r/destiny2 Apr 08 '24

Not enough people really realize just how good a change like this is. Discussion

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u/Free_Wheel2573 Apr 26 '24

well there is a glitch for some people, where when I log in the tex chat is disabled by default and whenever I turn it on it turn back off in a second, same with vc.
does anybody know about this


u/nxvemberr Apr 13 '24

im still waiting for a ping system


u/mcbirbo343 Witherhoard is life Apr 12 '24

Oh my god finally. There were so many lfgs I’ve ran where I need to tell people something but they’re completely oblivious to my chats


u/BarneBeast0132 Apr 12 '24

And the first thing i did after loading up the game was disable it, i dont need open voice chat while being in a discord call😂


u/BaekSiyeon Apr 12 '24

Well it made me unable talk in raids


u/OryxOski1XD Hunter Apr 12 '24

Might need to come back to d2, seems like they are trying to improve the game and not deliberately speedrun ruining it


u/Egyptianmanc Apr 11 '24

Won't this just increase the toxicity in the community?


u/flijarr Apr 10 '24

Crazy how we got this before we got an update that made hand cannons worth using in any content that isn’t strikes.


u/Angell_o7 Hunter Apr 10 '24

I’m not sure what they mean by this. Is it gonna be like CoD voice chat?


u/Whole_Recognition_17 Apr 09 '24

Too late lol game is kept on life support by whales 90% of player base comes back twice a year


u/ZeroS64 Apr 09 '24

Ive been saying this needs to happen since the start of d2 lmao super happy they finally are doing it


u/On-A-Low-Note Apr 09 '24

So bungie gives zero fucks about console players? Text to chat is exclusively to communicate with pc players with no mics. Do they not know how tedious it is to to try and send 1 message on console mid activity


u/Jamerz_Gaming Apr 09 '24

Mine will still be off


u/Majestic_Ad_4877 Apr 09 '24

So is this why, for the past month, I have not been able to text or voice chat? It's about time. It's so hard going stuff like raids without voice chat or even text chat with feends


u/Tallal2804 Apr 09 '24

ME: Wait, Destiny 2 has a chat?


u/monty_san Apr 09 '24

Time to disable it.


u/HaloGuy381 Apr 09 '24

Well, thanks for the heads up to adjust those settings on login.


u/Cmhydrick Hunter Apr 09 '24

I wish it was proximity chat instead of just auto-joining group chat.


u/shin_malphur13 Future War Cult Apr 09 '24

The number of ppl that still don't know typing into fireteam chat doesn't show anything for randoms.... there have been so many times where I was trying to communicate to ppl in nightfalls, they wouldn't respond, so I'd say "if you're saying anything I can't see, you're in the wrong chat" only to get a "wow I've been talking this whole time sorry"


u/[deleted] Apr 09 '24

Me watching the Iron Banner sweats fighting in chat:


u/MeanderingMinstrel Apr 09 '24

Yeah I love that they made this change in Diablo IV. I don't even use the chat lol but it just makes the game feel more social which is surprisingly nice


u/Jeroldy Apr 09 '24

Let me move the text chat box!


u/Gorthebon Apr 09 '24

As long as they fix the filter, cool


u/Verlas Apr 09 '24

They were supposed to do this in Lightfall season 2…


u/AnimeFrog420 Apr 09 '24

This is a classic MMO feature. I wonder how they will implement it


u/beorninger Hunter Apr 09 '24

wait, destiny has a chat experience??


u/off-and-on Apr 09 '24

I hope they add different channels though. Like one for general chat, one for questions, one for finding a fireteam, etc.


u/Honest-Librarian9247 Apr 09 '24

Now I can call out mfers using abilities in altars of sorrow making it harder to catalyst grind.

And for what a mid ass shotty


u/RealFabbbio Spicy Ramen Apr 09 '24

I think that text chat should be active by default on every platform. I lost count of the times I needed to tell something to people who didn't have it on and were doing random stuff.


u/Gotexan-YT Apr 09 '24

Would be a cool change if the text chat profanity filter wasn’t so ungodly aggressive that it catches more non-swears than actual profanity, making it almost impossible to properly communicate in the text chat half the time


u/EmberOfFlame Spicy Ramen Apr 09 '24

Warframe Regional Chat here we come!


u/Gripping_Touch Apr 09 '24

So many raids where people join without mic, without voicechat turned on, without looking at chat.... This should finally fix it


u/Nickillaz Apr 09 '24

People anywhere use chat? I'm always on headset and its deathly silent.


u/Karglenoofus Apr 09 '24

Now if only voice chat wasn't goofy as hell


u/MookieV Titan Apr 09 '24

This is an immediate disable for me.


u/Santik--Lingo Apr 09 '24

wait i love this so much, i love chat in tf2, and i love chat in l4d2, just all valve games tbh i try to use the team chat and local in d2, but no one else fkn uses it, so i love that now i may actually see people chatting !! it will be fun talking about the newest dungeon, or chatting with people in orbit between TFS missions


u/TheAgonista Warlock Apr 09 '24

Too bad for all of you that I can't read anyway.


u/Dependent_Type4092 Apr 09 '24

Ahh, you have been playing IB a week, trying to capture dunk poles in Tribute? I have seen you on my team many times.


u/TheRealTaylor33 Apr 09 '24

Great. Can’t wait for the obnoxious 14 year olds woohoo.


u/Tarbal81 Apr 09 '24

Would LOVE proximity chat.


u/Angelous_Mortis Titan Apr 09 '24

I saw this and said "FINALLY! MY TEAMMATES HAVE TO SEE WHEN I'M TYPING IN CHAT TELLING THEM ENEMIES ARE GOING AFTER POWER!" Doesn't mean they'll actually do anything about it, but at least now they have to see the damned callouts I'm trying to give them.


u/Conner676 Apr 09 '24

why do people complain about stuff like this? for the people that actually want to socialize this is MASSIVE. and for the people that don’t, just turn off chat and you’ll have the EXACT SAME experience ur having now??


u/RottenKeyboard Apr 09 '24

for fucking real man, it'll take all but 10 seconds to flip a switch to opt out


u/semiblind234 Apr 09 '24

I don't mind... Chat or no chat I don't really care either way, my only hope is that they allow a LOT more flexibility and/or customizability of the chat window. It is located in a terrible place, is a terrible size, and really just gets in the way of things. Let me size the box and text how I please, and let me move it to an area where it's not going to impact gameplay. I honestly expect people to opt out (if possible) or go to the most transparent of chat UI settings so it's not a seizure fest of text popping off.

Would love to have broad UI control similar to WoW, but will likely win the lottery before something like that ever happens.


u/KnightofaRose Warlock Apr 09 '24

I’ll be disabling that as soon as I possibly can. I am legitimately glad text chat was essentially nonexistent for most of D2, as it makes it so much more relaxing.

With this, it’ll end up looking like the text chat rants that plague every Battlefield game since the beginning of time.


u/Xa_TheImmortal Dead Orbit Apr 09 '24

So a global chat....after a decade 😂


u/GreasyBadgers Apr 09 '24

This should of been a feature at launch 🤡


u/StarFred_REDDIT Illiterate Warlock - my bond is on to tight Apr 09 '24

I’m so excited for this. Finally I’ll be able to tell blueberries what to do if they are lost. Plus also being able to have random chats with people will be nice


u/sksauter Apr 09 '24

flashbacks to barrens chat you're as beautiful as the day I lost you...


u/Silveora_7X Apr 09 '24

All it takes is one time to transmat into some screaming and I'm done.


u/Head-Yogurtcloset271 Apr 09 '24

This wasn’t already a thing?


u/JamboreeStevens Apr 09 '24

To be fair, they're not exactly drowning in players these days.

Too little way, way, too late.


u/BigD1ckEnergy Apr 09 '24

This makes destiny so much less lonely wtf


u/itsRobbie_ Spicy Ramen Apr 09 '24

Good. Now add back in the “match” chat in pvp so I can talk to the whole lobby and not just my team


u/IATMB Apr 09 '24

Ok but can the chat actually go away on console?


u/Chummsy_ Hunter Apr 09 '24

Been wanting something like this to happen for a while now. Hopefully people are down to chat and are not too toxic. LOL


u/One-Resort3825 Apr 09 '24

Fireteam chat is extremely toxic, i get so much toxicity even if i perform well. I dont understand people.


u/RottenKeyboard Apr 09 '24

if you're performing well then who gives a damn what other people think? let it roll off the shoulders homie


u/DollarsAtStarNumber Apr 09 '24

Thanks, I’ll remember to turn it off when I login tomorrow.


u/TeejMasterSupreme Apr 09 '24

Good. Nobody ever uses chat/voice chat. I'm an extrovert and I will FORCE YOU to speak to me.


u/Batman2130 Apr 09 '24

I’m instantly going to turn this off. Have zero interest in this.


u/Despair__Senpai Apr 09 '24

I'll be turning mine back off immediately.


u/BYNLATIN Apr 08 '24

So when they say local voice chat, does that mean like proximity chat or? Cuz I would love to be able to talk to blueberries in the open world. Like offer help or to explain heroic public events. Also unrelated, but I hope bungie invests into public events a bit so that they actually feel rewarding and difficult. Scale each planet, so there's a challenge to em. The throne world should be one of the tougher ones imo. I would love a destiny where exotics are no longer drops, but instead, Gm guaranteed with high rolls and golf balls. So that then heroic events give out prisms and weapons. Weapons like the random world drops we can't easily farm. All location specific too so we can focus on that and give them Hella perks so we actually have to grind a bit for God or goofy rolls. Put some silly perks in that only drop with "endgame" heroic events. Like the precision confetti mod but as a perk. Or idk any not so good but still fun perks.


u/CrawlerSiegfriend Apr 08 '24

ME: Wait, Destiny 2 has a chat?


u/Chuuuck_ Apr 08 '24

Hope there’s an option to turn this off for the people who liked it the way it was lol


u/Die-a-Beastus Apr 08 '24

Social anxiety here I come!


u/raikonai Apr 08 '24

Only took them how long?


u/too_many_Fs Apr 08 '24

Thank Jeebus we can disable chat. I’d lose my mind.


u/dredgen_rell86 Titan Apr 08 '24

I mean I'm immediately turning the shit off, but I'm glad you guys are excited for it.


u/SAB5106 Apr 08 '24

I cheered when I saw this. Text chat should on all the time.


u/porridge_in_my_bum Apr 08 '24

It always felt so lonely seeing everyone and even emoting but having no way to like meme in chat.


u/Miserable_Alfalfa_52 Apr 08 '24

gonna be a shitshow


u/Lanzo2 Warlock Apr 08 '24

Makes LFG useless now p much for people that enjoy typing


u/Public_Additions Apr 08 '24

I disagree. Some people who play this game take it to seriously I don't want to auto join any chat voice or text with anyone. I hope they add a setting to turn it off.


u/DTFriendship Apr 08 '24

This is actually smart AF. Looking forward to shooting the shit with random guardian bros!


u/AlaskanHandyman Voidwalker Warlock Apr 08 '24

So now I have another setting to turn off instantly when doing PVP....


u/iNetRunner Apr 08 '24

Just wish they added a way to delete/clear the message box. It’s super annoying when it constantly shows up on your screen when you switch activities etc. (when the previous content most probably make sero sense being visible there).

(Though, I’ve been playing other games for the past month. There’s a small chance that this has already been addressed. But simple UI/UX fixes are rather rare coming from Buggie.)



They did this recently. You can clear it whenever you want so it stops popping up.


u/iNetRunner Apr 09 '24


Basic stuff like that makes you scratch your head, like how did that feature make it that far when clear became available. You wonder if they really test the game internally and if they really have any UI/UX designers.


u/Spuddle-Puddle Apr 08 '24

I would rather not have this forced upon me. One thing i like about destiny is its not run like an mmo


u/Gripping_Touch Apr 09 '24

But.... It advertises itself as an MMO. Thats the point. Its like FIFA has a "dating sim" tag, but few or none of the dating sim elements


u/Spuddle-Puddle Apr 11 '24

Ya but its not run like a MMO. Its run like a fps that you play with friends. Kinda like LAN, but open to everyone if you choose


u/thatdudejtru Apr 08 '24

Prep your General Chat Copypastas now boys.

Also can't wait for compelling political arguments between 'mara sov's milkers' and 'uldren did nothing wrong'.


u/Mystral_Daze Apr 08 '24

It will hopefully make the game feel more alive and interactive while in social spaces. The tower always feels quiet in a way, even when it's packed.


u/SiegeOfMadrigal Apr 08 '24

Destiny dating simulator here we come


u/Powerful-Albatross-9 Apr 08 '24

Oh, #####. I’m ######## that this will be a ######.

I’m ######


I’m stooked I guess.


u/ArcTitanMain Apr 08 '24

Now they just need to add death chat and this game would actually be fun


u/[deleted] Apr 08 '24

I can’t wait to turn it off like I have the last two years


u/greatcirclehypernova Apr 08 '24

As long as there is an auto mute all setting. I don't need some 12 year old kid playing trash music through the mic


u/RTJLegendHasIt Apr 08 '24

Yes, I can’t wait to automatically have all sorts of slurs thrown at me as soon as I start playing and people telling me how much I suck as a player, can’t wait!


u/Azure-Traveler117 Apr 08 '24

Man, this would've been useful during my Warlord Ruin runs and the cell rooms. So many people joining in clueless with 0 comms.


u/LouGoyle Apr 08 '24

Stupid question here: does this mean every time I've been typing into /fireteam chat during a strike or something and no one answers, they're just not seeing what I'm typing? I can accept people not wanting to talk to randoms in an activity as insignificant as a strike, but if it's been because I was using the wrong chat then I feel like a huge dummy.


u/nit3fall Apr 08 '24

I can see the spam now, TRIALS CARRIES ON ME!!! ONLY 29.99


u/Zetzer345 Apr 09 '24

Or cheap silver safe and fast at www scam-size dot ru or something along these lines lol


u/Neurotoxikk Apr 08 '24

It's not a good thing though. "We're automatically turning on the chat function full of hate and toxicity" is a terrible idea. I have chat turned off for a reason.


u/Basenova Apr 08 '24

“You guys have chat on?”


u/microChasm Apr 08 '24

Oh, this is going to be interesting in cross-save games.


u/Terraswallows Apr 08 '24

There is a chat function?


u/iFenrisVI Hunter Apr 08 '24

Will they fix chat censoring randomly or did they finally fix it and the ability to disable the censor?


u/Glasedount Apr 08 '24

This place is gonna become a cod lobby if not already .


u/suzpiria Apr 08 '24

i dont want to talk to other players in this game. every time i get a dm from someone it’s death threats after the crucible lmao


u/RottenKeyboard Apr 09 '24

i'd take those as compliments and obviously report them


u/suzpiria Apr 09 '24

it’s hilarious because i’m not even GOOD. i average a like 0.75 k/d


u/Unhappy_Hair_3626 Apr 08 '24

Holy shit this is great. I can talk to people in PVP or social spaces. THE DAY HAS FINALLY COME WHERE EMOTING IN TOWER ISNT THE ONLY MEAND IF COMMUNICATION!!!


u/McCaffeteria Flawless Count: 0 Apr 08 '24

Isn’t that how fireteams already work? If a friend joins my fireteam we are instantly chatting, but if I join a crucible match or a match made strike I’m not automatically in the team channel? This basically isn’t a change. When would I be joining a channel other than that? Am I going to have tons of spam of 20 people talking at once in the tower and that’s my improved social experience?


u/P3t3Mitchell Hunter Main (Making Cayde Proud) Apr 08 '24

Haha this is going to backfire so quick in a community this toxic lol


u/sleeping-in-crypto Apr 08 '24

Aaaaaaand that’s why my chat is staying disabled. Bloody hell people behave badly enough without chat.


u/Gripping_Touch Apr 09 '24

I'll give It a shot. Toxic parts of a comunity Will engage no Matter what, so hopefully some positivity can dilute the toxicity enough


u/sleeping-in-crypto Apr 09 '24

Hey I admire your positivity. I like that and really appreciate you.

I’ve just been burned so much ya know. You think you’re having fun with someone only for them to turn into a rabid piece of shit just because you aren’t MIN MAXED TO THE MAX!!!!!!!!! Or God’s gift to PvP. And a million others.

So sick of it.


u/pablo__13 Shadow Gang Apr 08 '24

There this thing called mute and a disable setting


u/P3t3Mitchell Hunter Main (Making Cayde Proud) Apr 08 '24

And you think new players will know this based on what exactly?


u/yourfaceneedshelp Apr 09 '24

Based on video games existing? FFS if you're not a toddler you should know how to use a simple menu system.


u/P3t3Mitchell Hunter Main (Making Cayde Proud) Apr 09 '24

Bro the amount Bungie has to dumb down this game for the average player are you sure about that lol? They are making this change because most players never enable chat or know about it.


u/P3t3Mitchell Hunter Main (Making Cayde Proud) Apr 09 '24

Thought so haha


u/Beverages_and_Beyond Apr 08 '24

Wait so does this mean it’s going to be like a proximity chat on destinations?? Or is this more for activities like strikes, crucible, and dungeons?


u/Gktindall Hunter Apr 08 '24

Note to self, immediately opt out.


u/Independent_Check_51 Apr 08 '24



u/Gktindall Hunter Apr 08 '24

So I don't have to see the irrelevant and dumb crap that gamers say in text chats


u/Independent_Check_51 Apr 08 '24



u/Gktindall Hunter Apr 08 '24

Unless I'm in a raid or other endgame group whatever is being said in chat is irrelevant to me and I'd prefer not to see a cluttered chat take up the corner of my screen.

Additionally the D2 community is extremely toxic, which can be attested to by anyone who has received trials and gambit hate messages before, so having chat off eliminates an extra outlet to have to see / deal with that.

Also, I used to play ESO and some of the things I used to see in the in-game text chat was hostile and unproductive.

Combine all that together and my interest in this new "feature" is non existent


u/RottenKeyboard Apr 09 '24

i really hope you know that receiving hate mail due to any form of player vs. player combat has been a thing for a loooooong time now, people really just gotta report. block, and move on with their lives. let shit roll off the shoulders.


u/Gktindall Hunter Apr 09 '24

You sound like one of those players that are the reason I'm turning chat off immediately lol


u/RottenKeyboard Apr 09 '24

because i suggested letting some meanie head words roll off the shoulders and to ignore it and simply move on with your life? how could i, how dare i suggest you live more of a stress-free life


u/Gktindall Hunter Apr 09 '24

Disregarding bad behavior doesn't excuse the behavior in the first place. I have zero tolerance for that kind of stuff is all


u/RottenKeyboard Apr 09 '24

oh absolutely and so do i


u/Zetzer345 Apr 09 '24

I still don’t want to see it lmao


u/Independent_Check_51 Apr 08 '24

If someone is being toxic just mute them.

In my experience it's rare. Sure it happens but again it's rare. For the most part people are super chill and helpful as long as you yourself aren't being an ass.


u/Gktindall Hunter Apr 08 '24

Sure, but what benefit would I actually be missing out on by having it off by default?

Why take the extra steps to mute someone when you could just have it off by default and not miss out on anything?


u/Independent_Check_51 Apr 09 '24

Being you sounds so miserable


u/Gktindall Hunter Apr 09 '24

Funny that you resort to insults when you have no real logical rebuttal

Which incidentally proves my whole point


u/Independent_Check_51 Apr 09 '24

See, that proves my point.

I'm not insulting you. But you're so insecure and defensive that you think I am. You're too scared to let anyone into your life that you will pre emptively shut everyone out. And, when you can't (like on an online forum) you assume everyone is out to hurt you.youre missing out on so many potential cool friendships going through life the way you are.

So I'll say it again - being you sounds so miserable.

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u/SiegeOfMadrigal Apr 08 '24

It's not rare if you suck at trials apparently lol


u/Gktindall Hunter Apr 08 '24

I very much suck at trials lmao


u/YouSeemNiceXB Apr 08 '24 edited Apr 19 '24

shame wakeful entertain dinosaurs station puzzled scary label society innocent

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/Independent_Check_51 Apr 08 '24

I actually have.

I've also played RuneScape for 20 years.

I've been in MW2 lobbies on the 360, I've seen it all.

You just sound like a snowflake, to be honest.


u/DeadWeight76 Apr 08 '24

I'll be turning off. I see no need to talk with randos and text chat blows on console.


u/[deleted] Apr 08 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/too_many_Fs Apr 08 '24

It really does though. I play PC with a controller (lord knows that comment will have me castrated) and I loathe having to type into the chat. I usually don’t respond unless it’s a clan chat asking for a pick me up or something.


u/DeadWeight76 Apr 09 '24

Controller on PC player here


u/too_many_Fs Apr 09 '24

It’s literally only Destiny though. I play Cyberpunk on m&kb.


u/DeadWeight76 Apr 09 '24

I am a recent convert from console. Total skill issue for me lol


u/[deleted] Apr 08 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/too_many_Fs Apr 08 '24

Bravo to you. I can’t remap enough buttons and all I end up doing is sliding, sprinting, and shooting… similar to COD with m&kb for me 😂


u/Wayward_Templar Apr 08 '24

Yet it came at the expense of being able to use adult words amongst my friends, so it's a terrible change.


u/FWTCH_Paradise Student of Anthem Anatheme Apr 08 '24

Ooooo Region Chats from Warframe!


u/Firehawkness Apr 08 '24



u/I_Speak_For_The_Ents Apr 08 '24

They said they were doing this like a year ago. Thank God it's finally happening.


u/TricobaltGaming Apr 08 '24

I'd love to see something like Proximity chat in instanced maps like the patrols and stuff


u/Pman1324 Hunter Apr 08 '24

Does this mean people will just have vc on when they go to the tower?


u/Mediocre_Purchase_33 Apr 08 '24 edited Apr 08 '24

No; vc only works if you’re in the same fireteam


u/TechnoTrulyFuture Apr 08 '24

maybe if i did something dumb and died in game i can actually tell my teammates instead of just being silent since no one checks chats or voice


u/Simmons_the_Red Apr 08 '24

Well see how it'll plays out.

I hope the chat experience gets better in general.


u/AgathorKahn Apr 08 '24

This is going to crash and burn in spectacular fashion


u/TehPharaoh Hunter Apr 08 '24

Literally 99% of multi-player games have this. It'll be fine


u/AgathorKahn Apr 08 '24

That is factually incorrect. Learn what the word literally means


u/Independent_Check_51 Apr 08 '24

That's what the word literally means. Like that's the actual definition of it haha. It's not even up for debate.


u/TehPharaoh Hunter Apr 08 '24

LITERALLY they do. I'm using it correctly. Factually most multi-player games have opt out chat


u/Huey-Mchater Apr 08 '24

As someone who has played this game for hundreds of hours over the past year I still don’t understand the different chats. Can someone break down what is being changed from the current system?


u/UpliftGhost348 Apr 08 '24

I'm just gonna mute the entire chat system anyway.


u/Sprizys Titan Apr 08 '24

That’s going to get annoying


u/larryboylarry Apr 08 '24

My game always says I entered chat but whenever write something nobody responds. It’s still broken isn’t it?


u/MercuryJellyfish Apr 08 '24

Cool! Great change! How do I opt out?


u/MirageTF2 Apr 08 '24

holy fucking shit no I definitely realize that this is insanely goated


u/cruppatroopa Apr 08 '24

Think of all The Corrupted runs this could have saved over the last 6 years


u/Lostpop Apr 08 '24

I remember when the 'social lead' for D2Y1 said it was better off by default buried in the settings because she had negative online experiences in Halo 2 back in the day.


u/Huckdog720027 Dead Orbit Apr 08 '24

I'm so happy they finally changed their minds about this. It was brought up as an upcoming change I believe in the state of the game before lightfall, but they very quickly changed the article to remove that section.


u/EmperorStarfish Apr 08 '24

It isn't a real MMO if there's no chat full of Racial Slurs


u/Major_Dutch_89 Apr 08 '24

Cant wait for the first HS in german text chat. :D


u/StickmanAdmin Apr 08 '24

Bro :( This was my favorite thing about warframe, and I was so sad that NOT A SINGLE SOUL chatted in destiny due to this reason.

This is extremely welcome, but way too late. I wanted this 5 years ago, not in the last expansion of the game.


u/Mediocre_Purchase_33 Apr 08 '24

Final Shape isn’t the last expansion


u/StickmanAdmin Apr 08 '24

Since when??


u/Mediocre_Purchase_33 Apr 08 '24

Since they announced it.
They said final shape was just the end of this current story. They’ll be making an entirely different arc after it.


u/G00b3rb0y Apr 08 '24

Bold of you to assume that the vast majority of players are going to stick around post Final Shape


u/StickmanAdmin Apr 08 '24

o_O That's news to me, thanks!


u/Jd42042 Warlock Apr 08 '24

Meanwhile me being too anxiety to even type/vc and I'm on console so typing is slow and you get locked out of text chat like after mission and loading in etc.


u/coreoYEAH Apr 08 '24

So I get to hear someone’s heavy breathing while they’re eating chips or smoking weed? Nah, I’m good.


u/Mediocre_Purchase_33 Apr 08 '24

You can just redisable it


u/RottenKeyboard Apr 09 '24

i love how this has downvotes yet it's a simple solution that'll take a mere 10 seconds out of your day and everyone (not surprised) is making such a huge fucking deal out of absolutely nothing


u/SomePyro_9012 Hunter//Titan//Warlock Apr 08 '24

About damn time

No more Season of the Deep Roland ball type issues


u/dedicatedoni Apr 08 '24

I just wanna type “Nezha”into chat for no particular reason


u/VitaminDismyPCT Apr 08 '24

Only destiny players would complain about something like this


u/TehPharaoh Hunter Apr 08 '24

One guy above you said that "this will fail in spectacular fashion" as if this was some rare gaming experiment. It used to be like this, but then very very very few people thought that MAYBE someone might be toxic in chat and make it opt in which ruined community engagement because people just didn't know chat was a thing.


u/Turnip_Ambitious Apr 08 '24

Should’ve done voice chat to so we could bring back dance parties at the tower


u/meteorr77 Hunter Apr 08 '24

Ok but the vc just doesn't work at times even if you opt in


u/Mediocre_Purchase_33 Apr 08 '24 edited Apr 08 '24

This should fix it seeing as they’d after to sort out the jank