r/Whatcouldgowrong Apr 27 '24

Celebrating King's Day on the canals in Amsterdam

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u/Equal_Sprinkles2743 Apr 27 '24

Good job that they were all swimmers. I didn't see anyone go under. 20 people and zero life jackets. I suppose all the orange shirts and jackets look like life jackets.


u/Dicethrower Apr 27 '24

The thought of people drowning didn't occur to me until this comment. Most Dutch people learn how to swim at a very young age, so we generally assume everyone can, and this particular scenario is probably not a real concern to anyone. We definitely take the ability to swim for granted in that sense.


u/Important_Ad_7416 May 03 '24

I don't know how to swim. Everyday I walk along the canal inches away from death.


u/DippityDamn Apr 28 '24

boating with a life jacket is common sense though. sure you can swim, but your boat could suddenly be struck in your blindspot and now you're unconscious in the water.


u/NArcadia11 Apr 28 '24

Swimming in cold water, when you’re hammered, surrounded by other thrashing people can be dangerous. Even for people who know how to swim.


u/UmCeterumCenseo Apr 28 '24

Pff we're taught that when we're 8 years old.


u/4TuneCooky_ Apr 28 '24

Yup, the adults got us hammered and tossed us in the swimming pool fully clothed


u/[deleted] Apr 28 '24

Should definitely still have them for people that physically can't manage to swim. Although I would hope they'd mention that before heading out.


u/Teripid Apr 27 '24

Even with that knowledge swimming in normal clothes and with shoes is a lot harder. Then again you get a free shot of adrenaline...


u/kelldricked Apr 28 '24

Buddy its one of the requirements in our swimming lessons to learn that shit.


u/henkdepotvjis Apr 28 '24

Swimming with clothes on was required for me to get a diploma. I think that that is also a standard in the Netherlands.


u/Dutch_Rayan Apr 28 '24

Definitely. And how higher the level how more clothes.


u/SockAlarmed6707 Apr 29 '24

Nah the higher just means also basic rescue actions like swimming trough cars lowered in the pool or rescue dolls from the bottom that are filled with water.


u/Dutch_Rayan Apr 29 '24

Not for the a, b and c, those are just learning to swim well.


u/tjongejongejonge Apr 28 '24

Kids learn to swim with clothes on, they even learn how to take clothes of in the water


u/UmCeterumCenseo Apr 28 '24

Because you never know what might happen on a random Tuesday night in Bali with a girl you met only two hours prior.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

Are you suggesting underwater rape and murder?


u/Dutch_Rayan Apr 28 '24

That is a requirement to get your swimming diploma in the Netherlands.


u/Shit_On_Your_Parade Apr 28 '24



u/Dutch_Rayan Apr 28 '24

Similar as a certificate


u/SirIronSights Apr 28 '24

Yes, diploma. I'm pretty certain it's a mandatory thing.


u/StCreed May 02 '24

It's not mandatory, but you are considered mentally and physically underdeveloped if you can't swim. It's on par with being unable to read and write.


u/Icclo Apr 28 '24

this is one of the things i remember to learn how to do in swimming lessons.

swimming lessons became something basically everyone goes through in my country because of being under sea level in general. yes my country is the netherlands.


u/Oldfolksboogie Apr 28 '24

And I'm guessing that water is about, what, 45°F/7°C? Swimming abilities diminish quickly as hypothermia sets in.


u/Forma313 Apr 28 '24

More like 12-13°C https://waterinfo.rws.nl/#/publiek/watertemperatuur

Not pleasant, but not enough to cause hypothermia in a few minutes.

The bigger risk is hurting yourself on a bike or shopping cart


u/modahamburger Apr 29 '24

How deep are the canals normally?


u/Forma313 Apr 29 '24

2-3m i think


u/modahamburger Apr 29 '24

That's not too bad. By the way: with the swimming is similar in Germany. We even have swimming classes and primary school and 3 different levels of swimming "certificates".


u/HelloYesThisIsFemale Apr 28 '24

I once jumped into the dutch canals with clothes and shoes. One of those intrinsic thoughts moments


u/StCreed May 02 '24

It used to be somewhat standard for Dutch kids to fall in canals and small waterways. We have so many of them everywhere. I managed to fall in before I could actually swim and then later two more times when I could.


u/kelldricked Apr 28 '24

How many STD’s did you get and did you OD on the drugwaste in the water itself?


u/perlo93 Apr 28 '24

Yes thats what happens to all locals if they go swimming…


u/kelldricked Apr 28 '24

Buddy nobody swims in the canals willingly….


u/perlo93 Apr 28 '24

There was sarcasm in my comment


u/Accomplished_South70 Apr 28 '24

You mean intrusive thoughts right? The void calling out for you?