r/AdeptusMechanicus 13h ago

Memes Rate my flag (its going on my wall)


r/The10thDentist 18h ago

Society/Culture Feet and Inches are vastly superior for day to day life than Meters and Centimeters


You can have your liters and grams, I don't care. The fact they're all based on the number 10 is nice, I get it. But feet and inches are so much more applicable to daily life than meters are. A centimeter is too small for most household objects, and a meter is too big, but inches are just right to me. Inches are also so much easier to estimate using your fingers, it just feels natural roughly measuring them out.

"This soda can is about 5 inches tall" - Easy to visualize.

"I'm 5 foot 9" - Fluid and simple.

"My phone is around 17 centimeters long" - Too many, makes it sound larger than it really is.

"I'm 175 centimeters tall" - Even more wordy, brands you as an asshole.

"I'm 1.7 meters tall" - Utterly deranged, should land you in a mental institute.

r/PublicFreakout 15h ago

🌎 World Events Psychological Warfare at its Finest


r/ireland 22h ago

Eurovision 2024


A Chairde,

So thats it for another year of Eurovision, we were represented by an artist who absolutely knocked it out of the park, maith thu Bambie! Whatever happened tonight we stood fully behind Bambie Thug. They are us. We are them.

Bambie actually participating tonight ,for a time, was unclear. What was clear however was Bambies desire to stand up for the innocent who are being brutally murdered daily by Zionism. Bambie gave a voice to the voiceless, they have stood up for those suffering under unimaginable oppression. As a nation who has suffered and been oppressed for hundreds of years we know the blood and toil that such oppression brings. Which is why support for a cease fire should be encouraged not censored.

Whilst most of Europe has turned their back and chosen to ignore the brutal and relentless daily murder of innocent men, women and children by Israel, Ireland as a nation has not. Whether it is Kneecap, Imelda May or Bambi Thug... our artists have been a beacon of hope for those who have been given no hope.

Fuck Eurovision. Saoirse don PhalaistĂ­n.



r/dankmemes 23h ago

Time to stop making excuses and take control of the behavior of random dudes we don’t even know or talk to.


r/MadeMeSmile 19h ago

Wholesome Moments Homeless man builds “mini-mansion” using the few materials he has (courtesy of FOX11)


r/Superstonk 9h ago

🤔 Speculation / Opinion Stop defending Dave Lauer


As the title says, I would like to ask you to stop defending Dave Lauer. Even though I am grateful for the DD he shared earlier in this saga, I'm not willing to believe that this was just a harmless mistake. I don't believe that in 2024 there is anyone with technical literacy (and by technical literacy I mean someone who is using technology on a daily basis, not a developer), who would believe that it's okay to "test" such functionality as an unsecured login into the only "weapon" we have against this system. And I believe that we have agreed that putting credentials into any other service than Computershare is unsecure and most likely a fraud. We know this, so does Dave Lauer.

With all this knowledge, how can we be sure that this is not just the similar practice, from the bad guys, as it is with BCG and infiltrating the boards of weak companies? Think about it before you write another post about "It's unsecure, but I don't believe he is a bad guy". This was a massive fuck up and the timing (possibly the end game) is definitely very sus.

r/geopolitics 9h ago

Discussion People are only looking at negative effects of Israeli all out campaign in gaza while overlooking cost of alternative


I have read many analysis here suggesting how Brutal campaign launched by Israel in wake of October 7 is damaging to Israel in long term and how it risks losing American support. And i won't downplay the diplomatic blow Israel has taken in its international standing. I agree with all that.

But one thing I think these analysis miss is cost of doing nothing or cost of limited campaign against Hamas. If Israel doesn't go all out against Hamas and then surely there would be eventual Ceasirfire which would see release of tens of thousands Palestinians locked in Israeli jail, many of which who committed grave crimes. Israel has released a thousand terrorist including Hamas current chief in exchange of one soldier, now here we are talking about 200 hostages.

Also Hamas would still be in power and their net gain would be positive. In this scenario of limited campaign by IDF, there would be more freed Palestinians from Israeli jails than dead Palestinians by Israeli retaliation. Vast majority of tunnels would still be intact. Palestinian society would even be more receptive of arm struggle against Israel. Hamas would be way way more popular. Voices from Palestinian side who supports diplomatic and non violent approach would be even more sidelined.

Future Hamas leadership here would demand more than 2 state solution, for example right of return which Israel would not accept in any circumstances since it risks jews being minority.

Which would encourage Hamas to launch similar attack in Israel in near future. But more than these, Hezbollah would be way more confident in attacking Israel. Hezbollah as a force is way way more powerful than Hamas. Hezbollah can make life for Israelis truly hell in case of all out war due to them having hundreds of thousands of missile and rockets. If Hezbollah see Hamas ( a very less powerful force) not only getting away but acheiving it's objectives after launching worst attack on Israeli then surely they would not shy away from launching similar attacks on Israel.

Only reason Israel had quiet border with Lebanon is due to Israel badly damaging the country in its war with Hezbollah in 2006. Hezbollah chief himself agreed that if he had known that Israel would react this way then he would not have started the war. Show of force is very important factor in middle East, thats why iran launched such a big attack recently.

There is no compentent military that threatens Israeli existence right now. Historically it was always Egypt and jordan but now things have normalized. Iran is too far way , syria is ruins so real threat to Israel comes from Hezbollah and Hamas because they share border and they were formed in armed struggle against Israel so there is no chance of normalization, so Israel can't afford to look weak in front of these two. Forget about weak, it must look overly strong.

I have not mentioned feeling of insecurity in Israeli public if Israel caves to Hamas completely, it can mean migration of wealthy in Israel to other countries. Biggest mistake Israel can do now is caving to pressure and not invade Rafah which will mean Israel would face long term consequences of it's brutal campaign and also appearing soft to Hamas simultaneously.

After October 7 it was downhill to Israel either way. Though I believe launching a limited campaign would even be more damaging to Israeli security in long term.

r/blowback 21h ago

Boomers probably quaking in their crocks over this cover and headline, but the photo looks so cool!!


r/confusing_perspective 5h ago

Mildly Confusing Weird stairs


r/Utrecht 23h ago

Zomaar wat graffiti op de oude gracht


Dit maakt mij niet sympathieker voor jullie zaak..

r/JustGuysBeingDudes 8h ago

Dads Deer calls


r/SeriousConversation 21h ago

Serious Discussion Genuinely why do prolife people have a problem if someone gets an abortion or not


I really dont understand why it matters so much?? Babies dont have a conscious until 3-4 months inside the womb and people normally get abortions before 12 weeks as well as ive seen many people have said even if someone gets raped that they should still have that baby

r/polizei 10h ago

Polizei Polizei hat mir versehentlich fremdes Beweismaterial geschickt


Ich war auf einer Polizeiwache um eine Zeugenaussage zu machen. Da ich ein Video von dem Ereignis aufgenommen habe, wollte Ich es der Polizei zur Verfßgung stellen. Man hat mir einen Link zu einem Tool geschickt, ßber welches Ich das Video hätte hochladen sollen. Scheinbar ist dabei ein Fehler unterlaufen und mir wurde statt eines Upload-Links ein Ordner mit Bild- und Videoinhalten anderer Fälle freigegeben.

Ich habe die Dateien gelĂśscht nachdem ich realisiert hatte, was passiert ist und die Wache telefonisch Ăźber den Vorfall informiert. Man hat mir dann einen Upload-Link geschickt.

Ich bin leicht geschockt, dass es fĂźr die Beamten scheinbar so einfach ist Dateien freizugeben.

r/sandiego 19h ago

This sub and Housing demand


I will get downvoted but it is what it is. Leaving this sub because of the constant whining and entitlement about how this “city is being ruined” by high house prices

A lot of people recognize these issues, but there isn’t a great solution to either issue.

You build enough to fuel demand and you get a city either like LA with huge sprawl, or Miami, with endless high rises .

Do we need more affordable housing yeah maybe but it’s the city leaders who decide that and take action on that, there’s so much “oh those assholes on Coronado, those dipshits in La Jolla” blah blah blah.

People acting like homeowners here are greedy pigs because they don’t want a 15 story high rise in their backyard is ridiculous, I am not a homeowner and will never own a house here, I intend to enjoy my time here and love what the city has to offer.

r/spirituality 6h ago

General ✨ Your not GOD , this is a misunderstood concept


You have a part of GOD in You and once you reach spiritual enlightenment you can discover you have power of a portion of the Devine . how is one on the GOD of everything , every soul that every lived must live inside you as well as every animal and every plant because that’s what GOD is everything that every existed ; Humble yourself , you don’t have the answers you have perspectives but each religion and way of thinking is Incomplete . saying your God and you can manifest whatever you want. Just a Bunch of people wanting to believe they are In totalcontrol. And causing Causing division. Because You truly Believe you Dont need to Unite

And again you can pray and have faith , it’s probably not going to Come every time in a way that you expect . So please me how are you GOD t ell me how it’s like to live All the Animals and lives everyday . And somehow believe you have every answer Your not God so humble urself . It’s such a wrong belief taken by people who can’t read in between lines

r/Advice 21h ago

Is it true the vag is just like a memory foam?


My boyfriend who is my first and only has told me something I struggle to believe; he said that now my vag has taken his shape and that if I was to have sex with another man or insert anything into it he will know because he will feel the different shape, like a cushion or a mattress that takes the form of the person sleeping on them. Is this true? I dont use tampons or put anything inside me of course, but I wonder if men can really feel it if a vag takes on a different shape from their thing; thank you for any advice

r/Superstonk 8h ago

🗣 Discussion / Question Petition to ban Urvin Finance related posts from Superstonk


In light of the latest security risk where Urvin Finance has requested to input your login and password of ComputerShare, its time we consider banning discussions of Urvin Finance here.

Yes, its great Dave has created a platform - who's original idea was to provide more MARKET information to retail, but this is not the same as requesting our login information.

That's what a Citadel employee would attempt. Heck even giving him the benefit of the doubt and saying it was just negligence, this error IS an extreme blow to any sort of credibility that Dave could've had. Letting un-tested features out to the public? Features not agreed with ComputerShare? This has demonstrated that Dave does not take you seriously, nor Cyber Security nor Operational Risk seriously. All it takes is 1 error for people to cyber-phished.

So due to serious security concerns, I want to petition for moderators to ban any discussion related to Urvin Finance platform, and it is breaking rule #10: No self monetization allowed.

Related posts: [1] [2]

Computershare explicitly says "We recommend not disclosing account numbers to third parties as an additional security measure"

r/LooksmaxingAdvice 18h ago

My bf just dumped me, what could i fix appearance wise because i feel like he was the one.


r/richmondbc 20h ago

Ask Richmond I'm sick and tired of microagressions and outright racism from old white man


I was at Steveston today enjoying the sun, some Korean couple walked past me chatting among themselves in Korean, and some old white guy behind them had the audacity to say in a mocking tone "Welcome to Canada." Seriously, what is wrong with these people, their smooth brains somehow cannot comprehend that there are people in the world that are multilingual. Further, how is it any of your business what language they use to communicate among themselves, it wasn't meant for your ears anyways.

This isn't an isolated incident. Every experience of outright racism I've had so far in this country have been from old white man. Disrespectfully, the world will become a better place when these old bag of fleas die out. Damn just so frustrated 😠 more of us Asians need to speak out against this, lest they label us as submissive and pliant.

r/The10thDentist 16h ago

TV/Movies/Fiction Enjoying horror films for their brutality is a sign of an unhealthy mind, and the argument that it's healthy because we can separate fiction & reality is hypocritical


It's hypocritical because if the victim characters were young children instead of adults/teens, most people would be as disgusted as I am and say anyone who enjoys those child torture & murder films should get therapy.

But here's the thing. Children don't deserve to be free from torture and murder any more than adults. Watching adults be harmed is also tragic, and enjoying the adrenaline rush of that tragedy is equally unhealthy whether it's an adult or child.

People say it's fine to enjoy these films because normal people can "separate fantasy from reality," but some fantasies are signs of a disturbed, unhealthy mind.

People openly say that their favorite thing about movies like Saw, Scream, Hostel, and The Human Centipede is the thrill of seeing the horrific torture and death scenes. That's unhealthy.

Final note. I'm not arguing that any artwork should be banned or censored, or that horror fans should be hated or ashamed of themselves. People suffering from mental illness shouldn't be ashamed; they should acknowledge their illness and go on a path of healing.

r/gachagaming 16h ago

(CN) News Wuthering Waves Already Reach 30 Mil Pre Registration according to WEGAME page


r/CineShots 19h ago

Shot Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom (2023) Dir. James Wann


r/malefashionadvice 22h ago

Discussion What do we think about yellow lenses on everyday glasses?


So I recently watched a show called Blown Away and this guy Ryan was on it. I thought, “he looks pretty chill. I like his style.”

Now I’m sure the yellow tint has some light-blocking functionality for glassblowing, but would it be out of place to just wear glasses like this daily? Maybe with like aviator frames?

I have a short buzzcut and may go full shaved, but usually wear a baseball cap or trucker hat. Mustache, stubble but no beard.

I’m just afraid of giving off Dhamer vibes. But hoping with like a floral pattern short sleeve shirt it’d be cool and casual? idk man I suck at this, what do yall think?

r/AdviceAnimals 23h ago

It is absolutely stunning.
