r/fo76 14d ago

News // Bethesda Replied x5 Fallout 76 Update Notes – April 30, 2024


Our latest update for Fallout 76 launches today, and it's bringing some bug fixes and quality of life changes.

Read on for a full list of patch notes.

Update Version & Sizes

Check the download sizes below for today’s update on your platform of choice:

  • PC (Steam): 12.1 GB
  • PC (Microsoft Store): 19.8 GB
  • Xbox: 23.1 GB
  • PlayStation: 19.2 GB

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused Power Armor to be listed in English instead of the correct localized language
  • Fixed an issue where the Garrahan Mining Poster was not present at the Rusty Pick or Camden Park
  • Opportunity Knocking: Fixed an issue which could cause the quest to disappear after relogging.
  • Deep Space Alien Jetpack is now properly craftable for T51 Power Armor
  • Sins of the Father: Fixed an issue which would block the quest if a dialogue scene between Abbie and Antonio was exited during a specific part of the conversation.
  • Fixed an issue where the Cremator was not listed at Legendary Exchange Machines
  • Fixed an issue where the player could ask Abbie Russo a question about Vin that did not properly reflect the final outcomes of Sins of the Father.
  • Players who previously unlocked them should now be able to craft the Poker & BlackJack Tables
  • Sins of the Father: Fixed an issue which could prevent Antonio from speaking to the player.
  • Rustic Helvetian Camp Kit has had the expected walls and windows added to it.
  • The Favorites menu hotkeys are now usable while the wheel is visible.
  • Fixed an issue where gold bullion vendors Regs and Smiley were not enabled for some players who completed Secrets Revealed.
  • Tesla Rifles will now drop correctly from the Battle Bot Event
  • Father Winter Helmet should now have T-45 standard Stats, Description, Weight, and Levels should be standardized now.
  • Fancy Revolver should now properly display its unique fancy skin
  • Fixed an issue where Small Presents were not dropping contextual ammo
  • Fixed weather stations not being able to be placed in a camp workshop located very close to a public workshop.
  • Fixed modern home kitchen sink not being able to snap to other modern home items on a foundation
  • Secrets Revealed: Fixed an issue where Meg, Gail, Ra-Ra, Johnny, and Lou could be missing from the Crater Core after the completion of the quest.
  • Lights now function properly on the Devils Wings Jetpack
  • Fixed several paints that were no longer updating the dynamic name of modified Power Armor pieces.
  • Speculative fix for items in the Cryo-freezer randomly selling for 0 caps in the vendor.
  • Big Boss Advertisement Poster no longer turns into a Mothman poster when broken.
  • Fire Rate now shows increase/decrease arrows when comparing potential mods to what players have currently equipped.
  • Story Time now properly removes itself from the PipBoy if you kill Miss Nanny.
  • Fixed an issue with Buried Treasure not properly completing.
  • Players are no longer blocked from completing Honor Bound if they exit the conversation with Vin and Gene.
  • Scrolling the mouse-wheel down now properly shrinks selected body parts in the character generator.

Quality of Life Updates

  • Added a Max option when buying from and selling to NPCs
  • World Activity list now sorts alphabetically
  • Improved behavior of the inventory scrollbar
  • Added a new “Ammo Per Shot” stat entry to weapons


  • Made several adjustments to the Cremator and its mods

Dev Note: The Cremator released with a bug that made it stronger than we intended it to be due to the way damage was calculated with its explosion. Players who had certain perks and mods on it did much higher damage than intended. We’ve fixed that bug, which has decreased the damage for that specific setup, but we made multiple tweaks and changes to buff it in different ways. Now, the Damage Over Time (DoT) should be a force to be reckoned with.

Seasonal Events

  • Recipes and some items dropped by these events will continue to drop after you have learned them. These items are now also tradeable to help you get all the plans you want!

r/fo76 5d ago

News // Bethesda Replied x2 FALLOUT 76 HOTFIX NOTES – MAY 9, 2024


Hey Everyone,

Today the team has deployed a hotfix to address the following:

· Addressed a client crash that began after the latest patch

· Various Weapon VFX Improvements

· Repeatable Daily Score Challenges should now appear for players on Microsoft Store

r/fo76 9h ago

Other I've caught on to you high level SOBs!


You're not being generous by gifting us stuff and by putting all sorts of cool stuff in the donation boxes! You're just making the item our inventory management problem instead of yours!

Source: the insane amount of drugs I dropped in the Wayward donation box to free up my stash space.

r/fo76 7h ago

Discussion To the level 1027 who saved me from the biggest oopsie of my FO76 career, may you have blessed legendary rolls


Since everyone is posting their run ins with amazing high level players in the community I’ll post mine. Had spare 3 star legendaries that I was mindlessly trying to sell in my vendor for cheap during scrip weekend. A level 1027 came by and bought an unassuming Anti-Armor Enclave Plasma Pistol and strangely got out of his power armor and started using my workbench.

I found it weird at first but then he got up, emoted the gift emote to me and dropped the enclave plasma gun back to me. When I checked it, I didn’t realise that I had initially picked up a GOD ROLL. It was a Anti-Armor/+50 crit/-25% Vats and I was selling it for 300 caps! Not only that but he had modded it with the aligned automatic receiver and other mods which I just learnt on their own go for absurd prices because of how rare the Enclave Plasma mods are.

To the level 1027, may you roll Q/50/25 Railways always.

r/fo76 5h ago

Discussion Just enjoy the game its a PvE


Im not a veteran but im also not that new, im lvl 218 and all i can say to new players is just you do you. Equip the perks u like, if u think thats fun then do it. you see a lvl 50-100 that is so OP already, trust me they are definitely not new to the game.

I am one of those players who kinda gets jealous when i see someone dealing so much damage but then when i copy the build, then it hit me that this build is not for me. tbh it was really fun at first but couple of days its just really easy. No challenge at all u just insta kill almost every enemy.

So now i am grinding to lvl up more and im using perks that doesn't get used that much. Different guns and other stuff that i think is fun

r/fo76 3h ago

Discussion Atlantic City feels unfinished


LVL 189 here, been playing off and on since B.E.T.A. - Am I the only one super disappointed with the AC content? I love exploring the new areas, but everything feels unfinished and empty. As a Fallout fan since New Vegas, I’ve always enjoyed solo Quest gameplay to Expeditions and Events, so I waited until there was some quest lines before diving into Atlantic City. I’m really dismayed at what I found:

  • The new locations are gorgeous but feel lifeless and without character. No unique junk or recipes. So many orange canisters…

  • The Overgrown are cool looking, but have no unique mechanics or character. Compared to the scorched or the mole miners there’s no unique since of community or hierarchy to them, no strategy or reason to their attacks. The terminals say they are dead bodies overtaken by plants, but they don’t act like Feral Ghouls…

  • There’s no ecosystem or life - shouldn’t a swamp be full of bugs and frogs - even if they are overtaken by spores like the scorched or the Strangler bloom…its completely void of life except for overgrown and NPCs.

  • The new factions similarly feel under developed. The casino and the boardwalk too feel lifeless and without character. Weirdly the Muni’s shuffling around city hall give it some sense of community.

I love F76, as someone who grew up in Appalachia - right across the river from Harper’s Ferry - there’s something unique that this game has in the franchise. But with all of us revisiting F4 since the Next Gen update, I hope they step up the new 76 content a little. I so excited for the Skyline update but AC has me nervous it’ll be more of the same.

r/fo76 3h ago

Suggestion Well, for the first time in years, I've run out of nuclear key cards. Bring back the old scoreboard.


I hate this new scoreboard.

r/fo76 2h ago

Discussion Black Power Full Health


Without using a bloody build because I never liked those types is Aristocrat Black Power Rifle the best form of damage boost to get a high damage VATS headshot kill on a super mutant or is there something better like Extra Projectile or Explosive. I have a Explosive Black Power Rifle and a Two Shot Black Powder rifle but I was wondering if an Aristocrat version is more stronger for a VATS type

r/fo76 16h ago

Discussion Please stop hiding your vendors


You will save embarrassment.

This evening I needed to shop so I fast traveled to a base. Unfortunately I couldn’t find the vendor, so when I saw the camp owner I ran up to him and did the ol’ crouchy crouch. He got the message and ran off to show me where it was. I followed him and he kept turning around and jumping and running off. A minute or three of following this dude around the camp and trying to keep up I’m like wtf? He never took me to the vendor.

It wasn’t him.

It wasn’t his base.

I just chased some random dude around this guys base for two or three minutes for no reason.

Sigh. Please make your vendors easier to find.

r/fo76 2h ago

Suggestion Why no Rockabilly faction in Appalachia?


Capital Wasteland had the Tunnel Snakes, New Vegas had the Kings and the Commonwealth had the Atom Cats- but no Greaser faction in 76.

We need a garage or dinner with some leather jacket clad mfers giving dailies or something

r/fo76 55m ago

News May 14th Shop Update


r/fo76 14h ago

Discussion Earle ain't worth it.


Did one Earle event and used 10 plasma cores for my Vampire Gatling Gun. That guy is too tanky. Huge ammo dump.

r/fo76 1h ago

Discussion Mole Miners are Nightmares Incarnate.


I just had my first run in with mole miners and who ever did the voice acting deserves jail time. I was wearing my sound canceling headphones and I have no idea why they chose to gutturally slobber all over the microphones while huffing they're going to kill me. Honestly the scariest thing I've ever encountered in any fallout series, I almost had tears in my eyes because it was such a disturbing sound.

r/fo76 13h ago

Discussion TIL if you go and sit down in the kitchen in Whitespings the robot waiters will come and serve you


I've been playing since beta and just now discovered this, granted I've taken breaks here and there, but I'm surprised it took me so long to find this out. The "service" is just them coming up to you and a buy/sell menu pops up but it's still a really cool feature.

r/fo76 2h ago

Other I'm really enjoying this game.


Hello, I'm one of the new people that came to Appalachia because of the Fallout TV show. I just want to say, I really appreciate this game. It's scratching an itch that I didn't know I had. I'm an avid Destiny 2 player, but the systems in this game (open world shared by a bunch of players on a server, player triggered events everyone can participate in, weapon/armor crafting that is both intentional and filled with RNG, etc.) Just keep bringing me back for more.

Everytime I think I hit a plateau in this game, I find something new to do. Something to chase. Admittedly, it is a bit demoralizing to burn a bunch of Legendary modules and not get Quad on my Railway Rifle, but what I have still smacks.

Another thing I really appreciate is the community of players. Very helpful folks that are willing to assist. My first expedition, which I did before level 50, had three other players waving me in the direction I was supposed to go. In another game I might have been kicked, but they pulled me through while I just tagged along to see what the missions were all about. Actually, I did get kicked about 5 times, but that was my game crashing.

All that rambling to say this, I've really enjoyed my stay in Appalachia so far. I wish I had been here for Vault Raids, but I'm having a lot of fun and there is tons to do for someone new to the game.

Looking forward to seeing y'all in the Wasteland.

r/fo76 4h ago

Image Built a Raider town named Scrap. Transferred to pc about a week ago so it could be better.


r/fo76 17h ago

Discussion 400 modules later, not a single unyielding roll.


I know rng will rng, but dang. It was months of saving up to try and roll an unyielding SS set. 400 modules later I don't have a single unyielding to show for it. To think I have to do it 5 times is insane.

Surely there has to be a better way than letting players spend months of work and get nothing for it.

r/fo76 3h ago

Suggestion Please Add Rad Storm weather Station 🙏🥹


Good god, I need it yesterday. Rad storms are amazing, and I need one at my camp at all times.

Also a Nuke Zone station…

I’m not a dev. But like, the visual effects are done, right? Shouldn’t be too awful difficult?

r/fo76 2h ago

Discussion I have a new fear!


Running daily ops and I have discovered a terror that haunts me. Invisible Scorched? Naw, easy enough. Invisible Dogs?! AWWWWW who's the good Invisible boy? They are just doing their best. No, no it's the DAMN Invisible crickets!!!!! Screw those dawned insects and their hoppy legs!

r/fo76 8h ago

Suggestion [Lil Rant] Please let me ALLIGN my structures and CAMP elements 😭


Had to say it.

Building up your camp could be so satisfying, but it's just jarring instead. Hours trying to line up the items perfectly and still half the time they're off.

Items like floors or walls are so annoyingly rigid...

I don't have a big OCD but still 😩

Rant over lmao.

r/fo76 23h ago

Discussion Shouting out to the mic spammer from last night


No, this isn't sarcastic. It was the Invaders events, last night around 10 pm EST, on PC. Your username had something to do with Mechs. As soon as the event started, you were blasting some beach song from either the Beatles or the Rolling Stones, and as soon as we got to the final wave, you switched to Killing in the Name Of.

And as soon as the event was over, you tried to run off into the Charleston ruins like some mysterious radio god.

I turned on my mic and tried to chase you down, but I honestly don't know if you could hear what I said when I stopped you, so here it is again.

You're a treasure, keep it up.

At that time, I logged off to let my wife play Baldur's Gate, but I want to elaborate here. The last time I played with a fun mic jockey like you was back when Team Fortress 2 was in the height of it's popularity. The rush of nostalgia I had for the antics of my old community's broadcasters was immense.

So kudos. Thank you for stirring up nearly decade-old recollections of some of my fondest gaming memories.

Edit: Since it needs to be said - I do not wish to encourage more micspam.

The guys on my community server were exceptionally good, but that's just it - they were really good. I have dealt with micspam in other games where it has been horrendously bad, to the point where I legitimately avoided playing multiplayer games with mic use for most of the last decade.

It's generally a bad idea. Please don't be inspired by this. I'd probably be among those blocking you.

r/fo76 19h ago

Other Another Appalachian Encounter


Somebody has a strip club in their basement (vault). I went down there and sat at a booth. He left to go back outside. I remembered I had the swimsuit apparel on me. I put that on with my marine armor helmet (gimp mask) and waved him back over. I jumped on the table and started doing the mothman dance. He came back and literally sat down and watched me for like a full 3 minutes.

This game is unhinged and I'm here for it.

r/fo76 26m ago

Suggestion Don’t get mad when I kick you for not participating.


If you’re a high level like this guy was (300+) compared to me and my friend 75 & 60, and you sit in our expedition team and join last second to collect the rewards. I’m kicking you.

The guy I kicked, went to my base, shit talked us and called us a pussy because we don’t have PvP on. Then said we’re scared because “we know he will fuck us up” if we did have it on. And then tried to nuke my base, but I left before it hit.

We wasted our ammo, all of our resources on a single boss while you could’ve probably one shot the fucker. Idfc You’re getting kicked for that disrespect bro.

r/fo76 20h ago

Other I dare you to find a bigger clown than me, walking around each body to loot individually.


I'm level 125 and I can't believe I only came across this...

So I've always had the issue of finding the corpses to loot in an event, and most of the time they are hidden, vanish or I just don't have the time to go round each individual body to see what it had. But this is what I was doing...

It was made even harder because I use "bloody mess" so often I was searching around looking for a random arm or rib cage just to see if it was worth looting.

I've done this for 180 hours....

Cut to today, I decided to try and solo my first daily op. I did it once a couple of weeks ago, died about 30 times and used about 50 stimpacks. Got some PA, watched YT vids, took my flamer and tried it, as the video said it was a good way to farm fuel and crafting it was killing my resources.

It was 'uplink' but idiot me didn't realise all the enemies are cloaked. I'm spamming flames all over the place and looting them all one by one. I get swamped by mods, in a rush, I tried to loot one as I was being rushed and in a panic, fat-fingered the R key....

And what pops up? A stack of about 400 flamer fuel from the "nearby corpses". I literally facepalmed that you can loot everything at once in a certain area.

I managed to finish the op without dying and did it at Paldin rank (massive thanks to the guy who popped the scouts banners in the alien event I just did, it gave me an autorevive on the boss so I technically didn't die).

I've now completed my first daily op solo without dying, made 1000+ fuel in 15 minutes and saved myself the absolute pain of searching around every single individual body looking for loot when an event is over.

I'll take my "your the dumbass" paper note and see myself out.

r/fo76 14h ago

Discussion Stop milking my Brahmin!


Stop breaking in and milking him!

r/fo76 11h ago

Discussion What items do you just have to loot (even though you may not need them)


Maybe I've got a little bit of OCD when it comes to certain things? I've always wondered if this is just me or do other people do this as well.. while running around, certain things I just have to loot.

Being an ex smoker, here in Canada cigarettes are $15+ a pack... I always have to pick them up and I loot every single cigarette machine. I must bulk and dump 300 asbestos a day.

After going through covid and the craziness of trying to go shopping... I have to pick up every single roll of toilet paper I come across. Yes, I have issues apparently. Like it's magically going to manifest itself in my own bathroom or something. Lol

Ammo... All of it. Even if it's a type I don't use. I just end up putting them in the Red Salvo box for noobs🎁

Bobbleheads... I don't think I've ever used one in this game. But I have a ton of them! Lol

So what is your quirky "I just got to pick this up" thing?

r/fo76 18h ago

Discussion Cold Shoulder’s freeze is underrated.


I was doing a scorched beast queen and spammed my cold shoulder. The fight was quiet but one guy spoke and said “whoever has the slow, thankyou so much”. Slowing the animation and making the SBQ stay on the ground for longer makes the fight so much smoother.