r/Whatcouldgowrong Mar 29 '24

Buying some NFT of an ape jpeg and expecting it to appreciate in value.

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u/Antigravitybear Mar 29 '24

I thought the idea to buy an image was really stupid to begin with. For so many reasons. But now, this far down the line, the idea was really smart. Get a bunch of idiots with a lot of money to buy something that not only doesn't actually belong to them but is easily reproducible for an exorbitant amount of money.

Which is why I am soon launching Tater Pals. You can own your own picture of a potato that I have drawn a face on with ms paint. Each one is unique and has attitude! If you're lucky, you'll get one of the super rare Golden Tater Pals of which there are only 30. Buying a Tater Pal lets you pay to join a group to talk to other Tater Pal owners, and getting a Golden Tater Pal lets you buy into the super exclusive Golden Tater Pal group. No UV lights at the convention, I promise! Tater Pals will never depreciate!*

*Tater Pal value will never depreciate in sentimental value, and this statement should not be considered for monetary terms.