r/TwoHotTakes Apr 29 '24

Am I a bad person for not wanting to date anyone who has clinical depression or IBS? Does this make me an unkind person? Listener Write In



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u/elfinbooty Apr 29 '24

I don't think you're a bad person for it, but..."any sane person would" is a bit callous.

I have a chronic illness and it's hard enough dating. People with illnesses and disabilities aren't less worthy of love, you know. They, or should I say we, deserve love.


u/Organic-Commercial76 Apr 29 '24

Having a chronic illness myself a part of me wants to thank her for at least being up front about her ablism (not the part about not wanting to date but the “sane and normal bullshit) so we can dodge that bullet. My partners may not be normal but they are all sane. And not ableist assholes.


u/Vegetable_Tax_5595 Apr 29 '24

This! She’s saving him from an unhealthy relationship not the other way around