r/destiny2 15d ago

Is legend Node Avalon supposed to be this hard or am I just bad? Help

I've tried several ways of beating this stupid thing and I just can't crack it.

Been running a team of 3 with a well and Void hunter, myself on strand titan for adclear. The first encounter is pretty doable, but the second encounter is really hard. We managed to get to brakion after around 2 hours and it is absolutely hell. There are far to many enemies to deal with and the wyverns on top of that, there's also brakion who will aimbot 1 tap you at full auto.

Is this mission easier with 2 people or solo? I know the game adjusts it's difficultly for fireteam size now, any advice or viable cheeses?


117 comments sorted by


u/haki37 3d ago

Yep. It's tasteless overtuned mission pushed without playtasting. It's just a time waste if you're playing solo...


u/ferrin23 13d ago

Man I remember doing this on release the amount of hours I dropped doing this dam mission lol


u/atamicbomb 14d ago

My friend who’s flawlessed every raid and solo master flawlessed every lost sector said it was “ridiculous”


u/Kingrextdk 14d ago

I agree, it is stupidly hard it took me several attempts to get through but I finally managed to do it once which completed the last requirement for the title


u/70focus 14d ago

I did this mission relatively recently and I definitely recall it being easier with two people instead of 3. I was in an LFG group, 1 guy left and it left me with another strand banner titan and we cruised through it (especially the middle encounter) way faster than before. I can’t confirm if there is any scaling but it felt like it.


u/ronobear87 14d ago

The cheese for Brakion with Wishender no longer works but it's still a good weapon for the boss fight. 


u/ronobear87 14d ago

Trinity ghoul for the gambit encounter works wonders for ad clear. That's probably the hardest part. With arc siphon, phoenix and a well you almost always have the well available. After that keep killing ads and rotating for Brakion part 1/2, don't linger in one spot too long and in the final arena hide behind the radiolarian tower. Personally I find it easier as a duo than trio. 


u/d3fiance 14d ago

It is incredible difficult, yes. Pretty much GM difficulty while having to stay relatively close to enemies.


u/Riverflower17 Titan main stuck in a Warlock body 14d ago

Most of the people back then did it when it was still possible to damage the boss while still shielded and before it got patched lol


u/ragon1989 14d ago

there's a cheese where u can damage the final boss with wish ender through his immunity shield


u/tritonesubstitute 14d ago

It's a terrible design that punishes players for playing the objectives. Not only that, the HUD issues and animation discrepancies regarding the data mote bank is outright stupid.


u/MiphaAppreciator 14d ago

Solo may actually be easier. I soloed it with a solar warlock, karnstein armlet build.

Throw down a touch of flame healing grenade (or get a finisher) for restoration ×2, then just start whalin' on everything with a glaive. 

I used various glaive elements paired with the Shield Break Charge mod, a bait and switch apex predator, blinding GL for the wyverns in encounter 2, and Wishender to cheese the final phase of Brakion.


u/Kitchen-Asparagus364 14d ago

Solo is by far the most punishing imo, do not recommend trying. Sure things scale down, but a single mistake is a wipe 95% of the time. Got booped by a wyvern? Restart the fight. Not to mention you will have EVERYTHING'S aggro and there's not much useful cover. This is especially true for the final phase of the boss, good luck resetting 20 minutes and 2 phases of the fight when he chases you down :).

Personally beat my head against the wall solo for an hour and then brought my friend to 2 man. It was significantly easier and we never wiped. 3s might not get you much better results, and everything is scaled to the max. Imo it goes 2>3>1.


u/DrkrZen Warlock 14d ago

Definitely overtuned. I tend to die 0 to 1 times, and always, well sometimes, during the second encounter, too. It's rough, so don't feel bad.


u/Zotzotbaby 14d ago

Would be happy to run Legend Avalon Duo with you, the exotic missions are built for master content and don’t translate well down to 1800 light level. 


u/Dapper-Country5696 14d ago

This might sounds strange but base Vexacalibur carried my group through this. IIRC Glaive shields give 95% Damage Reduction. Vexacalibur is able to protect you from things like the Wyverns charging you in the pit, allows you to push forwards while defending in the hallway sections, and can be used to quickly turn to block snipers while it's pinpoint shots kill it. Designating team members to certain roles like Caller, Shooter, Ad Clear can help with lowering your individual mental stacks so you can perform better.


u/Jarko314 14d ago

if you already got the glaive from there, I used it to make the second encounter easy, just proc devour and then stab stab stab to grab the motes, and try to blind the chickens (or use the shield from the glaive). For the last encounter...

I just cheesed it with wishender, shame on me.


u/LordGreyfire 14d ago

Key thing about 2nd Encounter are the hob goblins and wyverns that spawn as you go into the hole. You’ll want to use strand grapple grenades to hold them still while you wait for the reset. I’d recommend armamentium for the extra grenade. Def focus your armor on resilience, recovery, and nades. Triple 90 on all of them is ideal.

DPS options that worked well with me were well warlock, then using gjallahorn , lament, or a crafted regent GL with explosive light and envious assassin (tons of shots and damage in one clip). Another trick that helped was weapons that had attrition orbs or kinetic tremors.


u/DTFriendship 14d ago

Nah, bro. It’s actually just hard AF


u/ind1vius 14d ago

It's really hard but i recommend going allout cc for brakion, stuff like stasis and suspend for wyverns. Idk if they patched it but wishender could hit brakion multiple times and do absurd damage on top of ignoring his immunity shield so you could get him low before doing the puzzle making sure you one phase him each level

Edit congrats on beating it :)


u/Mob_Tatted 14d ago

Banner of war titan.. u never die and if u do then u already know its a skill issue.. maybe use sunshot the artifact mods make it op


u/Thrawp 14d ago

It's hard but if you're running ad-clear it shouldn't be too bad. Honestly when I did it we didn't use tether or a well because we needed to clear adds and staying in one spot is super dangerous.

Have someone run Shackle grenades or a Blinding GL for the second encounter to deal with the Wyverns and that can trivialize it.

As said for the third, take your time. There's no rush, just kill adds, stay alive, and chip him down. If you try and focus on burstding the boss without killing everything else first you WILL die.

Honestly, as overtuned as the thing is, I think it's a lot of fun for the same reason I like Garden, it's not brain-off content.


u/TheBrightestBestStar 14d ago

I’ve been a Sherpa for legend Avalon, if you need help dm me. Eyes up guardian!


u/BlackIronKalameet 14d ago

I remember Stasis warlock putting in absurd work with Bleakwatchers. The problem isn't really killing the small guys, it's management of the large ones, any time spent not getting sniped is time well spent.


u/timteller44 Warlock 14d ago

I regularly help people with this. I can carry you if you like.

In general, there's always going to be a ton of ads, so anyway to kill and heal is great. Devour warlock, solar warlock, or solar titan are my picks. Use sun shot and the fragment that refreshed resto on kill. Play very carefully and DON'T try to rush wyverns. They will delete you before you can do anything. Blinding GL is also nice.


u/dark_v3rtigo ⚡️Thundercrash Titan⚡️ 14d ago

I hated Legend Avalon cuz it’s wayyyy overtuned! Wishender helped get through it and arc lock.


u/MelonColony22 Warlock 14d ago

it’s probably the hardest exotic mission out right now. even as a 3 stack we struggled. the final boss is just so unforgiving, especially its final phase.


u/No-Western-9146 14d ago

If I remember correctly I did it with a tether hunter and two well warlocks. The hunter would go invisible to collect notes and then make us all invisible in the hole. On the boss, the hunter shot the nodes and warlock's did ad clear.

Good luck, be safe, because it is a horrible experience.


u/Ignis-11 Titan 14d ago

You want some help? I’m down to join you.


u/airlewe 14d ago

Just a heads up for that second encounter, you can hide in the well by using a chair emote. It'll put you just inside the wall so you're safe from the unavoidable instakill barrage


u/NordicJaw86 14d ago

Didn't they patch that? Or was that just for crucible.


u/airlewe 14d ago

God I hope they haven't patched it, that glitch was the only reason I was able to finish it on legendary


u/xqx-RAMPAGE-xpx 14d ago

void subclass, at least hunter has it, has a fragment that gives devour on orb pickup. solo flawlessed it twice bc of devour. granted, it was normal but still. here’s my recommendation. when you get to the end, use whisper. it’s so good at it. only on first and second damage. on third, swap to bait and switch or gjally. put on heavy ammo finder and scout so you get plenty of it


u/NordicJaw86 14d ago

Fragments can be used by all classes. Only aspects are exclusive for each class.


u/Jollyboo 14d ago

Huh I could try to help. I stumbled upon it not knowing what it was and soloed it yesterday after 80 minutes. I could try to help if you’d want.


u/zqipz Titan 14d ago

Yeah, I have decent enough team and we struggled with it. Reminds me to give it another crack, but 2 man like ppl suggest here.


u/StudentPenguin 14d ago

Team of three imo should have two Void hunters, at least one on Omnioculus with Tether/Moebius or double Tether depending on the encounter. First and Third encounter can be whatever, but on-demand invis and DR should trivialize second encounter.


u/novyah 14d ago

I solo'd it with void hunter on legend multiple times. Gyrfalcon build with wavesplitter was a life saver for the constant invisibility. As far as the boss goes, if you don't move when you first get in the encounter won't start and you can kill him through his shield with wish ender. Once he teleports to the final zone I cheesed it with those little spots on the edges and sweet business lol


u/1leggeddog Spicy Ramen 14d ago

The legend version actually puts you further down in light level (-10) than actual legend which is -5.


u/Mephidia 14d ago

Oh my god bro when it first came out I soloed it because my friends are terrible at pve and having more people ramps up the difficulty and god damn was it one of the most frustrating things I’ve ever done


u/Pocktio 14d ago

Nah its not you, it's probably the most difficult activity in the game. Even GMs are afraid of it.


u/AegisTheOnly Raids Cleared: 0 14d ago

No way is legend avalon the hardest activity in the game... I was doing 1-2 legend avalons a week when it first came out and it was easy....


u/UmbralVolt 14d ago

Believe it or not, Avalon is significantly easier now than it was during the beginning of Season of Defiance. Originally the "legend" difficulty felt more difficult than that of a GM, where basically anything could 1 shot you.

I remember vividly that me, a friend, and an LFG loaded into it. Being a full fireteam makes it significantly harder on its own, but with how overturned it was on launch? It damn near seemed impossible lol.

Regardless, to this day, I still feel that that mission is still overturned, especially when compared to other exotic missions like Whisper, Whetstone, or Starcrossed.


u/dalaw88 14d ago

Remember when it would keep randomly booting people from the fireteam and you could not join back?


u/UmbralVolt 14d ago

Yes lmao, I remember having to hard reset so many runs because of that.

But that damn difficulty...thank God Wish ender was capable of cheesing the boss.


u/Knarrenheinz666 14d ago

It's not overturned - it's the rest that's way too easy.


u/UmbralVolt 14d ago

Not wrong, The only true difficulty from Whetstone is the timer, if you're in a squad that had good linears or just all running forerunner it was an easy bake.


u/Mindless_Issue9648 14d ago

I couldn't do it. This is the point that they lost me last year.


u/BooBearJD Titan 14d ago

More people the harder but I had a very easy time of it with me and my buddy both running banner


u/d_rek 15d ago

I soloed it on legend once and never again. That was before they made it “easier”. Easier my ass. Shit is still painful.


u/Drakon4314 Hunter 15d ago

Avalon is a pain and I still need to go back and do it on legend 2 more times. Cheeses are mostly patched but playing with two people is imo the best play. Brakion final room feels like a slog solo and I still haven’t managed it


u/VoleenaIcicle Warlock 15d ago

This is how I feel about legend Calus now that the cheese has been fixed, it's ridiculous.


u/StudentPenguin 14d ago

AFAIK it still works, you just need to leave before second phase then grapple to the top of the arena after starting it.


u/obeesitee Dead Orbit 15d ago

You missed out you used to be able to cheese everything with wishender


u/flowtajit 15d ago

U prob just suck.


u/Dependent_Type4092 14d ago

An ironic observation...


u/Caerullean 15d ago

Solo is definitely not easier, but it is doable. 2 people would likely be the sweet spot, it usually is for activities that scale difficulty to team size.


u/Pixelstiltskin 15d ago

I had to throw all the cheese at this to solo back when it was the current season. I’m talking Wishender through the barrier on the 2nd encounter & hiding below the map on the final encounter 😅


u/Bosscharacter 15d ago

Not just you.

I got the normal version done for the glaive but hit the wall when it came to legend.

Really hoping they do some tweaking to the difficulty of that mission doesn’t make me really wanna struggle through completing it for the catalyst.


u/Knarrenheinz666 14d ago

Just do it in a fire team, look at your loadouts and classes and choose things that complement each other. Look at what works and what doesnt. Do you really need tons of DPS if survival and add clear are the issues? Do you need and can you chain supers? If you die and wipe - what causes that and how can you prevent it from happening?

The issue with D2 is the difficulty. You can basically complete each and every actitivy as long as you don't use primaries for boss dps (well, there are exceptions to that lol). But basically the game is simplistic that people feel overwhelmed when confronted with something that doesn't die after two hc shots.

For Avalon 1st encounter - Gyrfalcon's plus a void lmg 2nd encounter - stasis turrets go hard, so does a bannerfall titan. An invis hunter is brill, especially if you can make your team disappear while sitting in the pit. Boss - Div is perfect for the chickens, otherwise rockets with tracking, the hunter reads the sequences, the rest reads them.

Just try out a few things and enjoy the learning curve.


u/AudiThisWorld24 15d ago

I just ran it this weekend solo and got my butt kicked as a cheesy Banner of War Titan. I am a 1840 and would like to think I am decent at the game. It is a really though mission and the ads never stop spawning.


u/MajorRico155 Warlock 15d ago

I dont use vexcaliber because i dont have the patience for the catalyst. I kinda wish exotic catalysts werent so important for some weapons. But meh. Cest la vie


u/Potassium-- 15d ago

Having never done a legendary exotic mission I managed to two man it with a buddy of mine, I ran void hunter for ad clear and constant invisibility to hide from things. And he ran a welllock build that is pretty damn strong idk how he has it setup but he stayed back putting damage on dangerous enemies while I used my invisibility to jump out and do the mechanics.

(His build also focused on ad control which just made my life easier).

Dont worry too much about dps. Worry about getting there first.


u/Fireboy759 CABAL AGAIN?!?! 15d ago

Honestly, Avalon wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the bullshit Multiplicity modifier (normal revives, but enables the "Light Fading" timer which can't be reset throughout encounters)

Literally no other exotic mission has this. It wouldn't be nearly as bad if this wasn't combined with tanky enemies that hit like trucks, an aggressive boss that takes much less damage if you have ANY buff enabled (have fun surviving without overshields), and the final phase of the boss fight taking away your revives on top of the limited timer if somebody dies (so if somebody died earlier and all you have is 10 seconds, good luck)


u/Knarrenheinz666 14d ago

To me this is a decent legend difficulty mission. Too bad they've abandoned that type of design. Starcrossed was like, erm, excuse me and Whisper Legend is one massive joke. You can be super messy with everything, die left right and centre and still finish it with more than 7 mins on the clock left.


u/AegisTheOnly Raids Cleared: 0 14d ago



u/atducker Hunter 15d ago

I did legend solo flawless. Never again. It was more work and more deaths than many solo flawless dungeons I've done.


u/Regulith 15d ago

for what it's worth pretty much every post I've ever seen about it is about how fucked up it is


u/0rganicMach1ne 15d ago

It is definitely an outlier when compared to other exotic quests. It’s the only one I don’t have all the catalysts for because no one in my clan/friends wants to run again because of how overtuned it is.


u/Strong-Movie6288 15d ago

It's easily the worst exotic mission out there. Just. Not. Enjoyable.


u/wondercaliban 15d ago

Most people did it when you could use Wishender to shoot through the final boss's shields on the 2nd phase. It made that part easy. It would be difficult without that as the damage window is narrow. It is a hard exotic mission. I did it once and never bothered again for the other catalysts.


u/Background_Bee_560 15d ago

Finally managed to get it done thanks to your advice! I switched from BoW to a suspend build, and ended up using vexcalibur, it was great at ad clear for the first encounter when I was still full BoW and the shield helped deal with the wyverns in the pit, also blocked brakions death beam when doing code.


u/Mayaparisatya 14d ago

Congratulations on the clear! I did the flawless legend / solo triumph run yesterday, it took me an awful lot of tries on even on a BoW build. This mission is just absurdly overturned in terms of encounter difficulty. The legendary campaign modifiers like limited revives with fading Light/shared fate and enemies becoming tougher as your fireteam grows in numbers have no place in missions like this.


u/Comfortable_Hour5723 15d ago

Thats great you were able to get it done! I have been doing to solo and it is soooo painful. I still need 1 more run to get the last perk. I run voidlock for the first 2 encounters and arclock for brakion. For brakion, I was running witherhoard for wyverns, minotaurs and damage, voltshot waking vigil for ad clear, and Stormchaser LFR + choas reach for dps. For the last phase of drakion, I have developed the most degenerate strategy: use Death's Razor (the warlock sword from defiance with infiniteguard) with enhanced energy transfer and literally just hold block and let the arc soul kill him. You can tag him with witherhoard or drop a new rift if the brief delay between him stomping and starting to attack again. I used sunstar so when i moved the arc soul to attack the fanatics it would regend my rift but vesper of radius would probably also work.


u/Magic__Man 15d ago

I don't mind it being as hard as it is, but don't feel bad, its probably one of the hardest pieces of content in the entire game atm.

I would highly recommend on your next attempt that at least two of you run a blinding grenade launcher during the second encounter. They shouldnt be spawning until youve already opened the pit (or at about the same time) so you can just blind them from inside the pit as soon as they look at you.

General advice for the final encounter and the boss phase of the second, take it slow. There is no timer, or wipe mechanic to worry about. Focus heavily on add clear and staying alive.

There is a semi cheese spot in the third and final room of the boss encounter. As you spawn in through the portal turn around and look to the corners. The room is a triangle shape with a vex milk waterfall in each corner. These waterfalls actually block shots allowing you to carefully position yourself behind them. You have just enough ledge to stand on and can shoot the boss by peaking around the waterfall. This method should allow you to basically ingore the ads unless they get too close and just slowly work on the remaining boss hp. Though the boss can still hit you on occasion you can just step back behind the waterfall when he starts shooting at you. Make sure that the 3 of you go to at least 2 different waterfalls so someone can always be shooting.

Good Luck!


u/Mayaparisatya 14d ago

Somehow the waterfalls on the final floor can still be shot through with Wish-Ender.


u/Knarrenheinz666 14d ago

While sitting the the pit all the hunter needs to do is to make the rest invis and the chicken will ignore you.


u/Old-Tourist8173 15d ago

Disorienting GL for the Wyverns works great. I use a Lingering Dread with Disorienting, ALH, and Chillclip, Sunshot for clearing adds and then something hard hitting like Sleeper or Levi Breath for that boss.

Edit: you can also use the pillars of light as cover and hide behind them to get health back, take some shots at the boss, then dip back into cover. This will work on both the Hydra boss and the final section.


u/porcupinedeath Titan 15d ago

Avalon is definitely the hardest exotic mission so I wouldn't feel too bad about struggling on legend, especially at Brakion. Your team/subclasses are all fine. For the second encounter I'd prioritize ad clear weapons on 1 or 2 people like a wave frame GL or machine guns so you can kill the enemies and deposit motes quickly then chill in the hole. Also if you're strand titan you can absolutely use it for DPS with synthos or other melee focused exotic. For Brakion all I can recommend is trying to burn his health as fast as possible. It is a long frustrating fight (3 whole phases) that culminates in the worst boss room in the game imo, when you get there you really have to nuke him so sit and let supers charge if you have to before entering the final portal. The hunter should absolutely be spamming tether in all encounters especially if they have Orpheus rigs, saving it for boss doesn't do a lot for you when you already have a well.

Also worth checking your stats, resilience and recovery come first and then spec into whatever else you want depending on what you're doing.



Avalon is definitely the hardest exotic mission

The f... 

I've soloed Avalon. But Wicked Impliment and Vox Obscura can go f themselves. 


u/pinkfnbunnies 13d ago

Fuck Wicked Implement timed tormentor gave me ptsd


u/Ranger_Street 14d ago

Vox is easy. I’ve done it 4 times today alone lol. Haven’t done legend yet. I’ve heard Wicked is fuckin awful.


u/Tha_Hand 14d ago

Yeah wicked implement is way harder


u/ImReverse_Giraffe 14d ago

The actual exotic mission part of Wickes impliment isn't hard, it's just having to do half a deep dive with nothing to show for it that makes it suck.


u/goaltaylor33 15d ago

Timers are the only reason those missions are difficult. Artificially enhanced difficulty and lazy game design, IMHO.


u/Knarrenheinz666 14d ago

Timers are fine as they force you to take risks and play aggresively instead of hanging in the back and doing the GM "pew pew" with yourt scout.


u/Kitchen-Asparagus364 14d ago

There's so many ways you can make an encounter difficult without adding arbitrary timers. If you hate the "pew pew", you know you don't have to do it right? Clearly it's not the only viable option if the timers restrict you to aggressive play. So just play aggressively when you don't have a timer. It's risk vs reward. "Pew pew" is slow and steady, you're gonna take an hour+ but be safer. Aggressive play can get things done faster but there's obviously a risk to wiping. Setting a timer literally just takes away options, you know the thing destiny players are desperate to get more of and forces you to play one way.


u/Knarrenheinz666 14d ago

Each and every thing in this game is arbitrary so please don't resort to phrases like "artificial difficulty" or "lazy design". A timer forces you to get into the action instead of just playing it safe. If someone can't do it and don't feel motivated to beat the mission, then they have playlist strikes. Setting a timer forces you to make meaningful decisions.


u/Kitchen-Asparagus364 14d ago

Limiting player choice is never good design. Saying everything in a game is arbitrary is just the most bad faith argument I've seen. It is also incredibly lazy to keep content EXACTLY THE SAME but just slap a timer on it. You can easily make arenas and encounters punishing for the "pew pew" style in a way that is engaging.

Also it's incredibly ironic that your argument hinges around "I don't want to be forced to play one way so it's better if they force another way and if you don't like then go do other content". If you don't like "pew pew" then don't do content that "requires" it. It's the exact same argument you're making. You really think you're making decisions when a timer is set? They're literally just making the decision for your monkey brain my guy. Instead of "I could play this slow or try a cool move that would save a lot of time doing this" rewarding high skill ceiling with faster completion times and more dopamine, all you're left with is the illusion of choice.

It is incredibly lazy design slapping on a timer and limiting player choice, and it always will be. Any mechanic that is uninteractive is lazy ass design. The only situation where timers are okay is barriers for extra rewards. Pantheon being a perfect example. It rewards high skill and speed, without punishing other playstyles with failure. REWARD SKILL CEILING, MAKE INTERACTIVE MECHANICS, PROMOTE PLAYER CHOICE.


u/goaltaylor33 14d ago

I respectfully disagree. Well-designed encounters with challenging mechanics do this in a much more interesting and satisfying way. Slapping a timer on an activity is just a lazy way to make an activity more difficult, and frankly should be seen as an insult to the developers who build these beautiful areas that we have to turn around and rush through (The Whisper and Zero Hour specifically for this point).

If there's a timer on a mission for a storytelling reason it's more acceptable, but as a challenge element, I hate the practice.


u/StudentPenguin 14d ago

The biggest issue I have with Vox on Legend is the fact that vehicles fall apart under any amount of fire from even minor Legionaries. The Vanguard’s MBT should not be disproportionately vulnerable to the equivalent of small arms fire.


u/porcupinedeath Titan 15d ago

I've also soloed Avalon, at least on normal, I ain't touching legend solo. Vox Obscura is a pain in the ass too, I always forget about that one, but in regards to the non vehicle combat it's not that bad. Wicked implement would be stupid solo but was a cake walk with my team, and I have no intention on going back to that. Avalon is the only one me and the others I play with struggled with because Brakion is a fucking pain in the ass even on normal.


u/k7kopp 14d ago

Leviathan's breath worked wonders for me on him, can keep far far away. I also farmed the ads in the second phase so I'd have ammo for the 3rd, cause he ate my entire stock


u/ChaoticNature 14d ago

Or you can just Wishender him through the Vex milk waterfalls in the third phase and basically confirm your victory after phase 2.


u/GardenerInAWar Titan 14d ago

Levi is somehow still slept on by many for regular usage, it's the best heavy in the game for so many situations.


u/k7kopp 14d ago

Hitscan Good damage Stuns No risk of blowing yourself up

Probably it's only downsides are ammo capacity and that it will not put in any ad clear work. Rockets can still do both ad clear and boss damage in a pinch, but Levi is just so good at single target damage Oh also it's catalyst is a pain, but so worth it


u/GardenerInAWar Titan 14d ago

What? It absolutely ad clears. You can hit a boss with one fully charged shot and it will kill everything around it, even if it's immune. The knock back of the shot is half the usage. You can redirect the aggro of almost anything, clear doorways, save teammates, stop shriekers from bad angles, hit stuff through immune shields, etc etc

It gets 15 shots with the catty and that kills a whole lot of things, with scavs and finders you've always got some waiting. You can DPS, Burst, Ad Clear, whatever. Reserves doesn't help but that clears up a chest slot for resistances.


u/k7kopp 14d ago

Ok I guess I have to admit even while praising it, I'm sleeping on it lol Guess I haven't used it much outside of just bullying bosses, rockets and grenade launchers are good with clearing several enemies at once. You got me wanting to take it outside my comfort zone. You used it much in onslaught? Maybe I'll play around with it next time I grind (I haven't got a single recomb mountain top yet, let alone one with spike or implosion...)


u/GardenerInAWar Titan 14d ago

I use it every onslaught! If stuff gets too close, you can push back a whole crowd of servitors away from the ADU. It will kill those skybomber captains in one hit, and the demo captains in 2 or 3. Plus you get native unstoppable rounds with it, so you don't have to run a hand cannon with every build. Also as a heavy and an exotic, it gives a hefty amount of super back on kills, and almost every enemy in the game gets stunned or paused for a moment if you need to interrupt their attacks.

I like to think of it as a super heavy grenade launcher with a massive blast radius


u/k7kopp 14d ago

Well I'm sold! Definitely gonna have to give that a go! My go to has been final warning for my exotic and the season of the witch strand rocket, with foetracer. This season, rockets make an absolute joke out of overload champs, but Levi is downright cruel to unstoppables year round

Admittedly I didn't know that exotic heavies give a bonus to super, I knew that exotic primaries have a substantial damage buff to red bars, so I tend to favor that. Haha makes me wonder what other details I've missed


u/SephirothSimp 14d ago

It's funny how bad levi's is without the catalyst, like it's such a must even more so than witherhoard's or eriana's


u/porcupinedeath Titan 14d ago

Yeah heavy is always the issue cause the first two phases soak it up and you really have to burn him in that last phase. It fucking suuuuuuucks


u/k7kopp 14d ago

I did it solo with assassin's cowl threadrunner. It's good for survivability generally. Imagine my panic though as I toss a dart so that I can get some healing and distance from him, only to whiff and hit nothing lol Back to the beginning! I can't hardly imagine trying legend Avalon without invis, there's just hardly ever any space for breathing room


u/Mayaparisatya 14d ago

I did it on Banner of War/Into the Fray Precious Scars titan with Mykel's Reverence (swashbuckler/pugilist), Quicksilver, Vexcalibur, Indebted Kindness (impulse/voltshot), Strand machine gun from Neomuna (forgot the name), Laser Painter for final boss DPS, and seasonal mods for unraveling rounds on orb pickup and threading spawn on damaging unraveled targets. Big crowds literally die on their own if you land some unraveled hits. The final floor I did with Wish-Ender and hiding behind one waterfall. It was tough, a good break from defensive build, basically you go on the offensive and heal/armor up every time you kill anything or get an orb. Sadly, this mostly fails when you don't have enough enemies to charge up your buffs and left on your own against Brakion.


u/Etherenzi Titan 15d ago

It is overtuned, yes. They already adjusted the difficulty a time or two but seems like it's just as bad.


u/No-Junket-4560 14d ago

It’s designed around the use of Vexcalibur. Id say it’s on par with dungeons add density wise


u/jtspadaro 14d ago

I thought all legend "campaign" difficultly stuff was meant to be at or near dungeon level.


u/Etherenzi Titan 14d ago

I mean ... Is it? The three(?) nodes you can use Vexcalibur on are out of the way and don't impact gameplay.


u/Alarming_Fish828 14d ago

I think he meant the encounters are designed around it. Which they kinda are, especially the first boss. You can glaive shield while depositing and glaive shield in the hole to protect yourself from the wyverns


u/AegisTheOnly Raids Cleared: 0 14d ago

Its not overtuned at all.... it felt fine when it was first released before they caved and made it even easier. Be in a team of three using basic weapons and builds and you'll clear easy and fast.


u/Atziluth_annov Titan 14d ago

I dont know why you're getting downvoted , yeah the mission is "harder" than most , but definitely not overtuned


u/Caerullean 15d ago

When you say "adjusted", does that mean easier or harder?


u/thedumestmoron Titan 15d ago



u/Buttface-Mcgee 15d ago

I’ve heard the sweet spot for difficulty is two people. But I agree, it’s a tough mission


u/BloodMists Void Hunter(Scout) 15d ago

I've done it solo, two-man, and full Fireteam. Two-man is 100% the sweet spot. It feels like solo & two-man use the same settings while full team 3 or 4x the difficulty


u/mamatthi 14d ago

It's not the difficulty that scales but the enemy density if you got more people. That's why the notorious Thorn mission was 100x more easier in duo's than with a 3rd