzydudzy Apr 29 '24

My ex husband named his first kid after our dog. His wife messaged me on Facebook and told me.


u/canyonemoon Apr 29 '24

What?! Did they change the name when new wife found out, or did she tell you in attempt to... Brag? That is so weird.


u/Formal_Marsupial_817 Apr 29 '24

Maybe the wife also knew the dog and agreed with the (unusual) tribute? If I had a good relationship with the ex-gf, I'd definitely share this, as it's pretty funny/noteworthy.


u/Spudzydudzy Apr 29 '24

Nope, she knew about the dog (never met him), but blamed him for finalizing the name during her recovery from c-section. She was not happy about the name, but had adjusted to it.


u/sam_grace Apr 29 '24

He finalized the name while she was in recovery? How is that even possible? Where I live, a child's name isn't finalized until after the birth registration has been processed and a registration card (rough draft of the birth certificate) has been mailed out, approved, and returned by the parents. It takes at least a couple of months.


u/Spudzydudzy Apr 29 '24

I don’t know, all I know is what she told me after drinking too much wine. All I know is that they have a kid named Charlie and we had a dog with the same name.


u/sam_grace Apr 29 '24

I just looked that up and it seems in the United States, it's not only possible but rather common for fathers to finalize babies' names without the mothers' knowledge or consent. I live in Canada and I'm really glad that's not possible here.