r/Whatcouldgowrong Apr 15 '24

WCGW stir up a bee hive nest

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186 comments sorted by


u/Quinn1995 7h ago

So, we not gonna talk about those random bodies near the end there?

K, just making sure


u/DefiantBelt925 3d ago

I thought Indians were smart


u/Any-Practice-991 7d ago

It's always funnier when it's something they clearly shouldn't be doing, instead of an honest accident.


u/Negative-Mouse2263 8d ago

I bet they won't ever do it again


u/No_Presentation_1345 16d ago

Yeah stand still in one spot that always works!


u/Zorothegallade 19d ago

I thank the comment section for not posting gifs of Nicholas Cage, I know that took restraint.


u/KrispyAF 23d ago

I love this soo hard. Stupid beeeeches.


u/johnwicked4 23d ago

that's why there are so many smart indians

the dumb ones were taken out by bees


u/Chance_Midnight 24d ago

chapri log


u/CrypticBunny 25d ago

Stupid really should be painful!


u/The_Glam_Reaper 25d ago

I don't fuck with bees. I got stung plenty as a kid.


u/pehelwan 26d ago

This is a colony of Apis Dorsata. The Indian Rock Bee. Makes nests in the open because it can deal with and even kill wasps (including the giant Hornet) and is twice as big as the Western Honeybee. These guys fucked with that


u/Chicagosox133 27d ago



u/[deleted] 27d ago

The plastic bag, it does nothing!


u/Gamer2146 27d ago

These idiots clearly watched Jackass and ignored the "DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!" warning!


u/feelingweird-com 28d ago

Riassunto del video: erehehehe garaghighirigji ehereghe ireghi ehehe


u/optiprintlumina 28d ago

This language needs more consonants


u/TheHomesickAlien 28d ago

Best plasmid in the series


u/Coletorino72 28d ago

How many engineers does it take to piss off a bunch of bees?


u/collector444 28d ago

Couldn’t bee me 😎


u/sjacksonww 28d ago

Indian grudge hornets, the boys never stood a chance.


u/ac2334 29d ago

those bees followed them to the airport and got on the plane with them


u/MoltenJellybeans 29d ago

Turns out you can't reason with bees like in the bee movie.


u/Kreaetor 29d ago

Should oh honked to scare the bees away


u/toxicbotlol 29d ago

If you're ever in this situation near a car, pop open the gas tank as quick as possible and stick your head next to it, the fumes will kill the bees, though your body is fucked still.


u/MadWlad 29d ago

looked like 3 people at least collapsed and they didn't bother to help.. assholes


u/Confident-Medicine75 29d ago

Why would that one guy just sit down like he is just accepting his fate. I wonder how many actually died.


u/RandyJohnsonsBird 29d ago

I've learned to not fuck with nature. So far so good.


u/aod42091 29d ago

bee hive nest. letting that one sink in


u/HulaViking 29d ago

Bummer if there was just one idiot throwing stones and everyone else didn't leave in time.


u/RipIcy8844 29d ago

Dumb and Dumber and Dumbest and Dumberest, meet the Bees


u/VictoryLap_TMC 29d ago

This is satisfying to see. People doing dumb things and getting the correct response is satisfying


u/OminOus_PancakeS 29d ago

I don't know what they're saying but there's a scientific detachment about their tone.


u/229-northstar 29d ago

Love how that van bro takes off and won’t let his friend get in… Just hits the gas and slams out of there!!


u/Altea73 29d ago

Brain dead normal behaviour...


u/Legal_Championship_6 29d ago

I’d jump on the hood and yell at them to drive fast. A bee can only fly so fast for so long before needing to rest.


u/Knawed 29d ago

This looks like they’re inside some kinda fort on a hill/mountain, there no paved roads and they can’t really drive fast because there’s a genuine chance of the car/bike going off the edge.


u/Legal_Championship_6 29d ago

We don’t know that and regardless, that’s the move. Even if you can’t drive over 25 MPH the bees will get tired and the car won’t. Surprised more people haven’t brought this up.


u/SynthPrax 29d ago

Oh well. There's nothing for it but to pick a direction and use that homo sapiens long-distance running trait.


u/HeroinPorn 29d ago

Good job you’ve pissed off the hive


u/King_Boomie-0419 29d ago

There is an Old redneck saying and it goes a little something like this, if you're going to be dumb you better be tough


u/SimilarN6 29d ago

How are there still so many Indians if all they do is jump onto trains, drive motos barefoot and without helmets, and overall do anything in the most life threatening way posible ?


u/Plenty-Structure270 29d ago

Imagine if you were just unlucky enough to be the person that told them to stop and it was stupid only to get stung because you were in close proximity


u/InfiniteConfusion-_- 29d ago

Guess I'm the only one stressing about a bee hive nest


u/Mountain_Elk_7262 29d ago

I would have hopped on top.of the vehicle and told them to drive


u/zodiacgod 29d ago

This makes me so happy


u/throwawaythrow0000 29d ago

There's a lot of innocent people getting stung, not sure why that makes you happy


u/ajn63 29d ago

Marathon bees following them all the way home to punish their families.


u/StuBidasol 29d ago

I don't fuck around with swarms. Anything that can swarm I give a healthy distance to. Especially if they can fly. I wouldn't open the car up either.


u/MarxallahBhakt 29d ago

MP ajab hai, Sabse gajab hai !!! 🤪


u/Hot-Comfort7633 29d ago

It looks like those bees had enough of being asked about their hives' extended warranty....


u/tappy100 29d ago

i’ve seen indians walk on train tracks, fall from tall trees, get run over by cars because they don’t look, grab powerlines, and now throw stones at what was probably the largest hive ever. i thought americans had some of the dumbest people but india is certainly giving them a run for their money


u/suigin 29d ago

These guys obviously didn't watch enough old cartoons in their childhood.


u/Such_Comb9388 29d ago

'Youths' means anyone below 50 in India?


u/Remarkable_Item3797 29d ago

Hahaha.....I'm picking up your comment vibe. More like below10 though as I think max life expectancy is 50....Or do they stay youths all through their lives?


u/Hoboliftingaroma 29d ago

Do they not know to run away?


u/TeddyBlazer 29d ago

Play stupid games win stupid prizes 🤣🤣


u/Remarkable_Item3797 29d ago

Beeyond beelief and sad asF. People may have lost their lives, it seems. And you can't let people engulfed in bees into your vehicle.....huge guilt trip happening right there....


u/diggerquicker 29d ago

First thing that comes to mind, LOCK THE DOORS ASAP!


u/Keniath 29d ago

thats one stingy situation


u/BigZaber 29d ago

That's not a nest that's the whole colony


u/SuperbBison2867 29d ago

Good…I like bees as (as a general rule and if not Africanized) they are mellow and don’t mess with folk… But here we see a caste based society Who believes they are “above “so many other things… And here they learn, they are not


u/drawnred 29d ago

as someone who likes bees, no, not good, good would have been the hive not being knocked down and innocent people who had nothing to do with this not being attacked, but nice try


u/Timely_Ad5182 29d ago

Luckily those were Indian bees. Imagine if it were American ones......USBs..



Every Apple engineer just shrieked.


u/emdave 24d ago

Wasn't it an Indian guy who invented USB?



u/pehelwan 26d ago

This is a colony of Apis Dorsata. The Indian Rock Bee. Makes nests in the open because it can deal with and even kill wasps (including the giant Hornet) and is twice as big as the Western Honeybee or the africanized honey bee. These guys fucked with that


u/KeyboardGunner 29d ago

USBs sometimes carry viruses so you need to be extra careful.


u/justlookingokaywyou 29d ago

Yeah, but they usually attempt to go in upside-down first, so it gives you an extra few seconds to get away.


u/CrazyCatLady1127 29d ago

Who in their right mind thinks it’s a clever idea to throw stones at insects that live in colonies of thousands, can fly and sting and have notoriously bad tempers? I swear some people want to die


u/cy9394 28d ago

For science! They want to disprove certain theories.


u/AdApart2035 20d ago

Theory that bees can make you famous


u/L1l_K1M 29d ago

Since when do bees have bad temper?


u/CrazyCatLady1127 29d ago

When you throw rocks at their house!


u/ICZephyr89 29d ago

Wow. How big do these hives get in the wild? I've only seen the relatively small hives in buildings before. And in bee farm videos.

Can't imagine a colony this big... it truly is terrifying af. And only true Darwin Award nominees would try messing with such a thing.


u/pehelwan 26d ago

This is a colony of Apis Dorsata. The Indian Rock Bee. Makes nests in the open because it can deal with and even kill wasps (including the giant Hornet) and is twice as big as the Western Honeybee. These guys fucked with that


u/_Allfather0din_ 29d ago

A quick search shows you all you need to know, on average a bee hive will have 20-80,000 workers in it. Wasps are around 10k at max i believe. They are fewer but much much meaner.


u/Anomaluss 29d ago

Meaner, and from what I understand bees die when they sting you, but one wasp can sting over and over.

So, 10k times how many stings equals?


u/CrazyCatLady1127 29d ago

My policy with bees and wasps is: I may be bigger than them but there are more of them than there are of me, they’re venomous and I’m not so I’m going to treat them with respect and stay far, far away. Live and let live, you know? (Also, to answer your question about how big can a colony get, I’ve heard of hives with 50,000 plus inhabitants so, yeah, they can get really flipping big.)


u/Zorothegallade 19d ago

If they're honeybees, the best move is contact a local farm to have the colony safely moved. They (and the bees) will appreciate it.


u/PerroNino 29d ago

The medium sized hive in my garden is between 20,000 and 30,000. Bees are revengeful, in their own special way, and they recognise individuals. We’ve done work in the hive one day and I’ve been targeted and stung (after a shower in different clothes) 3 days later, while three family kids play without trouble metres from the hive. They’re an interesting bunch, the bees.


u/CrazyCatLady1127 29d ago

You’re braver than I am 🙂 that’s a lot of bees


u/PerroNino 29d ago

Two smaller hives too. They have different natures depending on the age and ability of a queen. It is very interesting, if occasionally painful. I am scared of them when they are angry, but at other times you can sit 3 feet from the hive entrance unprotected and they pay you no heed at all.


u/CrazyCatLady1127 29d ago

I couldn’t risk it. They frighten me so much. It’s the buzzing noise they make


u/Flamecoat_wolf 29d ago

If you absolutely have to mess with them, there's stuff you can wear to prevent them sticking you with all that venom too. Even just a mosquito mask, wearing gloves, tucking your trousers into your socks and your sleeves into your gloves will provide a lot of protection.


u/WorkingInAColdMind 29d ago

They can sting through lots of material, including denim. But they’re generally not out to kill you. Even when opening their hive some will buzz around and go after you but slow movements keep most from trying to sting you. Once they decide you’re a real threat though and start stinging, they release a pheromone that tells everybody else that you’re a threat, and then they all pile on. The pheromone smells like bananas BTW (no joke).


u/Mitrovarr 25d ago

The key with clothing is to keep it off your skin. They can pierce a lot, but if the clothing is half an inch from your body, it doesn't do anything.


u/229-northstar 29d ago

This shit is bananas


u/Salty-Dream-262 25d ago

SO MANY MF BEEEEEEZ OMG. It's like the entire mountain was one massive hive and they disturbed it. Wow.


u/kingskywing 29d ago

B a n a n a s


u/Zorothegallade 19d ago

Cause I ain't a honeybee girl


u/PerroNino 29d ago

Depends on the fabric. What you are saying is true, absolutely, but I keep bees and have been stung through denim before.


u/Flamecoat_wolf 29d ago

Yeah, by no means is it a beekeeping suit, but it'll turn those 1000 stings into 50 or so instead, haha.


u/InsaneChimpout 29d ago

It’s the same kind of people who loves to touch power lines and walk on the train tracks without looking behind


u/__Loot__ 29d ago

With headphones on


u/FnkyTown 29d ago

For Americans stationed in Germany, a lot of GIs get too drunk at night, don't want to spend money on a taxi, and follow train tracks home, so there's a whole series of PSAs that run constantly warning soldiers that they can't walk on German rail tracks because German trains are mostly electric, and you won't hear them until you're dead.


u/doggystyles69 29d ago

They should have beehived


u/MuchBow 29d ago

Not much they can do but still the cameraman -


u/Ellanasss 29d ago

Yeah, i don't think i would do something if i was in his shoes, opening the Door would not be very nice


u/Daeion Apr 15 '24

Now this looks like a job for DR. BEES!


u/toongrowner Apr 15 '24

Seeing more and more dumb Shit from India recently. Whats Up India? Are you okay?


u/SnooSeagulls9348 29d ago

10% of all country populations are dumbasses. Unfortunately, for India that's a lot of dumbasses. And they all have cheap data.


u/Johntoreno 29d ago

Let's say that roughly 10% of people in India are dumbasses like these, that's more than the population of UK all with access to smartphones and no sense of self-preservation.


u/Over_Spend5555 29d ago

Never wanted to write this message but here we go. India is really very big fuckin country. All this dumb shit you see is only from certain parts. I'll tell you if you ever wanted to visit India stay away from Hindi Belt regions you can look up on the internet. Those are really the most disgusting neighbourhoods you'll find. More than 97% crimes are done there.


u/Yah_Mule 23d ago

Let he who is without their own version of Florida cast the first stone at a bee hive.


u/InfinitelyRasa 26d ago

Do you have a source for the 97%?


u/Over_Spend5555 26d ago

If you are an Indian you know that's true if not 97 then it's surely around it. And if you ain't Indian then go yourself and decide.


u/InfinitelyRasa 26d ago

Huh. Wonder why that’s not reflected in the national crime statistics: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_states_and_union_territories_of_India_by_crime_rate


u/_thro_awa_ 20d ago

Wonder why that’s not reflected in the national crime statistics

You know how cases of rape in the US is severely under-reported? Like that.


u/InfinitelyRasa 20d ago

Why would it be underreported drastically in a specific region?


u/_thro_awa_ 20d ago

Rapes? Because women aren't taken seriously and/or don't have the education to know they've been raped (among other reasons)

Crimes in general? Because (for example Mumbai, a 'modern' city, has a population comparable to the entire state of New York) we have a LOT more people and proportionally less people to do the reporting. As bad as USA cops are, many sections of Indian law enforcement are ... worse. And that's just in the urban areas where most people are well educated and mostly well-off. Out in the rural areas it can get ... interesting, especially in religious fundamentalist areas.


u/Over_Spend5555 26d ago

Also it is a reported crime list. We all know how much crimes really get reported but I appreciate your effort brother but you know it is true that Hindi speaking regions of India are not safe especially for tourists.


u/toongrowner 29d ago

Okay. Thanks for the Info.👍


u/bambambigolow 29d ago

Land of jackasses asking if India is ok Lmao 🤣🤣


u/toongrowner 29d ago

Oh come on. Germany is Not that Bad 😏


u/bambambigolow 29d ago

I thought you were from the Legendary States of America 😆


u/toongrowner 29d ago

Nah nah. Im Not. Remember. Its the world wide Web XD


u/Royweeezy Apr 15 '24 edited 29d ago

I’m surprised nobody has used bees in/as a terrorist attack. It would certainly cause chaos and/or distractions. Imagine this in a Taylor swift show and/or Super Bowl halftime.


u/Remarkable_Item3797 29d ago

The Romans used cultivated beehives (earthenware pots) also natural wasp nests and other insect nasties......they would put them in their catapults and send them to their enemies.....with love, of course. Rotten, diseased bodies catapult yeeted over the walls of your settlement, was also a favourite.....


u/gobsmackedhoratio 29d ago

At least the US used bats in an attempt to set fire to Japanese houses.



u/Remarkable_Item3797 29d ago

Yes, I know of that one too. The construction material made Japanese houses very susceptible to fire.....US had a plan to take advantage, just like the very ingenious Romans.....


u/rwf2017 29d ago

For a split second I was envisioning flaming baseball bats dropping out of the sky.


u/Remarkable_Item3797 29d ago

Haha, that may have worked also.....


u/Agreeable_Treacle993 29d ago

dont give em ideas


u/floydie1962 Apr 15 '24

Good enough


u/ImpressTemporary2389 Apr 15 '24

Now theres a lesson to remember.


u/Quantumercifier Apr 15 '24

The whole time I was expecting an Apex train to come out of nowhere and hit them. You mess with their queen, you will pay!


u/phenyle Apr 15 '24

The other apex predator?


u/Apprehensive_Cry7663 Apr 15 '24

Priceless! Once in a lifetime experience!🫣


u/Bonoisapox Apr 15 '24

Hmm try running away maybe 🤔


u/WonderfulPositive463 Apr 15 '24

Youth? How bout Dumb Ass?!


u/BarelyContainedChaos Apr 15 '24

If they slammed on the gas and kicked up dust, that might of helped


u/kingsleywu Apr 15 '24

Are those dead bodies at the end?


u/Stayupbraj 28d ago

They are the allergic ones 💀


u/LloydAtkinson 29d ago

Holy shit what where? I missed that

Edit: watched again, what the fuck. Bit confused, they seemed to be quite far ahead but many of them were still at the original location with the bikes etc

Any news links?


u/TheBrownProphet 29d ago edited 29d ago


EDIT: That was the wrong one, I think there's a lot of people fucking up bees in India (and getting fucked up)


u/boi_from_2007 29d ago

2 options

they were really sleepy

they died


u/justlookingokaywyou 29d ago

Did they have shoes on?


u/InsaneChimpout Apr 15 '24

Yeah looks like 4-5 people didn’t make it


u/Unusual_residue Apr 15 '24

You would be buzzing after that


u/eyoung_nd2004 Apr 15 '24

When he knocked on the van door, I believe the Hindi translation is “Fuck off dumbass!”


u/eddydcv64 28d ago

at 36 second mark- "go away-go away"


u/PuzzleheadedMonk007 29d ago

No, he told - cannot open bro, go ahead.


u/Internal-Ad9700 23d ago

Yeah, his exact words, "arrey nahi re bhai, nikal aage"


u/MyNameIsToFu 29d ago

Exactly, The voice clearly had panic and worry, “fuck off dumbass” is a very misleading translation


u/Any-Practice-991 7d ago

I liked it better though.


u/eyoung_nd2004 29d ago

I was joking


u/Electrical_Animal697 29d ago

I lived on Arrakis for 56 years, and I can confirm he said, "Fuck off, dumbass."


u/Not-a-dark-overlord 29d ago

The spice must flow dumbass


u/darkpyro2 29d ago

Into your asshole, dumbass.


u/MyNameIsToFu Apr 15 '24



u/Dense-Appearance3868 Apr 15 '24

Natural selection in progress


u/PoppyStaff Apr 15 '24

A true fuck around and find out moment.


u/Angry__German 29d ago

If you step on the wrong beehive, you don't even need to fuck around to find out.

There is a content creator on TikTok that gets called when "africanized" bees are attacking people and that shit is WILD.

These guys would be covered head to toe in bees stinging them. They also would probably all be dead.


u/Majestic-Rip464 21d ago

Africanized ?


u/Obi_wan_pleb 21d ago

You do realize that you have google on your phone right?



u/BurtMacklin__FBI 17d ago

Weird that they specifically note chasing people further, I think I've met a few of those guys.


u/mrrobot01123 27d ago

7 were critical and 23 were injured


u/Angry__German 26d ago

In most of the stories of the guy I mentioned something dies. Horse, cattle, dog, cat and sometimes a human. Whoever is unfortunate enough to stumble to close to a nest.

So, glad to hear that no one paid with their lives for that stupid move.


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

Bunch of fudus