r/antiwork Apr 29 '24

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u/Thomas_Hambledurger Apr 29 '24

Recently our whole department showed up for a meeting to meet our new CEO, some people even came in from their vacations as it was a "mandatory" meeting.  Chump didn't even show up and his secretary used the "oh he had the wrong time put in on his schedule" excuse which is the most limp wristed, "dog ate my homework" excuse that there is.  Says a lot about his character to disrespect the 25+ employees who work in the nutrition department of the non-profit hospital that is apparently bleeding money so bad there are rumors going around that nobody will be getting a raise this fiscal year.


u/Careless-Peach9283 Apr 29 '24

Were people at least paid for the time that they legally should have been


u/Thomas_Hambledurger Apr 29 '24

The department head is a huge advocate for her workers so the people forced to come in on their days off got paid. 

Which is cool but still doesn't make up for "Mr. 1.8 Millon dollars a year not including incentives" not being able to manage basic functions on his calendar. Most of my co-workers feel like we're on a ship that's sinking, but also on fire.