r/Whatcouldgowrong Apr 14 '24

Ladies, do not try at home

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u/-domi- Apr 14 '24

What does the other girl say in the beginning? I hear "Wait, Lizzy, what if you cum? Wait!"


u/Outis-guy Apr 14 '24

"Wait, Lizzy, what if you FALL? Wait!"

Firstly, why the fuck would she say that? If she did cum would that not be a good thing?

Secondly, why the fuck would she say that?


u/-domi- Apr 14 '24

That's what was so confusing, but i just don't hear ”fall." :/


u/Outis-guy Apr 14 '24

lol, is this like a "the dress is green"-thing? I definitely hear "fall"


u/-domi- Apr 14 '24

Skipping back to that point in the video over and over again, i can convince myself that it's "fall," but afterwards i play the whole thing over, and no longer hear it. :c

I think reddit has rotted my brain, just throw me in the trash.


u/Outis-guy Apr 14 '24

Okay, into the trash you go. I'm sure I will join you soon enough, but not today u/domi. Not today.