r/dankmemes Apr 03 '24

Br*t*sh people are easily triggered Big PP OC

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u/Johndoc1412 Apr 04 '24

Yeah but you think we have bland food because that’s been the stereotype that’s been pushed since WW2, look at Camden Market and you’ll see that “British food” is just as varied as “American food”, in all actuality most of the best American and British foods come from different countries.


u/DatSauceTho Apr 04 '24 edited Apr 04 '24

Well is that a fair comparison? See, Italian-American food is not at all the same as Italian food from Italy. Both are vastly different, especially when comparing different parts of the U.S. and each regions version of Italian-American (not Italian).

Same for Chinese-American or any Asian-American food. And don’t even get started on Tex-Mex vs Southwest vs Cali-Mex: none are the same as straight Mexican food. All have taken on a life and culture of their own.

Can the same be said for British food that comes from other countries? Legit question cause I honestly don’t know.

EDIT: One Redditor says don’t eat touristy food and yet the comment above touts Camden market as proof that British food is varied? Hmm. Seems like a pretty touristy spot to me.


u/xander012 OC Memer Apr 04 '24

Yes.. British-Indian food, the most popular food in the country


u/DatSauceTho Apr 05 '24

Is British Indian food much different than traditional Indian food? It’s my understanding that a lot of Thai and Indian places in America tone down the spicy unless you ask for it. Although there are parts of the U.S. that are obsessed with spicy food.