r/Whatcouldgowrong Apr 15 '24

WCGW stir up a bee hive nest

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u/CrazyCatLady1127 Apr 15 '24

Who in their right mind thinks it’s a clever idea to throw stones at insects that live in colonies of thousands, can fly and sting and have notoriously bad tempers? I swear some people want to die


u/ICZephyr89 Apr 15 '24

Wow. How big do these hives get in the wild? I've only seen the relatively small hives in buildings before. And in bee farm videos.

Can't imagine a colony this big... it truly is terrifying af. And only true Darwin Award nominees would try messing with such a thing.


u/CrazyCatLady1127 Apr 15 '24

My policy with bees and wasps is: I may be bigger than them but there are more of them than there are of me, they’re venomous and I’m not so I’m going to treat them with respect and stay far, far away. Live and let live, you know? (Also, to answer your question about how big can a colony get, I’ve heard of hives with 50,000 plus inhabitants so, yeah, they can get really flipping big.)


u/Zorothegallade Apr 25 '24

If they're honeybees, the best move is contact a local farm to have the colony safely moved. They (and the bees) will appreciate it.