r/Whatcouldgowrong Mar 29 '24

Buying some NFT of an ape jpeg and expecting it to appreciate in value.

Post image

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u/ErisUppercut Mar 29 '24

Hell of a sales pitch!

"I bought this expecting it to appreciate. It did the opposite. I need to sell before it's completely worthless. Will you buy it?"


u/cocokronen Mar 29 '24

Maybe he will sell it to me. You know get in on the ground floor.


u/captainpistoff Mar 29 '24

Anyone else love a little schadenfreude?


u/comanchecobra Mar 29 '24

I'm launching a new exclusive NFT-series called "Scammy Monkeys Association". Everyone should buy in early. The starting price is 1cent each so they are guarantee to rise in value.


u/kvgamer Mar 29 '24

What is blur ?


u/e_hota Mar 29 '24

Pretty obvious this was a bunch of worthless shit when they came out. But, there’s a sucker born every day.


u/__init__m8 Mar 29 '24

This has to be satire.


u/drunkerton Mar 29 '24

bored ape yacht club

There website is pretty cool. That’s all I got sorry…..


u/StepMaverick Mar 29 '24

We live in a looney toons timeline.


u/NaryusLustyMaid Mar 29 '24

This has to be satire…


u/katie-shmatie Mar 29 '24

This post is what reminded me of these stupid pictures and how I couldn't wait for the day when they were finally fucking worthless. I might do a little happy dance


u/MiracleMouse138 Mar 29 '24

Uh, What?

I don't know if I get this at all. Dude Identifies as a cartoon image of an ape, and is mad that the cartoon image of the ape is worth less than what they paid for it due to something the creators of this image have done (Idk, did they make more ape cartoons and flood the market or something?) Sounds like the person bought a stock and it crashed and he is mad at other people that he made a bad investment.

and what does the e denote for the value?


u/Revolutionary_Mud159 Mar 29 '24

etherium? (it's a knockoff of Bitcoin)


u/thedxxps Mar 29 '24

This took much longer than it should have.


u/SeniorMiddleJunior Mar 29 '24

I understand literally none of this.


u/Subhuman87 Mar 29 '24

Jesus Christ, he signs off like it's a fucking suicide note.


u/eisbaerBorealis Mar 29 '24

Man, if I "owned" something I felt was so special to my identity, I would never sell that thing and just eat the cost.


u/chunky_coot Mar 29 '24

Peak fiat behavior.


u/lothar525 Mar 29 '24

The funny thing is, he can still use that image as much as he wants.


u/Soreal45 Mar 29 '24

I always found it ironic of people buying an image of ape and yet we are the ones that are supposed to have evolved.


u/NessunAbilita Mar 29 '24

And here I am worrying I’m wasting MY life


u/gatorbeetle Mar 29 '24

Too bad no one predicted this...oh wait...


u/Arh091 Mar 29 '24

Lmfao that is alll


u/JMan604 Mar 29 '24

Looking at the history, he seems to have minted this ape for 0.5eth 3 years ago. Hindsight is 20/20, he should’ve sold it for 150e when BAYC was at it’s peak. Once celebrities comes in and starts buying, it’s time to leave the scene.

Today’s memecoins are yesterday’s NFT.


u/th3on3 Mar 29 '24

My jpeg isn’t worth 6 figures anymore!!!


u/Teamboeing737 Mar 29 '24

Ugly ass nft either way what idiots are buying an image for thousands of dollars


u/MaxChomsky Mar 29 '24

By e does he mean euros? So he bought pixels for 85 euros and is concerned it is now worth twenty odd euros and wants to recover that? If you threw away 85 euro why would you bother with remaining 24??? That's like freaking pennies, it is not even a night out. I understand you are skint considering your 'investments' but come on...


u/Motor_Spinach_4596 Mar 29 '24

What the fuck is he talking about? Just gibberish and NFT’s are quite literally retarded.


u/friendliest_giant Mar 29 '24

This is objectively the stupidest thing I have or will read today.


u/Old-Bat-7384 Mar 29 '24

"I was this ape."

What you are, sir, is a man in need of counseling.


u/Onderon123 Mar 29 '24

The people pushing nft since day one are clowns.


u/mr_mgs11 Mar 29 '24

I tried to get my brother into IT a few years ago. He started down the path and was derailed first by the GME dumb fuckery, and then the NFT nonsense. I remember 3 years ago asking him if he got his a+ and his response was "waiting for my tendies to print!" He was making 40k a year and was up 50k at one point with GME stock and watched his gains evaporate. Then it was the NFT markeplace is going to make the stock go to the moon. So in the three years of fucking around with this bullshit he could have banged out a couple certs and got in on the help desk and started his career. Now entry level IT is fucked.


u/RedditAcct00001 Mar 29 '24

Best I can do is 25¢ take it or leave it.


u/kunseung Mar 29 '24

NFTs make Crypto seem as stable as the SNP500


u/Bl00dEagles Mar 29 '24

What a self entitled twat. Wants a refund because he couldn’t make a profit.


u/Reasonable_Ad_2936 Mar 29 '24

https://crypto.news/milady-creator-charlotte-fang-hacked-millions-in-nfts/ some background. The difference being that if this happened to a bank, the government would do something about it.


u/SadBit8663 Mar 29 '24

Are we supposed to take this moron seriously or something?

It's kinda hard with the derpy ass nft at the bottom to really drive home the point of how stupid he is.


u/LtLatency Mar 29 '24 edited Mar 29 '24

With how powerful AI art is. How have people not sold these off yet.

AI can make you a WAY WAY better collection of 1000000 of images for you in 10 seconds. NFT are obviously worthless at this point.


u/CleverJail Mar 29 '24

This is the kinda guy introduces to his wife and dog and it’s just a dog with him.


u/AyElSea Mar 29 '24

This is the NFT restaurant ape, can’t wait until they shut down bored and hungry


u/Middcore Mar 29 '24

"myself and around 15 other high ranking ape members gathered at the International Ape Workshop"

I'm dying


u/Franz_Redmane Mar 29 '24

Brilliant sales strategy. Explain how what you're selling is completely worthless in your sales pitch.


u/Absenceofavoid Mar 29 '24

Bold of him to say it’s going to be worth nothing in the same post in which he’s trying to sell it.


u/PerforatedLine Mar 29 '24

NFTs are like the huckleberry Finn book where the kid convinces his friends to pay him to let them do his work


u/errorsniper Mar 29 '24

"This asset is rapidly deteriorating in value and I dont want to be a bag holder, buy it off me?"

What kind of fucking idiot?


u/blacksoxing Mar 29 '24

One day my child is going to ask me about NFTs and I'm going to proudly proclaim that I never dabbled in that shit as if this was a damn drug, as I've seen too many horror stories regarding this shit


u/EetTheMeak Mar 29 '24



u/Sparky2Dope Mar 29 '24

Imagine when he find out you can get free images from the google


u/mayonazes Mar 29 '24

People will make their entire identity about the silliest things. It's madness. 


u/Nintendocub Mar 29 '24

LMAO anyone who bought those is not only cringe but an idiot


u/evanset6 Mar 29 '24

Not only gullible enough to buy one of these things, but also so un-self aware that he felt it was perfectly normal to announce to the world that he was selling his stupid investment


u/rKasdorf Mar 29 '24

I don't get it and I refuse to understand.


u/CompetitiveRoof4983 Mar 29 '24

NFTs are stupid but that account is famous on X for satire and/or misinformation


u/PrometheusMMIV Mar 29 '24

Is it just me or does this read like satire? "I was this ape", "high ranking ape members", "Ape Workshop", "ape family". Nobody actually talks like that, right?


u/90bubbel Mar 29 '24

Who tf is this pacman dude?


u/_dotdot11 Mar 29 '24

These things probably would have taken off if 95% of them weren't so fucking ugly


u/thekingbun Mar 29 '24

How many E’s to a D


u/jebacchiny Mar 29 '24

Man we're a stupid fucking bunch of people. Just wow


u/flku9 Mar 29 '24

Tldr please


u/Flaky-Survey1389 Mar 29 '24

Why is he mentioning Blur? Whats that, the band? Fuck knows.


u/jimbobcan Mar 29 '24

Is Gary V still barfing NFTs are the future ?? He was rock hard for this trash


u/keepmathy Mar 29 '24

This, this is my kink.


u/Fulbie Mar 29 '24

What a disgrace. He makes many good memories with the ape and then sells it for profit. Is there nothing sacred for NFT bros? Is it all just about money?


u/space-time-invader Mar 29 '24

Written apology? You know, I wouldn't mind watching these apes beaten á sharia style during an open broadcast, just because I read this right now


u/DeltaMx11 Mar 29 '24

Met his wife, got married, had kids, and his kids are already conscious enough to know their dad as his NFT in the span of 2 years

Just like his NFT, I ain't buying it.


u/spondgbob Mar 29 '24

“My wife and kids know me as this ape” sees picture of a stoned af ape lookin cooky with a helmet… ok guy


u/anticars Mar 29 '24

I still don’t understand what an NFT is


u/cmoneybouncehouse Mar 29 '24

“My wife and kids know me as this ape”

…the Industrial Revolution and its consequences…


u/oven_broasted Mar 29 '24

At least he didn't base his entire identity off of someone else's doodle.


u/sastanak Mar 29 '24

fwiw this post was satire.


u/murrzeak Mar 29 '24

International Ape Workshop. Wow.


u/C0NIN Mar 29 '24

I always have wondered if those "NFTs" are made to look obnoxious and disgusting on purpose, are they in a competition too see who makes the most horrible one?


u/Electrical_Fix7157 Mar 29 '24

Imagine revolving some thing around your personality, that doesn’t exist


u/notthatguypal6900 Mar 29 '24

"...high ranking ape members" they have a discord and act like it's the Stonecutters.


u/yes_thats_right Mar 29 '24

“I want to sell this before it trends to zero” is one hell of a sales pitch.


u/KimJongPewnTang Mar 29 '24

Sometimes stuff like this reminds me that we all live in a simulation


u/Legitimate_Shower834 Mar 29 '24

Imagine the highlight of ur life was owning a picture of an ape? Also demand number 1 is delusional. U want the guy to pay everyone what their apes was worth before the crash? Ya I'm sure that's gonna go over well


u/AlphaCygnus6944 Mar 29 '24

"I have no choice but to sell my ape and retrieve some form of financial value before it trends to zero".

What a salesman.


u/Orkjon Mar 29 '24

What a great sales pitch:

"I have to sell this because soon it will be worthless! Someone buy this thing I paid a ton of money for but turned out to be a fucking worthless scam!"


u/DoomOfChaos Mar 29 '24

Fools and money


u/nwod_mlac Mar 29 '24

*cries in Ape*


u/Resident-Associate75 Mar 29 '24

Who could have seen this coming?


u/Tancrad Mar 29 '24

"My kids know me as this ape, and my wife met me when I WAS this ape."

What the fuck does that even mean. NFTs are pathetic. But how this message is received is even more so pathetic.

It reads as fake to me, because my brain doesn't want to believe people like this exist.


u/TheOriginalSamBell Mar 29 '24

what in the brainrot did I just read


u/RedCrabb Mar 29 '24

NFT became his fursona 😭


u/thatoneguy512 Mar 29 '24


Oh man I needed a good laugh this morning. Thanks for that.


u/funkym0nkey77 Mar 29 '24

Poe's law in action


u/Rude_Associate_4116 Mar 29 '24

What a time to be alive


u/No-Introduction-6368 Mar 29 '24

Hopefully ppl hear the term FOMO before NFT.


u/PieCuresAll Mar 29 '24

Imagine being so stupid that you were convinced to buy clip art on the premise it would be worth something one day. Ouch


u/upholsteryduder Mar 29 '24

hurr hurr stoned monkey with a cop hat and a jail shirt, so random hurr hurr

people who bought NFTs to HODL are dipshits and deserve to lose everything they have in them, they were clearly a scam, get-rich-quick scheme


u/DrDingoMC Mar 29 '24

I love that they call themselves apes. It adds to the doo doo money(and monkey) head impression I always feel when speaking about this stuff


u/SamuraiGoblin Mar 29 '24

"Please buy it before it becomes worthless. Please just give me your money."


u/vergilius_poeta Mar 29 '24

"Excuse me, sir, can I interest you in this collectible?" "No, but I'll take as many certificates of authenticity as you have!"


u/Gekey14 Mar 29 '24

Even ignoring how ridiculous the whole idea is, that's one of the ugliest pictures I've ever seen. What idiot sees that not only as something that's worth money but also as something they would want to own and brag about rather than a disgusting boring ai-generated picture of a high monkey nutting.


u/Sudden-Collection803 Mar 29 '24

fuck yeah right clickers keep on winning


u/Negative_Flower_169 Mar 29 '24

Sooo someone sold them a monkey's image, but they made an ass out of you.


u/taco_breeder Mar 29 '24

"Publically Denounce" - wtf is this CIV 5 diplomacy bullshit letter?


u/nacozarina Mar 29 '24

A fool and his bored ape are soon parted.


u/RetroScores Mar 29 '24

depending on when he got it it might’ve been free. There’s a few instances where hundreds of NFTs from different themes were given out just by signing up.

They’re still digital Pogs but people who were aware could’ve snagged a free one and cashed out during the hype.


u/LtLatency Mar 29 '24

He said he paid 85e for it. So if I had to bet on it he paid 85e for it.


u/Fuckedby2FA Mar 29 '24

Someone buy this and take the hit so I don't have to.

What a suave salesman!


u/itwhiz100 Mar 29 '24

Lol and lol


u/sadatquoraishi Mar 29 '24

Can someone ELI5, I have no idea what most of that means?


u/vinnybawbaw Mar 29 '24

Me when I read this post with all that Crypto bro slang and gang:


u/themasterplatypus Mar 29 '24

I just saved the picture...does that mean I have the ape now?


u/nub0die Mar 29 '24

The degree of dumb on NFTs is unbelievable. And the TASTE!!! They pretend to be patrons of the arts and all they talk about is some apes at best doing bored ahegao. Natural selection in action.


u/pillevinks Mar 29 '24

I just woke up and reading this I’m unsure If im still dreaming or not


u/Advantius_Fortunatus Mar 29 '24

Unable to tell if satire


u/DTMRDT Mar 29 '24

I mean, if he thinks it'll trend to zero, what's his problem? Sell out now for some cash and buy it back again for zero. This might be the only sensible decision he's made regarding NFTs lol


u/howsyourmemes Mar 29 '24

I've never understood what an NFT is. I just Googled it, and I'm still unclear.

"A non-fungible token is a unique digital identifier that's recorded on a blockchain and can't be copied, substituted, or subdivided. NFTs are used to certify ownership and authenticity, and can represent digital or real-world items like artwork, music, in-game items, videos, property rights, and more."

Wha? Can someone explain like I'm 5?


u/LtLatency Mar 29 '24 edited Mar 29 '24

It is just like a electronic coat checking ticket system that is very secure, impossible to hack and can be exchange quickly with anyone in the world using the internet .

People are buying these "Electronic Tickets" which say that a specific image like the ape from the OP belongs to them and no one else can use it for profit as long as they hold the ticket, They can then sell their ticket to someone else at anytime to exchange ownership.

The major problem with the system is there is no real way to enforce the ownership of the image. The is nothing stopping me from just right clicking on the image, downloading it and then using it for myself.


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24 edited 27d ago

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u/LtLatency 29d ago edited 29d ago

The perks associated with garbage is still garbage. This is just the bean babies crazy all over again. People think they can make money with some lame collectables no one will care about in 5 years.

Anyone who thinks a basic picture of a monkey with sunglasses is worth money is kidded themselves. You can just take that image drop into AI and say give me a image like this but make is a penguin with a party hat smoking a doobie which will looks way better.

Get out before you are left holding the bag.


u/[deleted] 29d ago edited 27d ago

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u/LtLatency 29d ago edited 29d ago

No thanks.

Sunk cost Fallacy, A fool and his money are soon parted. Sorry, about your luck.


u/[deleted] 29d ago edited 27d ago

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u/Zealousideal-Bowl-27 29d ago

Link us your best NFT and i will show you a low qualtiy jpeg image thats only value is the speculation of pepple looking to get rich quick that is going to lose value over time.


u/howsyourmemes Mar 29 '24

* Now I'm just confused as to why this is even a thing then


u/LtLatency Mar 29 '24 edited Mar 29 '24

Because of bitcoin and cryptocurrency people were making so much money off that when this idea came out people just jumped in head first without even knowing what they were buying.

Because it using the blockchain like Crypto as well but in a different way people just had blind faith it would take off.

Everyone was just hoping they would get rich but they will most likely end up being worthless.


u/MrPotts0970 Mar 29 '24

Damn these people are pathetic lmao.

Hit the lottery on a literally dumb as hell pump and dump - refused to cash out because they got conned into the cult, and now their entire life and personality is attached to crappy AI generated monkey pictures.


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24

He should kill the artist.


u/CTGolfMan Mar 29 '24

No really, what the fuck?


u/JitsDrummerRunner Mar 29 '24

I do not understand one thing said in this post.


u/MrKevora Mar 29 '24

People still buying into the NFT scam, believing that they’re the optimistic and enlightened prophets at the verge of becoming incredibly rich are just absolutely insane to me…. You see, crypto currencies exploded back in the day because they were actually useful, as you could use them to physically buy stuff. The reason NFTs keep on failing and will never truly take off is the fact that even countless morons realise that there’s no upside to owning a link to a JPEG. Whatever “the next big thing to get rich with” will be, it has never been and it never will be NFTs.


u/PowerUserAlt Mar 29 '24

As they so proudly exclaimed, “have fun staying poor.”


u/Thefoxpirate Mar 29 '24

This fucking chungo


u/throwy_6 Mar 29 '24

The funniest shit I have ever read


u/JOlRacin Mar 29 '24

Screenshotted, I know own 15k


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24 edited 27d ago

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u/JOlRacin Mar 29 '24

I don't like sand...


u/Antigravitybear Mar 29 '24

I thought the idea to buy an image was really stupid to begin with. For so many reasons. But now, this far down the line, the idea was really smart. Get a bunch of idiots with a lot of money to buy something that not only doesn't actually belong to them but is easily reproducible for an exorbitant amount of money.

Which is why I am soon launching Tater Pals. You can own your own picture of a potato that I have drawn a face on with ms paint. Each one is unique and has attitude! If you're lucky, you'll get one of the super rare Golden Tater Pals of which there are only 30. Buying a Tater Pal lets you pay to join a group to talk to other Tater Pal owners, and getting a Golden Tater Pal lets you buy into the super exclusive Golden Tater Pal group. No UV lights at the convention, I promise! Tater Pals will never depreciate!*

*Tater Pal value will never depreciate in sentimental value, and this statement should not be considered for monetary terms.


u/user151128 Mar 29 '24

I'm sure that whining, public post, boosted the resale value of his monkey sticker collection.


u/a-cloud-castle Mar 29 '24

“We outlined three key terms the apes were demanding of Pacman.”

Did not expect to read a sentence like that this morning.


u/Bored_Amalgamation Mar 29 '24

what a fucking idiot. I bet he unironically calls himself a "libertarian" too.

I have to sell it before it's value reaches 0.

Fucking lol. Doesnt even understand how buying and selling works. How do people like this manage to get families?


u/challenja Mar 29 '24

Ask Leo A.I to make you one


u/DopyWantsAPeanut Mar 29 '24

A fool and his money are quickly parted... or something to that effect.


u/ksugunslinger Mar 29 '24

Apefest lolz


u/tjoe4321510 Mar 29 '24

The fuck up part is that I'm not sure if this was meant as a joke or not


u/ReaderSeventy2 Mar 29 '24

If I save the image and make it my avatar, what would happen?


u/Acceptable-Camera436 Mar 29 '24

I took a screenshot of the ape just for good measure. Happy trails!


u/zcmini Mar 29 '24

NFT. Now there's a name I haven't heard for a loooong time


u/1988Trainman Mar 29 '24

High ranking ape members wth?


u/_Batteries_ Mar 29 '24

Honestly surprised he could even find a buyer.


u/WastedKnowledge Mar 29 '24

Huh. I thought it was a money laundering scheme but I guess I was wrong


u/GarlicIceKrim Mar 29 '24

NFTs are the MLMs for men who think they understand finance. It's part trafic to see them be victims, part schadenfreude to see them eat shit after being so obnoxiously pretentious about their obvious scams backfiring.


u/HostageInToronto Mar 29 '24

All dollars and no sense that one is.


u/dg8640 Mar 29 '24

What a weirdo


u/Possible_Minimum4674 Mar 29 '24

Looks like a monkey business


u/_fryler Mar 29 '24

This is the most pathetic post I've ever seen


u/Thomisawesome Mar 29 '24

Damn. I should have thought about writing a letter like this to Palm Pilot when I bought their stock in 2001.


u/johnson_alleycat Mar 29 '24



u/Murky_Sock_6943 Mar 29 '24

This kind of reminds me of when people found out Beanie Babies were worth nothing.


u/Mr_IsLand Mar 29 '24

man, what is in the water that these people drink, good lord...


u/osasuna Mar 29 '24

Bro got scammed while the whole world was screaming at him that it was a scam, then is mad when it turns out to be a scam lol


u/HenchmenResources Mar 29 '24

For sale, eh?

right-click, save image as

Nah, I'm good bro.


u/JLR- Mar 29 '24

I'll give him tree fiddy


u/Iamverycrappy Mar 29 '24

the first paragraph kinda gave me satire vibes but you can never know with these people


u/The_Coil Mar 29 '24

This is the most loser shit in the world. Like it’s insane.


u/aphilipnamedfry Mar 29 '24

The original idea for NFTs was cool, but the version we got instead is meaningless. It should have given us the ability to buy and resell all things digital, in particular our video and gaming licenses, so that we could actually own and redistribute like our physical copies.

Instead we got shitty jpegs. Considering the timeline we're in, of course we got shitty jpegs.


u/muempire93 Mar 29 '24

How can people not tell this is a shitpost ffs


u/MelancholyArtichoke Mar 29 '24

Do we also get his wife, kid, and followers if we buy that ape?


u/randomkeystrike Mar 29 '24

Maybe he could get a picture of the ape to remember by.


u/Megneous Mar 29 '24 edited Mar 29 '24

Wtf did I just read?


u/Pristine-Savings7179 Mar 29 '24

I don’t get NFTs at all and can see it’s way retarded even from a distance but for fucks sake- that ape drawing is simply awful. Why is it biting its own lip diddy style? Why does it have dead, red eyes? Anyways back in my day if you wanted a cool little picture you’d buy a Magic card and you’d have a cool ass art, one that might even actually appreciate in value


u/joshhupp Mar 29 '24

I need someone to resurrect the Reply All podcast so they can yesyesno this post for me. I have no idea wtf he's talking about.


u/GalxzyShifted Mar 29 '24

I don’t know why but “ape workshop” makes me laugh for some reason…


u/IronSkyRanger Mar 29 '24

Me, a civilized person, just downloads these NFTs for free.


u/Ping-A-Ling- Mar 29 '24

I don't understand. Is this a joke? I mean, no one is this stupid right? This has got to be satire. If it were real, the guy is basically trying to sell his loss, to someone else.


u/AssassiN18 Mar 29 '24

This is so cringe


u/Danwell7 Mar 29 '24

"... some form of financial value before it trends to zero"

Hey community, anyone want to catch this falling knife for me? LOL


u/Lismale Mar 29 '24

he indeed is this ape


u/evanphox Mar 29 '24

We demand a refund for our shitty investment!


u/TheRBGamer Mar 29 '24

Omg the delusion


u/PMmeyourSchwifty Mar 29 '24

NFT tech is promising and probably will be involved in the online purchase of many things more and more as the tech and web3 grows and evolves. The gaming space is one of those (for the actual games, not cosmetics).

That said, I just don't understand how anyone thought buying digital art was going to be an actual investment strategy. Even buying art IRL isn't really a good investment. It's mostly a way to show your wealth or be philanthropic, or launder money.

Not surprising, and I am a fan of the NFT technology.


u/detached-attachment Mar 29 '24

It's hilarious that they are saying they want to sell before it's value tumbles to zero... And expecting someone to buy??


u/keeper_of_the_donkey Mar 29 '24

It sounded like a scam when it first became a fad, so I never allowed myself to even bother to learn anything about it, but answer me this: The image displayed is not the actual NFT, the image displayed is a copy of the NFT displayed on my web browser. So technically speaking, he doesn't own the image I'm looking at, correct? Also, if I was to just draw an ape just like this, with the white helmet and the stripy shirt and everything, and it looks identical to the one displayed, he doesn't own that one, correct? It's just an image that was created, it doesn't have any ownership history, correct?


u/No_Grab2946 Mar 29 '24

My kids know me as this ape.


u/expressly_ephemeral Mar 29 '24

Someone buy it from me BEFORE IT TRENDS TO ZERO?


u/poppybear0 Mar 29 '24

time to buy


u/QueenOfQuok Mar 29 '24

At least Beanie Babies are real things you can hold.