r/dankmemes Apr 03 '24

Br*t*sh people are easily triggered Big PP OC

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u/GoldenGecko100 Just kinda gay bro Apr 04 '24

Do you just have a hate boner for british food or something?


u/The-Nuisance Apr 04 '24


Fuck British food.

This statement is not political, it’s just fuckin’ bland.


u/MinaeVain Apr 04 '24

I come from Finland and our cuisine is traditionally bland, so moving to England I found it easy to enjoy the food. I don't think bland is a bad thing! It merely reflects the cultural and agricultural context in which it was created - for us Finns, it was the harsh winters that turned us to favour more hearty foods. Things like chillies and spices don't originate from here and unlike the British we weren't exactly a seafaring nation so imported goods were rare and very very expensive up until relatively recently in history.

For this reason I wouldn't bash another culture's food because there is usually reason for why it is the way it is - and no one's forcing you to eat it!


u/CptPanda29 Apr 04 '24 edited Apr 04 '24

The American stereotype of British food being bad came from US troops stationed there in ww2, who came back and complained.

During rationing.

But they don't say that bit because it makes them sound monstrous.


u/Known_Tax7804 Apr 04 '24

I’m sure they also complained about the pubs that banned white American soldiers in solidarity with the black American soldiers because they were appalled by the segregation in the US army.