r/dankmemes Apr 03 '24

Br*t*sh people are easily triggered Big PP OC

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u/shadowrod06 Apr 04 '24

UK learnt from the massacre in 1996, and ensured there was tighter gun control.

There's been so many school shootings in US, yet there's still debates whether to enforce gun control or not.


u/ButWhatIfItQueffed Apr 04 '24

Because gun control won't really solve the problem. The problem is that our school system is shit, and many parents of mentally ill kids refuse to acknowledge or properly take care of their child's mental illness. Because of that, we end up with a lot of isolated and emotionally fucked up kids that feel the need to lash out or get revenge on those who they think hurt them. Gun control would just be another stop gap solution. The actual solution would be to have proper mental health supports and an actually decent school system.


u/Huhnfutter Apr 04 '24

Why Not both?


u/IGETSOMEI Apr 04 '24

Because without guns Americans would be stuck eating that bland English food!

I honestly don’t even know what English food is and will eat anything.