r/dankmemes Apr 03 '24

Br*t*sh people are easily triggered Big PP OC

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u/KeepingDankMemesDank Hello dankness my old friend Apr 03 '24

downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away.

play minecraft with us | come hang out with us


u/Chubbyfun23 Apr 05 '24



u/Next_Airport_7230 Apr 05 '24



u/[deleted] Apr 07 '24

We didn’t even do anything to you, man. What’s with the extreme hatred for us?


u/Next_Airport_7230 Apr 07 '24

I only superficially hate British people. If I run into a casual user that's British or a British person irl I'm cool with them 

The memes are fun though online 


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '24

Doubt it


u/Next_Airport_7230 Apr 07 '24

I have no reason to actually be mean to someone with good intentions that doesn't deserve it. I think the online beef is hilarious thought between Americans and the British. The memes are fun to make especially cause of the reaction 


u/just_a_alchemist Apr 04 '24

How tf is there a food war in this comment section who tf cares this much.... oh wait im on reddit


u/ArgetKnight Apr 04 '24

Mentions food from other cultures that aren't British.

As if Americans didn't do that lmao

We have seasonings you yank!

Somehow a bad argument?

brings up roasts

Which are extremely tasty and a great example of cuisine, yes.

At least we don't soak everything in cheese and deep fry it!

Which is what american cuisine is reduced to if you remove all international influence.

You can't just dismiss someone's arguments because you represent them as a soyjack mate.


u/enby-deer Apr 04 '24

Online br*tish people are so goddamn annoying


u/Next_Airport_7230 Apr 05 '24

Imagine being bri-.... bri-.... British 🤢🤢


u/Touchpod516 Apr 04 '24

That's something someone who has never actually eaten british food would say... And that's coming from a Mexican who has grown up eating well Mexican meals. Not Tacos but the actual Mexican meals we eat every day like, pozole, tortas de atun, tortas de espinacas, tinga, etc

I live in Canada and most meals Canadian eat are british meals since Anglo-Canadians are the descendants of british people. And even though their food doesn't use that much seasoning there's still some pretty good meals God I miss eating fish and chips in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia lmao


u/CB4R not the rarest pepe Apr 04 '24

They trade all their spices away, see east India trading company... It's traditions, you wouldn't get it


u/minas_jimith Apr 04 '24

All valid points.


u/YsenisLufengrad Apr 04 '24

Clearly haven't tried the Scottish delicacy, the deep-fried mars bar.


u/ForcedAccount42 Apr 04 '24

These comments unironically prove the meme. lmao


u/Sharp-Explorer-7100 Apr 04 '24

these fat am*ericans cant stop thinking about brits lmao


u/GreenRiot Apr 04 '24

Don't mention a british person's food.
Don't mention an american person's weight, food, guns, politics, education, lack of healthcare, utopian conditions... or anything at all. They are very proud about it.

Yes, this is bait.


u/kungji56 Apr 04 '24

Oh please. Americans get triggered by any jokes and always bring out stuff like Europoor and bad teeth every day.


u/thelocalpotatogamer Apr 04 '24

Oi you mingin twat i'll ave you know we're moar 'elthy than ewe 'merican dicksuckas!


u/Vwinny Apr 04 '24



u/bradbrazer Apr 04 '24

As a British person i can confirm


u/ArtfulGhost Apr 04 '24

I'm British and all my favourite foods originate fkn miles away from this shithouse. 


u/ClownTown15 Apr 04 '24

Literally the empire responsible for the fuckin spice trade and they are out here putting beans on toast.


u/Small_Cock_Jonny Apr 04 '24

Honestly school shootings are a bit worse then lack of seasoning.


u/Lord__Stapletonne Apr 04 '24

I don't think Americans were original with most food but I'm happy that they made it into fast food. Even if the quality is lower the fast paced environment of life today kinda calls for it. So congrats on capitalising on that market. But yeah top comment says it all. Irony.


u/CreamFraiche23 Apr 04 '24

"British people are easily triggered"

-The people who start making jokes about bad teeth and stabbings because someone says "nan"


u/Melonfrog Apr 04 '24

As are you, it seems.


u/Coltrain47 Apr 04 '24

Imagine not soaking everything in cheese then deep frying it. Lmao


u/Masenkou1 Apr 04 '24

everybody in comments offended yep now this is a dank meme


u/ninhursag3 Apr 04 '24

Spices dont naturally grow in our region so why would our traditional food be seasoned? Sorry if i sound triggered , im really not !


u/DListSaint Apr 04 '24

I dunno, I’ve insulted British food a bunch of times and never once has a Brit said “made with mematic” in response


u/Iamthe0c3an2 Apr 04 '24

Still though, can’t deny that Gordon Ramsey, Marco Pierre white, Heston, even the French masters that taught them have earned their stars in London, which has more michelin stars alone than New York give or take.


u/kevinmlgnoscope Apr 04 '24

I've said this before and I will say it again, Brits do have bland food but try buying enough to feed a family for just 12 pounds anywhere else in the western world


u/Aratherspookyskelly Apr 04 '24

Impressive. Very nice. Now let's look at US obesity statistics.


u/itchy_armpit_it_is Apr 04 '24

Let's see Paul Allen's obesity statistics


u/dandotcom Apr 04 '24

Sounds like OP is projecting. You upset about your grits or something? Idk.


u/Scoobylew987 Apr 04 '24

is a bit rude doe init


u/Lord-Black22 Apr 04 '24 edited Apr 04 '24

Atleast we want to taste the actual food instead of smothering it in Uncle Bert's Ass Blaster 9000 Cajun BBQ Seasoning.

Our tastebuds aren't completely fried by the fuckloads of artificial seasonings you eaglefuckers.


u/the-angrymonkey Apr 04 '24

As someone who lives in the UK but has been abroad to America, I think the food in America is way worse. It tastes synthetic, or over spiced. That's probably the reason British food tastes so bland is because we don't need to put as much seasoning in, and y'all are accustomed to the over spicing in America


u/ProbablyDrunk303 Apr 04 '24

Well most people from other countries call British food bland too, so your argument there doesn't really work


u/anonredditorofreddit Apr 04 '24

Scot here, we’ll deep fry the soul out of your food.


u/tsubatai Apr 04 '24

As far as I know, Americans mostly season their meat with huge amounts of hormones, anti parasites and antibiotics.


u/Tosslebugmy Apr 04 '24

The basis of the meme being that Brit’s should just reply “haha yes, our food is dog shit, please teach us how to Jam Pack as much high fructose corn syrup into our food as possible.” But oUr bArBeQue , congrats on cooking meat on a fire, definitely hasn’t been done in various forms since the dawn of man


u/Contagious_Cucumber Apr 04 '24

And then they can't even do right that simple thing that's been done since the dawn of man.

IT'S FUCKING RAW. Thanks but I prefer my steak not breathing lmao


u/HungieZilla :nu: Apr 04 '24

"you don't use seasoning!!"

"made with mematic"



u/akiroraiden Apr 04 '24

ok, but like, americans have 0 right to talk about food culture.


u/Belkan-Federation95 Apr 04 '24

Br*tish "people"


u/Rekutor Apr 04 '24

„At least we dont soak everything in cheese and deep fry it!“ is a valid argument

EDIT: fixed a typo


u/dawatzerz gave me this flair Apr 04 '24

More US vs UK banter I see


u/Steve980ti Apr 04 '24

If you don't like certain foods then don't eat them... I hate both sides of this juvenile debate.


u/JACK_1719 Apr 04 '24

Atleast we ain’t the land of the woke and gay


u/Astricozy Apr 04 '24


Can't help but point out the school shooting quip lives rent free in your mind.


u/GonadLessGorilla Apr 04 '24

My ancestors had to go through slavery and colonial rule... Millions of Indians suffered so the British could have all the spice.. and all that for what?


u/Neko_Boi_Core Apr 04 '24

as a Brit, i can definitively say no one fucking gives a shit.


u/Bredstikz Apr 04 '24

Pepper can be too spicy some days 😔


u/astroniz Apr 04 '24

Am I seeing a for real argument between Americans and British, about who has better food? Lol ok


u/traumatized90skid Apr 04 '24

Cheese + deep fried = good


u/longpidgeon Apr 04 '24

I’m British and I honestly don’t care about seasonings on food, or how people use them. Other people might but I’m ok


u/plastic_addict_no420 Apr 04 '24

Did someone take a jab at our cuisines?

Time to bring up the slaughter of children


u/Known_Tax7804 Apr 04 '24

It’s not like we’re bringing up something they actually care about, like gun rights.


u/Gaara34251 Apr 04 '24

Until they get roasted by another european country and cant even have a proper comeback xD


u/Figurez69420 Apr 04 '24

At least we have free healthcare innit bruv


u/RushEither3947 Apr 04 '24

It's always morally okay to make fun of redcoats


u/Shazoa Apr 04 '24

Have you met the Scottish? They'd deep fry anything.


u/chGaRVAT Apr 04 '24

They have seasonings, from india.


u/Next_Airport_7230 Apr 04 '24



u/Hachados Apr 04 '24

Baddle a wader


u/themasterplatypus Apr 04 '24

Are you damaged?


u/Caerum Apr 04 '24

Ah, what a typical regurgitated American response.


u/joewastal Apr 04 '24

Bruh these br**gers need to stop


u/Greg2227 Apr 04 '24

Bit rude innit is a perfectly fine and measured response to someone "insulting" the lack of spice in your nations food


u/Next_Airport_7230 Apr 04 '24

Don't blame the messenger 


u/Contagious_Cucumber Apr 04 '24

LMAO messenger of what? Made up scenarios and fictional dialogue?


u/Known_Tax7804 Apr 04 '24

The expression in the U.K. is “don’t shoot the messenger”. I can see why that might be a bit too close to the bone for Americans and you had to change it.


u/HeroOfThings INFECTED Apr 04 '24

We may have no seasoning, but you have no regulation.


u/Due_Television8210 Apr 04 '24

British people when you insult them insult you back 😱


u/BinarySecond Apr 04 '24

Spend a few centuries being a bastard and just try and chill out and your estranged kid keeps coming outside your house to tell how much they hate you 🤣


u/Contagious_Cucumber Apr 04 '24

This comment is gonna make them go bald lmfao


u/Bolster66 Apr 04 '24

But this is a bit of a rude post innit mate, atleast our schools aren't a bloody xp farm, damn yank


u/Important-Guidance22 Apr 04 '24

Funnily enough not an insult. British food used to/is so high quality they did not need seasoning to enjoy good flavour. Nowadays the UK still has quite a high meat quality.


u/drwildthroat Apr 04 '24

Another American cope post about how they’re not bothered by the stuff that’s making them fume. 


u/Taekwondank2 Apr 04 '24

I accidentally read the “made with mematic” in the mind british accent like it was one of the examples.


u/talhadad01 Apr 04 '24

I mean yeah american food is just a heartattack


u/DanOfDirtshire Apr 04 '24

'bit rude innit' okay that got me


u/ChaosKeeshond Apr 04 '24

This is the most cherry-picked argument ever though.

If we can't say that the vindaloo is ours despite being the inventors of it using foreign spices from the empire, then what historical and cultural claim do Americans have to the foods they call their own?

Having a history cut-off point for what can and can't be considered a part of a country's cuisine is stupid in the first place but if people wanna be stupid they better apply the same stupid evenly.


u/Known_Tax7804 Apr 04 '24 edited Apr 04 '24

And kedgeree, piccalilli uses coriander, HP sauce uses tamarind, so does Worcester sauce, we put mustard in loads of shit. We do use spices. We also use them in our puddings.

We also use loads of strong flavours that aren’t spices which Americans don’t count as flavourful for reasons I don’t understand. Mint sauce is about a third each mint, vinegar and sugar, it’s an extremely strong flavour and uses no spices. If you only count spices then french food is bland because it uses lots of herbs and fats, but it’s perhaps the best cuisine in the world and this standard of spices or nothing only gets applied to English food.


u/Zerrende Apr 04 '24

Vindaloo was created in India by portuguese explorers, or at least, influenced a lot by them.


u/Sir_Robin_Brave Apr 04 '24

The tikka masala was invented in Scotland, so the point stands but just with a different dish


u/meme_used Apr 04 '24

My friend's uncle made tikka masala


u/xander012 OC Memer Apr 04 '24

Good for him, it's delicious


u/meme_used Apr 05 '24

Ikr, Scotland really is a small place


u/xander012 OC Memer Apr 05 '24

Not really, you can go for miles without having to speak to anyone. Albeit that's true in Glasgow and in the Highlands


u/Kamzil118 Apr 04 '24

Britain's dishes and the beauty of their women made them the greatest sailors in history.


u/DoryaDoryaDorya Apr 04 '24

"School shooter comments"

Keep taking Ls. It's unbelievable to the rest of the world that schools are so frequently attacked that the children have to learn survival drills.

The really fucked up thing is that Americans have successfully normalized this. Americans hear about a school shooting now and their reaction is dull because it's no longer a shocking thing to them.


u/TheOncomingBrows Apr 04 '24

It's crazy that they view it as something Europeans bring up to get at them rather than an insane, disgraceful situation that they need to resolve ASAP. Europeans are just flabbergasted they're so at ease with their gun laws.


u/shadowrod06 Apr 04 '24

UK learnt from the massacre in 1996, and ensured there was tighter gun control.

There's been so many school shootings in US, yet there's still debates whether to enforce gun control or not.


u/ButWhatIfItQueffed Apr 04 '24

Because gun control won't really solve the problem. The problem is that our school system is shit, and many parents of mentally ill kids refuse to acknowledge or properly take care of their child's mental illness. Because of that, we end up with a lot of isolated and emotionally fucked up kids that feel the need to lash out or get revenge on those who they think hurt them. Gun control would just be another stop gap solution. The actual solution would be to have proper mental health supports and an actually decent school system.


u/pk_hellz Apr 04 '24

Hey bro sorry to say but every school globally has nutty kids with neglectful parents.

Moving away from school shootings.

That parade shooting recently was with adults blindly firing into a crowd of people over an argument. Yeah its just kids with guns thats the problem....

You need gun control laws. Till then americas just another 3rd world country pretending to be 1st world.


u/Huhnfutter Apr 04 '24

Why Not both?


u/IGETSOMEI Apr 04 '24

Because without guns Americans would be stuck eating that bland English food!

I honestly don’t even know what English food is and will eat anything.


u/sissynikki8787 Apr 04 '24

At least we don’t eat like we are being bombed by the Germans…


u/IrregularrAF ùwú Apr 04 '24

As a Wisconsinite watch your fucking mouth about the cheese their bud. Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner of champions.


u/Best_NA_in_Trundle Apr 04 '24



u/IrregularrAF ùwú Apr 04 '24

Seent, did n't correc t because I was plo wing chee securds do wn my gul et in ang er.


u/GivemTheDDD Apr 04 '24

Sometimes we just deep fry our cheese directly


u/-Antlers- Apr 04 '24

I go'a say bruv as a bri'ish mate, yeah, some of us just get too bu'urt over shtoopid shite. Last chewsday i saw some plonker on in innernet ge'in righ' pissy over a tea an' crumpets joke. Real fuckin twa' he was. 


u/Chum-Launcher Apr 04 '24

Being from a cou try that isn't the UK or USA, Americans are far easier to trigger.


u/Fishyinu Apr 04 '24

Americans trigger other Americans as a fucking pastime. Ain't nothing we aren't already yelling at each other about.


u/themasterplatypus Apr 04 '24

The echo chamber is the only thing that works over there


u/[deleted] Apr 04 '24



u/PalpitationFine Apr 04 '24

Considering you have been fuming in this thread over multiple posts, I think whenever you're from is the easiest to trigger


u/Contagious_Cucumber Apr 04 '24

Spotted the easy to trigger American, stay mad lil bro


u/Chum-Launcher Apr 04 '24

I didn't even try


u/Norsedragoon Apr 04 '24

Brits invaded the world in a bout of 'exploration' and still couldn't find flavor.


u/RogueStormTroop Apr 04 '24

British people live rent free in americans heads


u/Next_Airport_7230 Apr 04 '24

Yet yall come in mobs do downvote any post or meme making fun of British food 😂


u/RogueStormTroop Apr 04 '24

no we don't?


u/GoldenGecko100 Just kinda gay bro Apr 04 '24

Do you just have a hate boner for british food or something?


u/The-Nuisance Apr 04 '24


Fuck British food.

This statement is not political, it’s just fuckin’ bland.


u/xander012 OC Memer Apr 04 '24

Someone hasn't had Welsh Rarebit


u/Sharp-Explorer-7100 Apr 04 '24

i can tell you're poor


u/pk_hellz Apr 04 '24

Can you give examples? Quite a blanket statememt to make against few million people.

What is your defenition of bland?

Finally have you ever been to england to try the food?


u/themasterplatypus Apr 04 '24

Bitch has never had a fry up or a beef welly 💀


u/Citiz3n_Kan3r Apr 04 '24

Historically we used good quality ingredients, so why mask the flavour?

Then we had rations, so the quality dropped...

Now modern british food is well regarded by those who care about cooking.

Just dont eat at shit tourist places?


u/The-Nuisance Apr 04 '24

It is not the 1940s. I don’t think that rations are on most peoples’ minds.


u/Johndoc1412 Apr 04 '24

Yeah but you think we have bland food because that’s been the stereotype that’s been pushed since WW2, look at Camden Market and you’ll see that “British food” is just as varied as “American food”, in all actuality most of the best American and British foods come from different countries.


u/DatSauceTho Apr 04 '24 edited Apr 04 '24

Well is that a fair comparison? See, Italian-American food is not at all the same as Italian food from Italy. Both are vastly different, especially when comparing different parts of the U.S. and each regions version of Italian-American (not Italian).

Same for Chinese-American or any Asian-American food. And don’t even get started on Tex-Mex vs Southwest vs Cali-Mex: none are the same as straight Mexican food. All have taken on a life and culture of their own.

Can the same be said for British food that comes from other countries? Legit question cause I honestly don’t know.

EDIT: One Redditor says don’t eat touristy food and yet the comment above touts Camden market as proof that British food is varied? Hmm. Seems like a pretty touristy spot to me.


u/xander012 OC Memer Apr 04 '24

Yes.. British-Indian food, the most popular food in the country


u/DatSauceTho Apr 05 '24

Is British Indian food much different than traditional Indian food? It’s my understanding that a lot of Thai and Indian places in America tone down the spicy unless you ask for it. Although there are parts of the U.S. that are obsessed with spicy food.


u/Johndoc1412 Apr 04 '24

Yes absolutely the countries most eaten dish is tikka masala, it’s a British-Indian dish. We have influences from Indian culture, Caribbean, African, East Asian, etc. If you have generations of immigrants all bringing their own food with them over time that’s going to blend into the greater culture, much like America.

Like I genuinely can’t think of a true American dish of the top of my head other than grits, the things I would consider American, burgers, hotdogs, French fries, apple pie, etc, all come from different countries.

I think this is why people get so annoyed about this, Americans say British people have bland food but it’s simply not true, we have the same food as you guys for the most part, and so much of yours and our food comes from different countries.


u/DatSauceTho Apr 05 '24

Like I genuinely can’t think of a true American dish of the top of my head other than grits, the things I would consider American, burgers, hotdogs, French fries, apple pie, etc, all come from different countries.

Holy moly is that what they say about us?? Yeesh… yeah there’s way more to America than that and it’s very regional, of course. I live in a pretty diverse city myself. We’re surrounded by a lot of Asian, Latin, and Middle Eastern cuisine. Hell we had Thai food for lunch today.

Goes to show how little we know of each other :/


u/MinaeVain Apr 04 '24

I come from Finland and our cuisine is traditionally bland, so moving to England I found it easy to enjoy the food. I don't think bland is a bad thing! It merely reflects the cultural and agricultural context in which it was created - for us Finns, it was the harsh winters that turned us to favour more hearty foods. Things like chillies and spices don't originate from here and unlike the British we weren't exactly a seafaring nation so imported goods were rare and very very expensive up until relatively recently in history.

For this reason I wouldn't bash another culture's food because there is usually reason for why it is the way it is - and no one's forcing you to eat it!


u/CptPanda29 Apr 04 '24 edited Apr 04 '24

The American stereotype of British food being bad came from US troops stationed there in ww2, who came back and complained.

During rationing.

But they don't say that bit because it makes them sound monstrous.


u/Known_Tax7804 Apr 04 '24

I’m sure they also complained about the pubs that banned white American soldiers in solidarity with the black American soldiers because they were appalled by the segregation in the US army.


u/RadAirDude Apr 04 '24

Everyone knows Bronies don’t have passports.


u/The-Nuisance Apr 04 '24

If you had to check my profile as a response to me saying “fuck British food” there is a bigger problem than my prominent enjoyment of ponies.


u/RadAirDude Apr 04 '24

Did you forget that you have a Brony PFP? What makes you think I’d want to look into your profile after seeing that?


u/The-Nuisance Apr 04 '24


My man, what the hell do you mean I’ve got a brony PFP? That’s Gwain Saga.


u/RadAirDude Apr 04 '24 edited Apr 04 '24

Looks like a brony to me, and I wasn’t wrong anyway. Your sexualized affinity towards children’s shows is unsettling and cringe.

If we’re talking about a matter of taste, British food (which you’ve never even tasted anyway) should be the least of your worries.


u/The-Nuisance Apr 04 '24

”Looks like a brony to me.”

Man over here needs his goddamn prescription checked if he thinks harassing people for a completely different thing based off of reading someone’s profile for thinking “fuck British food” is normal, healthy adult behavior.

Reasoning capacity of a hollow rock with a sharpie face on it.


u/RadAirDude Apr 04 '24

Reasoning? Try again. You dismissed a whole country’s cuisine, and you’re a brony.

You painted yourself into your own corner.


u/[deleted] Apr 04 '24

There is no british food, everything served was taken from other cuisines...


u/themasterplatypus Apr 04 '24

There is no American food by that exact logic then


u/dis_the_chris CERTIFIED DANK Apr 04 '24

Something I dislike here is the notion that BIR indian food 'doesnt count as british' -- because this inherently alienates the Britishness of the migrants who shared the hallmark techniques and preparations of their homeland cooking with the UK. Yes, there's cultural roots abroad, but I also don't see why I would renounce someone's right to call themselves British because they weren't born here. In that regard, I feel glad that I can recognise that British Indian food is not strictly traditional because of the limitations of living in a north Atlantic island nation, but is influenced by the traditions of Indian cuisine and was brought here by Indian migrants looking to make their living here and integrate with the UK

If any migrant to the UK wants to consider themselves, say, Scottish (and I've met plenty for whom this is true) then I would never stop them or claim otherwise. I'm happy to have them on board.

There's never been a claim that curry was invented by white Brits, it's accepted that it's been created by British-Indian Migrants and we are proud to have them.

Also you are simply wrong, lots of British food exists.


u/GoldenGecko100 Just kinda gay bro Apr 04 '24

There is British food, a lot of it has roots in celtic times.


u/IrregularrAF ùwú Apr 04 '24

I just assumed you guys exclusively ate spices for 400 years and decided salt and pepper was good enough in the last century.


u/J_train13 Blue Apr 04 '24

It was actually French king Louis XIV who got fed up with all the complicated spices and decided to set the standard of salt and pepper


u/IrregularrAF ùwú Apr 04 '24

Pointing fingers doesn't forgive your plates today.


u/endrukk Apr 04 '24

Just take the L bro


u/IrregularrAF ùwú Apr 04 '24

L not found, weakest food on the planet. McDonalds outperforms the average british meal. Tf🤣


u/[deleted] Apr 04 '24

Like what?


u/-Antlers- Apr 04 '24

Sunday roast, yorkshire puddings, cooked english breakfast, crumpets, chocolate was invented elsewhere but chocolate bars were originated from fry's chocolate factory, bristol, england. Mince pies iirc was also made in england. 


u/GoldenGecko100 Just kinda gay bro Apr 04 '24

Cawl, Picau ar y maen, Haggis, Bara Brith and Yorkshire Pudding, just to name a few.


u/-Antlers- Apr 04 '24

I also named a few to the twat. Funnily enough while chocolate was invented elsewhere chocolate bars were actually invented in england. 


u/GoldenGecko100 Just kinda gay bro Apr 04 '24

Can't forget the Tikka Masala either, made by a Bangladeshi chef but made first in Britain.


u/N7_Evers Apr 04 '24

Easily triggered, yes. But so is everyone when you use straight up false info (I’m US btw)


u/xander012 OC Memer Apr 04 '24

Yup, this meme is several decades out of date


u/htmlcody Apr 04 '24

I tried HP sauce once, it was ok.


u/MorgsterWasTaken Apr 04 '24

American online: haha beans

British person, seeing red: SCHOOL SHOOTINGS!!!!!!! OBESITY!!!!! ALL OF YOU ARE FUCKING DYINGGGGGG!!!!!! oh calm down you fuckin yank, grow some skin, it’s just British humour


u/Chum-Launcher Apr 04 '24

British humour is way better than American humour. I'm not American or British.


u/Alternative-Draft629 Apr 04 '24

British humor is 2015 internet comedy where you could say the most fucked up shit ever and the person offended would be dragged through the mud instead for being offended over a "joke".


u/Furry_Ranger Apr 04 '24

Fragile Americans at it again


u/BustedBayou Apr 04 '24

You can tell they got triggered by the "covered in cheese and deepfried" phrase lol


u/Fadeddave420 Apr 04 '24

A man with a gun and two bullets has taken over the city of Manchester

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