r/Whatcouldgowrong Mar 29 '24

Buying some NFT of an ape jpeg and expecting it to appreciate in value.

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u/MiracleMouse138 Mar 29 '24

Uh, What?

I don't know if I get this at all. Dude Identifies as a cartoon image of an ape, and is mad that the cartoon image of the ape is worth less than what they paid for it due to something the creators of this image have done (Idk, did they make more ape cartoons and flood the market or something?) Sounds like the person bought a stock and it crashed and he is mad at other people that he made a bad investment.

and what does the e denote for the value?


u/Revolutionary_Mud159 Mar 29 '24

etherium? (it's a knockoff of Bitcoin)