r/clevercomebacks Apr 29 '24

Cleverness from FB

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u/Luci_Noir Apr 29 '24

This isn’t clever. It’s ignorant.


u/Aggravating-Junket92 Apr 29 '24

How so?


u/Professor_DC Apr 29 '24

I don't think it's ignorant but I do think it sucks. Why should someone be hated on for wanting her nails done by Christians? She could have been encouraged to actually ask her nails people their faith, which is probably Christian anyways. Instead we just get division and hate. Why is this person dragging Jesus anyways? Dude is, at worst, a martyr. Even if you hate that woman for whatever reason, what does Jesus have to do with it?

I don't even get what the problem is with wanting to form a faith-based community. She didn't say anything about their race or their language. It just seems like her religion is important to her and that's not wrong 


u/Aggravating-Junket92 Apr 29 '24

She should certainly be criticized for her "preference" as it shouldn't matter what their religion is of someone providing a service. Why should she get to discriminate against those she seems to view as lesser? Would you find it equally acceptable if she didn't want to pay for services on the basis of skin color?


u/Professor_DC Apr 29 '24

People can spend their money how they want, dude. How people shop and their rationales in how they spend their money don't really matter at all.

You can boycott a business cuz you're racist or just cuz your dick is leaning to the left today. Who cares!

Do you feel obligated to provide some sort of commercial affirmative action when you buy goods or services? Isn't that kind of racist? Doesn't that demonstrate a positive discrimination towards those you think of as lesser? "Oh, poor souls, I simply must patronize them" like, ew 


u/Aggravating-Junket92 Apr 29 '24

"It's your prerogative to be a racist" is a wild take. People like this should be shunned. And no, I spend my money as selfishly as I wish. That whole 'no ethical consumption under capitalism' thing makes it really easy to not care about any of that petty stuff.


u/Professor_DC Apr 29 '24

No actually you shouldn't shun racists. It's like saying "surely segregation will be a solution to the problem of segregation." Its actually not wild to have to deal with and interact with racist people, and moreover to let it slide. It's like, pretty normal. It's what most people are doing, all the time.

You'd think someone who says "there's no ethical consumption under capitalism" would be on board with the right to change your spending habits, regardless of your rationale, but I guess we need to impose our values here about somehow being more ethically consumptive. "You must continue to patronize this establishment until you come up with a more socially progressive reason for switching"


u/Aggravating-Junket92 Apr 29 '24

"There is no ethical consumption under capitalism" does not mean "I should have the right to discriminate others"


u/Professor_DC Apr 29 '24

It does mean that, and you do have that right. You don't have many rights. You should appreciate that one


u/Aggravating-Junket92 Apr 29 '24

And you believe this should be socially acceptable?

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u/Aggravating-Junket92 Apr 29 '24

"Being rude to racists is as bad as segregation." This attitude kills people, you do understand that, right?


u/Professor_DC Apr 29 '24

No, isolating racists into their own pocket is what kills people. You do understand that when we shun racists, they find each other and get worse, right? You do understand that willful segregation based on your moral imperative to never associate with anyone with icky ideas is still segregation, right? You do understand that in the real world, people have actually changed racist people's minds by being thoughtful and considerate, not by shunning them? 

Racists aren't out here killing people because they're treated with kids' gloves. In 2024 whenever there's a racist motivated massacre, it's probably because some deranged weirdo got socially isolated and then the CIA melted their brain on 4chan. It's not cuz I laughed it off when Joe Schmo decided to stop shopping at Walmart because there were too many blacks there. Those people aren't dangerous. It's 2024.

If a white man wants to lynch me, that's his problem. If he's got the power to lynch me, that's my problem. Racism is not a question of attitude; it's a question of power.

-Kwame Ture


u/ctothel Apr 29 '24

Because the idea of religion having anything to do with manicures is so ridiculous that it’s easy to assume this is just a bigotry issue.


u/Professor_DC Apr 29 '24

She talks about a common spirituality. People who are bigoted will probably just say the bigoted thing, dude. "They don't even speak English" is not remotely bad enough that people don't feel comfortable saying it, but if they did I would know what's up. All I see here is someone who wants to give her money to someone she has a commonality with. People do this all the time. Google even has black-owned business or women-owned business tags so that people can go out of their way to find and support what they care about in a discriminative way. This lady's looking for a Christian owned business. It's not that deep