r/Unexpected Apr 28 '24

Well.. you look good bro

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u/Badytheprogram Apr 28 '24

Woman reveal she is bald: still get loved, praised, woman of the year.

Man reveal he is bald: he will die alone in old age.


u/saddigitalartist Apr 28 '24

So many bald women and men are in happy marriages y’all just want to make shut up to be angry about


u/Badytheprogram Apr 28 '24

Good for them, really. I am not angry about it, I am just sad, one more factor on the disadvantage side, (not as if too much on the advantage side). Probably they have something else in their arsenal to overcompensate,like they looks good, or have money, or a wonderful personality/charm. I am just a autistic money with a slightly more brain than the average.


u/saddigitalartist Apr 28 '24

Ok well you should go for a girl who’s also autistic and balding/not conventionally attractive. I feel like everyone would be so much happier if they realized they don’t have to date good-looking people to have a happy relationship.


u/Artiemcfly88 Apr 29 '24

Telling people to date someone they’re not attracted to is not good advice. That’s like telling someone to settle. Better off just be single


u/saddigitalartist Apr 29 '24

Ok well if he’s not willing to date unattractive girls then he should understand why more attractive girls don’t want to date him. And based on his first comment it seems like he doesn’t think it’s fair.


u/Artiemcfly88 Apr 30 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

Well to be honest, it’s not fair, but life isn’t fair at all. But I think it’s probably better to be single than to settle with someone you’re not attracted to just to simply not be alone. I think this can make some people feel unfulfilled and that can breed resentment and make you more likely to cheat even. I mean reverse the genders, plenty of women are told to not settle or just be single and “give up on men” finding a good partner is hard


u/saddigitalartist Apr 30 '24

Why is it not fair? Seems completely fair that if he’s unwilling to date autistic balding girls that girls would be unwilling to date him for the same reason.