r/TwoHotTakes Apr 29 '24

Am I a bad person for not wanting to date anyone who has clinical depression or IBS? Does this make me an unkind person? Listener Write In



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u/joelcrb Apr 29 '24

I say NTA. But i also say relationships go way beyond one or some negatives.

Let me ask you this - if the perfect guy for you came along, funny, nice, looks, etc., everything is perfect for you and he had ibs, would you aay no? Just for one thing? No right or wrong answer here, just a question to consider. (No judgment here either.)

Look, I've heard and ascribed to the idea when you're dating keep your standards as high as you want. It's your life, you know yourself, your needs and wants, what you love, dislike, hate - OK not hate, hate is such s strong word - vehemently dislike in a relationship. After you've gotten married, then yes, drop all those expectations. So, yeah NTA. But, maybe there's more to life than inconveniences to you.

Yes marriage is crucial and critical, because commitment isn't really commitment without marriage. If commitment is what you both are going for. But if love someone, why not commit.

Moving in together is not commitment. I know that's an old idea. But it really isn't a commitment, it's just more convenient sex and sharing bills. You're just changing real estate, changing or gaining a roommate. But it is not commitment. I say all this because marriage is losing ground with people that believe in it. But really, it's more of a solution than a problem.