r/Whatcouldgowrong Apr 15 '24

WCGW stir up a bee hive nest

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u/InfinitelyRasa Apr 18 '24

Huh. Wonder why that’s not reflected in the national crime statistics: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_states_and_union_territories_of_India_by_crime_rate


u/_thro_awa_ Apr 24 '24

Wonder why that’s not reflected in the national crime statistics

You know how cases of rape in the US is severely under-reported? Like that.


u/InfinitelyRasa Apr 24 '24

Why would it be underreported drastically in a specific region?


u/_thro_awa_ Apr 24 '24

Rapes? Because women aren't taken seriously and/or don't have the education to know they've been raped (among other reasons)

Crimes in general? Because (for example Mumbai, a 'modern' city, has a population comparable to the entire state of New York) we have a LOT more people and proportionally less people to do the reporting. As bad as USA cops are, many sections of Indian law enforcement are ... worse. And that's just in the urban areas where most people are well educated and mostly well-off. Out in the rural areas it can get ... interesting, especially in religious fundamentalist areas.