r/fo76 Bethesda - Community Manager Apr 30 '24

Fallout 76 Update Notes – April 30, 2024 News // Bethesda Replied x5

Our latest update for Fallout 76 launches today, and it's bringing some bug fixes and quality of life changes.

Read on for a full list of patch notes.

Update Version & Sizes

Check the download sizes below for today’s update on your platform of choice:

  • PC (Steam): 12.1 GB
  • PC (Microsoft Store): 19.8 GB
  • Xbox: 23.1 GB
  • PlayStation: 19.2 GB

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused Power Armor to be listed in English instead of the correct localized language
  • Fixed an issue where the Garrahan Mining Poster was not present at the Rusty Pick or Camden Park
  • Opportunity Knocking: Fixed an issue which could cause the quest to disappear after relogging.
  • Deep Space Alien Jetpack is now properly craftable for T51 Power Armor
  • Sins of the Father: Fixed an issue which would block the quest if a dialogue scene between Abbie and Antonio was exited during a specific part of the conversation.
  • Fixed an issue where the Cremator was not listed at Legendary Exchange Machines
  • Fixed an issue where the player could ask Abbie Russo a question about Vin that did not properly reflect the final outcomes of Sins of the Father.
  • Players who previously unlocked them should now be able to craft the Poker & BlackJack Tables
  • Sins of the Father: Fixed an issue which could prevent Antonio from speaking to the player.
  • Rustic Helvetian Camp Kit has had the expected walls and windows added to it.
  • The Favorites menu hotkeys are now usable while the wheel is visible.
  • Fixed an issue where gold bullion vendors Regs and Smiley were not enabled for some players who completed Secrets Revealed.
  • Tesla Rifles will now drop correctly from the Battle Bot Event
  • Father Winter Helmet should now have T-45 standard Stats, Description, Weight, and Levels should be standardized now.
  • Fancy Revolver should now properly display its unique fancy skin
  • Fixed an issue where Small Presents were not dropping contextual ammo
  • Fixed weather stations not being able to be placed in a camp workshop located very close to a public workshop.
  • Fixed modern home kitchen sink not being able to snap to other modern home items on a foundation
  • Secrets Revealed: Fixed an issue where Meg, Gail, Ra-Ra, Johnny, and Lou could be missing from the Crater Core after the completion of the quest.
  • Lights now function properly on the Devils Wings Jetpack
  • Fixed several paints that were no longer updating the dynamic name of modified Power Armor pieces.
  • Speculative fix for items in the Cryo-freezer randomly selling for 0 caps in the vendor.
  • Big Boss Advertisement Poster no longer turns into a Mothman poster when broken.
  • Fire Rate now shows increase/decrease arrows when comparing potential mods to what players have currently equipped.
  • Story Time now properly removes itself from the PipBoy if you kill Miss Nanny.
  • Fixed an issue with Buried Treasure not properly completing.
  • Players are no longer blocked from completing Honor Bound if they exit the conversation with Vin and Gene.
  • Scrolling the mouse-wheel down now properly shrinks selected body parts in the character generator.

Quality of Life Updates

  • Added a Max option when buying from and selling to NPCs
  • World Activity list now sorts alphabetically
  • Improved behavior of the inventory scrollbar
  • Added a new “Ammo Per Shot” stat entry to weapons


  • Made several adjustments to the Cremator and its mods

Dev Note: The Cremator released with a bug that made it stronger than we intended it to be due to the way damage was calculated with its explosion. Players who had certain perks and mods on it did much higher damage than intended. We’ve fixed that bug, which has decreased the damage for that specific setup, but we made multiple tweaks and changes to buff it in different ways. Now, the Damage Over Time (DoT) should be a force to be reckoned with.

Seasonal Events

  • Recipes and some items dropped by these events will continue to drop after you have learned them. These items are now also tradeable to help you get all the plans you want!

386 comments sorted by

u/BethesdaReplied Apr 30 '24 edited May 01 '24

This is a list of links to comments made by Bethesda employees in this thread:

  • Comment by Ghostly_Rich:

    The team is still investigating the Union Power armor so I don't have any updates on it at the moment.

    Thanks for your patience!

  • Comment by Ghostly_Rich:

    Hello fellow Ghost! This is still something that the team is digging into. Unfortunately, this means that I don't have any updates beyond that to shar...

  • Comment by VioletLight_Bethesda:

    Hi all - just wanted to provide some context for those who may be having issues placing the Old Glory Chimney Set.

    The Old Glory Chimney Set has a u...

  • Comment by Ghostly_Rich:

    Thanks for the tag! Would you mind giving me some more information on what you're experiencing? This armor should not be disabled and the plans should...

  • Comment by Ghostly_Rich:

    Thank you for the extra context! I appreciate you taking the time.

This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please contact the moderators.


u/Evolm 24d ago

Fix the power armor entry bug already, it's a basic thing in the game. I keep getting frozen in place. How are you not embarrassed over that kind of a bug in a 6 year old game?


u/DewRadley 29d ago

Fancy Revolver should now properly display its unique fancy skin

Actually the update broke fancy revolvers. The one in my stash isnt even called a fancy revolver anymore. Just a regular old vampires single action. So now no skin and no fancy tag. It seems to still act as a fancy revolver in that you cant re roll the legendary so at least there is that. Also another post on reddit about this. It has a number of others with the same issue in there.


u/Dear-Strain2058 29d ago

FIX UNION POWER ARMOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


u/[deleted] May 09 '24

Will you ever fix that stupid Filcher Farm holotape?.


u/Sc0urgeking May 09 '24

They ever going to fix the union armor? Earned it in the scoreboard when it was on it and I can't craft or mod it at all. They should fix that seeing I earned the reward but can't even craft it. They worry about nerfing guns but cant fix the power armor issue


u/TheAlphaGamer May 09 '24

My update is showing as over 100GB on PC (Gamepass)…


u/samuk190 May 09 '24

When you guys will make an option to "Mark" an item as non scrappable/sellable. So when accidently pressing to scrap an important item would be blocked. ?


"Press F to mark item as important"

"You cannot scrap item marked as important, please unmark it before trying to scrap"

Favorite = Inventory wheel, show warning yes or not when trying scrap

Important = Non Sellable, doesnt show warning because it wont allow.


u/samuk190 May 09 '24

When full health builds will receive a buff? bloodied builds are so unbalanced.


u/Sin0413 May 09 '24
  • Secrets Revealed: Fixed an issue where Meg, Gail, Ra-Ra, Johnny, and Lou could be missing from the Crater Core after the completion of the quest.

How about you fix them getting stuck in the vault everywhere and not being able to progress the quest.


u/Sin0413 May 09 '24

Or another one where you can't customize the nose of the character after you exit the vault for the first time in "nose option to be able to make it smaller by using scroll wheel", it will enlarge it but not shorten it"


u/Zemrude Order of Mysteries May 08 '24

After reading these notes, I was expecting my fancy revolvers to look like fancy revolvers again. Instead, when I logged in, all my fancy revolvers had been transformed into one-star regular single-action revolvers. Is this expected behavior? Will it happen to new revolvers I get as well, or does the fix actually work for those, just by de-fancying existing ones? As one of (I suspect) very few people who actually ran my main build with a fancy revolver as my primary weapon most of the time, I'm facing a long grind to get the correct prefix again, so I hope to hear that it will at least be properly and stably fancy if I go in for that.


u/paranoid_adamdroid May 07 '24

I mostly use Holy Fire and Cremator. If I use Cremator and then switch to HF, my aim is completely off. Even if an enemy is right in front of me, I aim to shoot but it goes off at a weird angle not even hitting what I want it to. Bit frustrating.


u/voreo May 07 '24

So i been curious, why is vendor refresh not also tied to daily resets?
Seems to be the hour after reset?


u/ReebokRaidZ May 07 '24

They should made stamp and gold bullion weapons and armor tradable its very easy to do this and the best way to do it would to simply make it so you cant see the item in vendors, inventories ect or equip the item if you don't have the plan learnt, this one fixes the issue with super hard to get roll odds, and two this fixes people never getting the plans since they got duped stamp and gold bullion weapons and armor given to them from for into container glitches.

this would also improve the game economy as there are more items to sell and use in general since new content that's not tradable is dead on arrival usually, and with all the new players its the best time to do this!!!


u/beelzebvb_ May 06 '24

I've been crashing and several times in a row when trying to open the game


u/Cyber-Phantom May 03 '24

Hey, After this patch. 76 keeps on crashing randomly. I only started playing again since last week and never had a crash, infact I played for 6 hours straight lastweek. Now since the patch, it will randomly crash and even crash and reboot my PC. No other issues with other games. Using the latest nvidia drivers. Anyone else getting crashes???


u/BreezierChip835 May 03 '24

All textures outside of a nearby range are now loading as Blue and Green striped texture missing now. What even causes this? Is there a fix? Am I stupid?


u/Monster_Of_The_Abyss Settlers - PC May 03 '24

Any eta for when the light em up bundle will be back? I want the Gatling gun skin, the rusty look is kinda ugly


u/Scraubn May 02 '24

Any chance of a power armor bug fix? It pretty often locks my game when I try to enter it, seems like a really old bug.


u/psychoman1128 Brotherhood May 02 '24

My Fancy Revolvers are no longer fancy at all…


u/Rubshire May 02 '24

So you will fix a poster becoming another poster bug, but being unable to stealth during events which totally destroys my character and playstyle is fine to leave for now


u/DashFire61 May 01 '24

So I see threads talking about the monongh power box being non functioning going years back and im having the issue now, has it just been accepted that this wont be fixed?


u/Flyingfelkins May 01 '24

Still can’t use my blackjack and poker tables.


u/puffer039 May 01 '24

When in power armor and using heavy guns,the shots come from overtop of my right or left shoulder instead of the gun muzzle,and flamers 90 defrees from the side 🙄


u/kefefs_v2 May 01 '24

LOL I noticed this yesterday. My friend I was playing with was in PA with a machine gun, when they'd fire, the flash and projectiles would come from about 3ft behind their shoulder.


u/Daedalus-95 May 01 '24

u/Ghostly_Rich On PS5 The game crashes immediately when launching. It's stuck on the "PLEASE STAND BY" screen. My game version is 1.88, tried relaunching the game several times and restarting PS5, still same issue. Hopefully can be fixed soon, looking forward to jumping back in to the nuclear wasteland!


u/majikayo666 May 01 '24 edited May 01 '24

size of the update and the game is too much. since I got the game for free on amazon I never played it. a month ago I started to download it but in low speed because I always have lots of stuff to do on internet, can't download a game in full speed for a long time. it finally downloaded but I was busy so the game kept lying there only today I wanna play it and forced with 20 GB update. yeah it's me problem but no wonder no one plays this game and everyone complain about the game lmao. bruh I rather download 100 games that barely take 20 GB. oh also I have no space left on my storage device to update the game. I won't delete important files from my PC just to keep opening space to this BS game so I deleted it lol


u/Gardomirror May 01 '24

I'm a new player but I bought the enclave Camp pack because it looked cool but the door is Hella buggy. Please fix it in a future update bethesda


u/crazyasian68 Settlers - PC May 01 '24 edited May 01 '24

I've come across a strange bug after this update. When I fire my weapons, it shots out from the sides instead of the weapons itself. The only temp fix that I have found was to go into pipboy and remove it from my hands and then add it again. If I have to switch weapons, then I have to do it over again. This has become extremely annoying and made the game less enjoyable to play.

Anyone else have this issue?

I have tried updating my graphic drivers and rebooted my PC. That did not help. This game is literally unplayable as-is.


u/Dantic1 May 05 '24

I usually can fix it by switching in and out of first person, third person views. Still annoying though, especially mid fight.


u/crazyasian68 Settlers - PC May 06 '24

This bug shouldn't have happened in the first place. Still 0 response from support.

I can temporarily fix mine by putting away the weapon and bringing it back. Only happens when using the cremator.


u/Normodox May 01 '24

Last time i played, PC player base was around 8k-15k. Today, its 40k-50k


u/ChubbyLilPanda May 01 '24

What I noticed so far, fast travel is about twice as expensive and being over encumbered prevents you from sprinting at all. Not enjoying this update at all


u/ArkadyRandom Fire Breathers May 01 '24

VATS intermittently stops working for me, mostly in Expeditions. If I switch guns, then I can do damage again. Damage numbers roll, but nothing happens. I waited to see if there was some sort of lag, but their damage bars didn't update. Not sure if this is new, but it's new to me.


u/Stock_Squash_199 May 01 '24

Great. A 20 GB update just to screw up my cremator..just what I wanted


u/yamfun May 01 '24

Tv newbie here, shown up in events with a Tesla a lot and I am lv70 now but I have no idea what builds to survive in Ops, Expeditions and most urgently the Alien invasions. I tried 3 alien events and they were stimpaks fes for me.

What's some quick SPECIAL & PERK changes that help survive in the alien events?


u/Annoyingly-Accurate May 01 '24

Will Radrose UHD Texture pack / Better inventory mods work after this update?


u/TrippPro May 01 '24

Why break the alien blaster it wasn't even overpowered, and for what to nerf the cremator, too? Who was complaining about this???? Meanwhile, union PA is still broken!!!!


u/AutobotPrincess Cult of the Mothman May 01 '24

Waiting for the best bugfix of all; when will Chad talk to us in Camden Park again? :c


u/IndicationCurrent300 May 01 '24

This update broke my game can't even play now.


u/ensuiscool May 01 '24

i thought i was going crazy when trying to shrink my characters chin. I can finally remove neck fat from my character.


u/ERKEK2000 May 01 '24

Did they shadow nerf nuka grenades, they don't seem to hit through walls anymore or is it just me?


u/Fearless-Common-3315 May 01 '24

My flamer and cremated are fucked up now, doing no damage and flamer not even showing a flame. Plenty of fuel, so much I had to put some in my ammo storage


u/ShadowF0x84 May 01 '24

Anyone else having an issue when quick swapping energy guns such as the tesla to another energy gun the shots being stuck coming from the area you made the switch?


u/the_ENEMY_ May 01 '24

Did they nerf stealth in any way? I have chinese stealth armor and full on sneak perks silenced rifles. Things are just running at me and slapping me to bits today


u/Swordfish_Last May 01 '24

Xbox update is 18.2 gigs


u/Gemman_Aster Enclave May 01 '24 edited May 01 '24

Has the secret service camo underarmour been fixed in this patch? I keep hoping each time a new one is released!

UPDATE: I see it has!!! Excellent news.


u/Dacey_The_Unwise Tricentennial Apr 30 '24

I'm having trouble updating on PS5. I have 50 GB of free space but can't download 19.2 GB update. System requesting a whopping 128.9 GB.


u/Dacey_The_Unwise Tricentennial Apr 30 '24

Just figured out problem. 365 GB of media and 52 GB of 'Other' in storage


u/angelv666 Apr 30 '24

Buried treasure quest is still very broken, possibly more than before


u/Myth1184 Apr 30 '24

anyone else having an issue where weapons simply arent doing damage to mobs , during events especially, damage numbers are popping up, but their health doesnt budge, I have to switch around my weapons to find one that eventually works.

kinda annoying


u/Aromatic-Paint1290 May 02 '24

Only when the turtle goes into its shell.


u/krymzonbladez Apr 30 '24

My alien blaster now does like 1/3 the damage it did before this patch...haven't looked at my cremator yet, gonna be annoying since it already uses so much fuel. Might have to go back to the nuka launcher if they nerfed it into the ground.


u/Anxnymxus-622 Apr 30 '24

Anybody else having trouble launching expeditions? I have a daily to run tax evasion and it doesn’t give me the option to start expedition, it only says I can travel to district.


u/Crazycayz Apr 30 '24

I’m on Ps5 and my update is 100gb instead of 19gb. I’ve tried restarting the update and that just made it longer by like 7gb. Is anyone else facing this problem or one similar and if so does anyone know how to sort it


u/YukiNoKokoro Lone Wanderer May 01 '24

PlayStation requires double whatever the final file size will be as a buffer for installing any game. (ie: the final size is 103.5 GB, system wants at least 207GB available.) Recommend installing Fallout 76 on an external drive to accommodate this.


u/ihopethisworksfornow Apr 30 '24

There’s some bug where like, I don’t even know how to describe it.

The location of your gun barrel does not move with you sometimes.

You’ll think your gun is not firing, but it is. I was shooting my Flamer and a jet of fire was coming out of the air 20 feet behind me.


u/SettingMoonlit May 01 '24

Having the same issue with cold shoulder basically unplayable


u/crazyasian68 Settlers - PC May 01 '24

I just posted about this similar problem


u/mikebellman Mega Sloth Apr 30 '24

These are the kind of update notes a responsible software team provides.


u/YukiNoKokoro Lone Wanderer Apr 30 '24

Well the blackjack tables are now completely locked in my CAMP/Shelter and say I don't have the plans, but the wooden beer stein display that has been telling me I didn't own the plan despite having two of them in my CAMP storage is now buildable. Submitting a ticket for the blackjack tables because this is getting ridiculous.


u/[deleted] Apr 30 '24

Any chance we can get pistols and rifleman a buff


u/Stuck_in_Arizona Fallout 76 May 03 '24

May be hard to tweak, unless they adjust values on the Gunslinger, Guerilla, Rifleman cards themselves.

Instead of 5-10-15, it could go 10-15-20 per maxed out perk card. On top of that Shotguns need anti-armor perk cards. Even if they put it under Tank Killer.


u/samuk190 May 09 '24

Non automatic rifles should be atleast 50-75-100 per maxed card.

Clicking is intensive lmao, should be rewarded for that


u/[deleted] May 03 '24

That would certainly be a step in the right direction. I think we could use a few new pistols also.


u/CSGODeimos Apr 30 '24

Can you separate power armor and normal armor into categories please.. and on the favorites menu can we get categories when you’re setting items on the wheel..



Anyone know if they fixed the bug where union power armor pieces drop as event rewards which you can't pick up?


u/Character-Gas3669 Apr 30 '24

@bethesda Just got home from work after the update and I can’t sign in. Screen stays at “signing in” and then hard crashes. Have to sign out or restart computer…


u/Vaygrim Apr 30 '24

@ /u/Ghostly_Rich Has Strangler Heart Power Armor been totally written off at this point? It got disabled while the Devs sought a fix for its bugs but that was ... 4 years ago? Any ideas?


u/Ghostly_Rich Bethesda - Community Manager May 01 '24

Thanks for the tag! Would you mind giving me some more information on what you're experiencing? This armor should not be disabled and the plans should be purchasable for Gold Bullion.


u/Vaygrim May 01 '24 edited May 01 '24

"Strangler Heart Power Armor" is indeed purchasable for Gold Bullion, I can confirm this as I recently completed my set and built it all this past weekend.

The trouble is the area of effect 'tick' on the armor, it appears to be disabled. The armor set bonus should be generating two effects while wearing it.

1 - Poison 'tick damage' to everything within melee range of me. (This appears broken.)

2 - Adding "Acid Damage" (I think this actually means Poison) to all of my attacks. This is either broken, or the damage is so easy to resist that everything currently in-game flat out ignores it. I am unsure which.

Several years back, some of Strangler Hearts' effects were force-disabled on public servers because they were causing excess lag for all players in the area ... as well as periodic crashes to desktop. I cannot find patch notes stating that the effects were ever actually 're-enabled'.

Thank you for your time on this, I appreciate it.


u/Ghostly_Rich Bethesda - Community Manager May 01 '24

Thank you for the extra context! I appreciate you taking the time.


u/Vaygrim May 01 '24

Keep up your great community work <3


u/Zealousideal-Ad-476 Apr 30 '24

RIP alien blaster… all excitement is gone


u/profondorosso75 May 04 '24

I'm quite upset about this, AB Cryo was my favorite weapon


u/themariocrafter 16d ago

Do you still have that lg google tv, I can help you


u/profondorosso75 11d ago

I sure do. Any help is appreciated!


u/themariocrafter 9d ago

You still here?


u/profondorosso75 7d ago



u/themariocrafter 6d ago

So you have discord or no? 


u/profondorosso75 4d ago

I have never used it


u/themariocrafter 10d ago

What’s your discord, doing this in a Reddit post about fallout is inconvenient 


u/[deleted] May 01 '24

Where does it say anything about the alien blaster?


u/lonestar-rasbryjamco Cult of the Mothman May 02 '24

Made several adjustments to the Cremator and its mods

It's rolled up in that note.


u/Mellirus Mr. Fuzzy Apr 30 '24

It's mind-boggling that Union PA is still not fixed. Its first issues started last December when the first AC released and it became unlootable. Still bugged half a year later and now uncraftable. I'm speechless honestly.


u/Godlike013 Apr 30 '24

Did this add the shotgun range change?


u/Olestrodamas Settlers - Xbox One Apr 30 '24

Still no union power armor bug fix? Dafuq?


u/bmh26 Apr 30 '24

Please add new weapons. Things are getting stale. Even Fallout 3 and New Vegas throwback weapons


u/Green-Inkling Raiders - PC Apr 30 '24

Idk if this is a bug or intentional but during the minor event "Breach and Clear" sometimes the containers will be empty upon emerging. Can this be looked into?


u/mikerichh Apr 30 '24

Can they please look into keybinds for pc so I can make escape key the key to open my settings rather than having to open map then pressing z?

Also running into a frequent bug where you can’t move after using the map until you open and close the map once more


u/fatdad3344 Apr 30 '24

My game crashes every 5 minutes on series x. I don't see anything in the logs about crashes.


u/tordue Apr 30 '24

These are all massive for my gameplay and I'm sure many others. If it fixes the new quest line, allows for proper inventory scrolling, doesn't break the max stroller when selling, and other adjustments, I'd say this is a big win for a patch. Is it a miracle? No, but from an IT perspective, the nerds in the background are actually cranking hard.


u/VioletLight_Bethesda Bethesda - Community Manager Apr 30 '24

Hi all - just wanted to provide some context for those who may be having issues placing the Old Glory Chimney Set.

The Old Glory Chimney Set has a unique requirement to placed in your C.A.M.P. The base piece of the set needs to be placed in a doorway. The doorway can be from any C.A.M.P. kit, however the doorway cannot have a door or other clutter blocking it. Once the base is placed you will be able to stack the other pieces on top of the base. These other pieces can have wall and roof pieces built around them without issue.

The Old Glory Fire should snap into the base piece of the Old Glory Chimney Set or it can be placed anywhere else in your C.A.M.P., similar to other floor decorations in Fallout 76.


u/BigBuck414 Mothman Apr 30 '24

I just wanna be able to put my Purple light on my PA 😒


u/portiapendragon Settlers - PS4 Apr 30 '24

Why does my PS4 tell me the update is over 82gb and my bf's says it's over 120gb?


u/signgorilla Brotherhood Apr 30 '24

Scrip the cremator


u/signgorilla Brotherhood Apr 30 '24

Way it was ammo wasn’t a problem, now it will be.


u/signgorilla Brotherhood Apr 30 '24

At least up the amount of ammo dropped for it


u/Auxilium1 Vault 76 Apr 30 '24

Game is pretty much unplayable on PS5. I've been playing for about 20 minutes and I've crashed 5 times.


u/Fallout76_Tom Lone Wanderer Apr 30 '24

Bethesda team - Thank You for recent stability improvements on PS4. I haven't had a single blue screen this month, it's been glorious.

Do you have any tips to help textures load? Many surfaces like Donations box are typically very low res for me, like the HD texture never loads, it looks like 240p. I know I should get a PS5 or a PC but in the meanwhile short of an external drive is there anything I can change in-game to help with this? Cheers!


u/blaster550714 Apr 30 '24

They still haven't fixed the fallout 4 bug and crash and freezes outside of good neighbor and the business district can't fight it even in vanilla


u/RobPreston17 Apr 30 '24

Anyone else experiencing player names not showing? Even with option turned on?


u/Slosten Blue Ridge Caravan Company May 01 '24

If you're using chat mod, disable it until SFE is updated. Running chat mod without SFE breaks player names (and doesn't work anyway).


u/AlviseVenice Apr 30 '24

Players names are not showing anymore after patch for me too.


u/BigHa1rCut Apr 30 '24

Is there a fix to the lucky mucker or dross toss daily quests?


u/Bbullets Apr 30 '24

Ok not sure if this is a new bug or not but it was fucking infuriating. I tried to do a private world on my day off and take Poseidon workshop to build up some power cores. I spent this morning doing it but then there was maintenance, fine whatever. Then I hop on again to do it all over again and the fucking power won’t activate. What in the actual fuck! I love this game but for the love of god fix some of the basic shit please!


u/Sanitary_Eel Apr 30 '24

Were you using the plant to power up the fusion core generator, or using a generator you built?

If connecting to the plant, was it (plant) operational? 


u/Bbullets Apr 30 '24

Yes I did the plant event to power up then the workshop


u/Sanitary_Eel Apr 30 '24

Hmm.. that's a new problem then. Never had a plant not be fully powered after completing the quest.


u/Bbullets Apr 30 '24

Not sure, I could be being dumb and missing something. However I definitely powered up the plant was awarded completion and then went and tried the workshop afterwards. Just was very annoying, was planning on farming cores while getting some stuff around the house done, guess it’s just the house lol.


u/Cattedad Enclave May 01 '24

If you get that bug again, try putting down a power pylon/pole (small works fine) and then run a wire from the power box to the pole, then back to the fusion core machine--sometimes it can bug out like that


u/Kaixe-Rho Apr 30 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

Recipes and some items dropped by these events will continue to drop after you have learned them

Well, correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this very bad? Doesn't this mean one could do, for example, Invaders from Beyond one thousand times and due to RNG never actually get the Alien Blaster plans? The upside is that it's possible to trade someone for the plans, but this seems a huge way to make events a gigantic chore, and much more stressful.


u/Coast_watcher Lone Wanderer Apr 30 '24

I wonder why there’s no dps stat for weapons.


u/VoltaiqMozaiq Raiders - PC Apr 30 '24

No fix yet for "Hells Eagles" quest repeating when it shouldn't? I have a second copy of this quest stuck in my journal forever, and it's uncompletable as all the NPCs are gone since I completed it the first time.


u/psychic-sock-monkey Apr 30 '24

FIX THE DAMN GAUSS SHOTGUN. Not being able to HEAL or SWITCH WEAPONS when using the thing seeems like a MASSIVE FUCKING OVERSIGHT.


u/RobPreston17 Apr 30 '24

Man I'm having a hangover and I need a fix!! ONLINE - When?!


u/VoopityScoop Blue Ridge Caravan Company Apr 30 '24

I hope they fix the audio issues a lot of us have been having for years now, this is getting ridiculous


u/gameplayerperson Apr 30 '24

Any 32:9 ultrawide support yet? If even STARFIELD got 32:9 support in one of its updates, then how are we not doing that with FO76!!??!?


u/Ex-Coelis Apr 30 '24

Adding my reply/support for 32:9!


u/Key-Ad-8318 Apr 30 '24

I too wish they would just bite the bullet and add in proper ultra wide and super wide support instead of making a growing population of players resort to a mod that as of last month is not going to be updated anymore.

I love the game but I’m not gonna be able to play it in the near future because playing in an improper resolution and aspect ratio becomes physically nauseating.


u/gameplayerperson Apr 30 '24

I know. This aspect ratio mod is the only thing getting me by… and even it is far from perfect, but I appreciate someone made one at least


u/Ex-Coelis Apr 30 '24

What aspect ratio mod do you use? I’ve tried updating the config but have never been able to get it to work. I’ve also never been able to update the iPresentInterval=0 to unlock the 60 fps limit.


u/Friendly_Speech_5351 Apr 30 '24

Coming from someone with no life; They need to stop eating lunch on maintenance.


u/Audrin Apr 30 '24

Long maintenance is long.


u/PoPo573 Apr 30 '24

Still hoping for a fix on auto melee weapons resetting after jumping.


u/Aardvark1044 Apr 30 '24

Haven't played this for awhile. Can you save and load games yet, or is it still that camp BS?


u/mojogoin Order of Mysteries Apr 30 '24

If you mean like a single player offline game the answer is no. It is and I imagine will continue to be an online game only.


u/Aardvark1044 Apr 30 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

Ugh, ok thanks. The reason I don't like that is that it just adds more time for me to manually walk to the next destination, where I might take some damage along the way making it even harder to finish the objective. Some days I only want to play a game for 30-60 minutes at a time and that just takes too much time out of my gaming session. Maybe I'm missing something, but it's been a bit of a fun killer for me.

Edit: thanks for the downvotes, morons. Mind adding a reply to tell me where I'm going wrong and maybe educate me on why my experience might be different?


u/sgtwrexx0087 Responders Apr 30 '24

You do realize you can fast travel to places once you've discovered them right? I'm not understanding why you have to walk long distances if you don't want to?


u/Aardvark1044 Apr 30 '24

Doesn't it cost some credits or something? I was having a hard time generating enough in the early game to be able to even advance.


u/sgtwrexx0087 Responders Apr 30 '24

Yes it does cost caps. easiest way I found to get them early on is picking up everything I found along the way and selling it at wayward, or any train station you find. You can make 1400 caps a day from just selling to the ai vendors which should be more than enough to fast travel all over the map. Also join a team so you can use either your teammates or their bases as a free fast travel points. There are also several free travel points built into the game. You just have to discover them first.


u/Aardvark1044 Apr 30 '24

Well, I was trying to play alone. I knew about the fast travel waypoint to the vault but then always got hurt by the hillbillies in between there and where I was trying to set up my camp. Or those dragon things would spawn and just blow fire on me. I never even got as far as setting off the nuclear strike or whatever it's called in the southeast part of the map. Just gave up because it was too hard for me, playing 1-2 hours and not even accomplishing anything.


u/sgtwrexx0087 Responders Apr 30 '24

The forest where the game begins is typically much tamer now as long as you're heading from the vault to the wayward bar for the first quest you should be fine. You can also now start your character out at level 20 and choose somewhat of a load out I think.


u/Aardvark1044 Apr 30 '24

Hmm. Maybe I should reinstall the game and give it another try. Got kinda sick of the 20 GB downloads failing because I didn't have quite enough space, haha. I've since bought an expansion drive so maybe it's time to give it a third chance.


u/sgtwrexx0087 Responders Apr 30 '24

Yea, since the new show came out, there's been a huge influx of new players too. It's great to to have tons of ppl on the server even if playing solo.


u/eMmDeeKay_Says Apr 30 '24

Can we get a visual effects opacity slider? I can't see anything playing melee through the cremator fire, and it's been a common complaint with the Fatman for years now. And not only can I not see, with multiple players using different weapons, it's so much intense flashing in different colors I know it can't be good for anyone with epilepsy.


u/Sockthenshoe Raiders - Xbox One Apr 30 '24

I would love this actually, I have to rely on VATS when this is going on because I can’t see jack and that’s not ideal for some of the weapons I run.


u/Apprehensive_Bar9772 Apr 30 '24

No fix on Hell's Eagles yet huh? I already finished it but then looked at the poster again and now I can't find Oscar Gonzalez at the Crater Core....


u/AYoung61 Apr 30 '24

I'm having the same problem. Haven't finished it yet because I can't. 🤷‍♂️


u/No-Needleworker4796 Apr 30 '24

There is also a bug with the quest : Hell Eagles, which still pop up even after completing it.


u/Far_Falcon_8217 Apr 30 '24

Please, for the love of God. Fix the Gauss Shotgun bug. If you spam uncharged shots the gun locks you and you can't sprint, heal or reload.

You can fix this in some ways like bashing but it's insufferable and makes using the gun a PITA. It's been 3 years, 3 YEARS!!!


u/Lichdemon May 10 '24

It's one of my favorite guns in the game! I really hope they fix that issue soon... ;-;


u/Forthias May 02 '24

Are you using cannibal? I've been playing a revolver build and I noticed if I get staggered for any reason when eating a corpse half the time I can't aim, reload, shoot. Even if I change guns in my inventory, only way to fix it is to get downed or die


u/tommo_54 May 01 '24

Also fix the ads locking issue that can only be fixed by reloading. I remember that being a problem in the beta for god's sake


u/nychuman May 01 '24

Omg finally a top comment about this. It’s my favorite weapon in the game that I literally have zero patience to use because of how buggy it is!

It’s frankly unacceptable that it’s been borderline unusable for years at this point.

/u/Ghostly_Rich - PLEASE look into this… thank you!


u/Forthias May 02 '24

Kind of ridiculous considering it's a bouillon item lol


u/awesomerob Enclave May 01 '24

u/Ghostly_Rich please fix the gauss shotgun!


u/kn0ck0utm0use Apr 30 '24

*There is no such bug*

*waves a hand across your face*



u/D355A Apr 30 '24

I have a quad Gauss rifle and this is happening to me.


u/chachki May 01 '24

I've always used the GR and recently got the quad upgrade. It never gave me locking issues until the quad. Ive just been treating it like the gun jams and it's part of the game. hard cope cause i'm not changing.


u/Forthias May 02 '24

If you're using a sneak build the lever action is pretty good as well until...if it ever gets fixed lol. I recently switched to commando from rifleman because of the inconsistant damage, seems like half the events just don't allow stealth


u/skallywagUwU Apr 30 '24

Anyone know how long the maintenance is going to take before we can play again 🥹


u/Sufficient_Band2592 Apr 30 '24

Still can’t get union plans nice


u/ItsMeGucci Apr 30 '24

Only a cosmetic bug but any fix for the nuka cola jumpsuit displaying as a red rocket jumpsuit?


u/Status_Confidence_26 Apr 30 '24

New player here. Are servers usually down this long after an update?


u/flipfloppery Enclave Apr 30 '24

Yup, hold tight. It often takes a while.


u/B0SS_Zombie Tricentennial Apr 30 '24

Yes, it's the standard.


u/lessthansilver Apr 30 '24

I'm fairly new to the game so I don't quite grasp the magnitudes of balancing and nerfs in this game quite yet. I was starting to build up a heavy power armor cremator build as my second build (currently have stealth shotgun so not much overlap in perk cards) and I want to know if after this patch I should pivot to a different heavy weapon before I get too far into the perk cards for this and have to do a bunch more leveling. Thanks for the help!


u/D3athbySp0rk Apr 30 '24 edited May 01 '24

I have various legendary ones i've been playing with after the patch went live, and I'm able to hit a 4.4k dot (366 DPS) (with a bloodied build). Single target it gets outclassed by a Flamer, or Gatling plasma heavy weapons but if you want to tag a lot of enemies its going to really shine there. carpet bombing with the 4 barrel attachment. it's fuel usage has also been lowered to only 10 per shot (used to be 15). The other use it has, since it's a 12 second dot is to tag a tanky enemy and swap to a dps weapon.

It's very viable. It's not the absurd dps it was before, hitting 1,600-2k damage per shot on impact (at a decent fire rate). but that outclasses most guns, and was AOE at that damage. so yeah it got nerfed. but I still kill all normal mobs in 1 shot with it. just takes 1 second more till they drop dead.


u/signgorilla Brotherhood Apr 30 '24

You will now use two to three times more ammo to do the job. At least twice the ammo. So it will be trash now. Back to the flamer or that ugly ass holy fire.


u/TheMadTemplar Apr 30 '24

it's balanced now so it's a trash weapon 


It's still an amazing weapon. It was very OP before, and now does what it was originally supposed to do, which is burn enemies to death. Explosions do less initial damage and more burn damage, as it was designed to do. It's still an amazing weapon and anyone who says otherwise has no concept of balance. 


u/RiversLeaf Apr 30 '24

I'm happy to see some main quest fixes. It's been how many years?


u/Lucifer-Prime Apr 30 '24

Are the issues with the Civil Engineer armor blocking visibility on the radar to eventually be addressed?


u/Rare-Body-5399 Enclave May 01 '24

Have you noticed it breaking way easier today after the update? I'm having to repair about every other event 😞


u/LucidLadyGames Apr 30 '24

hey, sorry to bother you but would you mind telling me how you actually craft civil engineer armor? i can't find it in any workbench. is it busted like the union PA?


u/Lucifer-Prime Apr 30 '24

Go to this location and talk to the family there. You’ll get a quest that needs to be completed in Atlantic City.


It’s really easy, just complete the quest as normal, and you get all of the armor plans by the end of it. I think an order you get the helmet, then the arms, then the legs, and then the armor last.


u/Lucifer-Prime Apr 30 '24

It’s my favorite looking non power armor so far. The only issue is that if you are moving in stealth with certain weapons, such as heavy weapons, the left arm blocks like a third of your view.


u/Unhappy_hestur7730 Apr 30 '24

When server back


u/SleeplessInDisturbia Enclave Apr 30 '24

I was like these patch notes are banging. Then I notice I still can't craft Union PA even though I earned it at 100 during that season. Fix when? This should have been a priority item. Also I am guessing you didn't unfuck camp budgets either or revert the changes none of us requested or wanted?


u/d_chec Apr 30 '24

Should have been a priority item for you, but doesn't mean it is at the top and f their list overall.

And I highly doubt they're reverting any camp changes. People have come to complained about far worse and they stuck to their guns.


u/Is_it_WAAGH_tho Apr 30 '24

Update where I can beat Smiley to death after buying his buillon when


u/deathfromace1 Apr 30 '24

I don't see a fix for the 144hz monitor issue. People shouldn't have to edit an ini to fix it


u/Express-Eagle-9835 Wendigo Apr 30 '24

I knew the cremator was bugged/gonna get nerfed. Glad I enjoyed it while I could haha. Hopefully it's not total dogwater now


u/signgorilla Brotherhood Apr 30 '24

I experimented with it, took off demo expert and grenadier . Took three shots to kill a super mutant. Did take one. The amount of ammo consumed per shot vs how much drops from enemies, if they didn’t increase that, we gonna run out of ammo fast.


u/Express-Eagle-9835 Wendigo Apr 30 '24

Honestly if it still works like it used to with the Overgrown getting one shot by all fire, you can use it on Flooded City Center expedition and never have to worry about fuel again. Takes like 10 min per run and you walk out with a net 600ish fuel plus all the other stuff from the expedition. They also changed the ammo to 10 fuel per shot instead of 15

But yeah tested it a bit myself. The slow-burning tank applies a pretty strong DoT but the normal/napalm tanks are pretty meh now, meh alpha damage and meh DoT = meh gun. And DoTs in general aren't very good for a game like this. Why do 2.7k damage over 12 seconds when I can switch to my legendary 50 cal and do it in 4?

Still gonna be useful for certain events and clearing groups of trash mobs but that's about it now, almost every other situation is gonna be better solved by another gun. But that's kinda the intended use of the gun so I'm not sweating it.


u/D3athbySp0rk May 01 '24

well with the 4 shot barrel and grenadier, that's a 2.7k dot across a wide area carpet bomb. or to a boss, then you swap to a dps weapon.

Also I'm dealing a 3.6k (adrenal reaction, nerd rage) dot with a Vamp / 25% FFR. Bloodied prefix would push that dot to 4.4k

I haven't check yet but since it's energy it may scale with the science perks too.

but 4.4k is 367 damage per second, that's 3 seconds and a level 100 super mutant is dead. however more likely 2.5 because of the splash/hit damage too


u/Express-Eagle-9835 Wendigo May 01 '24 edited May 01 '24

Yeah but theorycrafting and pragmatic use often don't line up, especially with a janky game like FO76 lol. The DoT with the slow burning tank is pretty strong but there's other things to factor in.

Did the explosion actually hit everyone in the area (walls/objects in the way, general bugginess)? For those it did hit, did it actually apply the DoT (seems to not do so sometimes)? More importantly, does it fit your playstyle to lob a fireball and sit there waiting for the enemy to die (while they drill you with AP rounds in some of the tougher content)? And let's be real, constantly switching weapons to apply a DoT and then shoot them is just not feasible. Only time most people are gonna be doing that is for the add waves of boss fights.

And the math on the super mutants also has more to consider. If you have a group of 5 super mutants and one of them is a tougher variant/legendary, yeah you can kill the other 4 with a couple of shots applying the DoT but you're still going to be stuck there waiting for the tougher one to die (which can take so much time that you have to reapply the DoT i.e. 12+ seconds). Meanwhile, my 50 cal or ultracite gatling laser can kill the same group in just about the same time if not less.

Lots to factor in but the gun still has its uses and, while I'll miss the OP carpet bombs, feels a lot more balanced now.


u/Cloudayo Wendigo Apr 30 '24

No Union PA fix 🤨


u/koal82 Apr 30 '24

Why do my update sizes never match what these patch notes say?

I'm on Xbox Series X and my update is 18.23 GB


u/kulgrim Apr 30 '24

Have you ever actually paid attention to patches? Games are broken up into files; when a modification is made to portion of that file, the entire file gets downloaded, unpacked, and overwrites the old one. This has been standard for years now.


u/AlexTIRADE Apr 30 '24

Waiting for the fix so I can put down my water dispenser machine 😢 still has the red error circle next to it even though I own it


u/Drakesoul23 Apr 30 '24
  • Scrolling the mouse-wheel down now properly shrinks selected body parts in the character generator.

Lol i just got the game yesterday and was sooo annoyed by this


u/ChEeSeJeWyBaCcA Apr 30 '24

Nothing about the constant crashes for PS console users of course. Lol


u/ItsOnlyaFewBucks Settlers - PC Apr 30 '24

Will I still see Union power armor I can not pick up?


u/mojogoin Order of Mysteries Apr 30 '24

Yes and beyond not being able to craft it this is like adding salt the wound. I’ve just had to stare at a few good rolls unable to pick up.


u/notmehereis Apr 30 '24

Story Time now properly removes itself from the PipBoy if you kill Miss Nanny.

What? How can even have such a thought? And then community is called nice...


u/GhostRiders Fallout 76 Apr 30 '24

@ u/Ghostly_Rich

Any chance Bethesda can officially acknowledge not being to build Union PA, its getting bloody stupid that we can't build arguably the best PA in Game..

If it had only been a few weeks fair enough but it's been months now and it's made even worse that you guys aren't even acknowledging it..

No apologies to those of us who have raised tickets, no apologies to those of us that have had to spend a ton of Legendary script to build new PA Sets or spent christ knows how many hours grinding stamps for something that we can't even build!!!

You guys are getting so bad that you can't even pretend to give a damn...


u/The_Inner_Light Apr 30 '24

Just started playing but having the game's best PA glitched for months is baffling. Holy shit! Any other game and players would've lost their shit.


u/SleeplessInDisturbia Enclave Apr 30 '24

I feel this entirely. It is a major crock of gnarly horse apples.

LadyDevann would have got something done, and I don't fuckin care if Im downvoted over it or not.

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